1000 resultados para federal dynamics


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We study the dynamics of annihilation of point defects in Langmuir monolayers. The absence of hydrodynamic effects allows us to quantitatively relate the asymmetry in defect mobility to the elastic anisotropy of the material, which in turn can be varied through the control of the surface pressure applied to the monolayer. Using the proposed theoretical analysis, we are able to obtain rather elusive equilibrium properties out of relatively simple dynamical measurements. In particular, we measure the elastic constants and their pressure dependence.


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Phase separation dynamics in the presence of externally imposed stirring is studied. The stirring is assumed independent of the concentration and it is generated with a well-defined energy spectrum. The domain growth process is either favored or frozen depending on the intensity and correlation length of this advective flow. This behavior is explained by analytical arguments.


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Audit report on the Iowa Federal Family Education Loan Program Division, a Division of the Iowa College Student Aid Commission, for the year ended June 30, 2012


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Changes in intracellular Na(+) concentration underlie essential neurobiological processes, but few reliable tools exist for their measurement. Here we characterize a new synthetic Na(+)-sensitive fluorescent dye, Asante Natrium Green (ANG), with unique properties. This indicator was excitable in the visible spectrum and by two-photon illumination, suffered little photobleaching and located to the cytosol were it remained for long durations without noticeable unwanted effects on basic cell properties. When used in brain tissue, ANG yielded a bright fluorescent signal during physiological Na(+) responses both in neurons and astrocytes. Synchronous electrophysiological and fluorometric recordings showed that ANG produced accurate Na(+) measurement in situ. This new Na(+) indicator opens innovative ways of probing neuronal circuits.


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Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar os quadros estatísticos de atendimento e rendimento das escolas públicas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro entre 1922 e 1935, publicados pela Diretoria Geral de Instrução Pública do Distrito Federal sobre a capacidade de atendimento das escolas e as taxas de repetência e evasão do sistema de ensino da cidade. A discussão central diz respeito à elaboração dos índices de matrícula, frequência e promoção das escolas cariocas durante as reformas dirigidas por Antônio de Arruda Carneiro Leão (1922-1926), Fernando de Azevedo (1927-1930) e Anísio Teixeira (1931-1935). Assim, aborda-se a produção das estatísticas oficiais para compreender a expansão da capacidade de atendimento da escola pública e a contenção da evasão e da repetência.


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We study the dynamics of a water-oil meniscus moving from a smaller to a larger pore. The process is characterised by an abrupt change in the configuration, yielding a sudden energy release. A theoretic study for static conditions provides analytical solutions of the surface energy content of the system. Although the configuration after the sudden energy release is energetically more convenient, an energy barrier must be overcome before the process can happen spontaneously. The energy barrier depends on the system geometry and on the flow parameters. The analytical results are compared to numerical simulations that solve the full Navier-Stokes equation in the pore space and employ the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method to track the evolution of the interface. First, the numerical simulations of a quasi-static process are validated by comparison with the analytical solutions for a static meniscus, then numerical simulations with varying injection velocity are used to investigate dynamic effects on the configuration change. During the sudden energy jump the system exhibits an oscillatory behaviour. Extension to more complex geometries might elucidate the mechanisms leading to a dynamic capillary pressure and to bifurcations in final distributions of fluid phases in porous


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O Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul vem desenvolvendo, desde 1988, o Sistema de Automação de Bibliotecas da UFRGS _ SABi. Este trabalho apresenta o SABi, enfatizando os recursos utilizados na sua definição e implementação, sua estrutura e sua aplicação no tratamento, recuperação e difusão dos dados bibliográficos de documentos produzidos no âmbito da universidade.


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Apresenta pesquisa que objetiva identificar necessidades e expectativas informacionais de usuários de bibliotecas acadêmicas realizada junto aos mestrandos e professores dos cursos a distância do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, dando ênfase à qualidade em serviços. Os resultados mostram que os modelos de bibliotecas acadêmicas devem estar centrados na voz dos usuários, pois necessitam de informação para a obtenção de conhecimento, para atualização, produção de artigos científicos e dissertações. Também, esperam que as unidades informacionais disponibilizem produtos nos diversos suportes existentes, isto é, convencionais e digitais.


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O correio eletrônico é uma aplicação popular da Internet, constituindo-se um incentivo para os professores integrarem esse recurso tecnológico em suas disciplinas, podendo ser utilizado como uma técnica para aprimoramento do ensino-aprendizagem. Algumas disciplinas de cursos de graduação e de mestrado da Universidade Federal do Ceará vêm contemplando os alunos matriculados com a utilização do correio eletrônico, com o propósito de melhorar o intercâmbio das informações entre os alunos e entre estes e os professores. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo fundamental avaliar a opinião dos alunos sobre o uso do correio eletrônico e o sucesso instrucional proporcionado pela sua utilização. Aplicou-se um instrumento, contendo duas escalas de opinião, em uma amostra aleatória de 123 alunos de disciplinas que usam o correio eletrônico. Observou-se que somente 27,6% dos entrevistados apresentaram alto nível de concordância nos 13 itens da escala referentes à utilização do correio eletrônico como recurso. No entanto, 72,5% dos respondentes à escala com 12 itens sobre o sucesso instrucional e a troca de experiências apresentaram alto nível de concordância.


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We annually monitored the abundance and size structure of herbivorous sea urchin populations (Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula) inside and outside a marine reserve in the Northwestern Mediterranean on two distinct habitats (boulders and vertical walls) over a period of 20 years, with the aim of analyzing changes at different temporal scales in relation to biotic and abiotic drivers. P. lividus exhibited significant variability in density over time on boulder bottoms but not on vertical walls, and temporal trends were not significantly different between the protection levels. Differences in densities were caused primarily by variance in recruitment, which was less pronounced inside the MPA and was correlated with adult density, indicating density-dependent recruitment under high predation pressure, as well as some positive feedback mechanisms that may facilitate higher urchin abundances despite higher predator abundance. Populations within the reserve were less variable in abundance and did not exhibit the hyper-abundances observed outside the reserve, suggesting that predation effects maybe more subtle than simply lowering the numbers of urchins in reserves. A. lixula densities were an order of magnitude lower than P. lividus densities and varied within sites and over time on boulder bottoms but did not differ between protection levels. In December 2008, an exceptionally violent storm reduced sea urchin densities drastically (by 50% to 80%) on boulder substrates, resulting in the lowest values observed over the entire study period, which remained at that level for at least two years (up to the present). Our results also showed great variability in the biological and physical processes acting at different temporal scales. This study highlights the need for appropriate temporal scales for studies to fully understand ecosystem functioning, the concepts of which are fundamental to successful conservation and management.


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Halecium petrosum and Halecium pusillum on the alga Halimeda tuna from Tossa de Mar, northeastern Spain, were studied. Asexual reproduction of H. petrosum, by stolonisation, occurred throughout the year except for July and August. Asexual reproduction of H. pusillum, by planktonic propagules, occurred throughout the year. Sexual reproduction was limited to the autumn in H. petrosum and spring in H. pusillum. The growth rates of colonies of both species were rapid but declined with increased size. Mean colony size over two consecutive two week periods increased approximately five-fold and three-fold for H. petrosum, and six-fold and four-fold for H. pusillum. Mortality was estimated to be high for both species, especially in summer. The maximum life span of colonies (ramets) of both species was estimated to be only eight weeks. Consequently most colonies do not reproduce sexually. The absence of reproduction of H. petrosum in summer, when the turnover of algal thalli was greatest, probably contributed to the summer decline in its abundance. In both species the genet (clone) survives for unknown, possibly very long, periods by asexual reproduction which facilites colonisation of other substrata.


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Procurou-se desenvolver um referencial teórico para o desenvolvimento de um modelo conceitual de sistema de informações estratégico-administrativo de apoio à decisão, com base na análise sociotécnica estruturada. Para tanto, buscou-se analisar os fatores ambientais que influenciam o processo decisório de parlamentares e assessores na Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal. Como resultado, foram obtidas as relações entre organização, ambiente e dados, representadas graficamente, em um modelo conceitual de um sistema de informações gerenciais (SIG), para acompanhamento sistemático das informações que influenciam o contexto de atuação dos atores responsáveis pelo processo legislativo local.


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During the winters of 1999 and 2000 large avalanches occurred in the ski resort of Las Leñas (Los Andes, Mendoza, Argentina). On 8 September 1999 an avalanche of new, dry snow ran over a path with a 1000 m vertical drop. On 30 June and on 1 July 2000 five avalanches of similar vertical drop, which start with new snow, entrained very wet snow during their descent, and evolved into dense snow avalanches. To use the MN2D dynamics model correctly, calibration of model parameters is necessary. Also, no previous works with the use of dynamics models exist in South America. The events used to calibrate the model occurred during the winters of 1999 and 2000 and are a good sample of the kind of avalanches which can occur in this area of the Andes range. By considering the slope morphology and topography, the snow and meteorological conditions and the results of the model simulations, it was estimated that these avalanches were not extreme events with a return period greater than one hundred years. This implies that, in natural conditions, bigger, extreme avalanches could happen. In this work, the MN2D dynamics model is calibrated with two different avalanches of the same magnitude: dry and wet. The importance of the topographic data in the simulation is evaluated. It is concluded that MN2D dynamics model can be used to simulate dry extreme avalanches in Argentinean Andes but not to simulate extreme wet avalanches, which are much more sensitive to the topography.