988 resultados para compositi fibre di carbonio sizing riciclo pirogassificazione CFRP
This thesis focuses on fibre coalescers whose efficiency is based on the surface properties/characteristics. They have the ability to preferentially wet or interact with one or more of the fluids to be separated. Thus, the interfacial phenomena governing the separation efficiency of the coalescers is investigated depending on physical factors such as flowrates, phase ratios and coalescer packing density. Design of process equipment to produce and separate of the emulsions was carried out.The experimentation was carried out to test the separation efficiency of the coalescing medias, namely fibreglass, polyester I and polyester II. The performances of the coalescing medias were assessed via droplet size information. In conclusion, the objectives (design of process equipment and experimentation) were achieved. Fibre glass was the best coalescing media, next was polyester I and then finally polyester II. Droplets sizes increased with decreased flowrates and increased packing density of the coalescer. Phase ratio had effect on the droplet sizes of the feed but had no effect on the coalescence of droplets of the feed.
r1951, Perpignan, Casals Festival.
Pons, Lily (Lucia) ; Votipka, Thelma (Alisa) ; Tucker, Richard (Edgardo) ; Hayward, Thomas (Arturo) ; McCracken, James (Normanno) ; Guarrera, Frank (Enrico) ; Scott, Norman (Raimondo) ; Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera Association, Cleva, Fausto, joht.
Quan l’any 1602 el pintor i tractadista Federico Zuccari publicà L’Ideade’pittori, scultori et architetti, Caravaggio ja havia radicalitzat el seu llenguatge versun fort naturalisme, al qual afegia un tractament de forts contrastos lumínics patent enl’obra, dos anys més tardana, que inaugura la mostra: La verge de Loreto, tambéconeguda com la Verge del peregrins. Davant el procés creatiu de Zuccari basat en laIdea, es a dir el disegno interno de bellesa, Caravaggio pren la realitat com a modeltrencant així amb el manierisme reformat que, a la Roma papal, te la seva plasmació al’Oratori dels Gonfalone on el citat tractadista hi va participar. D’altra banda la novamanera caravaggesca es contraria a la proposada per Annibale Carracci al programa dela Galeria Farnese i, alhora, per la defensada per tota la tractadística italiana del segleXVII, des de Giovanni Battista Agucchi, en el seu Tractat de la pintura(1607-1615),fins a Giovan Pietro Bellori en el seu discurs L’Idea del pittore, dello scultore edell’architetto, scelta dalle bellezze naturali superiore alla natura que seguint els vellsprincipis de la Poètica defensen que l’obra d’art ha de tenir versemblança, ha d’imitar els millors i pot corregir la realitat. No es estrany, doncs, que Agucchi posi comexemple a seguir l’art d’Annibale Carracci i que compari a Caravaggio amb l’escultorgrec Demetri, que va seguir tant al peu de la lletra la semblança que no va tenirconsideració per la bellesa.
The NMR conformational study of 4',7-di-hydroxy-8-prenylflavan 1 was carried out in acetone-d6, DMSO-d6 and CDCl3 which enabled the proposition of three conformations, namely 1a, 1b and 1c, differing in the position of the prenyl group. Geometry optimizations performed using AM1 method showed that 1a (deltaHf = -86.2 kcal/mol) is as stable as 1b (deltaHf = -85.1 kcal/mol) and 1c (deltaHf = -85.4 kcal/mol). When the solvent was included, the calculations showed that the solute-solvent interactions could be explained either in the light of the electronic intermolecular delocalization or the electrostatic character between solute and solvent. Theoretical calculations (HF/6-31G*, deltaFT/BLYP/6-31G*, and deltaFT/B3LYP/6-31G*) showed that the combination of these types of interactions present in each solute-solvent system, dependent on the chemical properties of the solvent, lead to different spatial arrangements of the prenyl group, which in turn determined the conformation of 1.
The development of load-bearing osseous implant with desired mechanical and surface properties in order to promote incorporation with bone and to eliminate risk of bone resorption and implant failure is a very challenging task. Bone formation and resoption processes depend on the mechanical environment. Certain stress/strain conditions are required to promote new bone growth and to prevent bone mass loss. Conventional metallic implants with high stiffness carry most of the load and the surrounding bone becomes virtually unloaded and inactive. Fibre-reinforced composites offer an interesting alternative to metallic implants, because their mechanical properties can be tailored to be equal to those of bone, by the careful selection of matrix polymer, type of fibres, fibre volume fraction, orientation and length. Successful load transfer at bone-implant interface requires proper fixation between the bone and implant. One promising method to promote fixation is to prepare implants with porous surface. Bone ingrowth into porous surface structure stabilises the system and improves clinical success of the implant. The experimental part of this work was focused on polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) -based composites with dense load-bearing core and porous surface. Three-dimensionally randomly orientated chopped glass fibres were used to reinforce the composite. A method to fabricate those composites was developed by a solvent treatment technique and some characterisations concerning the functionality of the surface structure were made in vitro and in vivo. Scanning electron microscope observations revealed that the pore size and interconnective porous architecture of the surface layer of the fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) could be optimal for bone ingrowth. Microhardness measurements showed that the solvent treatment did not have an effect on the mechanical properties of the load-bearing core. A push-out test, using dental stone as a bone model material, revealed that short glass fibre-reinforced porous surface layer is strong enough to carry load. Unreacted monomers can cause the chemical necrosis of the tissue, but the levels of leachable resisidual monomers were considerably lower than those found in chemically cured fibre-reinforced dentures and in modified acrylic bone cements. Animal experiments proved that surface porous FRC implant can enhance fixation between bone and FRC. New bone ingrowth into the pores was detected and strong interlocking between bone and the implant was achieved.
The validation of analytical methods was carried out for di-(ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and adipate (DEHA) the determination of in PVC films. The level of DEHP and DEHA in samples was determined by leaving the film in contact with n-heptane during 48 hours and analysis in a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a flame ionization detector and fused silica column with 5% phenylmethyl silicone in the dimensions 30 m x 0.53 mm x 2.65 mm. The results for detection and the quantification limits were smaller than the restriction limits. The recovery rates of DEHP and DEHA were, respectively, 69.10 and 75.30 %.
Entrevista amb Anna Di Salvo y Mirella Clausi
Melartinin käsikirjoitusluettelon tunnus Mel 19:341 (ks. http://lib.siba.fi/fi/kokoelmat/kasikirjoitusarkisto/melartin_erkki/).
The hydrated sodium salt of EDTA, Na2H2Y·2H2O, cannot be used as a primary standard for titrations due to uncertainties in the water content. An alkalimetric titration of the homogenized solid in the presence of a small excess of BaCl2·2H2O allows one to titrate quantitatively the released two hydrogen cations with end-point indication by phenolphthalein or potentiometry. This leads one to calculate the average molar mass of the reagent and its water content, allowing to use it to prepare EDTA standard solutions. One titrated sample led to the formula Na2H2Y·1.876 H2O, and 370.01 g.mol-1 for the average molar mass.