973 resultados para corner detector
Sustainability can be indicated by a number of factors. Populations need to be aged evenly, ensuring a healthy equilibrium. Job opportunities must be numerous and of wide varieties to balance incomes from different employment sectors. Regions must also sustain vital natural resources in the area which are directly related to a place being self-sustaining. These indicators prove to be true, especially in Newfoundland, where people have struggled to remain in the small traditional communities that they consider being there 'home.' The population of Corner Brook and the surrounding areas can be stratified according to the values people hold to their special place. Even though people in western Newfoundland hold strong ties to their home, some parts of the region even though people in western Newfoundland hold strong ties to their home, some parts of the region struggle with employment, low incomes, out-migration, and dependency on declining natural resources. The aim of this paper is to present the process of designing a sample strategy for a human values pilot survey conducted in the city of Corner Brook. It will present a theoretical background over the period 2002-2006 to be used for sampling strategy.
In recent decades, urban planning has seen a rise in waterfront revitalization. This is important concerning Corner Brook, where the possible permanent closure of the Mill would have devastating consequences for the surrounding area. Corner Brook is located on the West Coast of Newfoundland, Canada, and has a population of 20,083 (WWW.statcan.ca, 2007). Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Ltd. (CBP&P) dominates the local economy and is located on the city's waterfront. With the realization that the heart of any city is the waterfront, if there is one present, many cities started revitalization trend in order to bring life back to the community and restore the local economy (Robertson, 1999). In the past, waterfronts were dominated with industry, shipping, and the navy. Today, the focus has shifted to leisure, recreation, tourism, and residential and commercial activity. Along with economic factors, the visual aspect of the waterfront is also Important (Albrecht, Bode, & Evers, 2003; Hoffman, 1999). Although this trend started out larger cities, such as Toronto, it has now spread to smaller centers, similar to the size of Corner Brook (Hoyle, 2000). What differs between the various sizes of the cities is what the main focus of the waterfront will be following the revitalization. With the tourism economy making a strong foothold in Newfoundland, the waterfront would provide the possibility to extend it even further. Yet, the most important aspects of the new waterfront will be to ensure environmentally safe measures (Slocombe, 1993) and making sure that as many jobs as possible will be generated. The generation of new jobs is especially important considering the loss of the Mill, which has provided the city and surrounding area with paying employment.
La tesi tratta l'analisi della sicurezza delle piste ciclabili di Bologna, mediante tecnologie innovative quali Mobile Eye e Video V-Box. Si trattano due percorsi: "Sabotino" e "Sant'Orsola", comprendenti ciascuno due itinerari alternativi, uno ciclabile e uno no. In prima fase, si sono somministrati dei questionari di gradimento ad un campione composto da 50 utenti per percorso. I questionari sono composti da una parte generale e da una specifica dell'itinerario. Dall'analisi dei risultati delle interviste, eseguita esclusivamente per il percorso "Sabotino", è stato possibile evidenziare le criticità segnalate dai ciclisti. Sono state poi condotte, esclusivamente nel tratto Nord-Ovest della tangenziale delle biciclette, indagini sperimentali con Mobile Eye, con lo scopo di conoscere quali elementi stradali sono maggiormente guardati e considerati dall'utente e con Video V-Box, in grado di fornire posizione, velocità puntuale e accelerazione. A tali sperimentazioni hanno partecipato 17 utenti, ignari dello scopo del test. Ottenuti i dati, sono stati analizzati i risultati provenienti da V-Box quindi analizzate le velocità in prossimità delle intersezioni significative. Dal confronto dei risultati provenienti dai questionari e dai test sperimentali è stato possibili giundere a delle conclusioni.
Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Photograph by Freda Leinwand. [463 West Street, Studio 229G, New York, NY 10014].
A measurement of the production cross sections of top quark pairs in association with a W or Z boson is presented. The measurement uses 20.3 fb−1 of data from proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Four different final states are considered: two opposite-sign leptons, two same-sign leptons, three leptons, and four leptons. The t t̅ W and t t̅ Z cross sections are simultaneously extracted using a maximum likelihood fit over all the final states. The t t̅ Z cross section is measured to be 176+58−52 fb, corresponding to a signal significance of 4.2σ. The t t̅ W cross section is measured to be 369+100−91 fb, corresponding to a signal significance of 5.0σ. The results are consistent with next-to-leading-order calculations for the tt̅W and tt̅Z processes.
A search for new heavy resonances decaying to boson pairs (WZ, WW or ZZ) using 20.3 inverse femtobarns of proton-proton collision data at a center of mass energy of 8 TeV is presented. The data were recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012. The analysis combines several search channels with the leptonic, semi-leptonic and fully hadronic final states. The diboson invariant mass spectrum is studied for local excesses above the Standard Model background prediction, and no significant excess is observed for the combined analysis. 95$\%$ confidence limits are set on the cross section times branching ratios for three signal models: an extended gauge model with a heavy W boson, a bulk Randall-Sundrum model with a spin-2 graviton, and a simplified model with a heavy vector triplet. Among the individual search channels, the fully-hadronic channel is predominantly presented where boson tagging technique and jet substructure cuts are used. Local excesses are found in the dijet mass distribution around 2 TeV, leading to a global significance of 2.5 standard deviations. This deviation from the Standard Model prediction results in many theory explanations, and the possibilities could be further explored using the LHC Run 2 data.
The absolute calibration of a microchannel plate (MCP) assembly using a Thomson spectrometer for laser-driven ion beams is described. In order to obtain the response of the whole detection system to the particles’ impact, a slotted solid state nuclear track detector (CR-39) was installed in front of the MCP to record the ions simultaneously on both detectors. The response of the MCP (counts/particles) was measured for 5–58 MeV carbon ions and for protons in the energy range2–17.3 MeV. The response of the MCP detector is non-trivial when the stopping range of particles becomes larger than the thickness of the detector. Protons with energiesE>~ 10 MeV are energetic enough that they can pass through the MCP detector. Quantitative analysis of the pits formed in CR-39 and the signal generated in the MCP allowed to determine the MCP response to particles in this energy range. Moreover, a theoretical model allows to predict the response of MCP at even higher proton energies. This suggests that in this regime the MCP response is a slowly decreasing function of energy, consistently with the decrease of the deposited energy. These calibration data will enable particle spectra to be obtained in absolute terms over a broad energy range.
An epithermal neutron imager based on detecting alpha particles created via boron neutron capture mechanism is discussed. The diagnostic mainly consists of a mm thick Boron Nitride (BN) sheet (as an alpha converter) in contact with a non-borated cellulose nitride film (LR115 type-II) detector. While the BN absorbs the neutrons in the thermal and epithermal ranges, the fast neutrons register insignificantly on the detector due to their low neutron capture and recoil cross-sections. The use of solid-state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD), unlike image plates, micro-channel plates and scintillators, provide safeguard from the x-rays, gamma-rays and electrons. The diagnostic was tested on a proof-of-principle basis, in front of a laser driven source of moderated neutrons, which suggests the potential of using this diagnostic (BN+SSNTD) for dosimetry and imaging applications.
[EN]This paper presents recognition results based on a PCA representation and classification with SVMs and temporal coherence.
Nella presente tesi viene valutata l'efficienza in termini di sicurezza del tratto nord-ovest della Tangenziale delle Biciclette, un percorso ciclabile nel comun di Bologna. Sono stati analizzati dei video (ottenuti dall'apparecchiatura Mobile Eye) che mostrano su cosa l'utente, durante la pedalata, sofferma maggiormente il suo sguardo. Da tali video, quindi, sono state estrapolate informazioni riguardanti il grado di attenzione del ciclista nel percorrere Il tratto di ciclabile. Per questo motivo sono stati analizzati in termini di frame, poi convertiti in secondi, tutti gli elementi capaci di influenzare l'attenzione dell'utente durante la guida: la segnaletica ciclabile (orizzontale e verticale) e l'eventuale presenza di altri pedoni/ciclisti. Con tali dati, inoltre, è stata effettuata un'analisi statistica descrittiva. L'ultima parte è l'analisi cinematica: valutazione dello spazio percorso, del tempo di percorrenza inclusi i tempi di attesa ai semafori rossi e stima della velocità media.
In questa tesi viene studiato il comportamento visivo del ciclista durante la guida in ambiente urbano diversificato, così da esaminare quali siano le diverse strategie visive adottate dal conducente della bicicletta, in rapporto al contesto in cui si trova. L’analisi del comportamento visivo è stata effettuata mediante l’esecuzione di test su campo, utilizzando il Mobile-Eye Detector, grazie al quale si sono potuti studiare i filmati relativi alle prove compiute da 12 utenti. In seguito ad una fase primaria di elaborazione generale dei dati e di scarto di quelli non ritenuti validi ai fini dello studio, sono state rilevate le fissazioni, le saccadi e i loro relativi tempi. In particolare, studiando i video, si è creato un database in cui vengono analizzate una ad una (fotogramma per fotogramma) le fissazioni e vengono individuati gli elementi ad esse relativi, quali: goal, target, pedoni, ciclisti, veicoli, ammaloramenti della pavimentazione, edifici, segnaletica verticale e orizzontale e intersezioni. Tali elementi sono quelli che attirano maggiormente l'attenzione del ciclista sia da un punto di vista pratico, ai fini della conduzione del mezzo, sia a fini di "svago". Inoltre sono state individuate delle aree di dispersione visiva, ovvero zone su cui è maggiormente ricaduto lo sguardo dei partecipanti all’esperimento: esse sono state studiate, analizzandone le dimensioni e mettendole in relazione col tipo di tragitto e con gli elementi fissati. In questo modo si è cercato di dare un'interpretazione del comportamento visivo del ciclista, sottoposto a tragitti con caratteristiche diverse. In seguito a tale analisi, è stata verificata la compatibilità tra i risultati ottenuti mediante i filmati visionati e le risposte date dai partecipanti nei questionari, proposti al termine della prova, finalizzati ad attestare la percezione soggettiva del ciclista.
The recent trend on embedded system development opens a new prospect for applications that in the past were not possible. The eye tracking for sleep and fatigue detection has become an important and useful application in industrial and automotive scenarios since fatigue is one of the most prevalent causes of earth-moving equipment accidents. Typical applications such as cameras, accelerometers and dermal analyzers are present on the market but have some inconvenient. This thesis project has used EEG signal, particularly, alpha waves, to overcome them by using an embedded software-hardware implementation to detect these signals in real time