995 resultados para ddc: 510


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The fabrication and analytical applications of two types of potentiometric sensors for the determination of ketoconazole (KET) are described. The sensors are based on the use of KET-molybdophosphoric acid (MPA) ion pair as electroactive material. The fabricated sensors include both polymer membrane and carbon paste electrodes. Both sensors showed a linear, stable and near Nernstian slope of 57.8mV=decade and 55.2mV=decade for PVC membrane and carbon paste sensors respectively over a relatively wide range of KET concentration (1×10-2-5×10-5 and 1×10-2-1×10-6). The sensors showed a fast response time of <30 sec and <45 sec. A useful pH range of 3–6 was obtained for both types of sensors. A detection limit of 2.96 10 5M was obtained for PVC membrane sensor and 6.91 10 6M was obtained for carbon paste sensor. The proposed sensors proved to have a good selectivity for KET with respect to a large number of ions. The proposed sensors were successfully applied for the determination of KET in pharmaceutical formulations. The results obtained are in good agreement with the values obtained by the standard method.


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Protease inhibitors have great demand in medicine and biotechnology. We report here the purification and characterization of a protease inhibitor isolated from mature leaf extract of Moringa oleifera that showed maximum inhibitor activity. The protease inhibitor was purified to 41.4-fold by Sephadex G75 and its molecular mass was calculated as 23,600 Da. Inhibitory activity was confirmed by dot-blot and reverse zymogram analyses. Glycine, glutamic acid, alanine, proline and aspartic acid were found as the major amino acids of the inhibitor protein. Maximal activity was recorded at pH 7 and at 40 ◦C. The inhibitor was stable over pH 5–10; and at 50 ◦C for 2 h. Thermostability was promoted by CaCl2, BSA and sucrose. Addition of Zn2+ and Mg2+, SDS, dithiothreitol and -mercaptoethanol enhanced inhibitory activity, while DMSO and H2O2 affected inhibitory activity. Modification of amino acids at the catalytic site by PMSF and DEPC led to an enhancement in the inhibitory activity. Stoichiometry of trypsin–protease inhibitor interaction was 1:1.5 and 0.6 nM of inhibitor effected 50% inhibition. The low Ki value (1.5 nM) obtained indicated scope for utilization of M. oliefera protease inhibitor against serine proteases


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Silver silica nanocomposites were obtained by the sol–gel technique using tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and silver nitrate (AgNO3) as precursors. The silver nitrate concentration was varied for obtaining composites with different nanoparticle sizes. The structural and microstructural properties were determined by x-ray diffractometry (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) studies were done for determining the chemical states of silver in the silica matrix. For the lowest AgNO3 concentration, monodispersed and spherical Ag crystallites, with an average diameter of 5 nm, were obtained. Grain growth and an increase in size distribution was observed for higher concentrations. The occurrence of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) bands and their evolution in the size range 5–10 nm is studied. For decreasing nanoparticle size, a redshift and broadening of the plasmon-related absorption peak was observed. The observed redshift and broadening of the SPR band was explained using modified Mie scattering theory


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Es werde das lineare Regressionsmodell y = X b + e mit den ueblichen Bedingungen betrachtet. Weiter werde angenommen, dass der Parametervektor aus einem Ellipsoid stammt. Ein optimaler Schaetzer fuer den Parametervektor ist durch den Minimax-Schaetzer gegeben. Nach der entscheidungstheoretischen Formulierung des Minimax-Schaetzproblems werden mit dem Bayesschen Ansatz, Spektralen Methoden und der Darstellung von Hoffmann und Laeuter Wege zur Bestimmung des Minimax- Schaetzers dargestellt und in Beziehung gebracht. Eine Betrachtung von Modellen mit drei Einflussgroeßen und gemeinsamen Eigenvektor fuehrt zu einer Strukturierung des Problems nach der Vielfachheit des maximalen Eigenwerts. Die Bestimmung des Minimax-Schaetzers in einem noch nicht geloesten Fall kann auf die Bestimmung einer Nullstelle einer nichtlinearen reellwertigen Funktion gefuehrt werden. Es wird ein Beispiel gefunden, in dem die Nullstelle nicht durch Radikale angegeben werden kann. Durch das Intervallschachtelungs-Prinzip oder Newton-Verfahren ist die numerische Bestimmung der Nullstelle moeglich. Durch Entwicklung einer Fixpunktgleichung aus der Darstellung von Hoffmann und Laeuter war es in einer Simulation moeglich die angestrebten Loesungen zu finden.


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The aim of this paper is the investigation of the error which results from the method of approximate approximations applied to functions defined on compact in- tervals, only. This method, which is based on an approximate partition of unity, was introduced by V. Mazya in 1991 and has mainly been used for functions defied on the whole space up to now. For the treatment of differential equations and boundary integral equations, however, an efficient approximation procedure on compact intervals is needed. In the present paper we apply the method of approximate approximations to functions which are defined on compact intervals. In contrast to the whole space case here a truncation error has to be controlled in addition. For the resulting total error pointwise estimates and L1-estimates are given, where all the constants are determined explicitly.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit 1 wird ein neues, erweiter- und konfigurierbares Visualisierungsverfahren zur Interaktion mit komplex strukturierten Datenobjekten vorgestellt. Die Erweiterbarkeit bezieht sich dabei auf die vom Verfahren einsetzbaren Techniken der Visualisierung (Visualisierungsfunktionen) und auf die in das Verfahren integrierte Interaktion. Die mit dem Verfahren generierbaren Repräsentationen sind besonders zum Browsen in den Objekten und zum Editieren der Objekte geeignet, die typischerweise in objekt-relationalen Datenbanken gespeichert werden. Die generierten Repräsentationen können modulartig in vorhandene graphische Benutzerschnittstellen integriert werden oder als vollständige graphische Benutzerschnittstelle einer Anwendung eingesetzt werden. Modularität und Orthogonalität, also die sinnvolle Aufteilung in Funktionseinheiten und die Möglichkeit, Methoden einer Komponente auf andere Komponenten anzuwenden, werden als Mittel eingesetzt, mit weniger Komponenten mehr Funktionalität zu erreichen. Für den Teilaspekt der Benutzerschnittstelle wurde dies durch Visualisierungsvorschriften für Datenobjekte (Relationen, Tabellen) vorgeschlagen, indem ein Baum aus der Strukturdefinition (Schema) abgeleitet und als persistentes (Meta-) Datenobjekt in der Datenbank gespeichert wird. Sie werden kurz "Visualisierungen" genannt. Wie gezeigt werden kann, sind sechs Meta-Objekte die notwendige und hinreichende Anzahl und Ausprägung von Schemata und Visualisierungen zur Definition und visuellen Repräsentation beliebiger Anwendungs-Objekte (Schemata und durch sie definierte Tabellen), inklusive ihrer eigenen Schemata und Visualisierungen. Der Einsatz der Selbstreferenzierung mit Meta-Objekten hat zu mehr Sicherheit und Kompaktheit ohne nenneswerte Laufzeiteinbußen geführt.


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The Bieberbach conjecture about the coefficients of univalent functions of the unit disk was formulated by Ludwig Bieberbach in 1916 [Bieberbach1916]. The conjecture states that the coefficients of univalent functions are majorized by those of the Koebe function which maps the unit disk onto a radially slit plane. The Bieberbach conjecture was quite a difficult problem, and it was surprisingly proved by Louis de Branges in 1984 [deBranges1985] when some experts were rather trying to disprove it. It turned out that an inequality of Askey and Gasper [AskeyGasper1976] about certain hypergeometric functions played a crucial role in de Branges' proof. In this article I describe the historical development of the conjecture and the main ideas that led to the proof. The proof of Lenard Weinstein (1991) [Weinstein1991] follows, and it is shown how the two proofs are interrelated. Both proofs depend on polynomial systems that are directly related with the Koebe function. At this point algorithms of computer algebra come into the play, and computer demonstrations are given that show how important parts of the proofs can be automated.


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In this paper we champion Diophantus of Alexandria and Isabella Basmakova against Norbert Schappacher. In two publications ([46] and [47]) he puts forward inter alia two propositions: Questioning Diophantus' originality he considers affirmatively the possibility, that the Arithmetica are the joint work of a team of authors like Bourbaki. And he calls Basmakova's claim (in [5]), that Diophantus uses negative numbers, a "nonsense", reproaching her for her "thoughtlessness". First, we disprove Schappacher's Bourbaki thesis. Second, we investigate the semantic meaning and historical significance of Diophantus' keywords leipsis and mparxis. Next, we discuss Schappacher's epistemology of the history of mathematics and defend Basmakova's methods. Furthermore, we give 33 places where Diophantus uses negative quantities as intermediate results; they appear as differences a - b of positive rational numbers, the subtrahend b being bigger than the minuend a; they each represent the (negative) basis (pleyra) of a square number (tetragonos), which is afterwards computed by the formula (a - b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab. Finally, we report how the topic "Diophantus and the negative numbers" has been dealt with by translators and commentators from Maximus Planudes onwards.


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In this work, we present a generic formula for the polynomial solution families of the well-known differential equation of hypergeometric type s(x)y"n(x) + t(x)y'n(x) - lnyn(x) = 0 and show that all the three classical orthogonal polynomial families as well as three finite orthogonal polynomial families, extracted from this equation, can be identified as special cases of this derived polynomial sequence. Some general properties of this sequence are also given.


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We deal with the numerical solution of heat conduction problems featuring steep gradients. In order to solve the associated partial differential equation a finite volume technique is used and unstructured grids are employed. A discrete maximum principle for triangulations of a Delaunay type is developed. To capture thin boundary layers incorporating steep gradients an anisotropic mesh adaptation technique is implemented. Computational tests are performed for an academic problem where the exact solution is known as well as for a real world problem of a computer simulation of the thermoregulation of premature infants.


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Bei frühgeborenen Säuglingen spielt die Thermoregulation zur Aufrechterhaltung einer überlebenswichtigen Körpertemperatur durch Wärmeproduktion, -abgabe bzw. -aufnahme eine entscheidende Rolle. Der Einsatz moderner Inkubatoren soll die körpereigenen Thermoregulatoren unterstützen, und es ist im Hinblick auf verschiedene medizinische Fragestellungen wünschenswert, diesen Prozess modellieren zu können. Wir stellen ein einfaches Modell auf der Basis von partiellen Differentialgleichungen vor und beschreiben detailliert die numerische Simulation mit Hilfe einer Finite-Volumen-Methode. Dazu wird ein zweidimensionales Modell eines Frühgeborenen trianguliert und das Modell diskretisiert. Zahlreiche numerische Resultate zeigen die Qualität unseres Modells.


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Artificial boundary conditions are presented to approximate solutions to Stokes- and Navier-Stokes problems in domains that are layer-like at infinity. Based on results about existence and asymptotics of the solutions v^infinity, p^infinity to the problems in the unbounded domain Omega the error v^infinity - v^R, p^infinity - p^R is estimated in H^1(Omega_R) and L^2(Omega_R), respectively. Here v^R, p^R are the approximating solutions on the truncated domain Omega_R, the parameter R controls the exhausting of Omega. The artificial boundary conditions involve the Steklov-Poincare operator on a circle together with its inverse and thus turn out to be a combination of local and nonlocal boundary operators. Depending on the asymptotic decay of the data of the problems, in the linear case the error vanishes of order O(R^{-N}), where N can be arbitrarily large.


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Singularities of elastic and electric fields are investigated at the tip of a crack on the interface of two anisotropic piezo-electric media under various boundary conditions on the crack surfaces. The Griffith formulae are obtained for increments of energy functionals due to growth of the crack and the notion of the energy release matrix is introduced. Normalization conditions for bases of singular solution are proposed to adapt them to the energy, stress, and deformation fracture criteria. Connections between these bases are determined and additional properties of the deformation basis related to the notion of electric surface enthalpy are established.


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The aim of this paper is to extend the method of approximate approximations to boundary value problems. This method was introduced by V. Maz'ya in 1991 and has been used until now for the approximation of smooth functions defined on the whole space and for the approximation of volume potentials. In the present paper we develop an approximation procedure for the solution of the interior Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in two dimensions using approximate approximations. The procedure is based on potential theoretical considerations in connection with a boundary integral equations method and consists of three approximation steps as follows. In a first step the unknown source density in the potential representation of the solution is replaced by approximate approximations. In a second step the decay behavior of the generating functions is used to gain a suitable approximation for the potential kernel, and in a third step Nyström's method leads to a linear algebraic system for the approximate source density. For every step a convergence analysis is established and corresponding error estimates are given.


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We study the asymptotics conjecture of Malle for dihedral groups Dl of order 2l, where l is an odd prime. We prove the expected lower bound for those groups. For the upper bounds we show that there is a connection to class groups of quadratic number fields. The asymptotic behavior of those class groups is predicted by the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics. Under the assumption of this heuristic we are able to prove the expected upper bounds.