1000 resultados para durabilidade via ensaios de secagem e molhagem
Os autores relatam um caso de abordagem mista para o tratamento endovascular de doença oclusiva da artéria tibial anterior por acesso pedioso retrógrado, no qual a abordagem tradicional anterógrada foi inadequada em vencer uma oclusão. A técnica parece oferecer uma opção para procedimentos endovasculares, que objetivam o tratamento de lesões da artéria tibial anterior em que a via anterógrada convencional mostre-se inadequada.
L’objectiu del projecte és obtenir pólvores dels superconductors d’alta temperatura YBa2Cu3O7 i GdBa2Cu3O7 per la via de dissolució-polimerització. Aquestes pólvores seran obtingudes a partir d’òxids (Itri o Gadolini i Coure) i carbonat de bari amb àcid nítric en una dissolució aquosa de Polietinenglicol (PEG), per tal de convertir aquests òxids en nitrats coordinats amb les cadenes de PEG. Aquest producte intermedi es sotmetrà a una piròlisis per tal d’obtenir òxids i carbonats, però amb una mida més reduïda respecte als productes inicials i un grau de barreja més íntim, permetent que reaccionin entre ells amb més facilitat. Finalment, per tal d’obtenir els superconductors YBa2Cu3O7 i GdBa2Cu3O7 es farà un últim tractament tèrmic a alta temperatura en el qual es produirà la reacció desitjada. Durant tot el procés es duran a terme anàlisis d’aquest per mitjà de tècniques de Termogravimetria (TGA), d’Anàlisi Tèrmica Diferencial (DTA), espectroscòpia Infraroja (IR) i la difracció de raig X (DRX) . També s’analitzaran els diferents productes que es van obtenint (intermedis i finals) amb l’ajuda de l’espectrometria IR i la difracció de pólvores. En base a aquests resultats, es variaran els paràmetres de la reacció (concentracions, temperatures, etc.) i dels tractaments tèrmics (atmosfera, temperatura, temps, etc.) per tal d’optimitzar el producte
The exhibition "Isabel Banal. Via Lactea" is part of the exhibition cycle "Blanc sota negre. Treballs des de l'imperceptible / 5" curated by Joana Masó (Centre Dona i Literatura) and Assumpta Bassas (Universitat de Barcelona). In this exhibition, the artist shows long-term and open projects exhibited on five tables. The table is one of the central elements from the beginning of her career, in relation to the creative and domestic space, but also as a double metaphor for the ground and for soil.
La exposición "Isabel Banal. Via Lactea" forma parte del ciclo de exposiciones "Blanc sota negre. Treballs des de l'imperceptible / 5" comisariado por Joana Masó (Centre Dona i Literatura) y Assumpta Bassas (Universitat de Barcelona). En esta exposición, la artista muestra proyectos abiertos y de largo recorrido dispuestos sobre cinco mesas. La mesa ha sido uno de los elementos centrales desde los inicios de su trayectoria, en referencia al espacio creativo y doméstico, pero también como una metáfora de la tierra y el suelo.
Several methodologies for the generation of oxyallyl cations from polybromoketones and other substrates are discussed. The mechanistic aspect of the [3+4] cycloaddition reaction between these cations and dienes leading to the formation of seven membered ring carbocyclic compounds is presented. Finally, some synthetic applications of the [3+4] cycloaddition are shown.
Piqui (Caryocar brasiliense Camb) oil was transformed into a cocoa butter-like fat through an enzymatic interesterification reaction using Lipozyme in the presence of stearic acid that was incorporated in the sn 1,3-3,1 position into triglyceride. Stearic acid incorporation was determined by HPLC, based on the quantification of the principal triglycerides (POP, POS e SOS) found in cocoa butter. The proposed process was feasible with a reaction time of 240 minutes with 10% of Lipozyme at 70ºC and substract weight ratio of 0,33 (stearic acid:piqui oil).
Spectrophotometric determination of total protein is used in several areas such as clinical analysis, food science and technology, biochemistry, protein chemistry, physiology. Five spectrophotometric methods are mostly used: biuret, Lowry, Bradford, Smith and UV absorption. In this review a general overview of these methods is presented (interferences, applications); other methodologies are also discussed.
Aquest treball consisteix en analitzar la viabilitat d'una aplicació gestora de curses via GPS per a dispositius Android i, en cas afirmatiu, desenvolupar-ne un prototip. Per tal d'aconseguir-ho, es passa per una sèrie de fases d'estudi de l'aplicació i d'aprenentatge en la implementació.
The effects of chloride and nitrate anions and their respective concentrations, as well as urea presence, on solid phase morphologies were investigated. Zinc hydroxide carbonate was prepared by aging diluted zinc salt solution in presence of urea at 90ºC. Samples were identified by X-ray powder diffractograms showing the characteristic patterns of hydrozincite. The crystallinity was correlated with the concentrations of reagents. Spherulitic-type aggregates and single acicular particles were obtained from diluted chloride and nitrate solutions while porous aggregates of uniform size were formed from solutions with high chloride and urea concentrations.
Simultaneous electrolytic deposition is proposed for minimization of Cu2+ and Pb2+ interferences on automated determination of Cd2+ by the Malachite Green-iodide reaction. During electrolysis of sample in a cell with two Pt electrodes and a medium adjusted to 5% (v/v) HNO3 + 0.1% (v/v) H2SO4 + 0.5 mol L-1 NaCl, Cu2+ is deposited as Cu on the cathode, Pb2+ is deposited as PbO2 on the anode while Cd2+ is kept in solution. With 60 s electrolysis time and 0.25 A current, Pb2+ and Cu2+ levels up to 50 and 250 mg L-1 respectively, can be tolerated without interference. With on-line extraction of Cd2+ in anionic resin minicolumn, calibration graph in the 5.00 - 50.0 µg Cd L-1 range is obtained, corresponding to twenty measurements per hour, 0.7 mg Malachite Green and 500 mg KI and 5 mL sample consumed per determination. Results of the determination of Cd in certified reference materials, vegetables and tap water were in agreement with certified values and with those obtained by GFAAS at 95% confidence level. The detection limit is 0.23 µg Cd L-1 and the RSD for typical samples containing 13.0 µg Cd L-1 was 3.85 % (n= 12).
We introduce a global optimization method based on the cooperation between an Artificial Neural Net (ANN) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). We have used ANN to select the initial population for the GA. We have tested the new method to predict the ground-state geometry of silicon clusters. We have described the clusters as a piling of plane structures. We have trained three ANN architectures and compared their results with those of pure GA. ANN strongly reduces the total computational time. For Si10, it gained a factor of 5 in search speed. This method can be easily extended to other optimization problems.
In this work we obtained microporous and mesoporous silica membranes by sol-gel processing. Tetraethylortosilicate (TEOS) was used as precursor. Nitric acid was used as catalyst. In order to study the affect of N,N-dimethylformamide (NDF) as drying additive, we used a molar ratio TEOS/NDF of 1/3. The performance of N,N-dimethylformamide was evaluated through monolithicity measurements. The structural evolutions occurring during the sol-gel transition and in the interconnected network of the membranes during thermal treatment were monitored by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analyses and nitrogen sorption. We noted that in the presence of N,N-dimethylformamide, polymerization goes through a temporary stabilization of oligomers. The Si-O(H) bonds are stronger and belong to a more cross-linked structure for the N,N-dimethylformamide containing sol. The membranes obtained in the presence of N,N-dimethylformamide have larger surface area and its pore structure is in the range of mesoporous. The membranes obtained without additive have pore structure in the range of microporous.
The involvement of lipoxygenase isozymes in several physiological processes of plants has been described but their role is not well understood and more biochemical studies are needed to elucidate the role of the "Lipoxygenase Pathway" in plant physiology. Thus, the biochemical and kinetic characterization of a lipoxygenases "pool" from soybean leaves was carried out. Two genotypes were used: IAC-100 (a normal variety having lipoxygenases in the seeds) and IAC-100 TN (genetically modified genotype, which is devoid of lipoxygenases in the seeds). The plants were submitted to the application of fatty acids (lipoxygenase substrates) on leaves. The results of the biochemical and kinetic studies of lipoxygenase isozymes from leaves of the two genotypes analysed showed that genetic removal of lipoxygenase from seeds did not affect the response of the plant to the treatment, since both genotypes showed similar results.
The esterification of fragment C1-C8 (2) with fragment C16-C23 (3) to give iodo derivative 4, followed by a Pd-catalysed coupling with a C9-C15 fragment (7 or 8), may provide a common precursor of most palmerolides. Ligands and reaction conditions were exhaustively examined to perform the C15-C16 bond formation via Negishi reaction. With simple models, pre-activated Pd-Xantphos and Pd-DPEphos complexes were the most efficient catalysts at RT. Zincation of the C9-C15 fragment (8) and cross coupling with 4 required 3 equiv of t-BuLi, 10 mol % of Pd-Xantphos and 60 °C.
The asymmetric Michael addition reactions using chiral imines, under neutral conditions (deracemizing alkylation process), constitute one of the main methods for the stereocontrolled elaboration of quaternary carbon centers. This protocol is based on the conjugate addition of secondary chiral enamines to electron-deficient alkenes. The focus of this report deals with the discussion of regio- and stereochemical aspects of the deracemizing alkylation process concerning enamines bearing a resident chiral center.