979 resultados para clinical indicators
OBJECTIVE: To study the factors associated with the risk of in-hospital death in acute myocardial infarction in the Brazilian public health system in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. METHODS: Sectional study of a sample with 391 randomly drawn medical records of the hospitalizations due to acute myocardial infarction recorded in the hospital information system in 1997. RESULTS: The diagnosis was confirmed in 91.7% of the cases; 61.5% males; age = 60.2 ± 2.4 years; delta time until hospitalization of 11 hours; 25.3% were diabetic; 58.1% were hypertensive; 82.6% were in Killip I class. In-hospital mortality was 20.6%. Thrombolysis was used in 19.5%; acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) 86.5%; beta-blockers 49%; angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors 63.3%; calcium channel blockers 30.5%. Factors associated with increased death: age (61-80 years: OR=2.5; > 80 years: OR=9.6); Killip class (II: OR=1.9; III: OR=6; IV: OR=26.5); diabetes (OR=2.4); ventricular tachycardia (OR=8.5); ventricular fibrillation (OR=34); recurrent ischemia (OR=2.7). The use of ASA (OR=0.3), beta-blockers (OR=0.3), and ACE inhibitors (OR=0.4) was associated with a reduction in the chance of death. CONCLUSION: General lethality was high and some interventions of confirmed efficacy were underutilizated. The logistic model showed the beneficial effect of beta-blockers, and ACE inhibitors on the risk of in-hospital death.
OBJECTIVE: To assess whether a difference exists in coronary heart disease clinical manifestations and the prevalence of risk factors between Japanese immigrants and their descendents in the city of São Paulo. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of coronary artery disease clinical manifestations and the prevalence of risk factors, comparing 128 Japanese immigrants (Japanese group) with 304 Japanese descendents (Nisei group). RESULTS: The initial manifestation of the disease was earlier in the Nisei group (mean = 53 years), a difference of 12 years when compared with that in the Japanese group (mean = 65 years) (P<0.001). Myocardial infarction was the first manifestation in both groups (P = 0.83). The following parameters were independently associated with early coronary events: smoking (OR = 2.25; 95% CI = 1.35-3.77; P<0.002); Nisei group (OR = 10.22; 95% CI = 5.64-18.5; P<0.001); and female sex (OR = 5.04; 95% CI = 2.66-9.52; P<0.001). CONCLUSION: The clinical presentation of coronary heart disease in the Japanese and their descendents in the city of São Paulo was similar, but coronary heart disease onset occurred approximately 12 years earlier in the Nisei group than in the Japanese group.
OBJECTIVE: To verify the association of serum markers of myocardial injury, such as troponin I, creatinine kinase, and creatinine kinase isoenzyme MB, and inflammatory markers, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), C-reactive protein, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the perioperative period of cardiac surgery, with the occurrence of possible postpericardiotomy syndrome. METHODS: This was a cohort study with 96 patients undergoing cardiac surgery assessed at the following 4 different time periods: the day before surgery (D0); the 3rd postoperative day (D3); between the 7th and 10th postoperative days (D7-10); and the 30th postoperative day (D30). During each period, we evaluated demographic variables (sex and age), surgical variables (type and duration , extracorporeal circulation), and serum dosages of the markers of myocardial injury and inflammatory response. RESULTS: Of all patients, 12 (12.5%) met the clinical criteria for a diagnosis of postpericardiotomy syndrome, and their mean age was 10.3 years lower than the age of the others (P=0.02). The results of the serum markers for tissue injury and inflammatory response were not significantly different between the 2 assessed groups. No significant difference existed regarding either surgery duration or extracorporeal circulation. CONCLUSION: The patients who met the clinical criteria for postpericardiotomy syndrome were significantly younger than the others were. Serum markers for tissue injury and inflammatory response were not different in the clinically affected group, and did not correlate with the different types and duration of surgery or with extracorporeal circulation.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical significance of transient ischemic dilation of the left ventricle during myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with stress/rest sestamibi. METHODS: The study retrospectively analyzed 378 patients who underwent myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with stress/rest sestamibi, 340 of whom had a low probability of having ischemia and 38 had significant transient defects. Transient ischemic dilation was automatically calculated using Autoquant software. Sensitivity, specificity, and the positive and negative predictive values were established for each value of transient ischemic dilation. RESULTS: The values of transient ischemic dilation for the groups of low probability and significant transient defects were, respectively, 1.01 ± 0.13 and 1.18 ± 0.17. The values of transient ischemic dilation for the group with significant transient defects were significantly greater than those obtained for the group with a low probability (P<0.001). The greatest positive predictive values, around 50%, were obtained for the values of transient ischemic dilation above 1.25. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that transient ischemic dilation assessed using the stress/rest sestamibi protocol may be useful to separate patients with extensive myocardial ischemia from those without ischemia.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency of hypertension in chagasic patients, as well as its clinical behavior and cardiologic findings. METHODS: We carried out a retrospective study with 225 patients with chronic Chagas' disease and hypertension (104 males), mean age of 55.1 ± 11.8. These patients were being followed up in the outpatient care clinics from 1984 to 2000. The study assessed the clinical, electrocardiographic, and radiological viewpoints. RESULTS: Of the 225 hypertensive patients (prevalence = 33.3%), 78 (34.7%) had mild hypertension, 108 (48%) had moderate hypertension, and 39 (17.3%) had severe hypertension. The association of left anterosuperior divisional block and right bundle-branch block occurred in 39 cases (17.3%), and enlargement of the cardiac area on radiological examination occurred in 93 (44.9%) of the 207 cases studied. The undetermined form of Chagas' disease was the most prevalent, 30.2% of the cases, followed by the form associated with conduction disorders in 27.1%, and the isolated form of conduction disorders in 21.3%. CONCLUSION: Chagasic patients had a frequency of hypertension similar to that of the general population, and the clinical profile of the hypertensive chagasic patients seemed not to differ a lot from that of the chagasic patients.
Existiría asociación en el desarrollo de tumores salivales, mamarios y prostáticos que debería alertar en el seguimiento de esos pacientes. Por ello, resulta indispensable la búsqueda de biomarcadores específicos a fin de diagnosticar precozmente un segundo tumor primario o una lesión metastásica.La relación dieta-cáncer es aún controvertida y poco estudiada en humanos. La influencia de ciertos compuestos dietarios sobre la tumorigénesis de diversos órganos lleva a plantear que el estado nutricional de un individuo puede ser un indicador de riesgo de desarrollar dicha enfermedad.Se trabajará con sujetos de ambos sexos que presenten diagnóstico reciente de tumores salivales, mamarios y prostáticos, sin tratamiento previo y proveniente de los hospitales Privado y Córdoba. El grupo control estará constituído por sujetos con características similares a las de los casos, aunque sin diagnóstico de tumores. El número previsto es de 20 casos por cada tipo de tumor -entre benignos y malignos- y 80 controles (relación 1:2, respectivamente) por año de trabajo.Para recolectar los datos se empleará una encuesta de frecuenvia alimentaria cuali-cuantitativa, además de una historia clínica. En muestras de saliva y sangre se analizarán biomarcadores tumorales como CEA, CA 15-3 y PSA y se identificarán y cuantificarán lípidos totales y ácidos grasos. En tejido tumoral se cuantificarán lípidos y marcadores tumorales.
El 30 por ciento de personas infectadas con T. cruzi desarrollará una cardiopatía chagásica de expresión clínica variada. Por esta razón es relevante identificar marcadores genéticos y de evolución de la miocardiopatía a fin de clasificar a los pacientes, acorde al grado de riesgo de desarrollar la enfermedad, así como es necesario investigar sobre mejores tratamientos.Los marcadores genéticos de riesgo (polimorfismos relacionados con enfermedades) colaboran identificando genes involucrados en enfermedades poligénicas. Analizaremos SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism) localizados en zonas potencialmente funcionales de los genes de endotelina-1, su receptor A, de SOD-Mn, y de TNF alfa, factores que intervendrían en la expresión de severidad de la cardiopatía.El corazón es un órgano altamente dependiente de la energía provista por las mitocondrias y éstas son blanco de mediadores inflamatorios que se producen con el ingreso del parásito; por eso estudiaremos en corazones de ratones y de pacientes chagásicos las alteraciones genéticas, morfológicas y funcionales mitocondriales con el fin de determinar lesiones y evolución de las mismas.Existen controversias en tratar la Enfermedad de Chagas fuera de la etapa aguda por la toxicidad de las drogas. La clomipramina antidepresivo usado en siquiatría, demostró impedir la evolución de la infección aguda en modelos experimentales; proponemos el tratamiento con benznidazol a la mitad de la dosis habitual asociada a clomipramina en bajas concentraciones en modelos experimentales en el estadío crónico. Estos resultados aportarán a la fisiopatogenia de la miocardiopatía chagásica, al contar con marcadores de evolución, severidad y de probable riesgo de desarrollar la cardiopatía y serán un aporte a la prevención y nuevos tratamientos.
Se propone analizar el efecto del uso productivo en el Chaco Árido de la provincia de Córdoba, mediante la aplicación de indicadores de sustentabilidad relacionados con la calidad de la materia orgánica y la liberación de nutrientes en el suelo, con la finalidad de aportar a un tema de suma interes para la provincia de Córdoba como es la formulación de criterios y pautas de manejo para la implementación de la Ley de Bosques (N° 26331). Se trabajará en la localidad de San Miguel en el departamento Pocho, en un sitio de bosque no disturbado y en tres sistemas productivos: desmonte selectivo con implantación de pasturas; desmonte total con agricultura bajo riego y desmonte total sobrepastoreado. En cada sitio se medirá “in situ” la emisión de CO2 y se tomaran muestras de suelo a las que se les determinará: a) contenido de materia orgánica total (MO), b) contenido de sustancias húmicas (SH), diferenciando ácidos húmicos (AH) y fúlvicos (AF), c) abundancia y actividad de microorganismos nitrificadores y d) propiedades químicas de los AH y AF. Se calcularán los siguientes índices de sustentabilidad a) materia orgánica biodisponible (MOB=MO–SH); b) índice de humificación (IH=SH/MO); c) tipo de humus (TH=AF/AH; d) índice de mineralización de C (IMC=CO2/MO); e) índice de nitrificación (IN=actividad/abundancia); y f) índice de estabilidad de las fracciones humificadas: compuestos aromáticos/ alifáticos. Los datos serán analizados estadísticamente mediante ANOVA y comparación de medias por LSD (P<0.05) y tests multivariados. We proposed analyze the effect of land use in Arid Chaco of Cordoba province, using sustainability indicators related to organic matter quality and nutrient release in soil, with the aim to formulate management criteria for the implementation of the Ley de Bosques (N° 26331) in Córdoba province. The study will be conducted in San Miguel village in Pocho department, in one undisturbed forest site and three productive systems: selective clearing with grass sowing; total clearing with irrigation agriculture and total clearing with overgrazed. In each site "in situ" CO2 emission will be measured and soil samples will be taken, in which the following parameters will be determined: a) total organic matter content (MO), b) humic substances content (SH), in humic acids (AH) and fulvic acids (AF), c) abundance and activity of nitrifier microorganisms and d) chemical properties of AH and AF. The sustainability indexes will be calculated: biodisponible organic matter (MOB=MO–SH); b) humification index (IH=SH/MO); c) humus type (TH=AF/AH; d) C mineralization index (IMC=CO2/MO); e) nitrifying index (IN=activity/abundance); and f) humic fractions stability index: aromatic/aliphatic compounds. The data will be statistically analyzed by ANOVA and the means will be compared by LSD (P<0.05) and multivariate tests.
Las actividades agropecuarias ejercen diferentes presiones sobre los recursos naturales. Esto ha llevado, en algunas áreas, a un deterioro del suelo que provoca un impacto sobre la sustentabilidad en los sistemas agropecuarios. Para evaluar la degradación del suelo se han propuesto listas de indicadores, sin embargo, se carece de una herramienta metodológica robusta, adaptada a las condiciones edafoclimáticas regionales. Además, existe una demanda de productores e instituciones interesados en orientar acciones para preservar el suelo. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar la degradación física, química y biológica de los suelos en agroecosistemas del centro-sur de Córdoba. Por ello se propone desarrollar una herramienta metodológica que consiste en un set de indicadores físicos, químicos y biológicos, con valores umbrales, integrados en índices de degradación, que asistan a los agentes tomadores de decisiones y productores, en la toma de decisiones respecto de la degradación del suelo. El área de trabajo será una región agrícola del centro-sur de Córdoba con más de 100 años de agricultura. La metodología comienza con la caracterización del uso del territorio y sistemas de manejo, su clasificación y la obtención de mapas base de usos y manejos, mediante sensores remotos y encuestas. Se seleccionarán sitios de muestreo mediante una metodología semi-dirigida usando un SIG, asegurando un mínimo de un punto de muestreo por unidad de mapeo. Se elegirán sitios de referencia lo más cercano a una condición natural. Los indicadores a evaluar surgen de listas propuestas en trabajos previos del grupo, seleccionados en base a criterios internacionales y a adecuados a suelos de la región. Se usarán indicadores núcleo y complementarios. Para la obtención de umbrales, se usarán por un lado valores provenientes de la bibliografía y por otro, umbrales generados a partir de la distribución estadística del indicador en suelos de referencia. Para estandarizar cada indicador se definirá una función de transformación. Luego serán ponderarán mediante análisis estadísticos mulivariados e integrados en índices de degradación física, química y biológica, y un índice general de degradación. El abordaje concluirá con el desarrollo de dos instrumentos para la toma de decisiones: uno a escala regional, que consistirá en mapas de degradación en base a unidades cartográficas ambientales, de uso del territorio y de sistemas de manejo y otro a escala predial que informará sobre la degradación del suelo de un lote en particular, en comparación con suelos de referencia. Los actores interesados contarán con herramientas robustas para la toma de decisiones respecto de la degradación del suelo tanto a escala regional como local. Agricultural activities exert different pressures on natural resources. In some areas this has led to soil degradation and has an impact on agricultural sustainability. To assess soil degradation a robust methodological tool, adapted to regional soil and climatic conditions, is lacking. In addition, there is a demand from farmers and institutions interested in direct actions to preserve the soil. The objective of this project is to assess physical, chemical and biological soil degradation in agroecosystems of Córdoba. We propose to develop a tool that consists of a set of physical, chemical and biological indicators, with threshold values, integrated in soil degradation indices. The study area is a region with more than 100 years of agriculture. The methodology begins with the characterization of land use and management systems and the obtaining of base maps by means of remote sensing and survey. Sampling sites will be selected through a semi-directed methodology using GIS, ensuring at least one sampling point by mapping unit. Reference sites will be chosen as close to a natural condition. The proposed indicators emerge from previous works of the group, selected based on international standards and appropriate for the local soils. To obtain the thresholds, we will use, by one side, values from the literature, and by the other, values generated from the statistical distribution of the indicator in the reference soils. To standardize indicators transformation functions will be defined. Indicators will be weighted by mans of multivariate analysis and integrated in soil degradation indices. The approach concluded with the development of two instruments for decision making: a regional scale one, consisting in degradation maps based on environmental, land use and management systems mapping units; and an instrument at a plot level which will report on soil degradation of a particular plot compared to reference soils.
El problema que enfrenta la institucionalidad estatal argentina es que existe un serio déficit de información no solamente en el momento de evaluar un resultado, sino ya al momento de diseñar la política. Las estadísticas oficiales de hechos vitales, salud y educación son difundidas en el mejor de los casos con un año de atraso. La información de indicadores de salud por su nivel de desagregación no permite conocer las realidades locales. Es posible constatar la falta de información sobre las medidas tomadas para asegurar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones del Estado en lo relativo a políticas y programas de salud mental. Del mismo modo que los organismos internacionales determinan los deficits de los sistemas de atención a la salud mental a través de las brechas de tratamiento y aun cuando no se dispone de estimaciones precisas se habla de brechas de información, que expresarían la distancia entre la información necesaria y la efectivamente disponible (OPS, 2009). Desde el mes de diciembre de 2007 se conforma la Mesa de Trabajo Permanente en Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos, con el objeto de instalar en agenda la necesidad de contar con una legislación que brinde el marco normativo para la transformación del sector. En los meses de octubre y noviembre de 2010 se aprobaron sendas leyes de salud mental en la Provincia de Córdoba y a nivel nacional. Ambas proponen la transformación progresiva en los sistemas de atención a los problemas de salud mental de la población. Desde la Mesa de Trabajo Permanente en Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos se afirma que la legislación es un marco necesario pero no suficiente, en tanto se constata que las princiales violaciones a los derechos humanos se producen en situaciones concretas. El presente proyecto nace de la necesidad de contar con un sistema de información que permita conocer la transformación de los servicios de salud mental en la provincia de Córdoba a partir de la sanción de la ley 9848 de Salud Mental en el mes de octubre de 2010. Una vez logrado este objetivo legislativo, se pretende monitorear la gestión con la formulación de los siguientes interrogantes: ¿a través de qué indicadores medir, evaluar y monitorear si la producción de los servicios de salud mental se lleva adelante desde la perspectiva del enfoque de derechos sancionada en el marco normativo vigente?; ¿cuáles son los indicadores que desde dicha perspectiva los organismos estatales de producción de servicios deben elaborar para el compromiso de acción y la rendición de cuentas frente a la ciudadanía? ¿cuáles son los indicadores que la ciudadanía debe reclamar a los fines de monitorear el cumplimiento de dichos compromisos? La puesta en marcha del Observatorio de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos permitirá analizar las políticas y programas de salud mental desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos y avanzar en el monitoreo de la producción de los servicios de salud mental. Objetivo General: analizar y hacer visible el cumplimiento de los objetivos sancionados en la ley 9848 de Salud Mental a través de la observación, el monitoreo y la incidencia en las políticas de salud mental de la provincia de Córdoba. Metodología: la construcción de indicadores de derechos humanos para la salud mental. El Observatorio de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos pretende dar cuenta de las transformaciones que van a ocurrir a partir de la sanción de la ley 9848. Los resultados esperados están ligados a la producción y difusión de información sistematizada sobre las transformaciones en salud mental, a la vigilancia y el análisis del efecto/impacto de las políticas e incidir en las decisiones. El Observatorio pretende reconocer e integrar la información disponible y proponer indicadores que den cuenta de la situación inicial al momento de la implementación de los marcos normativos y permitir el monitoreo de las transformaciones emergentes. This project stems from the need for an information system designed to show the transformation of mental health services in the province of Cordoba after the enactment of the Mental Health Act 9848 in October 2010. Once achieved this legislative objective is to monitor the management with the formulation of the following questions: through which indicators to measure, evaluate and monitor whether the production of mental health services are carried forward from the perspective of rights-based approach enacted in two laws?, What are the indicators from that perspective the production agencies should develop services for the commitment to action and accountability to the public? What are the indicators that the public should demand that the purpose of monitoring compliance with these commitments? The launch of the Centre for Mental Health and Human Rights will review the policies and mental health programs from the perspective of human rights and progress in monitoring the production of mental health services. General Objective: to analyze and highlight the achievement of the objectives sanctioned by the Mental Health Act 9848 through the observation, monitoring and impact on mental health policy in the province of Cordoba. Methodology: building human rights indicators for mental health Mental Observatory Health and Human Rights aims to account for the changes that will occur after the enactment of Law 9848. The expected results are linked to production and dissemination of systematic information about changes in mental health, surveillance and analysis of the effect / impact and influence policy decisions. The Centre aims to recognize and integrate the available information and propose indicators that account for the initial situation at the time of implementation of regulatory frameworks and allow monitoring of change emerging.
Hepatology is an ever - changing field. The editors and authors of Hepatology − A Clinical Textbook have made every effort to provide information that is accurate and complete as of thedate of publication. However, in view of the rapid changes occurring in medical science, as well as the possibility of human error, this book may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical or other errors. Readers are advised to check the product information currently provided by the manufacturer of each drug to be administered to verify the recommen ded dose, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of the treating physician who relies on experience and knowledge about the patient to determine dosages and the best treatment for the patient. The informa tion contained herein is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind. The editors and Flying Publisher & Kamps disclaim responsibility for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of information contained herein.
Diagnosis, prognosis and evaluation of death risk in Chagas cardiomyopathy still constitute a challenge due to the diversity of manifestations, which determine the importance of using echocardiography, tissue Doppler and biomarkers. To evaluate, within a systematic review, clinical and echocardiographic profiles of patients with chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy, which may be related to worse prognosis and major mortality risk. To perform the systematic review, we used Medline (via PubMed), LILACS and SciELO databases to identify 82 articles published from 1991 to 2012, with the following descriptors: echocardiography, mortality and Chagas disease. We selected 31 original articles, involving diagnostic and prognostic methods. The importance of Chagas disease has increased due to its emergence in Europe and United States, but most evidence came from Brazil. Among the predictors of worse prognosis and higher mortality risk are morphological and functional alterations in the left and right ventricles, evaluated by conventional echocardiography and tissue Doppler, as well as the increase in brain natriuretic peptide and troponin I concentrations. Recently, the evaluations of dyssynchrony, dysautonomia, as well as strain, strain rate and myocardial twisting were added to the diagnostic arsenal for the early differentiation of Chagas cardiomyopathy. Developments in imaging and biochemical diagnostic procedures have enabled more detailed cardiac evaluations, which demonstrate the early involvement of both ventricles, allowing a more accurate assessment of the mortality risk in Chagas disease.
The chemical structure of lipoprotein (a) is similar to that of LDL, from which it differs due to the presence of apolipoprotein (a) bound to apo B100 via one disulfide bridge. Lipoprotein (a) is synthesized in the liver and its plasma concentration, which can be determined by use of monoclonal antibody-based methods, ranges from < 1 mg to > 1,000 mg/dL. Lipoprotein (a) levels over 20-30 mg/dL are associated with a two-fold risk of developing coronary artery disease. Usually, black subjects have higher lipoprotein (a) levels that, differently from Caucasians and Orientals, are not related to coronary artery disease. However, the risk of black subjects must be considered. Sex and age have little influence on lipoprotein (a) levels. Lipoprotein (a) homology with plasminogen might lead to interference with the fibrinolytic cascade, accounting for an atherogenic mechanism of that lipoprotein. Nevertheless, direct deposition of lipoprotein (a) on arterial wall is also a possible mechanism, lipoprotein (a) being more prone to oxidation than LDL. Most prospective studies have confirmed lipoprotein (a) as a predisposing factor to atherosclerosis. Statin treatment does not lower lipoprotein (a) levels, differently from niacin and ezetimibe, which tend to reduce lipoprotein (a), although confirmation of ezetimibe effects is pending. The reduction in lipoprotein (a) concentrations has not been demonstrated to reduce the risk for coronary artery disease. Whenever higher lipoprotein (a) concentrations are found, and in the absence of more effective and well-tolerated drugs, a more strict and vigorous control of the other coronary artery disease risk factors should be sought.
Background:Heart failure and atrial fibrillation (AF) often coexist in a deleterious cycle.Objective:To evaluate the clinical and echocardiographic outcomes of patients with ventricular systolic dysfunction and AF treated with radiofrequency (RF) ablation.Methods:Patients with ventricular systolic dysfunction [ejection fraction (EF) <50%] and AF refractory to drug therapy underwent stepwise RF ablation in the same session with pulmonary vein isolation, ablation of AF nests and of residual atrial tachycardia, named "background tachycardia". Clinical (NYHA functional class) and echocardiographic (EF, left atrial diameter) data were compared (McNemar test and t test) before and after ablation.Results:31 patients (6 women, 25 men), aged 37 to 77 years (mean, 59.8±10.6), underwent RF ablation. The etiology was mainly idiopathic (19 p, 61%). During a mean follow-up of 20.3±17 months, 24 patients (77%) were in sinus rhythm, 11 (35%) being on amiodarone. Eight patients (26%) underwent more than one procedure (6 underwent 2 procedures, and 2 underwent 3 procedures). Significant NYHA functional class improvement was observed (pre-ablation: 2.23±0.56; postablation: 1.13±0.35; p<0.0001). The echocardiographic outcome also showed significant ventricular function improvement (EF pre: 44.68%±6.02%, post: 59%±13.2%, p=0.0005) and a significant left atrial diameter reduction (pre: 46.61±7.3 mm; post: 43.59±6.6 mm; p=0.026). No major complications occurred.Conclusion:Our findings suggest that AF ablation in patients with ventricular systolic dysfunction is a safe and highly effective procedure. Arrhythmia control has a great impact on ventricular function recovery and functional class improvement.