997 resultados para galaxies: clusters: individual: Abell 970
The pH of 285 milk samples was measured from early, middle and late stages of lactation. In total, 35 individual cows were used in this study. It was found that the average pH value for all individual samples analysed was 6.63 +/- 0.08. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in mean pH between early, middle and late lactation. The overall data and that for early lactation displayed normal distributions.
The distributions of times to first cell division were determined for populations of Escherichia coli stationary-phase cells inoculated onto agar media. This was accomplished by using automated analysis of digital images of individual cells growing on agar and calculation of the "box area ratio." Using approximately 300 cells per experiment, the mean time to first division and standard deviation for cells grown in liquid medium at 37 degrees C and inoculated on agar and incubated at 20 degrees C were determined as 3.0 h and 0.7 h, respectively. Distributions were observed to tail toward the higher values, but no definitive model distribution was identified. Both preinoculation stress by heating cultures at 50 degrees C and postinoculation stress by growth in the presence of higher concentrations of NaCl increased mean times to first division. Both stresses also resulted in an increase in the spread of the distributions that was proportional to the mean division time, the coefficient of variation being constant at approximately 0.2 in all cases. The "relative division time," which is the time to first division for individual cells expressed in terms of the cell size doubling time, was used as measure of the "work to be done" to prepare for cell division. Relative division times were greater for heat-stressed cells than for those growing under osmotic stress.
A method is presented for determining the time to first division of individual bacterial cells growing on agar media. Bacteria were inoculated onto agar-coated slides and viewed by phase-contrast microscopy. Digital images of the growing bacteria were captured at intervals and the time to first division estimated by calculating the "box area ratio". This is the area of the smallest rectangle that can be drawn around an object, divided by the area of the object itself. The box area ratios of cells were found to increase suddenly during growth at a time that correlated with cell division as estimated by visual inspection of the digital images. This was caused by a change in the orientation of the two daughter cells that occurred when sufficient flexibility arose at their point of attachment. This method was used successfully to generate lag time distributions for populations of Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but did not work with the coccoid organism Staphylococcus aureus. This method provides an objective measure of the time to first cell division, whilst automation of the data processing allows a large number of cells to be examined per experiment. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Changes in the theological properties during crystallisation and in the crystal size and morphology of blends containing rapeseed oil with varying percentages of palm stearin (POs) and palm olein (POf) have been studied. The crystals formed from all three blends were studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy, light microscopy and environmental scanning electron microscopy, which revealed the development of clusters of 3-5 individual elementary "spherulites" in the early stages of crystallisation. The saturated triacylglycerol content of the solid crystals separated at the onset of crystallisation was much greater than that in the total fat. Fat blends with a higher content of palm stearin had a more rapid nucleation rate when observed by light microscopy, and this caused an earlier change in the rheological properties of the fat during crystallisation. Using a low torque amplitude (0.005 Pa, which was within the linear viscoelastic region of all samples studied) and a frequency of 1 Hz, the viscoelastic properties of melted fat during cooling were studied. All samples, prior to crystallisation, showed weak viscoelastic liquid behaviour (G '', loss modulus >G', storage modulus). After crystallisation a more "solid like" behaviour was observed (G' similar to or greater than G ''). The blend having the highest concentration of POs was found to have the earliest onset of crystallisation (27% w/w POs; 12 mins, 22% w/w POs; 13.5 mins, 17% w/w POs, 15 mins, respectively). However, there were no significant differences in the time to the point when G' became greater than G' among the three blends. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Amphiphilic chitosan-based polymers (M-w < 20 kDa) self-assemble in aqueous media at low micromolar concentrations to give previously unknown micellar clusters of 100-300 nm in size. Micellar clusters comprise smaller 10-30 nm aggregates, and the nanopolarity/drug incorporation efficiency of their hydrophobic domains can be tailored by varying the degree of lipidic derivatization and molecular weight of the carbohydrate. The extent of drug incorporation by these novel micellar clusters is 1 order of magnitude higher than is seen with triblock copolymers, with molar polymer/drug ratios of 1:48 to 1:67. On intravenous injection, the pharmacodynamic activity of a carbohydrate propofol formulation is increased by 1 order of magnitude when compared to a commercial emulsion formulation, and on topical ocular application of a carbohydrate prednisolone formulation, initial drug aqueous humor levels are similar to those found with a 10-fold dose of prednisolone suspension.
Some commonly experienced signs and symptoms occur during abstinence from tobacco, but specific signs and symptoms and their intensity vary greatly from individual to individual. The aim of this study was to re-examine psychological and psychomotor symptoms in smokers in the general population, and to explore the individual variation in these. Quitting smokers (n = 123) reported their experiences pre- and post-cessation, on a questionnaire developed for the study. Analysis of variance and frequency analysis showed significant decreases between pre- and post-cessation on positive experiences (F = 9.81, p < 0.0001) but no significant change on negative experiences, suggesting a loss of pleasure rather than increased negative affect upon quitting. The variance of the pre- to post-cessation difference score suggested wide variation in the reporting of withdrawal symptoms. These results lead us to consider the implications for treatment, using cognitive therapies and moderating the significant emphasis that is at present put on withdrawal.
The feature model of immediate memory (Nairne, 1990) is applied to an experiment testing individual differences in phonological confusions amongst a group (N=100) of participants performing a verbal memory test. By simulating the performance of an equivalent number of “pseudo-participants” the model fits both the mean performance and the variability within the group. Experimental data show that high-performing individuals are significantly more likely to demonstrate phonological confusions than low performance individuals and this is also true of the model, despite the model’s lack of either an explicit phonological store or a performance-linked strategy shift away from phonological storage. It is concluded that a dedicated phonological store is not necessary to explain the basic phonological confusion effect, and the reduction in such an effect can also be explained without requiring a change in encoding or rehearsal strategy or the deployment of a different storage buffer.
Electrochemical reduction of the triangular clusters [Os-3(CO)(10)(alpha-dimine)] (alpha-dimine = 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy), 2,2'-bipyrimidine (bpym)) and [Os-3(CO)(10)(mu-bpym) ReBr(CO)(3)] produces primarily the corresponding radical anions. Their stability is strongly determined by the pi acceptor ability of the reducible alpha-dimine ligand, which decreases in the order mu-bpym > bpym >> bpy. Along this series, increasing delocalisation of the odd electron density in the radical anion over the Os(alpha-dimine) chelate ring causes weakening of the axial (CO)(4)Os-Os(CO)(2)(alpha-dimine) bond and its facile cleavage for alpha-diimine = bpy. In contrast, the cluster radical anion is inherently stable for the bridging bpym ligand, the strongest pi-acceptor in the studied series. In the absence of the partial delocalisation of the unpaired electron over the Re( bpym) chelate bond, the Os-3-core of the radical anion remains intact only at low temperatures. Subsequent one-electron reduction of [Os-3(CO)(10)(bpym)](center dot-) at T = 223 K gives the open-triosmium core (= Os-3*) dianion, [Os-3*(CO)(10)(bpym)](2-). Its oxidation leads to the recovery of parent [Os-3(CO)(10)( bpym)]. At room temperature, [Os-3*( CO)(10)(bpym)](2-) is formed along a two-electron (ECE) reduction path. The chemical step (C) results in the formation of an open- core radical anion that is directly reducible at the cathodic potential of the parent cluster in the second electrochemical (E) step. In weakly coordinating tetrahydrofuran, [Os-3*(CO)(10)( bpym)](2-) rapidly attacks yet non- reduced parent cluster molecules, producing the relatively stable open- core dimer [Os-3*(CO)(10)(bpym)](2)(2-) featuring two open- triangle cluster moieties connected with an ( bpym) Os - Os( bpym) bond. In butyronitrile, [Os-3*( CO)(10)(bpym)](2-) is stabilised by the solvent and the dimer [Os-3*(CO)(10)(bpym)](2)(2-) is then mainly formed by reoxidation of the dianion on reverse potential scan. The more reactive cluster [Os-3(CO)(10)(bpy)] follows the same reduction path, as supported by spectroelectrochemical results and additional valuable evidence obtained from cyclic voltammetric scans. The ultimate process in the reduction mechanism is fragmentation of the cluster core triggered by the reduction of the dimer [Os-3*(CO)(10)(alpha- diimine)](2)(2-). The products formed are [Os-2(CO)(8)](2-) and {Os(CO)(2)(alpha- diimine)}(2). The latter dinuclear fragments constitute a linear polymeric chain [Os( CO)(2)(alpha-dimine)] n that is further reducible at the alpha-dimine ligands. For alpha-dimine = bpy, the charged polymer is capable of reducing carbon dioxide. The electrochemical opening of the triosmium core in the [Os-3( CO)(10)(alpha-dimine)] clusters exhibits several common features with their photochemistry. The same Os-alpha-dimine bond dissociates in both cases but the intimate mechanisms are different.
A new synthetic route towards the mixed-metal cluster [OS2Ru(CO)(12)] is described together with the syntheses of its PPh3 and iPr-AcPy (iPr-AcPy = 2-acetylpyridine-N-isopropylimine) derivatives. The molecular structures of the novel clusters [Os2Ru(CO)(11)(PPh3)] and [Os2Ru(CO)(10)(iPr-AcPy)] were determined on the basis of crystalline solid solutions of the Os2Ru and corresponding Os-3 species. The structures reveal that coordination of the Lewis bases occurs exclusively at the ruthenium site of [Os2Ru(CO)(12)], which is in agreement with density functional theory (DFT) calculations on several structural isomers of these compounds. According to the time-dependent DFT results, the lowest optically accessible excited state of [Os2Ru(CO)(10)(iPr-AcPy)] has a prevailing sigma(Ru-Os-2)pi*(iPr-AcPy) character, with a partial sigma sigma*(Ru-Os-2) contribution. In weakly coordinating 2-chlorobutane, the excited state has a lifetime tau = 10.4 +/- 1.2 ps and produces biradicals considerably faster than observed for [Os-3(CO)10(iPr-AcPy) (tau = 25.3 +/- 0.7ps)]. In coordinating acetonitrile, the excited state of [Os2Ru(CO)(10)(iPr-AcPy)] decays mono-exponentially with a lifetime tau = 2.1 +/- 0.2 ps. In contrast to [Os-3(CO)(10)(iPr-AcPy)] that forms biradicals as the main primary photoproduct even in strongly coordinating solvents, zwitterion formation from the solvated lowest excited state is observed for the heterometallic cluster. This is concluded from time-resolved absorption studies in the microsecond time domain. Due to the lower tendency of the coordinatively unsaturated Ru+(CO)(2)(iPr-AcPy-/0) moiety to bind a Lewis base, the heteronuclear biradical and zwitterionic photoproducts live significantly shorter than their triosmium counterparts. The influence of the weaker Os-2-Ru(iPr-AcPy) bond on the redox reactivity is clearly reflected in very reactive radical anions formed upon electrochemical reduction of [Os2Ru(CO)(10)(iPr-AcPy)]. The dimer [-OS(CO)(4)-Os(CO)(4)-Ru(CO)(2)(iPr-AcPy)](2)(2-) is the only IR-detectable intermediate reduction product. The dinuclear complex [Os-2(CO)(8)](2-) and insoluble [Ru(CO)(2)(iPr-AcPy)](n), are the ultimate reduction products, proving fragmentation of the OS2Ru core.
DFT and TD-DFT calculations (ADF program) were performed in order to analyze the electronic structure of the [M-3(CO)(12)] clusters (M = Ru, Os) and interpret their electronic spectra. The highest occupied molecular orbitals are M-M bonding (sigma) involving different M-M bonds, both for Ru and Os. They participate in low-energy excitation processes and their depopulation should weaken M-M bonds in general. While the LUMO is M-NI and M-CO anti-bonding (sigma*), the next, higher-lying empty orbitals have a main contribution from CO (pi*) and either a small (Ru) or an almost negligible one (Os) from the metal atoms. The main difference between the two clusters comes from the different nature of these low-energy unoccupied orbitals that have a larger metal contribution in the case of ruthenium. The photochemical reactivity of the two clusters is reexamined and compared to earlier interpretations.
Combined picosecond transient absorption and time-resolved infrared studies were performed, aimed at characterising low-lying excited states of the cluster [Os-3(CO)(10)(s-cis-L)] (L= cyclohexa-1,3-diene, 1) and monitoring the formation of its photoproducts. Theoretical (DFT and TD-DFT) calculations on the closely related cluster with L=buta-1,3-diene (2') have revealed that the low-lying electronic transitions of these [Os-3(CO)(10)(s-cis-1,3-diene)] clusters have a predominant sigma(core)pi*(CO) character. From the lowest sigmapi* excited state, cluster 1 undergoes fast Os-Os(1,3-diene) bond cleavage (tau=3.3 ps) resulting in the formation of a coordinatively unsaturated primary photoproduct (1a) with a single CO bridge. A new insight into the structure of the transient has been obtained by DFT calculations. The cleaved Os-Os(1,3-diene) bond is bridged by the donor 1,3-diene ligand, compensating for the electron deficiency at the neighbouring Os centre. Because of the unequal distribution of the electron density in transient la, a second CO bridge is formed in 20 ps in the photoproduct [Os-3(CO)(8)(mu-CO)(2)- (cyclohexa-1,3-diene)] (1b). The latter compound, absorbing strongly around 630 nm, mainly regenerates the parent cluster with a lifetime of about 100 ns in hexane. Its structure, as suggested by the DFT calculations, again contains the 1,3-diene ligand coordinated in a bridging fashion. Photoproduct 1b can therefore be assigned as a high-energy coordination isomer of the parent cluster with all Os-Os bonds bridged.
Bonding, photochemical and electrochemical properties of the clusters [Ru-3(CO)(8)(mu-CO)(2)(alpha-diimine)] (alpha-diimine=2,2'-bipyridine (1), 4,4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine (2) and 2,2'-bipyrimidine (3)) are strongly influenced by the presence of bridging carbonyl ligands. Irradiation at 471 nm initially results in the population of a sigma(Ru-3)pi*(alpha-diimine) excited state. From this state, fast decay takes place to the optically hardly directly accessible pi(Ru/mu-CO) pi*(alpha-diimine) lowest excited state. These assignments agree with theoretical (TD-DFT) results, resonance Raman and picosecond time-resolved infrared spectra. The involvement of the bridging carbonyl ligands in the electron transfer increases the energetic barrier for the formation of open-structure photoproducts such as biradicals and zwitterions. Zwitterions were therefore only obtained in strongly coordinating media such as pyridine at 250 K. The bridging carbonyl ligands also stabilize the radical anions produced upon one-electron reduction of the clusters [Ru-3(CO)(8)(mu-CO)(2)(alpha-diimine)] and observed with cyclic voltammetry, EPR and IR spectroelectrochemistry (for alpha-diimine=2,2'-bipyrimidine). In contrast, open-triangle intermediates formed along the reduction path to [Ru(CO)(2)(alpha-diimine)](n) and [Ru-2(CO)(8)](2-) are more reactive than their triosmium analogues.