990 resultados para fractured bedrock aquifers


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Conceptualization of groundwater flow systems is necessary for water resources planning. Geophysical, hydrochemical and isotopic characterization methods were used to investigate the groundwater flow system of a multi-layer fractured sedimentary aquifer along the coastline in Southwestern Nicaragua. A geologic survey was performed along the 46 km2 catchment. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was applied along a 4.4 km transect parallel to the main river channel to identify fractures and determine aquifer geometry. Additionally, three cross sections in the lower catchment and two in hillslopes of the upper part of the catchment were surveyed using ERT. Stable water isotopes, chloride and silica were analyzed for springs, river, wells and piezometers samples during the dry and wet season of 2012. Indication of moisture recycling was found although the identification of the source areas needs further investigation. The upper-middle catchment area is formed by fractured shale/limestone on top of compact sandstone. The lower catchment area is comprised of an alluvial unit of about 15 m thickness overlaying a fractured shale unit. Two major groundwater flow systems were identified: one deep in the shale unit, recharged in the upper-middle catchment area; and one shallow, flowing in the alluvium unit and recharged locally in the lower catchment area. Recharged precipitation displaces older groundwater along the catchment, in a piston flow mechanism. Geophysical methods in combination with hydrochemical and isotopic tracers provide information over different scales and resolutions, which allow an integrated analysis of groundwater flow systems. This approach provides integrated surface and subsurface information where remoteness, accessibility, and costs prohibit installation of groundwater monitoring networks.


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In October 1979, a period of heavy rainfall along the French Riviera was followed by the collapse of the Ligurian continental slope adjacent to the airport of Nice, France. A body of slope sediments, which was shortly beforehand affected by construction work south of the airport, was mobilized and traveled hundreds of kilometers downslope into the Var submarine canyon and, eventually, into the deep Ligurian basin. As a direct consequence, the construction was destroyed, seafloor cables were torn, and a small tsunami hit Antibes shortly after the failure. Hypotheses regarding the trigger mechanism include (i) vertical loading by construction of an embankment south of the airport, (ii) failure of a layer of sensitive clay within the slope sequence, and (iii) excess pore fluid pressures from charged aquifers in the underground. Over the previous decades, both the sensitive clay layers and the permeable sand and gravel layers were sampled to detect freshened waters. In 2007, the landslide scar and adjacent slopes were revisited for high-resolution seafloor mapping and systematic sampling. Results from half a dozen gravity and push cores in the shallow slope area reveal a limited zone of freshening (i.e. groundwater influence). A 100-250 m wide zone of the margin shows pore water salinities of 5-50% SW concentration and depletion in Cl, SO4, but Cr enrichment, while cores east or west of the landslide scar show regular SW profiles. Most interestingly, the three cores inside the landslide scar hint towards a complex hydrological system with at least two sources for groundwater. The aquifer system also showed strong freshening after a period of several months without significant precipitation. This freshening implies that charged coarse-grained layers represent a permanent threat to the slope's stability, not just after periods of major rainfall such as in October 1979.


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Evidence from paleoclimatic archives suggests that Earth's climate experienced rapid temperature changes associated with pronounced interhemispheric asymmetry during the last glacial period. Explanations for these climate excursions have converged on nonlinear interactions between ice sheets and the ocean's thermohaline circulation, but the driving mechanism remains to be identified. Here we use multidecadal marine records of faunal, oxygen isotope, and sediment proxies from the northeast Atlantic proximal to the western margins of the last glacial British Ice Sheet (BIS) to document the coupling between ice sheet dynamics, ocean circulation, and insolation changes. The core data reveal successions of short-lived (80-100 years), high-amplitude ice-rafted debris (IRD) events that were initiated up to 2000 years before the deposition of detrital carbonate during Heinrich events (HE) 1 and 2. Progressive disintegration of the BIS 19-16 kyr before present (B.P.) occurred in response to abrupt ocean-climate warmings that impinged on the northeast Atlantic during the early deglaciation. Peak IRD deposition recurs at 180-220 year intervals plausibly involving repeated breakup of glacial tidewater margins and fringing marine ice shelves. The early deglaciation culminated in a major meltwater pulse at ~16.3 kyr B.P. followed by another discharge associated with HE1 some 300 years after. We conclude that temperature changes related to external forcing and marine heat transport caused a rapid response of the BIS and possibly other margins of the Eurasian Ice Sheet. Massive but short-lived meltwater surges influenced the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation thereby contributing to North Atlantic climate variability and bipolar climatic asymmetry.


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The increasing catalogue of high-quality ice-penetrating radar data provides a unique insight in the internal layering architecture of the Greenland ice sheet. The stratigraphy, an indicator of past deformation, highlights irregularities in ice flow and reveals large perturbations without obvious links to bedrock shape. In this work, to establish a new conceptual model for the formation process, we analysed the radar data at the onset of the Petermann Glacier, North Greenland, and created a three-dimensional model of several distinct stratigraphic layers. We demonstrate that the dominant structures are cylindrical folds sub-parallel to the ice flow. By numerical modelling, we show that these folds can be formed by lateral compression of mechanically anisotropic ice, while a general viscosity contrast between layers would not lead to folding for the same boundary conditions. We conclude that the folds primarily form by converging flow as the mechanically anisotropic ice is channelled towards the glacier.


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During RV Polarstern cruise ANT-XXIII/4 in 2006, a gravity core (PS69/335-2) and a giant box core (PS69/335-1) were retrieved from Maxwell Bay off King George Island (KGI). Comprehensive geochemical (bulk parameters, quantitative XRF, Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) and radiometric dating analyses (14C, 210Pb) were performed on both cores. A comparison with geochemical data from local bedrock demonstrates a mostly detrital origin for the sediments, but also points to an overprint from changing bioproductivity in the overlying water column in addition to early diagenetic processes. Furthermore, ten tephra layers that were most probably derived from volcanic activity on Deception Island were identified. Variations in the vertical distribution of selected elements in Maxwell Bay sediments further indicate a shift in source rock provenance as a result of changing glacier extents during the past c. 1750 years that may be linked to the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period. Whereas no evidence for a significant increase in chemical weathering rates was found, 210Pb data revealed that mass accumulation rates in Maxwell Bay have almost tripled since the 1940s (0.66 g cm-2 yr-1 in AD 2006), which is probably linked to rapid glacier retreat in this region due to recent warming.


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Manganese nodules have been found by the author in the shallow waters of the Hyotan-se bank west of Shikime-jima, an island of the Izu archipelago in the Sea of Japan. The slopes around the bank are steep and rocks are exposed; gravels and coarse material cover the broad and flat plain on its top; andesite and basalt, which are very common in the bedrock, are found mingled with liparite gravels together with a number of manganese concretions from the bank.


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Very fine quartz sand was examined from Paleogene and Neogene sediments of ODP Sites 693, 694, 695, 696, and 697 to determine their grain roundness using Fourier analysis and SEM surface texture characteristics. The objective of this study was to identify grain roundness and surface texture characteristics unique to East (Site 693) and West (Sites 695, 696, and 697) Antarctica and to glacial regimes. Once identified, these distinguishing features could then be used to determine changes in source area and glacial conditions in the central Weddell Sea Basin (Site 694). Three end members of very fine quartz sand are recognized in the Oligocene to Pleistocene sediments of the Weddell Sea: angular, rounded, and intermediate. End member 1 (angular) consists of extremely angular grains with numerous fracture textures. Previous investigations suggested that these sands are derived from crystalline rocks that fractured during formation or deformation and/or were exposed to weathering by ice. In this study, however, the correlation of angularity with ice activity is problematical as the most angular sands were recovered in the lower Oligocene sediments of the South Orkney Microcontinent, a period of temperate climatic conditions. End member 3 (rounded) consists of rounded grains with chemically and mechanically produced surface textures. These sands are presumed to be derived from the Beacon-type rocks in East Antarctica and the sedimentary deposits of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula. End member 2 (intermediate) grains display crystalline nodes and grain embayments. They are thought to be derived from felsic intrusives, East Antarctic quartzites, basement metamorphics of the South Orkney Microcontinent, and/or the Andean intrusive series of West Antarctica. Unfortunately, no features unique to either the East or West Antarctic sediment sources or to glacial conditions could be isolated. Therefore, the objective of determining provenance changes and sediment erosion and transport mechanisms could not be achieved using this approach.


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In order to document changes in Holocene glacier extent and activity in NE Greenland (~73° N) we study marine sediment records that extend from the fjords (PS2631 and PS2640), across the shelf (PS2623 and PS2641), to the Greenland Sea (JM07-174GC). The primary bedrock geology of the source areas is the Caledonian sediment outcrop, including Devonian red beds, plus early Neoproterozoic gneisses and early Tertiary volcanics. We examine the variations in colour (CIE*), grain size, and bulk mineralogy (from X-ray diffraction of the <2 mm sediment fraction). Fjord core PS2640 in Sofia Sund, with a marked red hue, is distinct in grain size, colour and mineralogy from the other fjord and shelf cores. Five distinct grain-size modes are distinguished of which only one is associated with a coarse ice-rafting signal - this mode is rare in the mid- and late Holocene. A sediment unmixing program (SedUnMixMC) is used to characterize down-core changes in sediment composition based on the upper late Holocene sediments from cores PS2640 (Sofia Sund), PS2631 (Kaiser Franz Joseph Fjord) and PS2623 (south of Shannon Is), and surface samples from the Kara Sea (as an indicator of transport from the Russian Arctic shelves). Major changes in mineral composition are noted in all cores with possible coeval shifts centred c. 2.5, 4.5 and 7.5 cal. ka BP (±0.5 ka) but are rarely linked with changes in the grain-size spectra. Coarse IRD (>2 mm) and IRD-grain-size spectra are rare in the last 9-10 cal. ka BP and, in contrast with areas farther south (~68° N), there is no distinct IRD signal at the onset of neoglaciation. Our paper demonstrates the importance of the quantitative analysis of sediment properties in clarifying source to sink changes in glacial marine environments.


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Manganese-iron oxide concretions are presently forming on Patrick Sill in upper Jervis Inlet. The marine geology of Patrick Sill and the adjoining basins (Queen's Reach and Princess Royal Reach) was studied to define the environment in which the concretions form. The river at the inlet head is the principal source of sediment to the upper basin. The average grain size of surficial bottom sediments within this basin decreases uniformly with distance from the source. Patrick Sill separates the upper from the lower basin. The sediment distribution pattern within the lower basin differs markedly from the upper basin as there is no dominant source of material but rather many localized sources. Abundant shallow marine faunal remains recovered in deep water sediment samples indicate that sediments deposited as deltas off river and stream mouths periodically slump to the basin floors. Geologic and optical turbidity information for the upper basin can best be explained by slumping from the delta at the inlet head with the initiation of turbidity or density currents. Patrick Sill appears to create a downstream barrier to this flow. The mineralogy of the bottom sediments indicates derivation from a granitic terrain. If this is so, the sediments presently being deposited in both basins are reworked glacial materials initially derived by glacial action outside the present watershed. Upper Jervis Inlet is mapped as lying within a roof pendant of pre-batholithic rocks, principally slates. Patrick Sill is thought to be a bedrock feature mantled with Pleistocene glacial material. The accumulation rate of recent sediments on the sill is low especially in the V-notch or medial depression. The manganese-iron oxide concretions are forming within the depression and apparently nowhere else in the study area. Also forming within the depression are crusts of iron oxide and what are tentatively identified as glauconite-montmorillonoid pellets. The concretions are thought to form by precipitation of manganese-iron oxides on pebbles and cobbles lying at the sediment water interface. The oxide materials are mobile in the reducing environment of the underlying clayey-sand sediment but precipitate on contact with the oxygenating environment of the surficial sediments. The iron crusts are thought to be forming on extensive rocky surfaces above the sediment water interface. The overall appearance and evidence of rapid formation of the crusts suggests they formed from a gel in sea water. Reserves of manganese-iron concretions on Patrick Sill were estimated to be 117 metric tons. Other deposits of concretions have recently been found in other inlets and in the Strait of Georgia but, to date, the extent of these has not been determined.


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The Snake Pit hydrothermal field is located on the top of a neovolcanic rise on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at sea depths between 3460 and 3510 m. It was surveyed during several oceanological expeditions including DSDP Legs. Additional scientific materials were obtained in 2002 and 2003 during expedition onboard R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh with two Mir deep-sea manned submersibles. Three eastern hydrothermal mounds (Moose, Beehive, and Fir Tree) are located on the upper part of the eastern slope of the rise over a common fractured pedestal composed of fragments of massive sulfides. The western group of hydrothermal deposits is encountered on the western slope of the axial graben. Within this mature hydrothermal field, which was formed over the past 4000 years, we studied morphology of the hydrothermal mounds, chemistry and mineralogy of hydrothermal deposits, chemistry of sulfide minerals, and isotope composition of sulfur in them.


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Major and trace element compositions of basalts from the lower part of Hole 504B indicate their cogenetic nature. The cored sequence of interlayered pillow lavas and massive lava flows was produced by eruption of lavas, slightly variable in composition. Plagioclase and olivine crystallization in a shallow magma chamber, followed by small-scale fractionation at higher levels, is responsible for these variations. Except in highly fractured zones within the basement, there are systematic variations in the style and degree of rock alteration with depth. Trace element characteristics of altered rocks and secondary minerals indicate that progressive changes in sea water composition occurred as it reacted with basaltic crust.


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The common occurrence of parallel phenotypic patterns suggests that a strong relationship exists between ecological dynamics and micro-evolution. Comparative studies from a large number of populations under varying sets of ecological drivers could contribute to a better understanding of this relationship. We used data on morphology of arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and ecological factors from 35 Icelandic lakes to test the hypothesis that morphological patterns among monomorphic charr populations from different lakes are related to interlake variation in ecological characteristics. There is extensive phenotypic diversity among populations of Icelandic charr, and populations are easily distinguished based on overall body morphology. The results obtained in the present study showed that the morphological diversity of charr was related to large-scale diversity in lake ecology. Variation in charr morphology was related to water origin (e.g. spring fed versus run-off), bedrock age, and fish community structure. The present study shows how various ecological factors can shape the biological diversity that we observe.


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The study presented in this PhD memory aim at better define and quantify the present timeerosion processes in glacial and proglacial domain. The Glacier des Bossons, situated in theMont-Blanc massif (Haute-Savoie, France), is a good example of a natural and nonanthropizedsystem which allows us to study this topic. This glacier lies on two mainlithologies (the Mont-Blanc granite and the metamorphic bedrock) and this peculiarity is usedto determine the origin of the glacial sediments. The sediments were sampled at the glaciersurface and at the glacier sole and also in the subglacial streams in order to understand themechanisms of mechanical erosion and particle transportation in glacial domain. The study ofthe granulometric distribution and the origin of the sediments were performed by a lithologicanalysis at macro-scale (naked-eye) and a geochemical analysis at micro-scale (U-Pb datingof zircons). These analyses allowed specifying the characteristics of glacial erosion andtransport. (1) the supraglacial sediments derived from the erosion of the rocky valley sides aremainly coarse and the glacial transport does not mix these clasts with those derived from thesub-glacial erosion, except in the lower tongue; (2) the sub-glacial erosion rates areinhomogeneous, erosion under the temperate glacier (0.4-0.8 mm/yr) is at least sixteen timesmore efficient than the erosion under the cold glacier (0.025-0.05 mm/yr); (3) the sub-glacialsediments contain a silty and sandy fraction, resulting from processes of abrasion andcrushing, which is evacuated by sub-glacial streams. The high-resolution temporal acquisitionof hydro-sedimentary data during the 2010 melt season, between the May 5th and theSeptember 17th, allowed defining the seasonal behavior of the hydrologic and sedimentaryfluxes. The sediment exportation occurs mainly during the melt season therefore, quantify thesediment fluxes in the Bossons stream and measure regularly the topographic evolution of thefluvio-glacial system allows to perform a sedimentary balance of the erosion of glacial andnon-glacial domains. During the year 2010, about 3000 tons of sediments were eroded with430 tons settled on the fluvio-glacial system. By analyzing the evolution of suspendedparticulate matter concentrations in the Bossons stream upstream and downstream the fluvioglacialsystem, the part of glacial erosion and non-glacial denudation in the sedimentarybalance could be proportioned. The erosion during the stormy events of the uncoveredmoraines, confining the fluvio-glacial system of the Bossons stream, furnishes at least 59% ofthe sediments exported by the Bossons stream and glacial erosion (41% of the flux) istherefore less efficient comparatively. The long-term evolution of the glacial systems inperiod of global warming would show a sustained erosion of proglacial environments(mountain sides and moraines) recently exposed and therefore an increasing of the detritalfluxes. The Glacier des Bossons protects the summit of the Mont-Blanc, the differentialerosion between zones under the ice and non-glacial could lead to an increase of thedifference of altitude between valleys and summits.


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This chapter documents the chemical changes produced by hydrothermal alteration of basalts drilled on Leg 83, in Hole 504B. It interprets these chemical changes in terms of mineralogical changes and alteration processes and discusses implications for geochemical cycling. Alteration of Leg 83 basalts is characterized by nonequilibrium and is heterogeneous on a scale of centimeters to tens or hundreds of meters. The basalts exhibit trends toward losses of SiO2, CaO, TiO2; decreases in density; gains of MnO, Na2O, CO2, H2O+ , S; slight gains of MgO; increased oxidation of Fe; and variable changes in A12O3. Some mobility of rare earth elements (REE) also occurred, especially the light REE and Eu. The basalts have lost Ca in excess of Mg + Na gains. Variations in chemical trends are due to differing water/rock ratios, substrate control of secondary mineralogy, and superimposition of greenschist and zeolite facies mineralogies. Zeolitization resulted in uptake of Ca and H2O and losses of Si, Al, and Na. These effects are different from the Na uptake observed in other altered basalts from the seafloor attributed to the zeolite facies and are probably due to higher temperatures of alteration of Leg 83 basalts. Basalts from the transition zone are enriched in Mn, S, and CO2 relative to the pillow and dike sections and contain a metal-sulfide-rich stockwork zone, suggesting that they once were located within or near a hydrothermal upflow zone. Samples from the bottom of the dike section are extensively fractured and recrystallized indicating that alteration was significantly affected by local variations in permeability.