985 resultados para euphrates-tigris rivers


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Living specimens of Barilius bendelisis, Crossocheilus latius latius, Torputitora, Glyptothorax pectinopterus and Pseudecheneis sulcatus were collected from the streams and rivers of Garhwal Himalaya. Histochemical localization of carbohydrates (1:2 glycol groups, glycogen, B-metachromasia and acid mucopolysaccharides), proteins and protein bound NH sub(2) group, bound lipids and the enzymes (acid and alkaline phosphatases) in the olfactory epithelium were studied. The receptor, supporting basal and mucous cells show varying degrees of distinction and distribution of these substances. The enzymes are present on the surface of the epithelium, sensory hairs and the boundaries of mucous cells only.


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The marine environment near Karachi, particularly the Baba channel, Chari Kundi channel and Manora channel have been found contaminated with industrial effluents discharged by Malir and Lyari rivers, since they carry a high concentration of toxic heavy metals viz. Pb, Zn, Cu and Mn emanating from the industrial area and are received and discharged by the Lyari river. Out of 60 seawater samples collected from the above mentioned areas, Pb was present in 55 samples and Zn in 58 samples. The concentration of Pb was between 0.04 and 59.2ppm and the concentration of Zn was between 0.05 and 1.9ppm. Similarly all the 60 sludge samples collected from Lyari outfall and its adjoining area have been found to contain Pb and Zn in alarmingly high concentratios, which for Pb was between 15.4 and 3209.9ppm while for Zn was between 87 and 111.3ppm. Cu and Mn were also found in all the above samples.


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Darbhanga district in North Bihar is characterised by thick alluvial soil, moderately good rainfall, high humidity, ample sunshine and numerous water resources in the form of perennial rivers, tributaries, streams, lakes, ponds, pools and puddles. The aquacrops of this district include several species of commercially important fishes, aquatic cash crops such as makhana (Euryale ferox), singhara (Trapa spp.), lotus, lilly, Khubi etc. and molluscs. This paper highlights the commercial significance of these aquacrops and offers suggestions for their sustained development.


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The freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii breeds in estuaries and the juveniles after completion of their larval stage start their upward migration towards rivers. It is at this stage fishing of juveniles takes place in river mouths. Kalu River near Titwala, in Maharashtra is estimated based on data presented by Indulkar and Shirgur (1995) for 1991 and 1992 fishing seasons. The fishing mortality was estimated to be 1.50 and 1.28 for a fishing season of 3 months in 1991 and 1992 respectively, while the migration coefficient was computed to be 3.53 during the fishing season. As the average exploitation rate during the study period was only 0.24, the juveniles are not heavily fished and there is a scope for almost doubling the present catch to about 4 million seeds per fishing season.


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Lake Albert and Albert Nile are a major source of fisheries resources sustaining the riparian communities in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Like all shared bodies of Uganda Lake Albert and Albert Nile fisheries are faced with immense exploitation pressure one time described as the tragedy of the commons. In Uganda, the lake is shared by five riparian districts namely: Buliisa, Bundibugyo, Hoima, Kibaale and Nebbi. The lake covers a total estimated surface area of 5,270 square kilometers with approximately 60% within Ugandan waters. It is located in the western part of the great rift-valley at an altitude of 618 m above Sea level. The central parts of the lake are characterized by steep escarpments whereas the northern and southern parts lie in a plain of the rift valley. The plains are gently sloping, resulting in shallow swampy inshore waters in many places. The major inflowing rivers are the Semliki and Kafu in the south, and the Victoria Nile at the northern tip. The lake has a diverse fish fauna with a gradient of multi-species fisheries in different parts of the lake. The overall objective of the Frame Survey was to provide information on the facilities and services at landing sites and the composition, magnitude and distribution of fishing effort to guide development and management of the fisheries resources of Lake Albert and Albert Nile. The specific objectives were to provide information on: a) The number of fish landing sites; b) The facilities available at the fish landing sites to service the sector including accessibility; c) The service providers especially fisheries staff at fish landing sites; d) The number of fishers; e) The number and types of fishing crafts and their mode of propulsion; f) The number, types and sizes of fishing gears used on the lake and their mode of operation.


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The monthly average temperatures at Puttalam Lagoon, Dutch Bay, Portugal Bay towards Kovilmunai and Portugal Bay towards Pallugaturai showed a distinct annual cycle. The peak was in April and values gradually fell till September. There was a further gradual fall in temperature from October to January. The highest temperatures in all four stations were in April. The highest salinities in all the stations were from May to October i.e., during the south-west monsoon. The salinities at Dutch Bay and Portugal Bay were high in March and April corresponding to the highest temperatures reached during these months. Two maxima have been observed in phytoplankton production. A primary maximum in May-June and a secondary maximum in October. The primary and secondary maxima are due to the influx of nutrient laden waters from the rivers Kal Aru and Pomparippu Aru. The phytoplankton producing blooms were Rhizosolenia alata. Rhizosolenia imbricata, Chaetoceros lascinosus, Chaetoceros pervianus, Ch,aetoceros diversus, Coscinodiscus gigas, Thallasionema nitzschioides, Thalassiosira subtilis, Thallassiothrix frauenfeldii, Asterionella japonica, Sceletonema costatum, Bacteriastrum varians and Biddulphia sinensis. Sudden outbursts of a single species were common. These diatoms were species of Chaetoceros and Rhizosolenia, and Thallassiothrix frauenfeldii. Wide fluctuations have been observed in the distribution of phytoplankton but no definite conclusions can be drawn as the period of observation was only one year.


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The inland fresh waters of the island can be roughly divided into the following as far as fish production is concerned: (a) Perennial shallow irrigation reservoirs of the low-country, comprising about 120,000 acres. (b) " Villus" or flood lakes of the low country many of which are perennial, comprising about 30,000 acres. (c) Seasonal village tanks, mainly in the low-country, comprising about 30,000 acres. (d) Deep reservoirs (irrigation as well as hydro-electric) occurring in up-country and low-country comprising about 50,000 acres. (e) Rivers and streams comprising about 20,000 acres. The total area of all these waters is about 250,000 acres.


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The Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission of 1970 investigated and made collections from 36 flowing water systems (brooks, torrents, rivers); of these, 34 water systems were in the mountains regions of south-west and south-east of Sri Lanka. In the crystalline mountain region, the water systems are extremely poor in electrolytes, very soft and slightly acid; these torrential streams have strong falls, high flow velocities and boulder bottoms. The water temperatures increase from the sources and brooks at 2,000 m altitude to the mouths from 15°C to 28°C. The density of animal population (macro and meso-fauna) increases from the river bank regions (and pools) towards the sections with strong current and reaches on the rocks in the cascades a density of 500 to appr. 750 individuals/1/16m².


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A total of 378 specimens from 25 collecting localities belonging to 31 different species of fish collected mainly from the rivers of the hilly and mountain regions of the south-western and southern Ceylon have been identified and recorded. Ecological data and water analyses of these collecting localities are given.


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One of the avenues through which the Government objective of poverty eradication in Uganda can be achieved is Fisheries development and management. Up to 20% of Uganda’s surface area is covered by aquatic systems i.e. lakes, rivers, streams and swamps and to a large extent, all these are interconnected. The large lakes: Victoria, Albert, Kyoga, George and Edward are sites of the more important commercial fisheries, but even the smaller water bodies, rivers (e.g. the Rivers Nile and Kagera) and the surrounding swamps provide sources of livelihood to rural areas. Fish is an important source of high quality food, employment revenue and is currently the second most important export commodity next to coffee generating approximately US $ 80 million annually. Fish exports to regional markets are worth at least US $ 20 million annually. Fish flesh is rich in proteins, which are superior to those of beef and poultry. Fish flesh contains an anticholesterol which assists in reducing heart diseases. Some fishes are of medicinal value e.g. haplochromines (Nkejje) are used to treat measles. Most of the fish in Uganda is got from lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Albert and Albert Nile, Edward and George production systems as well as from the 160 minor lakes and rivers and the associated wetland systems. Capture fisheries based in these systems contribute up to 99% of the fish production in Uganda but aquaculture is also picking up. The fishing industry employs up to one million Ugandans


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About 18% of Uganda’s surface area is covered with water from which 300,000 metric tonnes of fish are produced. Fish are currently the second most important export commodity generating approximately US$100 million. Fish provides 50% of protein diet for the 20 million people translating into per capita consumption of 12 kg. Close to the production system, this figure rises to 50 – 100 kg. It is estimated that fishery-related activities employ at least one million people countrywide (i.e. 5% of the population). Fish is an important source of high quality food, employment, and revenue and it is currently the second most important export commodity next to coffee generating approximately US $ 80 million annually. Fish exports to regional markets are worth at least US $ 20 million annually. Fish flesh is rich in proteins, which are superior to those of beef and poultry. Fish flesh contains an anticholesterol which assists in reducing heart diseases. Some fishes are of medicinal value e.g. haplochromines (Nkejje) are used to treat measles. Most of the fish in Uganda is got from lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Albert and Albert Nile, Edward and George production systems as well as from the 160 minor lakes and rivers and the associated wetland systems. Capture fisheries based in these systems contribute up to 99% of the fish production in Uganda but aquaculture is also picking up. The fishing industry employs up to one million Ugandans.


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About 18% of Uganda’s surface area is covered with water from which about 300,000 metric tonnes of fish are produced. Fish are currently the second most important export commodity generating approximately US$100 million annually. Fish provides 50% of protein diet for the 20 million people translating into per capita consumption of 12 kg. Close to the production system, this figure rises to 50 – 100 kg. It is estimated that fishery-related activities employ at least one million people countrywide (i.e. 5% of the population). Fish exports to regional markets are worth at least US $ 20 million annually. Fish flesh contains an anticholesterol which assists in reducing heart diseases. Some fishes are of medicinal value e.g. haplochromines (Nkejje) are used to treat measles. Most of the fish in Uganda is got from lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Albert and Albert Nile, Edward and George production systems as well as from the 160 minor lakes and rivers and the associated wetland systems. Capture fisheries based in these systems contribute up to 99% of the fish production in Uganda but aquaculture is also picking up. The fishing industry employs up to one million Ugandans


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本研究建立了沉积物中氯化石蜡(CPs)的分析方法,对莱州湾和该区域主要河流的表层沉积物中多氯萘(PCNs),多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)和CPs进行了分析,获得了他们在研究区域的含量水平、空间分布和单体分布模式,并初步探讨了它们在环境中的来源和迁移规律,估算了这三类污染物在莱州湾表层沉积物中的储量,初步评估了莱州湾沿岸的工业排放与人类活动对海洋生态环境的影响。 莱州湾海洋和河流沉积物PCNs的含量分别为65-470 pg/g dw,52-5100 pg/g dw,平均值分别为260 pg/g dw,1100 pg/g dw。莱州湾沉积物中PCNs的含量较低,与发达国家的背景值相当,主要河流沉积物与其他地区的近海、海湾、湖泊沉积物的含量相当。该区域的PCNs主要以5-Cl和6-Cl为主,为工业来源,主要受化工行业的影响。石化工厂热过程产生的低氯组分可能也是该区域PCNs的一个重要来源。莱州湾的PCNs主要来自水体颗粒的输入,而大气沉降来源的贡献不明显。 河流沉积物ΣPBDEs(不包括BDE-209)的含量分别为0.01- 53 ng/g dw,BDE-209的含量为0.74- 280 ng/g dw,平均值分别为4.4 ng/g dw,51 ng/g dw。在组成上,BDE-209占绝对优势,比低溴代BDEs高1-2个数量级,这是由于我国市场上十溴联苯醚是最主要的溴代阻燃剂。ΣPBDEs与亚洲一些地区含量相当,比北美和欧洲一些地区要低;BDE-209含量含量高出北美和欧洲一些地区,处于较高的水平。河流沉积物中BDE-47与-99,BDE-183与-153、-154具有很好的相关性,而且这几种单体质量分数相当,说明莱州湾区域存在五溴和八溴两种工业BDE阻燃剂来源。海洋沉积物中ΣPBDEs的含量为nd- 0.66 ng/g dw,平均值为0.32 ng/g dw,处于较低水平,BDE-209的含量为0.66- 12 ng/g dw,平均值为5.1 ng/g dw,与欧美一些地区相当,主要来自水体颗粒的输入。 本研究用电子捕获低分辨质谱(ECNI-LRMS)建立了沉积物中CPs的分析方法。该方法基于ECNI质谱对SCCP的响应与其氯含量在一定范围内呈线性关系的特性,建立SCCP的总响应因子与氯含量的工作曲线,从而建立定量方法。重点改进了传统方法中由于SCCP标准品和样品中氯含量不同所造成的响应因子的差别,不再要求标准品的含氯量与样品一致,从而提高了SCCP的分析效率与方法准确性。实验发现,当SCCP的实际氯含量在51%-63%之间时,二者线性关系良好(r2>0.96)。用不同氯含量的标准参考品测试,误差为8%-43%。仪器检测限和方法检测限分别为25-400 μg/L,20 ng/g。类似地,建立了中链氯化石蜡(MCCP)的分析方法,工作曲线的实际氯含量范围为44-57%,仪器检测限40-600 μg/L,方法检测限为6 ng/g。通过对比样品与标准品的峰形特征,严格控制保留时间来辨别SCCP与MCCP,实验证明由于二者叠加导致的误差:SCCP为8%,MCCP为14%,总体来说,用该方法得到的CPs数据是可靠的。本文所使用的净化方法能实现CPs与大部分有机氯化合物的分离。 用该方法对莱州湾的沉积物的CPs进行定量,除了两个河流样品MCCP的计算含氯量低于工作曲线以外,其他样品的SCCP和MCCP的计算氯含量都在工作曲线的范围之内。河流沉积物中SCCP和MCCP的含量分别为1-1200 ng/g dw,1-3300 ng/g dw,MCCP/SCCP均值为1.2;含量分布变化较大,一些河段受到工业排放的影响,CPs浓度高出均值1-2个数量级,MCCP/SCCP值也显著高出平均值。莱州湾区域大部分河流的CPs含量与欧洲、北美和日本一些地区相当,而一些受到点源污染的河段则处于较高的水平。河流中SCCP的质量分布在不同的站位不一样,在受到点源影响的样品中,C13的质量分数明显增大,占优势地位,可能是由MCCP携带的SCCP组分所致。MCCP的质量分布在河流和海洋中没有区别,都是C14占绝对优势。从氯取代的组分来讲,所有样品都是以6-8氯取代为主。海洋沉积物中SCCP和MCCP的含量分别为3-18 ng/g dw,1-13 ng/g dw, MCCP/SCCP均值为0.68,显著低于河流沉积物;SCCP的质量分布较为一致,都是以C10和C11为主。研究发现莱州湾区域SCCP与MCCP来源相似,但迁移规律有的不同。海洋环境中的MCCP可能主要来自水体颗粒的输入,而溶解态输入也是海洋环境中SCCP的重要来源。 对这三类污染物在莱州湾表层沉积物中的储量估算得到PCNs、ΣPBDEs、BDE-209、SCCP和MCCP在莱州湾表层0-10 cm沉积物中的储量分别为0.20t,0.25t,3.95t,6.52t,4.30t。拥有10%的渤海海域面积的莱州湾ΣPBDEs和BDE-209的储量分别占渤海海区总量的18-23%,18-32%,远远超过渤海的平均值。


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Lake wamala was opened to commercial fishing in 1960. Interviews with the local fishermen during 1975/78 (Okaronon 1975, 1976, 1977, 1989) revealed that fishing for subsistence had been going on long before stocking was done. The subsistence fishing was conducted along rivers and at river mouths using basket traps (mainly made of papyrus stems), weirs and hooks and that the fish species caught were predominantly clarias (mudfish/male) and protopterus Lungfish/Mamba). These interviews did not, however, reveal the presence of tilapiine species in Lake wamala prior to stocking. These interviews did not however reveal the presence of tillapine species in lake wamala prior to stocking. Following the opening of the lake to commercial fishing in 1960, Lake Wamala provided a very profitable commercial fishery throughout the 1960s. However, during the early 1970s the fishermen started complaining of continued decline in catch rates from about 8 kg (15 fish) of O. niloticus per net per night if in 1966 to less than 1 kg per net per night by 1975.


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A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of feed made from locally available ingredients on polyculture of shrimp and three brackishwater finfish species. Hatchery produced post-larvae (PL) of shrimp Penaeus monodon (0.005g) were stocked at the rate of 15,000 PLs/ha. Brackishwater finfish species Liza parsia, Mugil cephalus and Rhinomugil corsula of 0.63-1.4lg collected from local rivers were stocked at the rate 8,000, 1,000 and 2,000/ha, respectively in four treatments. Shrimp and finfishes were fed four different experimental diets composed of fish meal, mustard oil cake, rice bran, oyster shell power and vitamin premixes at the rate of 3-5% estimated crop/day for 195 days. Among four treatments, P. monodon showed comparative better growth in T4 and T3. Finfish L. parsia showed its better performance in treatment T2. Species M. cephalus and R. corsula showed insignificant production. P. monodon showed better growth with diet of fish meal and mustard oil cake@ 28.84 and 33.65%, respectively in T 3 and 19.22 and 43.27%, respectively in treatment T4.