969 resultados para guanine nucleotide binding protein


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Representational difference analysis was used to search for pathogens in multiple sclerosis brains. We detected a 341-nucleotide fragment that was 99.4% identical to the major DNA binding protein gene of human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6). Examination of 86 brain specimens by PCR demonstrated that HHV-6 was present in > 70% of MS cases and controls and is thus a commensal virus of the human brain. By DNA sequencing, 36/37 viruses from MS cases and controls were typed as HHV-6 variant B group 2. Other herpesviruses, retroviruses, and measles virus were detected infrequently or not at all. HHV-6 expression was examined by immunocytochemistry with monoclonal antibodies against HHV-6 virion protein 101K and DNA binding protein p41. Nuclear staining of oligodendrocytes was observed in MS cases but not in controls, and in MS cases it was observed around plaques more frequently than in uninvolved white matter. MS cases showed prominent cytoplasmic staining of neurons in gray matter adjacent to plaques, although neurons expressing HHV-6 were also found in certain controls. Since destruction of oligodendrocytes is a hallmark of MS, these studies suggest an association of HHV-6 with the etiology or pathogenesis of MS.


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Ran, a small nuclear GTP binding protein, is essential for the translocation of nuclear proteins through the nuclear pore complex. We show that several proteins, including the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nup2p and Caenorhabditis elegans F59A2.1 nucleoporins, contain domains similar to the previously characterized murine Ran binding protein (RBP, termed RBP1). To test the significance of this similarity, we have used the corresponding domains of Nup2p and a putative S. cerevisiae RBP in Ran binding assays and the yeast two-hybrid system. Both proteins bind S. cerevisiae Ran, but only the putative S. cerevisiae RBP binds human Ran. Two-hybrid analysis revealed Ran-Ran interactions and that yeast and human Rans can interact. These data identify Nup2p as a target for Ran in the nuclear pore complex, suggesting a direct role for it in nuclear-cytoplasmic transport. We discuss the possibility that proteins harboring Ran binding domains link the Ran GTPase cycle to specific functions in the nucleus.


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Open reading frames in the Plasmodium falciparum genome encode domains homologous to the adhesive domains of the P. falciparum EBA-175 erythrocyte-binding protein (eba-175 gene product) and those of the Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi Duffy antigen-binding proteins. These domains are referred to as Duffy binding-like (DBL), after the receptor that determines P. vivax invasion of Duffy blood group-positive human erythrocytes. Using oligonucleotide primers derived from short regions of conserved sequence, we have developed a reverse transcription-PCR method that amplifies sequences encoding the DBL domains of expressed genes. Products of these reverse transcription-PCR amplifications include sequences of single-copy genes (including eba-175) and variably transcribed genes that cross-hybridize to multiple regions of the genome. Restriction patterns of the multicopy genes show a high degree of polymorphism among different parasite lines, whereas single-copy genes are generally conserved. Characterization of the single-copy genes has identified a gene (ebl-1) that is related to eba-175 and is likely to be involved in erythrocyte invasion.


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The application of DNA technology to regulate the transcription of disease-related genes in vivo has important therapeutic potentials. The transcription factor E2F plays a pivotal role in the coordinated transactivation of cell cycle-regulatory genes such as c-myc, cdc2, and the gene encoding proliferating-cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) that are involved in lesion formation after vascular injury. We hypothesized that double-stranded DNA with high affinity for E2F may be introduced in vivo as a decoy to bind E2F and block the activation of genes mediating cell cycle progression and intimal hyperplasia after vascular injury. Gel mobility-shift assays showed complete competition for E2F binding protein by the E2F decoy. Transfection with E2F decoy inhibited expression of c-myc, cdc2, and the PCNA gene as well as vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation both in vitro and in the in vivo model of rat carotid injury. Furthermore, 2 weeks after in vivo transfection, neointimal formation was significantly prevented by the E2F decoy, and this inhibition continued up to 8 weeks after a single transfection in a dose-dependent manner. Transfer of an E2F decoy can therefore modulate gene expression and inhibit smooth muscle proliferation and vascular lesion formation in vivo.


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We describe a protein kinase, Shk1, from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, which is structurally related to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ste20 and mammalian p65PAK protein kinases. We provide genetic evidence for physical and functional interaction between Shk1 and the Cdc42 GTP-binding protein required for normal cell morphology and mating in S. pombe. We further show that expression of the STE20 gene complements the shk1 null mutation and that Shk1 is capable of signaling to the pheromone-responsive mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade in S. cerevisiae. Our results lead us to propose that signaling modules composed of small GTP-binding proteins and protein kinases related to Shk1, Ste20, and p65PAK, are highly conserved in evolution and participate in both cytoskeletal functions and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways.


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We have identified a class of proteins that bind single-stranded telomeric DNA and are required for the nuclear organization of telomeres and/or telomere-associated proteins. Rlf6p was identified by its sequence similarity to Gbp1p, a single-stranded telomeric DNA-binding protein from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Rlf6p and Gbp1p bind yeast single-stranded G-strand telomeric DNA. Both proteins include at least two RNA recognition motifs, which are found in many proteins that interact with single-stranded nucleic acids. Disruption of RLF6 alters the distribution of repressor/activator protein 1 (Rap1p), a telomere-associated protein. In wild-type yeast cells, Rap1p localizes to a small number of perinuclear spots, while in rlf6 cells Rap1p appears diffuse and nuclear. Interestingly, telomere position effect and telomere length control, which require RAP1, are unaffected by rlf6 mutations, demonstrating that Rap1p localization can be uncoupled from other Rap1p-dependent telomere functions. In addition, expression of Chlamydomonas GBP1 restores perinuclear, punctate Rap1p localization in rlf6 mutant cells. The functional complementation of a fungal gene by an algal gene suggests that Rlf6p and Gbp1p are members of a conserved class of single-stranded telomeric DNA-binding proteins that influence nuclear organization. Furthermore, it demonstrates that, despite their unusual codon bias, C. reinhardtii genes can be efficiently translated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells.


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A human cDNA expression library was used to investigate the nature of molecules recognized by serum from a patient with Sjögren syndrome that exhibits a mixed immunofluorescence pattern and reacts with multiple components on an immunoblot. The data demonstrated that this serum contains IgG antibodies specific for the 70- and 32-kDa subunits of replication protein A (RPA; RPA-70 and RPA-32, respectively), a highly conserved multisubunit DNA binding protein. Affinity purification of serum autoantibodies demonstrated a complete lack of cross-reactivity between RPA-70 and RPA-32, suggesting a direct participation of the native protein complex in the autoimmune response in this patient. Purified anti-RPA-70 and anti-RPA-32 antibodies labeled nuclear and cytoplasmic components in an immunofluorescence assay, suggesting that RPA is present in both cellular compartments. Additional sera from 55 patients with different autoimmune conditions were screened against purified RPA-70 and RPA-32 recombinant proteins. One of these 55 sera was positive and reacted with only RPA-32. Twenty sera from healthy control individuals did not react with RPA. These results show that RPA is a target for autoantibodies in human autoimmune diseases, although its precise frequency, occurrence in other autoimmune diseases, and pathological significance remain to be fully elucidated.


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The p53 protein activates transcription of a target gene by binding to a specific DNA response element and interacting with the transcriptional apparatus of RNA polymerase II. The amino-terminal domain of p53 interacts with a component of the TFIID basal transcription complex. The human TATA-binding-protein-associated factor TAFII31, a component of TFIID, has been identified as a critical protein required for p53-mediated transcriptional activation. TAFII31 and p53 proteins bind to each other via amino acid residues in the amino-terminal domain of p53 that are essential for transcription. Antibodies directed against TAFII31 protein inhibit p53-activated but not basal transcription in vitro. These results demonstrate that TAFII31 is a coactivator for the p53 protein.


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Small GTP-binding proteins play a critical role in the regulation of a range of cellular processes--including growth, differentiation, and intracellular transportation. Previously, we isolated a gene, rgp1, encoding a small GTP-binding protein, by differential screening of a rice cDNA library with probe DNAs from rice tissues treated with or without 5-azacytidine, a powerful inhibitor of DNA methylation. To determine the physiological role of rgp1, the coding region was introduced into tobacco plants. Transformants, with rgp1 in either sense or antisense orientations, showed distinct phenotypic changes with reduced apical dominance, dwarfism, and abnormal flower development. These abnormal phenotypes appeared to be associated with the higher levels of endogenous cytokinins that were 6-fold those of wild-type plants. In addition, the transgenic plants produced salicylic acid and salicylic acid-beta-glucoside in an unusual response to wounding, thus conferring increased resistance to tobacco mosaic virus infection. In normal plants, the wound- and pathogen-induced signal-transduction pathways are considered to function independently. However, the wound induction of salicylic acid in the transgenic plants suggests that expression of rgp1 somehow interfered with the normal signaling pathways and resulted in cross-signaling between these distinct transduction systems. The results imply that the defense signal-transduction system consists of a complicated and finely tuned network of several regulatory factors, including cytokinins, salicylic acid, and small GTP-binding proteins.