993 resultados para glycine-rich


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Enabling real end-user programming development is the next logical stage in the evolution of Internetwide service-based applications. Even so, the vision of end users programming their own web-based solutions has not yet materialized. This will continue to be so unless both industry and the research community rise to the ambitious challenge of devising an end-to-end compositional model for developing a new age of end-user web application development tools. This paper describes a new composition model designed to empower programming-illiterate end users to create and share their own off-the-shelf rich Internet applications in a fully visual fashion. This paper presents the main insights and outcomes of our research and development efforts as part of a number of successful European Union research projects. A framework implementing this model was developed as part of the European Seventh Framework Programme FAST Project and the Spanish EzWeb Project and allowed us to validate the rationale behind our approach.


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Aegilops biuncialis y Aegilops geniculata son dos especies silvestres alotetraploides, con genomios UM, que constituyen un importante reservorio de genes de interés para la mejora del trigo. En este estudio se ha analizado la distribución cromosómica de diferentes secuencias de tipo microsatélites (?single sequence repeat?, SSR) y su relación con las translocaciones intergenómicas U/M, frecuentes en accesiones de ambas especies. En la mayoría de los cromosomas U y en algunos M, se ha localizado una única señal pericéntromérica de la secuencia (ACG)n, mientras que la secuencia (GAA)n aparece como grandes ?clusters? de localización pericentromérica y, en ocasiones, intersticial. En las 5 accesiones portadoras de translocaciones U/M analizadas, se ha comprobado una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el punto de rotura-reunión de la reordenación y regiones cromosómicas ricas en secuencias SSR.


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Amidase 1 (AMI1) from Arabidopsis thaliana converts indole-3-acetamide (IAM), into indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). AMI1 is part of a small isogene family comprising seven members in A. thaliana encoding proteins which share a conserved glycine- and serine-rich amidase-signature. One member of this family has been characterized as an N-acylethanolamine-cleaving fatty acid amidohydrolase (FAAH) and two other members are part of the preprotein translocon of the outer envelope of chloroplasts (Toc complex) or mitochondria (Tom complex) and presumably lack enzymatic activity. Among the hitherto characterized proteins of this family, AMI1 is the only member with indole-3-acetamide hydrolase activity, and IAM is the preferred substrate while N-acylethanolamines and oleamide are not hydrolyzed significantly, thus suggesting a role of AMI1 in auxin biosynthesis. Whereas the enzymatic function of AMI1 has been determined in vitro, the subcellular localization of the enzyme remained unclear. By using different GFP-fusion constructs and an A. thaliana transient expression system, we show a cytoplasmic localization of AMI1. In addition, RT-PCR and anti-amidase antisera were used to examine tissue specific expression of AMI1 at the transcriptional and translational level, respectively. AMI1-expression is strongest in places of highest IAA content in the plant. Thus, it is concluded that AMI1 may be involved in de novo IAA synthesis in A. thaliana.


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The softening and degradation of the cell wall (CW), often mannan enriched, is involved in several processes during development of higher plants, such as meristematic growth, fruit ripening, programmed cell death, and endosperm rupture upon germination. Mannans are also the predominant hemicellulosic CW polymers in many genera of green algae. The endosperm CWs of dry seeds often contain mannan polymers, sometimes in the form of galactomannans (Gal-mannans). The endo-beta-mannanases (MANs) that catalyse the random hydrolysis of the beta-linkage in the mannan backbone are one of the main hydrolytic enzymes involved in the loosening and remodelling of CWs. In germinating seeds, the softening of the endosperm seed CWs facilitates the emergence of the elongating radicle. Hydrolysis and mobilization of endosperm Gal-mannans by MANs also provides a source of nutrients for early seedling growth, since Gal-mannan, besides its structural role, serves as a storage polysaccharide. Therefore, the role of mannans and of their hydrolytic enzymes is decisive in the life cycle of seeds. This review updates and discusses the significance of mannans and MANs in seeds and explores the increasing biotechnological potential of MAN enzymes.


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The soybean genome hosts a family of several hundred, relatively homogeneous copies of a large, copia/Ty1-like retroelement designated SIRE-1. A copy of this element has been recovered from a Glycine max genomic library. DNA sequence analysis of two SIRE-1 subclones revealed that SIRE-1 contains a long, uninterrupted, ORF between the 3′ end of the pol ORF and the 3′ long terminal repeat (LTR), a region that harbors the env gene in retroviral genomes. Conceptual translation of this second ORF produces a 70-kDa protein. Computer analyses of the amino acid sequence predicted patterns of transmembrane domains, α-helices, and coiled coils strikingly similar to those found in mammalian retroviral envelope proteins. In addition, a 65-residue, proline-rich domain is characterized by a strong amino acid compositional bias virtually identical to that of the 60-amino acid, proline-rich neutralization domain of the feline leukemia virus surface protein. The assignment of SIRE-1 to the copia/Ty1 family was confirmed by comparison of the conceptual translation of its reverse transcriptase-like domain with those of other retroelements. This finding suggests the presence of a proretrovirus in a plant genome and is the strongest evidence to date for the existence of a retrovirus-like genome closely related to copia/Ty1 retrotransposons.


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Activation of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors elicits diverse cellular responses including growth, mitogenesis, migration, and differentiation. The intracellular signaling pathways that mediate these important processes are not well understood. In Caenorhabditis elegans, suppressors of clr-1 identify genes, termed soc genes, that potentially mediate or activate signaling through the EGL-15 FGF receptor. We demonstrate that three soc genes, soc-1, soc-2, and sem-5, suppress the activity of an activated form of the EGL-15 FGF receptor, consistent with the soc genes functioning downstream of EGL-15. We show that soc-2 encodes a protein composed almost entirely of leucine-rich repeats, a domain implicated in protein–protein interactions. We identified a putative human homolog, SHOC-2, which is 54% identical to SOC-2. We find that shoc-2 maps to 10q25, shoc-2 mRNA is expressed in all tissues assayed, and SHOC-2 protein is cytoplasmically localized. Within the leucine-rich repeats of both SOC-2 and SHOC-2 are two YXNX motifs that are potential tyrosine-phosphorylated docking sites for the SEM-5/GRB2 Src homology 2 domain. However, phosphorylation of these residues is not required for SOC-2 function in vivo, and SHOC-2 is not observed to be tyrosine phosphorylated in response to FGF stimulation. We conclude that this genetic system has allowed for the identification of a conserved gene implicated in mediating FGF receptor signaling in C. elegans.


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Two human cDNAs that encode novel vitamin K-dependent proteins have been cloned and sequenced. The predicted amino acid sequences suggest that both are single-pass transmembrane proteins with amino-terminal γ-carboxyglutamic acid-containing domains preceded by the typical propeptide sequences required for posttranslational γ-carboxylation of glutamic acid residues. The polypeptides, with deduced molecular masses of 23 and 17 kDa, are proline-rich within their putative cytoplasmic domains and contain several copies of the sequences PPXY and PXXP, motifs found in a variety of signaling and cytoskeletal proteins. Accordingly, these two proteins have been called proline-rich Gla proteins (PRGP1 and PRGP2). Unlike the γ-carboxyglutamic acid domain-containing proteins of the blood coagulation cascade, the two PRGPs are expressed in a variety of extrahepatic tissues, with PRGP1 and PRGP2 most abundantly expressed in the spinal cord and thyroid, respectively, among those tissues tested. Thus, these observations suggest a novel physiological role for these two new members of the vitamin K-dependent family of proteins.


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Global long-term potentiation (LTP) was induced in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures by a brief application of 10 mM glycine. Glycine-induced LTP was occluded by previous theta burst stimulation-induced potentiation, indicating that both phenomena share similar cellular processes. Glycine-induced LTP was associated with increased [3H]α-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) binding in membrane fractions as well as increased amount of a selective spectrin breakdown product generated by calpain-mediated spectrin proteolysis. Antibodies against the C-terminal (C-Ab) and N-terminal (N-Ab) domains of GluR1 subunits were used to evaluate structural changes in AMPA receptor properties resulting from glycine-induced LTP. No quantitative or qualitative changes were observed in Western blots from membrane fractions prepared from glycine-treated slices with C-Ab. In contrast, Western blots stained with N-Ab revealed the formation of a 98-kDa species of GluR1 subunits as well as an increased amount of immunoreactivity after glycine-induced LTP. The amount of spectrin breakdown product was positively correlated with the amount of the 98-kDa species of GluR1 after glycine treatment. Functional modifications of AMPA receptors were evaluated by determining changes in the effect of pressure-applied AMPA on synaptic responses before and after glycine-induced LTP. Glycine treatment produced a significant increase in AMPA receptor function after potentiation that correlated with the degree of potentiation. The results indicate that LTP induction produces calpain activation, truncation of the C-Ab domain of GluR1 subunits of AMPA receptors, and increased AMPA receptor function. They also suggest that insertion of new receptors takes place after LTP induction.


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Induction of phase 2 detoxication enzymes [e.g., glutathione transferases, epoxide hydrolase, NAD(P)H: quinone reductase, and glucuronosyltransferases] is a powerful strategy for achieving protection against carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, and other forms of toxicity of electrophiles and reactive forms of oxygen. Since consumption of large quantities of fruit and vegetables is associated with a striking reduction in the risk of developing a variety of malignancies, it is of interest that a number of edible plants contain substantial quantities of compounds that regulate mammalian enzymes of xenobiotic metabolism. Thus, edible plants belonging to the family Cruciferae and genus Brassica (e.g., broccoli and cauliflower) contain substantial quantities of isothiocyanates (mostly in the form of their glucosinolate precursors) some of which (e.g., sulforaphane or 4-methylsulfinylbutyl isothiocyanate) are very potent inducers of phase 2 enzymes. Unexpectedly, 3-day-old sprouts of cultivars of certain crucifers including broccoli and cauliflower contain 10–100 times higher levels of glucoraphanin (the glucosinolate of sulforaphane) than do the corresponding mature plants. Glucosinolates and isothiocyanates can be efficiently extracted from plants, without hydrolysis of glucosinolates by myrosinase, by homogenization in a mixture of equal volumes of dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethylformamide, and acetonitrile at −50°C. Extracts of 3-day-old broccoli sprouts (containing either glucoraphanin or sulforaphane as the principal enzyme inducer) were highly effective in reducing the incidence, multiplicity, and rate of development of mammary tumors in dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-treated rats. Notably, sprouts of many broccoli cultivars contain negligible quantities of indole glucosinolates, which predominate in the mature vegetable and may give rise to degradation products (e.g., indole-3-carbinol) that can enhance tumorigenesis. Hence, small quantities of crucifer sprouts may protect against the risk of cancer as effectively as much larger quantities of mature vegetables of the same variety.


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Convincing evidence has accumulated to identify the Frizzled proteins as receptors for the Wnt growth factors. In parallel, a number of secreted frizzled-like proteins with a conserved N-terminal frizzled motif have been identified. One of these proteins, Frzb-1, binds Wnt-1 and Xwnt-8 proteins and antagonizes Xwnt-8 signaling in Xenopus embryos. Here we report that Frzb-1 blocks Wnt-1 induced cytosolic accumulation of β-catenin, a key component of the Wnt signaling pathway, in human embryonic kidney cells. Structure/function analysis reveals that complete removal of the frizzled domain of Frzb-1 abolishes the Wnt-1/Frzb-1 protein interaction and the inhibition of Wnt-1 mediated axis duplication in Xenopus embryos. In contrast, removal of the C-terminal portion of the molecule preserves both Frzb-Wnt binding and functional inhibition of Wnt signaling. Partial deletions of the Frzb-1 cysteine-rich domain maintain Wnt-1 interaction, but functional inhibition is lost. Taken together, these findings support the conclusion that the frizzled domain is necessary and sufficient for both activities. Interestingly, Frzb-1 does not block Wnt-5A signaling in a Xenopus functional assay, even though Wnt-5A coimmunoprecipitates with Frzb-1, suggesting that coimmunoprecipitation does not necessarily imply inhibition of Wnt function.


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Although S-locus RNases (S-RNases) determine the specificity of pollen rejection in self-incompatible (SI) solanaceous plants, they alone are not sufficient to cause S-allele-specific pollen rejection. To identify non-S-RNase sequences that are required for pollen rejection, a Nicotiana alata cDNA library was screened by differential hybridization. One clone, designated HT, hybridized strongly to RNA from N. alata styles but not to RNA from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, a species known to lack one or more factors necessary for S-allele-specific pollen rejection. Sequence analysis revealed a 101-residue ORF including a putative secretion signal and an asparagine-rich domain near the C terminus. RNA blot analysis showed that the HT-transcript accumulates in the stigma and style before anthesis. The timing of HT-expression lags slightly behind SC10-RNase in SI N. alata SC10SC10 and is well correlated with the onset of S-allele-specific pollen rejection in the style. An antisense-HT construct was prepared to test for a role in pollen rejection. Transformed (N. plumbaginifolia × SI N. alata SC10SC10) hybrids with reduced levels of HT-protein continued to express SC10-RNase but failed to reject SC10-pollen. Control hybrids expressing both SC10-RNase and HT-protein showed a normal S-allele-specific pollen rejection response. We conclude that HT-protein is directly implicated in pollen rejection.


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In this work, we report the posttranscriptional addition of poly(A)-rich sequences to mRNA in chloroplasts of higher plants. Several sites in the coding region and the mature end of spinach chloroplast psbA mRNA, which encodes the D1 protein of photosystem II, are detected as polyadenylylated sites. In eukaryotic cells, the addition of multiple adenosine residues to the 3′ end of nuclear RNA plays a key role in generating functional mRNAs and in regulating mRNA degradation. In bacteria, the adenylation of several RNAs greatly accelerates their decay. The poly(A) moiety in the chloroplast, in contrast to that in eukaryotic nuclear encoded and bacterial RNAs, is not a ribohomopolymer of adenosine residues, but clusters of adenosines bounded mostly by guanosines and rarely by cytidines and uridines; it may be as long as several hundred nucleotides. Further analysis of the initial steps of chloroplast psbA mRNA decay revealed specific endonuclease cleavage sites that perfectly matched the sites where poly(A)-rich sequences were added. Our results suggest a mechanism for the degradation of psbA mRNA in which endonucleolytic cleavages are followed by the addition of poly(A)-rich sequences to the upstream cleavage products, which target these RNAs for rapid decay.


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The bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) exonic splicing suppressor (ESS) is juxtaposed immediately downstream of BPV-1 splicing enhancer 1 and negatively modulates selection of a suboptimal 3′ splice site at nucleotide 3225. The present study demonstrates that this pyrimidine-rich ESS inhibits utilization of upstream 3′ splice sites by blocking early steps in spliceosome assembly. Analysis of the proteins that bind to the ESS showed that the U-rich 5′ region binds U2AF65 and polypyrimidine tract binding protein, the C-rich central part binds 35- and 54–55-kDa serine/arginine-rich (SR) proteins, and the AG-rich 3′ end binds alternative splicing factor/splicing factor 2. Mutational and functional studies indicated that the most critical region of the ESS maps to the central C-rich core (GGCUCCCCC). This core sequence, along with additional nonspecific downstream nucleotides, is sufficient for partial suppression of spliceosome assembly and splicing of BPV-1 pre-mRNAs. The inhibition of splicing by the ESS can be partially relieved by excess purified HeLa SR proteins, suggesting that the ESS suppresses pre-mRNA splicing by interfering with normal bridging and recruitment activities of SR proteins.