994 resultados para endogenous variables


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Incomplete markets and non-default borrowing constraints increase the volatility of pricing kernels and are helpful when addressing assetpricing puzzles. However, ruling out default when markets are in complete is suboptimal. This paper endogenizes borrowing constraints as an intertemporal incentive structure to default. It modeIs an infinitehorizon economy, where agents are allowed not to pay their liabilities and face borrowing constraints that depend on the individual history of default. Those constraints trade off the economy's risk-sharing possibilities and incentives to prevent default. The equilibrium presents stationary properties, such as an invariant distribution for the assets' solvency rate.


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This paper analyzes how differences in the composition of wealth between human and physical capital among families affect fertility choices. These in tum influence the dynamics of wealth and income inequality across generations through a tradeoffbetween quantity and quality of children. Wealth composition affects fertility because physical capital has only a wealth effect on number of children, whereas human capital increases the time cost of child-rearing in addition to the wealth effect. I construct a model combining endogenous fertility with borrowing constraints in human capital investments, in which weaIth composition is determined endogenously. The model is calibrated to the PNAD, a Brazilian household survey, and the main findings of the paper can be summarized as follows. First, the model implies that the crosssection relationship between fertility and wealth typically displays a U-shaped pattem, reflecting differences in wealth composition between poor and rich families. Also, the quantity-quality tradeoff implies a concave cross-section relationship between investments per child and wealth. Second, as the economy develops and families overcome their bOlTowing constraints, the negative effect of weaIth on fertility becomes smaller, and persistence of inequality declines accordingly. The empirical evidence presented in this paper is consistent with both implications .


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Utilizando uma adaptação do modelo de Telles e Mussolini (2014), o presente trabalho busca discutir as caracterizações da matriz tributária, discutindo como as variações na matriz tributária podem impactar na política fiscal. Discute-se com base na diferenciação dos impostos em cinco grupos, a saber: impostos sobre salários, impostos sobre investimentos, impostos sobre consumo, impostos sobre renda e riqueza, e impostos sobre comércio internacional, a partir dos quais argumenta-se quais seus impactos para a política fiscal, para a interação das variáveis econômicas e a evolução destas variáveis, assim como a relação entre a preferência por uma determinada estrutura tributária e o endividamento de um país. Após a discussão teórica, faz-se uma análise descritiva da evolução destas variáveis tributárias para cada categoria de tributo, relacionando a sua evolução no tempo para um grupo de 64 países, tomados a partir do trabalho de Telles e Mussolini (2014), assim como relacionando a sua evolução intertemporal. Por fim, faz-se uma análise da estrutura tributária destes países, discutindo, na análise dos dados em painel, os resultados para as estimativas em modelos de efeitos fixos e efeitos aleatórios, os resultados da estimação pelo modelo Arellano-Bond, e utilizando-se a abordagem instrumental pelo Método Generalizado dos Momentos, onde se conclui que a taxação sobre a riqueza e a taxação sobre o comércio internacional com fins de financiar o excesso de gastos do governo impacta de forma negativa na trajetória de crescimento, entre outros resultados.


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Eu analiso o papel que a interação entre pares tem na determinação do Locus de Controle, uma medida de quão pessoalmente responsável as pessoas se sentem com relação a diferentes aspectos de suas vidas. Eu estabeleço identificação através de variação no tamanho do grupo e de variáveis instrumentais baseadas na estrutura de painel dos dados. Eu estudo a questão no contexto escolar, utilizando os dados de alunos no Ensino Fundamental de um município brasileiro, que inclui o questionário de Tel Aviv de Locus de Controle. Minhas estimativas não apresentam sinais de peer effects endógenos ou contextuais.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é ajudar o investidor que optou por investir seus recursos no mercado imobiliário a tomar sua decisão de investimento com base nas características endógenas facilmente identificáveis no prospecto dos Fundos de Investimento Imobiliários (FIIs). Foram selecionadas aquelas consideradas importantes pela literatura e foram construídos alguns modelos para testar sua influência na rentabilidade. Inicialmente, foi construído um modelo completo, com todas as variáveis, que apresentou resultados pouco relevantes, já que a maioria das variáveis não apresentou significância. Em seguida, um modelo reduzido foi montado com as variáveis que mais contribuíam para a rentabilidade, obtendo-se resultados relevantes. Através desse modelo, observou-se que FIIs que investem em desenvolvimento imobiliário, com foco no mercado residencial e com baixas taxas de administração, geraram maiores rentabilidades ao investidor.


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LEÃO, Adriano de Castro; DÓRIA NETO, Adrião Duarte; SOUSA, Maria Bernardete Cordeiro de. New developmental stages for common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) using mass and age variables obtained by K-means algorithm and self-organizing maps (SOM). Computers in Biology and Medicine, v. 39, p. 853-859, 2009


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This study aims to investigate the influence of the asset class and the breakdown of tangibility as determinant factors of the capital structure of companies listed on the BM & FBOVESPA in the period of 2008-2012. Two current assets classes were composed and once they were grouped by liquidity, they were also analyzed by the financial institutions for credit granting: current resources (Cash, Bank and Financial Applications) and operations with duplicates (Stocks and Receivables). The breakdown of the tangible assets was made based on its main components provided as warrantees for loans like Machinery & Equipment and Land & Buildings. For an analysis extension, three metrics for leverage (accounting, financial and market) were applied and the sample was divided into economic sectors, adopted by BM&FBOVESPA. The data model in dynamic panel estimated by a systemic GMM of two levels was used in this study due its strength to problems of endogenous relationship as well as the omitted variables bias. The found results suggest that current resources are determinants of the capital structure possibly because they re characterized as proxies for financial solvency, being its relationship with debt positive. The sectorial analysis confirmed the results for current resources. The tangibility of assets has inverse proportional relationship with the leverage. As it is disintegrated in its main components, the significant and negative influence of machinery & equipment was more marked in the Industrial Goods sector. This result shows that, on average, the most specific assets from operating activities of a company compete for a less use of third party resources. As complementary results, it was observed that the leverage has persistence, which is linked with the static trade-off theory. Specifically for financial leverage, it was observed that the persistence is relevant when it is controlled for the lagged current assets classes variables. The proxy variable for growth opportunities, measured by the Market -to -Book, has the sign of its contradictory coefficient. The company size has a positive relationship with debt, in favor of static trade-off theory. Profitability is the most consistent variable in all the performed estimations, showing strong negative and significant relationship with leverage, as the pecking order theory predicts


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of environmental variables on dairy buffaloes physiology in two different places after milking, shaded plus artificial ventilation and another one non-shaded, in Ribeira Valley, São Paulo State, Brazil. Data on the respiratory rate (RR) and the surface temperature (ST) at udder, neckmiddle, forehead, back middle and rump were collected in 12 dairy buffaloes at autumn. In the same way, it were recorded the black globe temperature in the sun (GTS) and in the shade (GTNS), air temperature and wind speed at padronized height of 1.60 meters. All data were collected at 10:30am and 1:30pm. The results showed statistical difference among black globe temperature, wind speed, RR and ST (P<0.01) in two treatments.The results showed the necessity of protection against the solar radiation in the buffaloes, even in periods of warm climates.


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As condições de ambiente térmico e aéreo, no interior de instalações para animais, alteram-se durante o dia, devido à influência do ambiente externo. Para que análises estatísticas e geoestatísticas sejam representativas, uma grande quantidade de pontos distribuídos espacialmente na área da instalação deve ser monitorada. Este trabalho propõe que a variação no tempo das variáveis ambientais de interesse para a produção animal, monitoradas no interior de instalações para animais, pode ser modelada com precisão a partir de registros discretos no tempo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um método numérico para corrigir as variações temporais dessas variáveis ambientais, transformando os dados para que tais observações independam do tempo gasto durante a aferição. O método proposto aproximou os valores registrados com retardos de tempo aos esperados no exato momento de interesse, caso os dados fossem medidos simultaneamente neste momento em todos os pontos distribuídos espacialmente. O modelo de correção numérica para variáveis ambientais foi validado para o parâmetro ambiental temperatura do ar, sendo que os valores corrigidos pelo método não diferiram pelo teste Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade dos valores reais registrados por meio de dataloggers.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objectives To investigate the effects of levomepromazine and different desflurane concentrations upon electrocardiographic variables.Animals Twenty adult mongrel dogs of both sexes weighing 6-28 kg.Methods Dogs were divided into two groups of 10 animals. Group I received 1 mg kg(-1) lV of levomepromazine and 15 minutes later anesthesia was induced with propofol (3 mg kg(-1) IV). Desflurane end-tidal concentration was set at 1.6 MAC. After 30 minutes at this concentration, measurements were taken and the end-tidal concentration was reduced to 1.4 MAC. Thereafter, it was reduced to 1.2 and then 1.0 MAC at 1.5-minute intervals. The same procedure was followed for group 2, except that levomepromazine was replaced with 0.2 mL kg(-1) of 0.9% saline solution and more propofol was needed for induction (7 mg kg(-1)). The animals' body temperature was maintained between 38.3 and 39 degreesC using a heating pad. The electrocardiographic tracing was obtained from lead II throughout the experimental period. The measurements were taken immediately before the administration of levomepromazine or placebo (T-1), 15 minutes after pre-medication (T-2) and 30 minutes after the establishment of 1.6 MAC (T-3)The other measurements were made at the concentrations of 1.4, 1.2, and 1.0 MAC, respectively (T4-6). The numerical data were submitted to analysis of variance plus F-test (p < 0.05).Results the dogs that received levomepromazine had a decrease in heart rate. However, in both groups it increased with desflurane administration. Levomepromazine, in association with desflurane, did not induce significant electrocardiographic changes, and all mean values (except P-wave duration) were within the reference range for this species.Conclusions and clinical relevance This study documented that levomepromazine, in association with desflurane, does not induce significant changes in electrocardiographic variables, suggesting that this drug combination has minimal effect on myocardial conduction.


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The influence of 2 different levels of the inspired oxygen fraction (FiO(2)) on blood gas variables was evaluated in dogs with high intracranial pressure (ICP) during propofol anesthesia (induction followed by a continuous rate infusion [CRI] of 0.6 mg/kg/min) and intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV). Eight adult mongrel dogs were anesthetized on 2 occasions, 21 d apart, and received oxygen at an FiO(2) of 1.0 (G100) or 0.6 (G60) in a randomized crossover fashion. A fiberoptic catheter was implanted on the surface of the right cerebral cortex for assessment of the ICP. An increase in the ICP was induced by temporary ligation of the jugular vein 50 min after induction of anesthesia and immediately after baseline measurement of the ICP. Blood gas measurements were taken 20 min later and then at 15-min intervals for 1 h. Numerical data were submitted to Morrison's multivariate statistical methods. The ICP, the cerebral perfusion pressure and the mean arterial pressure did not differ significantly between FiO(2) levels or measurement times after jugular ligation. The only blood gas values that differed significantly (P < 0.05) were the arterial oxygen partial pressure, which was greater with G100 than with G60 throughout the procedure, and the venous haemoglobin saturation, that was greater with G100 than with G60 at M0. There were no significant differences between FiO(2) levels or measurement times in the following blood gas variables: arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure, arterial hemoglobin saturation, base deficit, bicarbonate concentration, pH, venous oxygen partial pressure, venous carbon dioxide partial pressure and the arterial-to-end-tidal carbon dioxide difference.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação com vitamina C no aumento da atividade de macrófagos e células gigantes multinucleadas (CGM), em pacus mantidos em duas densidades de estocagem. O experimento foi realizado em parcelas subdivididas, em arranjo fatorial 2x2x3 com: 0 e 500 mg kg-1 de vitamina C; densidade de estocagem de 5 e 20 kg m-3; e tempos de avaliação de 3, 6 e 12 dias após o implante subcutâneo (DPI) de lamínulas de vidro. Foram determinados o número de macrófagos e de CGM, bem como os níveis de cortisol e glicose no plasma. O número de macrófagos e de CGM com 2 a 5 núcleos foi significativamente maior nos peixes suplementados com vitamina C, à densidade 5 kg m-3, aos 3 DPI, em relação aos não suplementados. Constatou-se menor quantidade de macrófagos e CGM em peixes com baixa concentração plasmática de cortisol. A suplementação com 500 mg de vitamina C por quilograma de ração beneficia a atividade de macrófagos em inflamações do tipo corpo estranho, e a elevada concentração de cortisol circulante tem efeito supressor nesta resposta.