995 resultados para developmental robotics


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Support vector machines (SVMs) have recently emerged as a powerful technique for solving problems in pattern classification and regression. Best performance is obtained from the SVM its parameters have their values optimally set. In practice, good parameter settings are usually obtained by a lengthy process of trial and error. This paper describes the use of genetic algorithm to evolve these parameter settings for an application in mobile robotics.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the functional impact that coordination problems have during adolescence and early adult life. In particular, this study aimed to investigate the impact coordination deficits have on day-to-day functioning, activity levels, self-concept with respect to coordination, leisure pursuits, occupational types, accidents and injuries, as well as experiences learning to drive. RELEVANCE: This study may enable clinicians to identify at risk situations, such that appropriate prevention and targeting of treatment can occur. SUBJECTS: The participants involved in this study comprised two groups; 40 subjects previously diagnosed with DCD, and their matched controls. METHODS: Participants were initially contacted by mail for their consent to the study. Consenting participants were then contacted via telephone, and interviewed. ANALYSES: Data analysis was performed using SPSS. Chi squared analysis and Mann Whitney U test was also used to compare groups. RESULTS: During both age periods, the number of DCD subjects participating in sport was significantly less than the number of controls. Although in the 12-14 years age category, the two groups displayed similar results for the type of sport chosen, the 18 – 20 years age group, showed significant differences, with the number of DCD subjects participating in High level coordination activities, being significantly less than controls. Self-perception with respect to coordination was also significantly different amongst groups with more DCD subjects, having perceived themselves as being clumsy. Similarly, a significantly greater number of DCD subjects admitted to tripping over themselves regularly. Some differences have also been noted in the experiences of subjects learning to drive. First, the number of DCD subjects, who had difficulties learning to drive was significantly greater than controls. Second, a much greater number of Control subjects, compared to DCD subjects were successful in obtaining drivers license. Finally, also of interest is the 58% of DCD subjects who have experienced an accident whilst driving, compared to the 35% of controls. The last result of this study was that whilst there was no significant difference between groups, in the number of broken bones, dislocated joints, sprain, burns, stitches, or other significant injuries, the number of control subjects suffering muscle strains was significantly greater than the number of DCD subjects. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that DCD has many implications on day-to-day functioning, both in adolescence and early adulthood. Findings have shown despite the significant sensory-motor deficits displayed by DCD subjects, the impact that this has on day-to-day functioning may be reduced by lifestyle modification.


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Developmental stability is the degree to which we can withstand environmental or genetic stressors during development. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), concerns the extent to which the right and left side of the body is asymmetrical and is one way to measure developmental stability. Two studies were carried out that examined both the predictive value of leader FA with leadership behaviors and its role in facilitating group performance. The first study examined the hypothesis that a leader's FA is correlated with scores on the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). The results revealed individuals with a more asymmetrical morphology scored higher on the transformational, but not transactional, dimensions of leadership behavior. A second study examined the hypothesis that asymmetrical morphology and leadership effectiveness would share a positive relationship. In this study participants who led a business game exercise, revealed a positive relationship between FA and self-reported well-being and task satisfaction. Importantly, there was also a positive correlation between the leader's FA score and group performance. The role that developmental stability may play in leadership effectiveness is discussed in the wider context of evolutionary psychology.


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In a group of adult dyslexics word reading and, especially, word spelling are predicted more by what we have called lexical learning (tapped by a paired-associate task with pictures and written nonwords) than by phonological skills. Nonword reading and spelling, instead, are not associated with this task but they are predicted by phonological tasks. Consistently, surface and phonological dyslexics show opposite profiles on lexical learning and phonological tasks. The phonological dyslexics are more impaired on the phonological tasks, while the surface dyslexics are equally or more impaired on the lexical learning tasks. Finally, orthographic lexical learning explains more variation in spelling than in reading, and subtyping based on spelling returns more interpretable results than that based on reading. These results suggest that the quality of lexical representations is crucial to adult literacy skills. This is best measured by spelling and best predicted by a task of lexical learning. We hypothesize that lexical learning taps a uniquely human capacity to form new representations by recombining the units of a restricted set.