992 resultados para evolution strategy
A Strategy for Cancer Control in Ireland June 2006 The Strategy was prepared by the National Cancer Forum and makes recommendations in relation to the organisation, governance, quality assurance and accreditation of all aspects of cancer care. View the report as a PDF Published: June 2006 Â
The National Childcare Strategy aims to improve the availability and quality of chidcare, to meet the needs of children and their parents. Click here to download the document (PDF, 700kb)
National Therapy Research Strategy The Expert Group Report on Various Health Professionals (2000) recommended that the Therapy Advisory Unit in the Department of Health and Children once established, take a lead role in determining how best to improve the quality of therapy services. The Therapy Advisory Unit was established in 2004 and advises the Minister on six therapy professions including; Dietetics, Orthoptics, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry/Chiropody and Speech and Language Therapy. Click here to download PDF 3.4mb
During the period covered by our last Statement of Strategy, fundamental changes were made to the structures and organisation of our health services. Most notably, the Health Service Executive (HSE) was established, and given statutory responsibility to use the resources available to it in the most beneficial, effective, and efficient manner to improve, promote and protect the health and welfare of the public. The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) was established to help drive continuous improvement in Ireland's health and social care services. Click here to download PDF 464kb
National Drugs Strategy 2009 – 2016 Click here to download PDF 2.6mb
National Disability Strategy Towards 2016 Strategic Document Click here to download PDF 31kb
An Integrated Work Force Planning Strategy For The Health Services 2009 – 2012 Click here to download PDF 1.6mb
Actions of the National Drug Strategy 2009 – 2016 Click here to download PDF 512kb
In Our Own Words: Report of the Consultation Process on the National Positive Ageing Strategy If you wish to receive this document in an alternative format, please email positiveageing@health.gov.ie or telephone 01-635 3184
19.6.2011 I am pleased to present the Report of the Working Group on Congregated Settings, which is the outcome and culmination of a very significant piece of data capture, research and analysis. The Report was initiated by the Primary, Community and Community Care Directorate in 2007 to develop a national plan and associated change programme for moving people from congregated settings to the community in line with Government policy. Click here to download the document
Aim. The study aimed at describing the evolution over a 6-year period of patients leaving the emergency department (ED) before being seen ("left without being seen" or LWBS) or against medical advice ("left against medical advice" or LAMA) and at describing their characteristics. Methods. A retrospective database analysis of all adult patients who are admitted to the ED, between 2005 and 2010, and who left before being evaluated or against medical advice, in a tertiary university hospital. Results. During the study period, among the 307,716 patients who were registered in the ED, 1,157 LWBS (0.4%) and 1,853 LAMA (0.9%) patients were identified. These proportions remained stable over the period. The patients had an average age of 38.5 ± 15.9 years for LWBS and 41.9 ± 17.4 years for LAMA. The median time spent in the ED before leaving was 102.4 minutes for the LWBS patients and 226 minutes for LAMA patients. The most frequent reason for LAMA was related to the excessive length of stay. Conclusion. The rates of LWBS and LAMA patients were low and remained stable. The patients shared similar characteristics and reasons for leaving were largely related to the length of stay or waiting time.
National Policy and Strategy for the Provision of Neuro-Rehabilitation Services in Ireland 2011 – 2015 Click here to download PDF 1.51MB
Alcohol plays a complex role in Irish society. It is associated with many aspects of Irish social and cultural life and is generally consumed for enjoyment, relaxation and sociability. The pub often plays an important role in community life and is an attraction for tourists. More broadly, alcohol plays a signifi cant role in the Irish economy by generating employment, tax income and export income.However, alcohol is no ordinary commodity. It has major public health implications and it is responsible for a considerable burden of health and social harm at individual, family and societal levels. Steering Group Report on a National Substance Misuse Strategy February 2012 Click here to download PDF 2.7mb