969 resultados para gravitational 2-body problem


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The present set of experiments was designed to investigate the development of children's sensitivity of facial expressions observed within emotional contexts. Past research investigating both adults' and children's perception of facial expressions has been limited primarily to the presentation of isolated faces. During daily social interactions, however, facial expressions are encountered within contexts conveying emotions (e.g., background scenes, body postures, gestures). Recently, research has shown that adults' perception of facial expressions is influenced by these contexts. When emotional faces are shown in incongruent contexts (e.g., when an angry face is presented in a context depicting fear) adults' accuracy decreases and their reaction times increase (e.g., Meeren et a1. 2005). To examine the influence of emotional body postures on children's perception of facial expressions, in each of the experiments in the current study adults and 8-year-old children made two-alternative forced choice decisions about facial expressions presented in congruent (e.g., a face displayed sadness on a body displaying sadness) and incongruent (e.g., a face displaying fear on a body displaying sadness) contexts. Consistent with previous studies, a congruency effect (better performance on congruent than incongruent trials) was found for both adults and 8-year-olds when the emotions displayed by the face and body were similar to each other (e.g., fear and sad, Experiment l a ) ; the influence of context was greater for 8-year-olds than adults for these similar expressions. To further investigate why the congruency effect was larger for children than adults in Experiment 1 a, Experiment 1 b was conducted to examine if increased task difficulty would increase the magnitude of adults' congruency effects. Adults were presented with subtle facial and despite successfully increasing task difficulty the magnitude of the. congruency effect did not increase suggesting that the difference between children's and adults' congruency effects in Experiment l a cannot be explained by 8-year-olds finding the task difficult. In contrast, congruency effects were not found when the expressions displayed by the face and body were dissimilar (e.g., sad and happy, see Experiment 2). The results of the current set of studies are examined with respect to the Dimensional theory and the Emotional Seed model and the developmental timeline of children's sensitivity to facial expressions. A secondary aim of the series of studies was to examine one possible mechanism underlying congruency effe cts-holistic processing. To examine the influence of holistic processing, participants completed both aligned trials and misaligned trials in which the faces were detached from the body (designed to disrupt holistic processing). Based on the principles of holistic face processing we predicted that participants would benefit from misalignment of the face and body stimuli on incongruent trials but not on congruent trials. Collectively, our results provide some evidence that both adults and children may process emotional faces and bodies holistically. Consistent with the pattern of results for congruency effects, the magnitude of the effect of misalignment varied with the similarity between emotions. Future research is required to further investigate whether or not facial expressions and emotions conveyed by the body are perceived holistically.


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This mixed methods investigation examined the nutritional knowledge and habits of adolescent girls in grades 9 through 12 at a secondary school in southern Ontario. Through questionnaires, interviews, and the use of teaching and curriculum documents, this study attempted to understand whether the current nutrition curriculum is influential in developing students' nutritional knowledge, healthy eating habits, and a favourable body image. Data collection occurred over a 2-month period, involving 90 female participants, and the data analysis program SPSS was used for analysis of the quantitative questionnaire data. Interview data were organized into categories, and analysis of any emerging themes occurred. Teaching and curriculum documents were examined to determine any overlap and develop an understanding of the participants' exposure and experience within nutrition within the classroom setting. The findings of this study suggest that the current nutrition education did have an impact on the participants' nutrition knowledge. However, the impact on their eating habits and body image was limited in the context it was measured and tested. The knowledge learned within the classroom may not always be applied outside of the classroom. This study suggests that improvement in the current nutrition curriculum may be needed to have a bigger impact on adolescent females. The findings from the study shine light on areas of improvements for educators as well as development of future curriculum. Changes may need to be made not only in the specific curriculum content and expectations but also the delivery of it by the classroom teacher.


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Previously, studies investigating emotional face perception - regardless of whether they involved adults or children - presented participants with static photos of faces in isolation. In the natural world, faces are rarely encountered in isolation. In the few studies that have presented faces in context, the perception of emotional facial expressions is altered when paired with an incongruent context. For both adults and 8- year-old children, reaction times increase and accuracy decreases when facial expressions are presented in an incongruent context depicting a similar emotion (e.g., sad face on a fear body) compared to when presented in a congruent context (e.g., sad face on a sad body; Meeren, van Heijnsbergen, & de Gelder, 2005; Mondloch, 2012). This effect is called a congruency effect and does not exist for dissimilar emotions (e.g., happy and sad; Mondloch, 2012). Two models characterize similarity between emotional expressions differently; the emotional seed model bases similarity on physical features, whereas the dimensional model bases similarity on underlying dimensions of valence an . arousal. Study 1 investigated the emergence of an adult-like pattern of congruency effects in pre-school aged children. Using a child-friendly sorting task, we identified the youngest age at which children could accurately sort isolated facial expressions and body postures and then measured whether an incongruent context disrupted the perception of emotional facial expressions. Six-year-old children showed congruency effects for sad/fear but 4-year-old children did not for sad/happy. This pattern of congruency effects is consistent with both models and indicates that an adult-like pattern exists at the youngest age children can reliably sort emotional expressions in isolation. In Study 2, we compared the two models to determine their predictive abilities. The two models make different predictions about the size of congruency effects for three emotions: sad, anger, and fear. The emotional seed model predicts larger congruency effects when sad is paired with either anger or fear compared to when anger and fear are paired with each other. The dimensional model predicts larger congruency effects when anger and fear are paired together compared to when either is paired with sad. In both a speeded and unspeeded task the results failed to support either model, but the pattern of results indicated fearful bodies have a special effect. Fearful bodies reduced accuracy, increased reaction times more than any other posture, and shifted the pattern of errors. To determine whether the results were specific to bodies, we ran the reverse task to determine if faces could disrupt the perception of body postures. This experiment did not produce congruency effects, meaning faces do not influence the perception of body postures. In the final experiment, participants performed a flanker task to determine whether the effect of fearful bodies was specific to faces or whether fearful bodies would also produce a larger effect in an unrelated task in which faces were absent. Reaction times did not differ across trials, meaning fearful bodies' large effect is specific to situations with faces. Collectively, these studies provide novel insights, both developmentally and theoretically, into how emotional faces are perceived in context.


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The accuracy and speed with which emotional facial expressions are identified is influenced by body postures. Two influential models predict that these congruency effects will be largest when the emotion displayed in the face is similar to that displayed in the body: the emotional seed model and the dimensional model. These models differ in whether similarity is based on physical characteristics or underlying dimensions of valence and arousal. Using a 3- alternative forced-choice task in which stimuli were presented briefly (Exp 1a) or for an unlimited time (Exp 1b) we provide evidence that congruency effects are more complex than either model predicts; the effects are asymmetrical and cannot be accounted for by similarity alone. Fearful postures are especially influential when paired with facial expressions, but not when presented in a flanker task (Exp 2). We suggest refinements to each model that may account for our results and suggest that additional studies be conducted prior to drawing strong theoretical conclusions.


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The Introduction of the text reads: "After nearly forty-four years of silence, I consider it wise to present to the public the inner history of the Fenian Raid of 1866, where an incompetent military officer was entrusted with the lives of a small body of men, and, who by failure in the performance of a sacred duty, may prove a wholesome and useful lesson to commanders of troops in the field."


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Letter (2 page typed form letter with a handwritten note from Don Loker) regarding a special service held by DeVeaux School to re-inter the body of Mrs. Maria Woodruff, the first wife of Judge Samuel DeVeaux. Her body was originally buried at DeVeaux School in Niagara Falls, New York. The location of the ceremony was the cemetery in St. Davids, Ontario. Maria died on April 23, 1815 at the age of 19. This notice was sent by Rev. Alec Pudwell, chaplain of DeVeaux School, Niagara Falls, New York, May 6, 1963.


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Dossier : In Memoriam, Iris Marion Young (1949-2006)


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L‘obésité constitue un problème de santé publique au Canada, particulièrement chez les populations autochtones où les prévalences les plus élevées ont été rapportées. D’après les écrits recensés, plusieurs méthodes ont été essayées pour étudier la relation entre l’alimentation et l’obésité, mais les résultats sont inconstants. Le but de cette thèse est d’identifier, en termes quantitatif et qualitatif, les différences dans l’alimentation des obèses et non-obèses. Pour y parvenir, nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode à l’aide d’une banque de données portant sur les enfants Mohawk de Kahnawake afin d’identifier les différences dans les choix alimentaires. Cette même méthode a été ensuite appliquée à deux autres banques de données (celle des adultes cris de la Baie James et celle des autochtones de l’enquête ESCC 2.2). Globalement, les résultats n’ont pas montré de différences significatives dans l’alimentation des participants selon les catégories d’IMC en considérant les indicateurs reliés à la quantité et à la qualité de l’alimentation comme l’apport énergétique total, l’apport énergétique en provenance des lipides, les fibres alimentaires, la densité énergétique et la diversité alimentaire. Par contre, les résultats de la nouvelle méthode fondée sur la sélection des items alimentaires fréquemment consommés par au moins 10 % des participants ont révélé que les enfants de Kahnawake à risque d’excès de poids consommaient plus fréquemment de croustilles (p=0.001) et moins fréquemment de craquelins que les enfants avec excès de poids ou ceux ayant un poids normal (p=0.015). Ensuite, en prenant la catégorie de poids normal comme référence, le rapport de côte (Odds ratio : OR) d’être à risque d’excès de poids était de 2.16 (95 % IC : 1.14 - 4.09) fois plus élevé chez les enfants de Kahnawake qui consommaient plus fréquemment de croustilles comparativement aux non-consommateurs de croustilles, et ce, après ajustement pour l’âge. Par contre, le rapport de côte d’être à risque d’excès de poids diminuait de 79 % (OR = 0.21; 95 % IC : 0.06 – 0.72) chez les enfants consommateurs de craquelins comparativement à leurs homologues non-consommateurs. Après avoir corrigé les quantités pour l’âge, on note que les enfants avec excès de poids consommaient plus de frites que les enfants à risque d’excès de poids ou ceux ayant un poids normal (p = 0.027). Chez les femmes cries, les résultats de la nouvelle méthode ont montré que le colorant à café était associé à un risque élevé d’obésité (OR = 4.64, 95 % IC : 1.04 - 0.54); alors que le lait faible en matières grasses était associé à un moindre risque d’embonpoint (OR = 0.38, 95 % IC : 0.17 - 0.82), après ajustement pour l’âge. Quant aux hommes cris, le lait entier était associé à un moindre risque d’avoir de l’embonpoint (OR ajusté pour l’âge = 0.38, 95 % IC : 0.20 - 0.71) et, en termes de quantité corrigée pour l’âge, les hommes obèses buvaient plus de boissons sucrées aux fruits comparativement aux hommes de poids normal ou ceux ayant de l’embonpoint (p=0.015). Selon les résultats de cette méthode appliquée aux données de l’enquête ESCC 2.2, les garçons à risque d’excès de poids ou avec excès de poids consommaient moins fréquemment de pain blanc que ceux de poids normal (p=0.048). En termes de quantité toutefois, ils consommaient plus de pain blanc (p=0.040), utilisaient plus de farine de blé (p=0.006) et de levure (p=0.002). Après avoir ajusté les quantités consommées pour l’âge et l’indice d’activité physique, les femmes avec embonpoint ou obèses utilisaient plus de farine de blé (p< 0.001) que leurs homologues de poids normal. Chez les hommes, il n'y avait pas de différences ni dans les fréquences de consommation ni dans les quantités consommées. Concernant les filles, leurs apports alimentaires n'étaient pas valides (facteur d'activité de Goldberg < 1.2 dans la catégorie embonpoint / obèse). Les résultats de cette méthode innovatrice pourraient d’une part, permettre d’axer la sensibilisation sur des aliments particuliers en plus des recommandations générales du Guide Alimentaire Canadien. D’autre part, ils nous renvoient aux données biologiques de laboratoire afin d’identifier les composantes des items susceptibles de contribuer au développement de l’obésité.


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INTRODUCTION: Il existe peu d’évidences sur l’association entre le taux de chômage dans le milieu résidentiel (CR) et le risque de maladies cardiovasculaires parmi les résidents de milieux urbains. De plus, on ne sait pas si ce lien diffère entre les deux sexes. Cette thèse a pour objectif de déterminer la direction et la taille de l’association entre le CR et le risque de maladies cardiovasculaires, et d’examiner si cette association varie en fonction du sexe. MÉTHODES: Un sous-échantillon de 342 participants de l’Étude sur les habitudes de vie et la santé dans les quartiers montréalais a rapporté ses habitudes de vie et sa situation socio-économique. Des mesures biologiques et anthropométriques ont été recueillies par une infirmière. Le CR a été opérationnalisé en fonction d’une zone-tampon d’un rayon de 250 m centrée sur la résidence de chacun des participants à l’aide d’un Système d’Information Géographique (SIG). Des équations d’estimation généralisées ont été utilisées afin d’estimer l’association entre le CR et l’Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC) et un score cumulatif de Risque Cardio-métabolique (RC) représentant la présence de valeurs élevées de cholestérol total, de triglycérides, de lipoprotéines de haute densité et d’hémoglobine glyquée. RÉSULTATS: Après ajustement pour l’âge, le sexe, le tabagisme, les comportements de santé et le statut socio-économique, le fait de vivre dans un endroit classé dans le 3e ou 4e quartile de CR était associé avec un IMC plus élevé (beta pour Q4 = 2.1 kg/m2, IC 95%: 1.02-3.20; beta pour Q3 = 1.5 kg/m2, IC 95%: 0.55-2.47) et un taux plus élevé de risque cardiovasculaires Risque Relatif [RR pour Q4 = 1.82 (IC 95 %: 1.35-2.44); RR pour Q3 = 1.66 (IC 95%: 1.33-2.06)] par rapport au 1er quartile. L'interaction entre le sexe et le CR révèle une différence absolue d’IMC de 1.99 kg/m2 (IC 95%: 0.00-4.01) et un risque supérieur (RR=1.39; IC 95%: 1.06-1.81) chez les femmes par rapport aux hommes. CONCLUSIONS: Le taux de chômage dans le milieux résidentiel est associé à un plus grand risque de maladies cardiovasculaires, mais cette association est plus prononcée chez les femmes.