981 resultados para digital copyright exchange


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Los consorcios han sido una de las novedades más influyentes en la realidad bibliotecaria mundial de los últimos cinco años. Su expansión territorial y en actividades los ha convertido en un fenómeno que ha cambiado profundamente las formas tradicionales de definir los servicios bibliotecarios. El examen atento de las actividades que ha desarrollado el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Cataluña (CBUC) en el ámbito de las bibliotecas digitales es una muestra de las posibilidades de cooperación existentes en estos inicios del Siglo XXI. El CBUC inició sus actividades de contratación de contenidos digitales en el 1998. Los productos y servicios licenciados se agruparon bajo el nombre de Biblioteca Digital de Catalunya (BDC). La BDC contiene actualmente unas 6.800 revistas-e, 58 BBDD y 4.100 libros-e. De forma bastante paralela en el tiempo nacieron un servidor de sumarios electrónicos de revistas y un servidor de tesis doctorales a texto completo. La evolución de las necesidades de las bibliotecas ha comportado que hoy en el CBUC se tenga la visión de la BDC como un servicio formado de dos grandes partes: a) los productos exteriores sujetos a contratación y accesibles remotamente a través de servicios comerciales, y, b) servidores de aquellos objetos digitales generados en el ámbito del CBUC y que solo pueden ser puestos en la red por nosotros mismos. Para gestionar esta segunda parte de la BDC debemos constituir almacenes o repositorios digitales. Entre las diferentes posibilidades, el CBUC ha optado por crear repositorios institucionales colectivos de diferente tipo según los materiales que contienen. Hasta el momento se han creado tres repositorios: uno para tesis, uno para revistas y uno para literatura gris de investigación. Está previsto crear un cuarto repositorio para imágenes. La ponencia finaliza con los aprendizajes del CBUC en materia de repositorios. El principal es que la mayor dificultad para crearlos no son los elementos tecnológicos sino establecer mecanismos de relación con el profesorado y la universidad para que los diferentes documentos creados de forma electrónica pasen a formar parte de los repositorios institucionales correspondientes.


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Authors working on "industrial metabolism" or "social metabolism" look at the economy in terms of flows of energy and materials. Together with the ecological economists, they see the economy as a subsystem of a larger physical system. Marx and Engels followed with a few years’ delay many of the remarkable scientific and technical novelties of their time.


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El projecte PADICAT té l'objectiu de dissenyar i produir un sistema que permeti a la Biblioteca de Catalunya compilar, processar i donar accés permanent a la producció digital catalana. En alguns països s'anomena "dipòsits digitals nacionals" a projectes similars, essent els més coneguts el gegant Internet Archive, l'australià Pandora o el suec Kulturarw3. D'acord amb la tendència generalitzada arreu de les biblioteques nacionals, el model de dipòsit que persegueix la Biblioteca de Catalunya és el sistema híbrid, consistent a: - Compilar massivament els recursos digitals publicats en obert a Internet - Impulsar el dipòsit sistemàtic de la producció web dels agents implicats a Catalunya - Promoure línies de recerca per mitjà de la integració dels recursos digitals de determinats esdeveniments de la vida pública catalana. L'any 2005 ha representat el període de planificació i proves del projecte que lidera la Biblioteca de Catalunya, que té previst sistematitzar el dipòsit digital de la producció web catalana en el període 2006-2008. La Memòria del plantejament del projecte PADICAT presenta el recull d'informes tècnics generats per la Biblioteca de Catalunya durant aquesta fase de planificació i proves. El projecte PADICAT compta amb la col·laboració del CESCA (Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya) i el DURSI (Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació de la Generalitat de Catalunya).


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Projecte de recerca realitzat pel Grup de Recerca de Didàctica i Multimèdia (DiM) de la UAB, entre els mesos de gener i maig del 2005. L’objectiu ha estat fer un seguiment, en 22 centres pilot experimentadors de primària i de secundaria (públics i privats) de tot Catalunya, de l’ús que els professors fessin de la PD a les classes, amb la intenció d’avaluar el seu potencial d’innovació pedagògica i identificar les pràctiques docents més eficaces i innovadores. El projecte s'emmarca d'una banda en el paradigma socio-crìtic de recerca educativa, ja que pretén la innovació i millora de les metodologies didàctiques dels professors participants mitjançant uns processos de recerca-acció. Per altra banda, des d'una perspectiva tècnico-etnogràfica (a partir de qüestionaris, entrevistes i observacions directes), se cerquen dades objectives sobre les aportacions de la PD a la millora dels processos d'ensenyament i aprenentatge. Al llarg de la recerca s’han elaborat diversos recursos de suport al professorat que es poden consultar al portal de la pissarra digital &http://dewey.uab.es/pmarques/pdigital/ca/pissarra.htm&


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We consider exchange markets with heterogeneous indivisible goods. We are interested in exchange rules that are efficient and immune to manipulations via endowments (either with respect to hiding or destroying part of the endowment or transferring part of the endowment to another trader). We consider three manipulability axioms: hiding-proofness, destruction-proofness, and transfer-proofness. We prove that no rule satisfying efficiency and hiding-proofness (which implies individual rationality) exists. For two-agent exchange markets with separable and responsive preferences, we show that efficient, individually rational, and destruction-proof rules exist. However, for separable preferences, no rule satisfies efficiency, individual rationality, and destruction-proofness. In the case of transfer-proofness the compatibility with efficiency and individual rationality for the two-agent case extends to the unrestricted domain. For exchange markets with separable preferences and more than two agents no rule satisfies efficiency, individual rationality, and transfer-proofness.


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This paper analyzes the linkages between the credibility of a target zone regime, the volatility of the exchange rate, and the width of the band where the exchange rate is allowed to fluctuate. These three concepts should be related since the band width induces a trade-off between credibility and volatility. Narrower bands should give less scope for the exchange rate to fluctuate but may make agents perceive a larger probability of realignment which by itself should increase the volatility of the exchange rate. We build a model where this trade-off is made explicit. The model is used to understand the reduction in volatility experienced by most EMS countries after their target zones were widened on August 1993. As a natural extension, the model also rationalizes the existence of non-official, implicit target zones (or fear of floating), suggested by some authors.


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This paper analyses the theoretical relevance of the dynamical aspects of growth on the discussion about the observed positive correlation between per capita real income and real exchange rates. With this purpose, we develop a simple exogenous growth model where the internal, external and intertemporal equilibrium conditions of a typical macroeconomic model are imposed; this last one through the inclusion of a balanced growth path for the foreign assets accumulation. The main result under this consideration is that the relationship defended by the Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis is no more so straightforward. In our particular approach, the mentioned bilateral relationship depends on a parameter measuring thriftiness in the economy. Therefore, the probability of ending up with a positive relationship between growth and real exchange rates -as the classical economic theory predicts- will be higher when the economy is able to maintain a minimum saving ratio. Moreover, given that our model considers a simple Keynesian consumption function, some explosive paths can also be possible.


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Following a general macroeconomic approach, this paper sets a closed micro-founded structural model to determine the long run real exchange rate of a developed economy. In particular, the analysis follows the structure of a Natrex model. The main contribution of this research paper is the development of a solid theoretical framework that analyse in depth the basis of the real exchange rate and the details of the equilibrium dynamics after any shock influencing the steady state. In our case, the intertemporal factors derived from the stock-flow relationship will be particularly determinant. The main results of the paper can be summarised as follows. In first place, a complete well-integrated structural model for long-run real exchange rate determination is developed from first principles. Moreover, within the concrete dynamics of the model, it is found that some convergence restrictions will be necessary. On one hand, for the medium run convergence the sensitivity of the trade balance to changes in real exchange rate should be higher that the correspondent one to the investment decisions. On the other hand, and regarding long-run convergence, it is also necessary both that there exists a negative relationship between investment and capital stock accumulation and that the global saving of the economy depends positively on net foreign debt accumulation. In addition, there are also interesting conclusions about the effects that certain shocks over the exogenous variables of the model have on real exchange rates.


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We study whether people's behavior in unbalanced gift exchange markets with repeated interaction are affected by whether they are on the excess supply side or the excess demand side of the market. Our analysis is based on the comparison of behavior between two types of experimental gift exchange markets, which vary only with respect to whether first or second movers are on the long side of the market. The direction of market imbalance could influence subjects' behavior, as second movers (workers) might react differently to favorable actions by first movers (firms) in the two cases. While our data show strong deviations from the standard game-theoretic prediction, we find mainly secondary treatment effects. Wage offers are not higher when there is an excess supply of firms, and workers do not respond more favorably to a given wage when there is an excess supply of labor. The state of competition does not appear to have strong effects in our data. We also present data from single-period sessions that show substantial gift exchange even without repeated interactions.


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From the classical gold standard up to the current ERM2 arrangement of the European Union, target zones have been a widely used exchange regime in contemporary history. This paper presents a benchmark model that rationalizes the choice of target zones over the rest of regimes: the fixed rate, the free float and the managed float. It is shown that the monetary authority may gain efficiency by reducing volatility of both the exchange rate and the interest rate at the same time. Furthermore, the model is consistent with some known stylized facts in the empirical literature that previous models were not able to produce, namely, the positive relation between the exchange rate and the interest rate differential, the degree of non-linearity of the function linking the exchage rate to fundamentals and the shape of the exchange rate stochastic distribution.


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Ever since the appearance of the ARCH model [Engle(1982a)], an impressive array of variance specifications belonging to the same class of models has emerged [i.e. Bollerslev's (1986) GARCH; Nelson's (1990) EGARCH]. This recent domain has achieved very successful developments. Nevertheless, several empirical studies seem to show that the performance of such models is not always appropriate [Boulier(1992)]. In this paper we propose a new specification: the Quadratic Moving Average Conditional heteroskedasticity model. Its statistical properties, such as the kurtosis and the symmetry, as well as two estimators (Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood) are studied. Two statistical tests are presented, the first one tests for homoskedasticity and the second one, discriminates between ARCH and QMACH specification. A Monte Carlo study is presented in order to illustrate some of the theoretical results. An empirical study is undertaken for the DM-US exchange rate.


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Based on an behavioral equilibrium exchange rate model, this paper examines the determinants of the real effective exchange rate and evaluates the degree of misalignment of a group of currencies since 1980. Within a panel cointegration setting, we estimate the relationship between exchange rate and a set of economic fundamentals, such as traded-nontraded productivity differentials and the stock of foreign assets. Having ascertained the variables are integrated and cointegrated, the long-run equilibrium value of the fundamentals are estimated and used to derive equilibrium exchange rates and misalignments. Although there is statistical homogeneity, some structural differences were found to exist between advanced and emerging economies.


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This paper explores the real exchange rate behavior in Mexico from 1960 until 2005. Since the empirical analysis reveals that the real exchange rate is not mean reverting, we propose that economic fundamental variables affect its evolution in the long-run. Therefore, based on equilibrium exchange rate paradigms, we propose a simple model of real exchange rate determination which includes the relative labor productivity, the real interest rates and the net foreign assets over a long period of time. Our analysis also considers the dynamic adjustment in response to shocks through impulse response functions derived from the multivariate VAR model.


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Description of a costing model developed by digital production librarian to determine the cost to put an item into the Claremont Colleges Digital Library at the Claremont University Consortium. This case study includes variables such as material types and funding sources, data collection methods, and formulas and calculations for analysis. This model is useful for grant applications, cost allocations, and budgeting for digital project coordinators and digital library projects.


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The Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya (CESCA) together with the Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC) started in 1999 a cooperative repository, named TDR, to file in digital format the full-text of the read thesis at the universities of our country to spread them worldwide in open access preserving the intellectual copyright of the authors. This became operational in 2001 and today it is a service fully consolidated not only among the Catalan universities, but also used by other Spanish universities. Since then, there are four additional cooperative repositories which have been created: RECERCAT, for research papers; RACO, for scientific, cultural and erudite Catalan magazines; PADICAT, for archiving Catalan web sites; and MDC, for Catalan digital collections of pictures, maps, posters, old magazines... These five repositories have some common characteristics: they are open access, that is, they are accessible on the internet for free; they mostly comply with the Open Archive Initiative interoperability protocol for facilitating the efficient dissemination of content; and they have been built in a cooperative manner so that it is easy to adopt common procedures and to share the repository developing and managing costs, it permits more visibility of the indexed documents throughout the search engines, and a better provision for long-term preservation can be made. In this paper we present the common policy established for the Catalan cooperative repositories, we describe the five of them briefly, and we comment on the results obtained of our 6-year experience since the first one became operational.