967 resultados para finite integral transform technique
Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer into selected liver segments using a vascular exclusion technique.
Adenovirus-mediated gene therapy is hampered by severe virus-related toxicity, especially to the liver. The aim of the present study was to test the ability of a vascular exclusion technique to achieve transgene expression within selected liver segments, thus minimizing both viral and transgene product toxicity to the liver. An E1-E3-deleted replication-deficient adenovirus expressing a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene was injected into the portal vein of BDIX rats, with simultaneous clamping of the portal vein tributaries to liver segments II, III, IV, V, and VIII. GFP expression and inflammatory infiltrate were measured in the different segments of the liver and compared with those of the livers of animals receiving the viral vector in the portal vein without clamping. The GFP expression was significantly higher in the selectively perfused segments of the liver as compared with the non-perfused segments (p < 0.0001) and with the livers of animals that received the vector in the portal vein without clamping (p < 0.0001). Accordingly, the inflammatory infiltrate was more intense in the selectively perfused liver segments as compared with all other groups (p < 0.0001). Fluorescence was absent in lungs and kidneys and minimal in spleen. The clinical usefulness of adenovirus-mediated gene transfer to the liver largely depends on the reduction of its liver toxicity. Clamping of selected portal vein branches during injection allows for delivery of genes of interest to targeted liver segments. Transgene expression confined to selected liver segments may be useful in the treatment of focal liver diseases, including metastases.
La teor\'\ı a de Morales–Ramis es la teor\'\ı a de Galois en el contextode los sistemas din\'amicos y relaciona dos tipos diferentes de integrabilidad:integrabilidad en el sentido de Liouville de un sistema hamiltonianoe integrabilidad en el sentido de la teor\'\ı a de Galois diferencial deuna ecuaci\'on diferencial. En este art\'\i culo se presentan algunas aplicacionesde la teor\'\i a de Morales–Ramis en problemas de no integrabilidadde sistemas hamiltonianos cuya ecuaci\'on variacional normal a lo largode una curva integral particular es una ecuaci\'on diferencial lineal desegundo orden con coeficientes funciones racionales. La integrabilidadde la ecuaci\'on variacional normal es analizada mediante el algoritmode Kovacic.
Este trabalho faz uma reflexão entre a percepção do cuidar pelo profissional de enfermagem e a relação do significado dado ao termo Cuidar, que é um instrumento norteador da qualidade da assistência. Questiona o nível de profundidade do significado que essa palavra pode assumir, identificando sua presença em todos os processos do Universo e na história mitológica do ser humano. Propõe que o cuidar é a Lei que permite a manifestação dos potenciais de organização numa certa direção de estabilidade dinâmica, manifestos na matéria, até a promoção e estabelecimento da saúde e do bem-estar. Concluiu-se, afirmando que a Lei do Cuidar pode ser entendida como um conjunto de forças que permitem o prolongamento ou abreviamento de certo grau de organização, que pode ser expresso em diversos níveis.
The interfacial micromotion is closely associated to the long-term success of cementless hip prostheses. Various techniques have been proposed to measure them, but only a few number of points over the stem surface can be measured simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a new technique based on micro-Computer Tomography (μCT) to measure locally the relative interfacial micromotions between the metallic stem and the surrounding femoral bone. Tantalum beads were stuck at the stem surface and spread at the endosteal surface. Relative micromotions between the stem and the endosteal bone surfaces were measured at different loading amplitudes. The estimated error was 10μm and the maximal micromotion was 60μm, in the loading direction, at 1400N. This pilot study provided a local measurement of the micromotions in the 3 direction and at 8 locations on the stem surface simultaneously. This technique could be easily extended to higher loads and a much larger number of points, covering the entire stem surface and providing a quasi-continuous distribution of the 3D interfacial micromotions around the stem. The new measurement method would be very useful to compare the induced micromotions of different stem designs and to optimize the primary stability of cementless total hip arthroplasty.
El presente proyecto fin de carrera tiene como objetivo informatizar todo el sistema de gestión de farmacias con el fin de dar un servicio a los farmacéuticos más independiente, más eficaz y más sencillo.