999 resultados para immunohistochemistry.
PURPOSE: To examine the expression of AKT and PTEN in a series of HER2-positive primary invasive breast tumors using immunohistochemistry, and to associate these expression profiles with classic pathologic features such as tumor grade, hormone receptor expression, lymphatic vascular invasion, and proliferation.METHODS: A total of 104 HER2-positive breast carcinoma specimens were prepared in tissue microarrays blocks for immunohistochemical detection of PTEN and phosphorylated AKT (pAKT). Original histologic sections were reviewed to assess pathological features, including HER2 status and Ki-67 index values. The associations between categorical and numeric variables were identified using Pearson's chi-square test and the Mann-Whitney, respectively.RESULTS: Co-expression of pAKT and PTEN was presented in 59 (56.7%) cases. Reduced levels of PTEN expression were detected in 20 (19.2%) cases, and these 20 tumors had a lower Ki-67 index value. In contrast, tumors positive for pAKT expression [71 (68.3%)] were associated with a higher Ki-67 index value.CONCLUSION: A role for AKT in the proliferation of HER2-positive breast cancers was confirmed. However, immunohistochemical detection of PTEN expression did not correlate with an inhibition of cellular proliferation or control of AKT phosphorylation, suggesting other pathways in these mechanisms of control.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of ovariectomy and the hyperprolactinemia procedure in the tibial epiphyseal growth plate of female mice.METHODS: In this study, the epiphyseal growth plate of ovariectomized (OVX) and/or rendered hyperprolactinemic female mice by 50 days of treatment with 200 μg metoclopramide (M) was evaluated morphologically, morphometrically and immuno-histochemically. Forty female and adult mice were divided into four groups according to treatment: V group - animals treated with saline solution; H group - hyperprolactinemic animals; Ovx/V group - ovariectomized animals and treated with saline solution; Ovx/H group - hyperprolactinemic and ovariectomized animals. After the treatment period, the animals were sacrificed, tibia was removed and fixed in 10% buffered formalin and decalcified in 10% formic acid. The material was immersed in paraffin and subjected to histological processing in paraffin. The sections were stained with Masson's trichrome and immunohistochemistry was carried out for the pro-apoptotic protein BCL-2. The images for the morphological and morphometric study were analyzed with the imaging program AxioVision 4.8 (Carl-Zeiss(r), Germany).RESULTS: The combination of hyperprolactinemia and the ovariectomy procedure decreased the number of resting chondrocytes 1.5-fold, the number of proliferative chondrocytes 1.8-fold; the percentage of resting cartilage 2.4-fold and the percentage of trabecular bone 2.1-fold, compared with respective control animals.CONCLUSION: The procedure of ovariectomy combined with the metoclopramide-induced hyperprolactinemia in female mice has showed marked bone degeneration due to significant decrease of cell proliferation in the epiphyseal growth plate and bone formation.
PURPOSE: To estimate the likelihood of axillary lymph node involvement for patients with early-stage breast cancer, based on a variety of clinical and pathological factors. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was done in hospital databases from 1999 to 2007. Two hundred thirty-nine patients were diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Predictive factors, such as patient age, tumor size, lymphovascular invasion, histological grade and immunohistochemical subtype were analyzed to identify variables that may be associated with axillary lymph node metastasis. RESULTS: Patients with tumors that are negative for estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2 had approximately a 90% lower chance of developing lymph node metastasis than those with luminal A tumors (e.g., ER+ and/or PR+ and HER2-) - Odds Ratio: 0.11; 95% confidence interval: 0.01-0.88; p=0.01. Furthermore, the risk for lymph node metastasis of luminal A tumors seemed to decrease as patient age increased, and it was directly correlated with tumor size. CONCLUSION: The molecular classification of early-stage breast cancer using immunohistochemistry may help predicting the probability of developing axillary lymph node metastasis. Further studies are needed to optimize predictions for nodal involvement, with the aim of aiding the decision-making process for breast cancer treatment.
Objective The aim of this study was to determine the expression of the immunohistochemical markers p16 and Ki-67 in cervical intraepithelial neoplasms and their influence on the level of agreement among different observers and for the same observer. Methods The study included 184 patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasms previously confirmed through biopsies performed between 2005 and 2006. Three pathologists reviewed the biopsies by using hematoxylin-eosin staining to reach a consensus on the diagnosis. Subsequently, an immunohistochemical study analyzed the expression of p16 and Ki-67 in such cases. Results The comparison among the reviewing pathologists revealed only moderate agreement (kappa = 0.44). The agreement improved when the differentiation of highgrade lesions (cervical intraepithelial neoplasm - CIN - 3) was analyzed (kappa = 0.59). p16 staining exhibited a high negative predictive value and sensitivity; however, the specificity was low. Overall, both qualitative and quantitative analyses of p16 and a quantitative analysis Ki-67 exhibited low accuracy. The agreement among diagnoses before immunohistochemistry was 0.47. The use of immunohistochemistry increased the agreement to 0.68. Conclusion Our study showed that the agreement among observers using traditional diagnostic criteria of cervical intraepithelial lesions can improve with the use of immunohistochemistry.
Morphometric, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies were carried out on the diffuse intimal thickening (DIT) in arteries of 7 sheep with clinical signs of naturally occurring enzootic calcinosis due to ingestion of the plant Nierembergia veitchii. Arterial lesions consisted of medial deposition of calcium salts and DIT. Calcification of the intima was rare, mild and located near the elastic lamina. By immunohistochemistry a-actin was detected in cells of the media and in cells forming the intimal thickening. Receptors for 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 were detected in nuclei of intimal, medial and endothelial cells. DIT was irregularly distributed and was neither proportionally related to the intensity of the underlying mineralization area nor to the thickening of the remaining media. Ultrastructural morphometry in smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of the media and thickened intima revealed, in the latter, an increase of 318% in the volumetric fraction of those organelles involved in synthesis and a proportional decrease in contractile elements when compared to normal values of media cells. There were histological and ultrastructural evidences of modification of SMCs and their migration to the intima, where they proliferated causing DIT. It was concluded that DIT is a consistent component of arteriosclerotic lesions in N. veitchii induced calcinosis of sheep and that the predominant cell in this process is the SMCs originated from its predecessors of the media. It is suggested that the inducing factor for the arterial changes is 1,25(OH)2 D3 present in N. veitchii.
The immunodetection of diverse cell markers was evaluated in prostatic samples from bullocks, and bullocks showing epithelial hyperplasia-metaplasia, with oestrogen-induced changes, and in experimental samples from bullocks inoculated with dietylstilbestrol (DES). Antigen-retrieval procedures allowed the use of tissues that had been fixed in formalin for long periods. Three tissue markers were chosen for the study: cytokeratins 13 and 16, vimentin and desmin. Monoclonal antibody K8.12 (specific for cytokeratins 13 and 16) stained basal cells and hyperplastic-metaplastic epithelium; monoclonal antivimentin, and desmin, allowed the definition of fibromuscular changes.
The need to intensify knowledge of the pathogenesis of bovine genital trichomoniasis (BGT) led to the use of alternative animal models such as the mouse. Nevertheless, it is necessary to elucidate the dynamics of the infection in this animal species, evaluating different stages of the colonization and evolution of the pathological alterations. The immunohistochemistry (IHC) offers advantages over the routine histopathological staining techniques for the detection of the protozoan in tissues, cellular detritus and inside the macrophages. The goal of the present study was to demonstrate the presence of Tritrichomonas foetus in the reproductive tract of infected mice using an IHC technique. Female BALB/c mice were infected with a suspension of T. foetus by intravaginal route, in the estrum phase, detected by exfoliative vaginal cytology. After 10 weeks, the animals were sacrificed; uterus and vagina were fixed and histologically processed. Some slides were stained with HE. The rest of the slides were processed for IHC. An immunoadsorbed polyclonal serum against T. foetus was used. The avidine-biotine technique (HistoMouse, Zymed™) was employed. The histopathological studies showed a dilation of the uterine glands, presence of macrophages in the lumen of the organ and inner part of the endometrial glands. No T. foetus was identified using this method. The IHQ allowed additionally the identification of the protozoan in the endometrium, endometrial glands, uterine lumen and inside neutrophils and macrophages. The cytological studies stained with IHC showed either isolated T. foetus adhered to epithelial cells or inside macrophages. This technique proves to be a useful tool for the study of the pathogenesis of bovine genital trichomoniasis (BGT) in an experimental model.
Forty-one wild house mice (Mus musculus) were trapped in an urban area, near railways, in Santa Fe city, Argentina. Both kidneys from each mouse were removed for bacteriological and histological examination. One kidney was inoculated into Fletcher semi-solid medium and isolates were serologically typed. The other kidney was microscopically examined after hematoxylin-eosin, silver impregnation and immunohistochemical stains. Leptospires, all of them belonging to the Ballum serogroup, were isolated from 16 (39%) out of 41 samples. The presence of the agent was recorded in 18 (44%) and in 19 (46%) out of 41 silver impregnated and immunohistochemically stained samples respectively. Additionally, leptospires were detected in high number on the apical surface of epithelial cells and in the lumen of medullary tubules and they were less frequently seen on the apical surface of epithelial cells or in the lumen of the cortical tubules, which represents an unusual finding in carrier animals. Microscopic lesions consisting of focal mononuclear interstitial nephritis, glomerular shrinkage and desquamation of tubular epithelial cells were observed in 13 of 19 infected and in 10 of 22 non-infected mice; differences in presence of lesions between infected and non-infected animals were not statistically significant (P=0,14). The three techniques, culture, silver impregnation and immunohistochemistry, had a high agreement (k³0.85) and no significant differences between them were detected (P>0.05). In addition, an unusual location of leptospires in kidneys of carrier animals was reported, but a relationship between lesions and presence of leptospires could not be established.
This report concerns an outbreak of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in wild boars from commercial herds in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The main clinical signs were progressive wasting, respiratory distress, diarrhea, and ocular discharges. Enhanced lymph nodes and spleens, ascites, hydrothorax, and non collapsed lungs were the principal gross lesions. Varying degrees of lymphohistiocytic infiltrates in lymph nodes, spleen, and intestines were the most significant microscopic changes. Although a total of 26 animals had showed clinical and pathological findings consistent with the disease, only in 11 of them it was possible to confirm a PMWS diagnosis through the association of specific lesions in lymphoid tissues with the presence of the viral antigen detected by immunohistochemistry. These findings were similar to those reported in the swine disease.
Porcine circovirus types 1 and 2 (PCV1, PCV2) and porcine parvovirus (PPV) are widespread in pig populations around the world. Nevertheless, only PCV2 has been associated with different clinical syndromes, thus representing a major problem to the pig industry. The association of cases of swine abortions and stillborns with PCV1 and PCV2 and PPV was studied retrospectively (2005-2007). Additional pathogens were also investigated in lesioned fetuses. The studied litters included stillborn piglets and several mummified fetuses of varied sizes. Ventricular dilatation, myocardial pale areas, and mesocolic edema were the gross lesions. Escherichia coli was detected as co-infecting with PCV2 the cases in which mesocolic edema was seen. Microscopic lesions included non-suppurative myocarditis, myocardial necrosis and fibrosis, mineralization foci and intranuclear inclusion bodies in cardiomyocytes, and interstitial mononuclear pneumonia. Samples from 7 (5.78 per cent) of 121 aborted fetuses and stillborn piglets had lesions consistent with a viral cause and showed both positive anti-PCV2 immunostaining as well as PCV2-PCR. In samples from 3 (2.47 per cent) of these 7 fetuses, co-infection with PPV was confirmed by Nested-PCR. Both viruses were detected in fetuses at different stages of gestation. Viral antigens of PCV2 were detected by immunohistochemistry mainly in macrophages and myocytes. PCV1 individually was not detected in any of these affected fetuses, but it was associated with PCV2 and/or PPV in some of them. These findings indicate that PCV2 alone or in association with PPV should be kept in mind when investigating causes of infectious abortion in pigs in Brazil.
Porcine circovirus infections are caused by the porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2). Among six different clinical manifestations involving respiratory, enteric, nervous and reproductive signs, the postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) is the most important and studied disease. However, reproductive failures associated with PCV2 have been increasingly reported. Some studies have shown the possible contamination of sows by semen of PCV2 positive boars. In order to investigate the transmission of PCV2 by contaminated semen and its ability to infect the sow and piglets, 20 PCV2 negative sows were inseminated, 10 with negative boar semen and 10 with previously nested-PCR tested positive boar semen. The sows were weekly monitored and blood samples were collected. Based on the results, 4 out 20 sows were selected (1 sow was PCR negative and inseminated with a negative semen, 2 sows were PCR negative and inseminated with a positive semen and 1 sow was PCR negative and inseminated with a positive semen, but became PCR positive around the 30 days of pregnancy). After weaning, 12 male piglets, 3 of each sow, were selected and maintained under isolation. In order to investigate which organs harbored the virus, the young pigs were necropsied around 9 months of age. Samples of serum collected monthly were tested by immunocitochemistry (ICC), and all 12 pigs serum converted. Samples of lymphoid, systemic and reproductive organs were analyzed by nested-PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Evaluation of the samples by nested-PCR, revealed that several tissues were positive in 10 of 12 pigs, mainly the lymph nodes, bone marrow and spleen. Various samples were positive by IHC in 8 of 12 piglets, being the lymph nodes, tonsils and bulbourethral glands the most frequently positive. Thus, the results of testing different samples, in the 3 tests (ICC, nested-PCR and IHC) were complementary. These results show that PCV2 transmission through semen to the sows and piglets may occur and may also represent a potential risk for the herd.
E-cadherin is a cell-cell adhesion molecule and low e-cadherin expression is related to invasiveness and may indicate a bad prognosis in mammary neoplasms. The expression of cell proliferation markers PCNA and especially Ki-67, has also proved to have a strong prognostic value in this tumor class. The expression of these markers was related to the clinical-pathological characteristics of 73 surgically removed mammary tumors in female dogs by immunohistochemistry. There was no statistical correlation between these markers and death by neoplasm, survival time and disease-free interval. However, the loss of e-cadherin expression and marked Ki-67 expression (p=0.016) were considered statistically significant for the diagnosis (p=0.032). When evaluated as independent factors, there was evidence of the relationship between the loss of e-cadherin expression and high PCNA expression with changes in the body status (divided into obese, normal and cachectic) of female dogs (p=0.030); there was also evidence of the relationship between pseudopregnancy and e-cadherin alone (p=0.021) and for ulceration and PCNA alone (p=0.035). The significant correlation between the markers expression and these well known prognostic factors used individually or in combination suggests their prognostic value in canine mammary tumors.
An outbreak of Lawsonia intracellularis infection in rabbits, which occurred in 1988 in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, is reported. The disease had an acute course (24-48 hours) with clinical signs characterized by brownish or green diarrhea and dehydration. Occasionally, the animals died one day after the onset of diarrhea, without showing any other clinical signs. At necropsy, the ileum was prominent, firm and had a thickened wall; it was dilated in the caudal direction and had a somewhat reticulated appearance, perceptible through the serosa. The thickened mucous membrane had finely corrugated aspect and a shiny surface. The ileocecal valve and surrounding areas were slightly edematous and irregular. The Peyer's patches were sometimes more evident. There was moderate enlargement of the mesenteric lymph nodes. The histological examination revealed different degrees of hyperplasia of the epithelial cells of intestinal crypts consisting of poorly differentiated, hyperchromatic cells with high mitotic index, arranged in a pseudostratified layer which, in some cases, reached the apical portions of the villi. The inflammatory infiltrate between the hyperplastic epithelial cells was composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, some eosinophils and globular leukocytes. Silver impregnation revealed large numbers of bacteria with morphology of the genus Lawsonia in the apical pole of cryptal enterocytes. These bacteria reacted positively to a Lawsonia intracellularis polyclonal antibody by the avidin-biotin immunohistochemistry method.
Samples of gastric lymph nodes and the stomachs from 24 pigs selected from herds affected by postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) and sudden death associated with gastric ulcers were studied. Pigs were selected on the basis of unthriftiness, decreased feed intake, and wasting. The stomachs were opened, inverted, and classified into 0-3 score according the severity of the gross lesions present in pars oesophagica (non-glandulargastric mucosa). Selected samples were processed for paraffin embedding and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Immunohistochemistry using anti-PCV2 (porcine circovírus type 2) antibody, anti-Helicobacter pylori antibody and a wide-spectrum anti-cytokeratin antibody was performed. Gross changes in pars oesophagea were classified according to the severity of lesions as score 3, 2, and 1 in 8, 6, 5 stomachs respectivelly. Microscopically, hyperplastic lymphoid follicles, lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrates and focci of necrosis in the gastric mucosa were common findings. Large amounts of PCV2 antigen were observed in the cytoplasm and nuclei from intralesional cells and debris from the gastric glandular mucosal zone; however, in the fundus, anti-PCV2 immunostaining was restricted to the surface mucosal cells and foveolar compartment. All gastric lymph nodes were positive for PCV2 antigen. Anti-H. pylori immunostaining was seen in eleven cases, mainly in the antrum, on the mucosal surface and foveolar compartment. The association of the anti-PCV2 immunostaining with the glandular mucus-producing cells suggests a role for PCV2 as an additional factor for the swine ulcer development.
The serpin maspin, a tumor suppressor in breast cancer was described as an inhibitor of cell migration and inducer of cell adhesion between the basement membrane and extracellular matrix resulting in inhibition of tumor metastasis. In contrast, overexpression of maspin is correlated with poor prognosis in other types of cancer. Little is known about expression, regulation and function of maspin in canine mammary tumors. It was demonstrated in this study, a loss of maspin expression in malignant canine mammary cells compared with a pool of normal canine mammary tissue, analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR; weak maspin expression in malignant canine mammary tumors were observed by immunohistochemistry. It was also demonstrated that a correlation with nuclear maspin expression and a good prognosis. It is suggested that maspin could be used as a prognostic marker in canine mammary neoplasia.