968 resultados para correlation studies


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The main genetic determinant of soluble interleukin 6 receptor (sIL-6R) levels is the missense variant rs2228145 that maps to the cleavage site of IL-6R. For each Ala allele, sIL-6R serum levels increase by ∼20 ng ml -1 and asthma risk by 1.09-fold. However, this variant does not explain the total heritability for sIL-6R levels. Additional independent variants in IL6R may therefore contribute to variation in sIL-6R levels and influence asthma risk. We imputed 471 variants in IL6R and tested these for association with sIL-6R serum levels in 360 individuals. An intronic variant (rs12083537) was associated with sIL-6R levels independently of rs4129267 (P=0.0005), a proxy single-nucleotide polymorphism for rs2228145. A significant and consistent association for rs12083537 was observed in a replication panel of 354 individuals (P=0.033). Each rs12083537:A allele increased sIL-6R serum levels by 2.4 ng ml -1. Analysis of mRNA levels in two cohorts did not identify significant associations between rs12083537 and IL6R transcription levels. On the other hand, results from 16 705 asthmatics and 30 809 controls showed that the rs12083537:A allele increased asthma risk by 1.04-fold (P=0.0419). Genetic risk scores based on IL6R regulatory variants may prove useful in explaining variation in clinical response to tocilizumab, an anti-IL-6R monoclonal antibody.


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Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are a powerful hypothesis-free tool for the dissection of susceptibility to common heritable human diseases, including osteoporosis. To date, more than 2000 loci for common human diseases have been identified by GWAS. Success using the GWAS model depends on genetic risk being determined by shared stretches of DNA carried with different frequencies in cases and controls, inherited from ancient ancestors, termed the “common disease–common variant” hypothesis. Not all disease risk is caused by common variants, however, and thus GWAS will not detect all variants involved. Successful GWAS performance requires careful quality control, especially as the effect sizes under study are modest, and there are multiple potential sources of error. Conservative interpretation, use of stringent significance thresholds, and replication in independent cohorts are required to ensure results are robust. Despite these challenging parameters, much has been learnt from GWAS and, as the approach matures and is modified to identify a wider range of variants, significantly more will be learnt about the etiopathogenesis of common diseases such as osteoporosis.


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Objective: This study aimed to document the ages at which preterm neonates commence suckle-feeds and attain exclusive suckle-feeding, as well as the time taken to transition from commencement of suckle-feeds to exclusive suckle-feeding. It was hypothesized that gestational age (GA) at birth and degree of neonatal morbidity would influence the timing of these early feeding milestones. Study Design: A chart review was conducted for all neonates born <37;0 weeks GA admitted to a tertiary level perinatal facility over a 12-month period (n=735). Complete data relating to attainment of feeding milestones were available on 472 neonates. Results: Correlation analysis indicated that both a low GA at birth and a high neonatal morbidity rating were statistically significantly correlated with an increased transition time from commencement of suckle-feeds to exclusive suckle-feeding. Cox regression indicated that both of these variables were statistically significant risk factors for a delayed GA at attainment of exclusive suckle-feeding. Conclusion: Preterm neonates who were less mature at birth and/or who displayed a greater degree of neonatal morbidity took longer to transition from starting suckle-feeds to achieving independent suckle-feeding, and were more mature at attainment of independent suckle-feeding.


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Bone and joint diseases are major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and their prevalence is increasing as the average population age increases. Most common musculoskeletal diseases show significant heritability, and few have treatments that prevent disease or can induce true treatment-free, disease-free remission. Furthermore, despite valiant efforts of hypothesis-driven research, our understanding of the etiopathogenesis of these conditions is, with few exceptions, at best moderate. Therefore, there has been a long-standing interest in genetics research in musculoskeletal disease as a hypothesis-free method for investigating disease etiopathogenesis. Important contributions have been made through the identification of monogenic causes of disease, but the holy grail of human genetics research has been the identification of the genes responsible for common diseases. The development of genome-wide association (GWA) studies has revolutionized this field, and led to an explosion in the number of genes identified that are definitely involved in musculoskeletal disease pathogenesis. However, this approach will not identify all common disease genes, and although the current progress is exciting and proves the potential of this research discipline, other approaches will be required to identify many of the types of genetic variation likely to be involved.


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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS), the prototypic seronegative arthropathy, is known to be highly heritable, with >90% of the risk of developing the disease determined genetically. As with most common heritable diseases, progress in identifying the genes involved using family-based or candidate gene approaches has been slow. The recent development of the genome-wide association study approach has revolutionized genetic studies of such diseases. Early studies in ankylosing spondylitis have produced two major breakthroughs in the identification of genes contributing roughly one third of the population attributable risk of the disease, and pointing directly to a potential therapy. These exciting findings highlight the potential of future more comprehensive genetic studies of determinants of disease risk and clinical manifestations, and are the biggest advance in our understanding of the causation of the disease since the discovery of the association with HLA-B27.


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Objective. The heritability of disease activity and function in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) have been estimated at 0.51 and 0.63 (i.e., 51% and 63%), respectively. We examined the concordance of disease severity among family members in terms of disease activity, function, radiological change, prevalence of iritis, and juvenile onset. Methods. Disease activity and functional impairment due to AS were studied using the Bath AS Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) and Functional Index (BASFI) self-administered questionnaires; radiographic involvement was measured using the Bath AS Radiology Index (BASRI) scale. Familial correlation of BASDAI and BASFI was assessed in 406 families with 2 or more cases, using the program PAP. Parent-child and sibling-sibling concordance for iritis and juvenile AS were also studied in these families. Heritability of radiological disease severity based on the BASRI was assessed in 29 families containing 60 affected individuals using the program SOLAR. Results. Correlations between parent-child pairs for disease activity and function were 0.07 for both. Correlations between sibling pairs for disease activity and function were 0.27 and 0.36, respectively. The children of AS parents with iritis were more likely to develop iritis [27/71 (38%)] than children of non-iritis AS parents [13/70 (19%)] (p = 0.01). Parents with JAS were more likely to have children with JAS [17/30 (57%) compared to non-JAS parents 34/111 (30%)] (p = 0.002). The heritability of radiological disease severity based on the BASRI was 0.62. Conclusion. While correlation in severity between parent and child is poor, siblings do resemble each other in terms of severity, supporting the findings of segregation studies indicating significant genetic dominance in the heritable component of disease activity. Significant parent-child concordance for iritis and juvenile disease onset suggest that there are genetic risk factors for these traits independent of those determining the risk of AS itself. The finding of significant heritability of radiological change (BASRI) provides support using an objective measure for the observed heritability of the questionnaire-assessed disease severity scores, ASDAI and BASFI.


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Differences in genetic control of BMD by skeletal sites and genders were examined by complex segregation analysis in 816 members of 147 families with probands with extreme low BMD. Spine BMD correlated more strongly in male-male comparisons and hip BMD in female-female comparisons, consistent with gender- and site-specificity of BMD heritability. Introduction: Evidence from studies in animals and humans suggests that the genetic control of bone mineral density (BMD) may differ at different skeletal sites and between genders. This question has important implications for the design and interpretation of genetic studies of osteoporosis. Methods: We examined the genetic profile of 147 families with 816 individuals recruited through probands with extreme low BMD (T-score < −2.5, Z-score < −2.0). Complex segregation analysis was performed using the Pedigree Analysis Package. BMD was measured by DXA at both lumbar spine (L1-L4) and femoral neck. Results: Complex segregation analysis excluded purely monogenic and environmental models of segregation of lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD in these families. Pure polygenic models were excluded at the lumbar spine when menopausal status was considered as a covariate, but not at the femoral neck. Mendelian models with a residual polygenic component were not excluded. These models were consistent with the presence of a rare Mendelian genotype of prevalence 3–19 %, causing high BMD at the hip and spine in these families, with additional polygenic effects. Total heritability range at the lumbar spine was 61–67 % and at the femoral neck was 44–67 %. Significant differences in correlation of femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD were observed between male and female relative pairs, with male-male comparisons exhibiting stronger lumbar spine BMD correlation than femoral neck, and female-female comparisons having greater femoral neck BMD correlation than lumbar spine. These findings remained true for parent-offspring correlations when menopausal status was taken into account. The recurrence risk ratio for siblings of probands of a Z-score < −2.0 was 5.4 at the lumbar spine and 5.9 at the femoral neck. Conclusions: These findings support gender- and site-specificity of the inheritance of BMD. These results should be considered in the design and interpretation of genetic studies of osteoporosis.


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In summary, although many factors are likely to be involved in regulating calcification and ossification processes, studies of the causation of articular chondrocalcinosis and disorders of spinal ossification, such as DISH and OPLL, implicate control over inorganic pyrophosphate levels as being one of the most important factors in their aetiopathogenesis. The findings of these studies may prove relevant to other rheumatic diseases in which ectopic ossification occurs, such as AS.