1000 resultados para grupo Plicatula
Buscou-se junto a um grupo de risco para o câncer de pele seu o perfil demográfico e analisou-se o uso de medidas preventivas utilizadas pelos mesmos e pela empresa. Estudo quantitativo com 33 carteiros da Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos em Botucatu, Brasil. Dados obtidos por meio de um formulário que investigava perfil demográfico, tempo de trabalho na empresa, horário de exposição ao sol, história de queimaduras solares, história de câncer na família e formas de prevenção do câncer de pele utilizadas. Na análise dos dados, utilizou-se estatística descritiva segundo Teste Exato de Fisher ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que a faixa etária predominante foi de 26 a 30 e de 31 a 35 anos, correspondendo a 42,42% da amostra, a cor da pele foi à branca com 93,94% e 81,82% trabalham há mais de cinco anos na empresa. O hábito de usar filtro solar foi encontrado em 63,63% dos entrevistados, sendo a não aderência a este justificada em 75% por falta de costume. em relação aos equipamentos protetores do sol a empresa fornece para 100% deles. Os achados permitem a caracterização da população estudada, identificada como de risco para o câncer de pele, propiciando a profilaxia através de ações em saúde, visando à sensibilização dos mesmos para com as medidas preventivas que podem ser adotadas.
Cet article propose, à travers une expérience pratique, présenter et discuter le groupe psychothérapeutique dans le référentiel psychanalytique théorique et éthique de Jacques Lacan en mettant l'accent sur la question de l'interprétation. Nous proposons une réflexion et la redéfinition des possibilités et des modes d'accueil dans le contexte de la Santé Collective. Le groupe psychothérapeutique proposé ici, qui applique la psychanalyse, correspond à une possibilité parmi les dispositifs de production de sens pour les impasses de subjectivation de la clinique contemporaine, surtout dans la Santé Publique. La pratique présentée et analysée dans cet article est une petite contribution à une proposition de psychothérapie de groupe fondée sur la théorie de Jacques Lacan, dont le but est de repenser et redéfinir les formes d'accueil de groupe en Santé Collective.
O experimento teve como objetivo avaliar, durante a fase de terminação, o peso, o consumo alimentar, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar de vacas de descarte, puras (Charolês-C e Nelore-N) e cruzadas F1 ( ½ CN e ½ NC), bem como medir a heterose resultante. As vacas foram confinadas por um período de 80 dias, sendo todas alimentadas com a mesma dieta, contendo 10% de proteína bruta e uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 65:35. Vacas F1 foram mais pesadas no início (402 vs 362 kg) e no final do confinamento (524 vs 475 kg), sendo a heterose de 11,05 e 10,31%, respectivamente. O ganho de peso médio diário das vacas F1 (1,557 kg) foi similar ao das puras (1,424 kg). O consumo voluntário de matéria seca (CMS) em kg/animal/dia (CMSD) foi 11,26% superior nas vacas F1 em relação às puras. No entanto, ao expressar o CMS por unidade de peso metabólico (CMSM) e por 100 kg de peso vivo (CMSP), a diferença decresceu para 3,25 e 3,57%, respectivamente, e deixou de ser significativa. Vacas C foram mais pesadas e apresentaram maior ganho de peso médio diário que vacas N (1,554 contra 1,294 kg). Vacas ½ CN foram mais pesadas e mais eficientes na transformação de alimentos em ganho de peso que vacas ½ NC.
The Natividade Group is a metasedimentary sequence discontinuously exposed in the southeastern region of the Tocantins State. It rests unconformably on the Archean gneissic-granitoid complex and its associated supracrustals, as well as on granite intrusives of the Lajeado Suite (1.870 Ma). It is unconformably covered by the Monte do Carmo Formation and the Serra Grande Formation. The sequence is preserved on tilted blocks and grabens. The western portion is constituted of only detritic metasediments. The intermediate outcrops presents detritic and some carbonatic metasediments. A carbonatic sequence, with some detritic levels, is recognized at the eastern area. The sections of these different domains are interpreted as constituted of fining-up sequences due to three transgressive episodes into an ensialic paleobasin, with uplifted border to the western side and a carbonate platform to the east, which represents the western extension of the Mambui Group. The Natividade Group presents folds with variable styles and no defined vergence, which are synchronous to the regional metamorphism (lower to upper greenschist facies). Two groups of faults cut the sequence. -from English summary
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Cultivars with high yield, adaptability and desirable technological characteristics are a must. The objective of this work was to evaluate agronomic and technologic characters of common bean genotypes from carioca commercial group. Genotypes were cultivated in water growing season, in 2001 and 2002. The experimental design was by randomized blocks with 29 genotypes and four replications. The IAC-Carioca, FT-Bonito, Rudá, Porto Real, CNFC 8008, CNFC 8011, CNFC 8012, CNFC 8013 and CNFC 8156 genotypes yielded above the average. The genotypes IAC-Carioca, CNFC 8012 and CNFC 8156 presented the best results with 3,000 kg ha-1 and 20 minutes cooking time.
The Permo-Carboniferous Harare Group crops out in the Matra area, represented by Campo do Tenente, Mafra and Rio do Sul formations; they correspond in subsurface to Lagoa Azul, Campo Mourão and Tacïba formations. A composite sampling of the Group was performed through drilling of six wells, which average 60 m in depth; three of them cored the depositional sequence here designated as Upper Mafra\Lower Rio do Sul. The Upper Mafra Formation were sampled by TC-4 and BR-5 wells, and it consists of three units: the lower two are sandy, glacial-deltaic and fluvial-deltaic in origin, corresponding to a lowstand tract. The last unit is composed of two dirtying-upward successions of sandstone, diamictite and rhythmite, interpreted as deglaciation/transgressive events, and well represented in BR-5 drilling. The Lower-Rio do Sul Formation (Lontras Shale) is formed by two marine units: the lower one is represented by shale and bioturbated siltstone which culminate the previous deglaciation, transgressive succession, while the upper one, sampled by SL-2 well, is formed by shale and thin, turbidite sandstone, attributed to a highstand tract.
This article describes the Reflecting Practitioners Program developed by Instituto Familiae at GRATA (Grupo de Assistência em Transtornos Alimentares) placed at the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto - University of Sao Paulo (HC-FMRP-USP). The aim of this program was to take care of the caretakers - the GRATA interdisciplinary team - through the development of their reflecting ability, the appropriation of their own resources and the support on constructing alternative histories and on solving situations defined by them as problematic. Thirteen monthly meeting had been carried out among Familiae members and GRATA interdisciplinary team. The changes described by the participants had occurred through sessions developed with interdisciplinary pairs and through the development of their capacity to construct more comfortable positions - as members of the team and in the relationship among professional/client/ family. This triad became to be seen by the team through its resources and abilities, instead of its flaws and lacks. As a result, horizontal relationships could be privileged instead of hierarchical ones.
There is yet enthusiastic debate in the literature about the environmental conditions that originated the Cretaceous deposits of the Bauru Group, despite many authors accept that arid climatic conditions widely dominant at the base, evolved to chiefly fluvial-lacustrine conditions at the intermediate portion, and to arid conditions again at the top of the unit. The Bauru Group covers an area of about 117.000 km 2 of the Paraná Basin in São Paulo State territory. Core samples of this lithostratigraphic unit collected from a drill hole at Pirapozinho (Southwest of the São Paulo State) are described and together with well log data brought new information that do not agree with the described model. It was identified in this well the Caiuá, Pirapozinho, Santo Anastácio, Araçatuba and Adamantina formations. The study of these core samples clearly showed the dominance of hydrodynamic sedimentary structures and high to medium intensity of bioturbation in whole profile. These characteristics observed in core samples and compared to patterns of geophysical logs testify the dominance of fluvial processes in the Bauru Group deposition at the studied area. These new data suggests that the paleo-environmental evolution of the unit was much more complex, showing strong lateral and vertical changes that diverges from the model more widely accepted in the literature.
Clostridium botulinum causative of toxic infections due to toxin ingestion previously formed, occur in several ingestion species, mainly birds. In a poultry farm, located at São Paulo State, more than 3,000 birds have been attacked by this toxic infections, when the birds showed motionless, loss of weight, accelerated, breathing, resulting in death of the birds. The blood harvest for attainment of the serum and later necropsy was carried out throwgh the following samples: liver, gizzard, crop, feed, water and litter. After that, the toxin was extracted by gelatin-phosphate buffer and inoculation in mice, isolation of the agent in Blood. Ágar and Reinforced Clostridium Ágar and neutralization of toxin determine its type. The inoculation in mice showed positive results in samples of liver, gizzad, crop and symptoms like was waist, and death of the birds by limp paralysis. The colonies that have been isolated, suspected of Clostridium botulinum showed expected results and further analysis revealed positive results to botulinical toxin type C. The farms have to pay attention in the routine jobs, choicer, and elimination of carcass because they are essential to keep this problem away.
Incluye Bibliografía
This study aims to the understanding of adolescents regarding oral health, using the Focus Group technique. The study was conducted at three public schools in the city of Araçatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, with ten students in each. In order to conduct the focus groups, the following words, which featured high error levels, were addressed in survey questions on oral health: oral health; plaque, permanent teeth; fluoride; gum bleeds?; dental floss; transmission of cavities. During the discussions in the focus groups, it was observed that many teenagers were surprised at the situation to which they were submitted and at the topic they were discussing. The word 'oral health' was associated with the condition of cleanliness of the oral cavity, not identifying oral health as part of general health. The term 'transmission of cavities' did not have a sufficient understanding. The term 'permanent tooth' was well understood and was associated with a type of tooth that would not be replaced. The word 'fluoride' had more association with the task of cleaning than protection of the teeth. It is concluded that the use of the focus group technique is of great importance in the interpretation of the knowledge of adolescents on oral health and the appropriateness of the terminology of questionnaires on the same subject.
The Permian-Carboniferous Itararé Group is one complexe lithostratigraphic unit of the Paraná Basin, southeastern Brazil, typically marked by discontinuity of its lithofacies. Under the exploratory point of view, the unit represents one of the most significant intervals of the basin, since several occurrences of mineral and energetic resources are associated to it, as groundwater, petroleum and coal. The prospection and exploitation of these resources depend on a good understanding of the stratigraphic architecture and the paleogeography. There are many contributions on the specialized literature which deal with this subject, although the regions of Limeira and Piracicaba (superior portion of the unit) still lack new investigations, which may contribute to the understanding of its lithofacies and related sedimentary processes. It was analyzed the sedimentary sets pilling up, followed by stratigraphic correlations between the two regions. Moreover, from sedimentary structures, it was made paleocurrent measurement with the purpose of obtaining indicative patterns of the sedimentary polarity, contributing for the comprehension of the paleogeography. Recent studies in the Domo de Pitanga region (between Rio Claro and Piracicaba cities) and in the Corumbataí river drainage basin, were taken also as basis for possible correlations. It was obtained a frame of the lithofacies arrangement, their vertical and lateral relations, as well as their depositional polarities.