971 resultados para cell cycle protein


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Persistence in canine distemper virus (CDV) infection is correlated with very limited cell-cell fusion and lack of cytolysis induced by the neurovirulent A75/17-CDV compared to that of the cytolytic Onderstepoort vaccine strain. We have previously shown that this difference was at least in part due to the amino acid sequence of the fusion (F) protein (P. Plattet, J. P. Rivals, B. Zuber, J. M. Brunner, A. Zurbriggen, and R. Wittek, Virology 337:312-326, 2005). Here, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of the neurovirulent CDV F protein underlying limited membrane fusion activity. By exchanging the signal peptide between both F CDV strains or replacing it with an exogenous signal peptide, we demonstrated that this domain controlled intracellular and consequently cell surface protein expression, thus indirectly modulating fusogenicity. In addition, by serially passaging a poorly fusogenic virus and selecting a syncytium-forming variant, we identified the mutation L372W as being responsible for this change of phenotype. Intriguingly, residue L372 potentially is located in the helical bundle domain of the F(1) subunit. We showed that this mutation drastically increased fusion activity of F proteins of both CDV strains in a signal peptide-independent manner. Due to its unique structure even among morbilliviruses, our findings with respect to the signal peptide are likely to be specifically relevant to CDV, whereas the results related to the helical bundle add new insights to our growing understanding of this class of F proteins. We conclude that different mechanisms involving multiple domains of the neurovirulent A75/17-CDV F protein act in concert to limit fusion activity, preventing lysis of infected cells, which ultimately may favor viral persistence.


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BACKGROUND: Stem cells with the ability to form clonal floating colonies (spheres) were recently isolated from the neonatal murine spiral ganglion. To further examine the features of inner ear-derived neural stem cells and their derivatives, we investigated the effects of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a neurokine that has been shown to promote self-renewal of other neural stem cells and to affect neural and glial cell differentiation. RESULTS: LIF-treatment led to a dose-dependent increase of the number of neurons and glial cells in cultures of sphere-derived cells. Based on the detection of developmental and progenitor cell markers that are maintained in LIF-treated cultures and the increase of cycling nestin-positive progenitors, we propose that LIF maintains a pool of neural progenitor cells. We further provide evidence that LIF increases the number of nestin-positive progenitor cells directly in a cell cycle-independent fashion, which we interpret as an acceleration of neurogenesis in sphere-derived progenitors. This effect is further enhanced by an anti-apoptotic action of LIF. Finally, LIF and the neurotrophins BDNF and NT3 additively promote survival of stem cell-derived neurons. CONCLUSION: Our results implicate LIF as a powerful tool to control neural differentiation and maintenance of stem cell-derived murine spiral ganglion neuron precursors. This finding could be relevant in cell replacement studies with animal models featuring spiral ganglion neuron degeneration. The additive effect of the combination of LIF and BDNF/NT3 on stem cell-derived neuronal survival is similar to their effect on primary spiral ganglion neurons, which puts forward spiral ganglion-derived neurospheres as an in vitro model system to study aspects of auditory neuron development.


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It has been suggested that some adult bone marrow cells (BMC) can localize to the lung and develop tissue-specific characteristics including those of pulmonary epithelial cells. Here, we show that the combination of mild airway injury (naphthalene-induced) as a conditioning regimen to direct the site of BMC localization and transtracheal delivery of short-term cultured BMC enhances airway localization and adoption of an epithelial-like phenotype. Confocal analysis of airway and alveolar-localized BMC (fluorescently labeled) with epithelial markers shows expression of the pulmonary epithelial proteins, Clara cell secretory protein, and surfactant protein C. To confirm epithelial gene expression by BMC, we generated transgenic mice expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) driven by the epithelial-specific cytokeratin-18 promoter and injected BMC from these mice transtracheally into wild-type recipients after naphthalene-induced airway injury. BMC retention in the lung was observed for at least 120 days following cell delivery with increasing GFP transgene expression over time. Some BMC cultured in vitro over time also expressed GFP transgene, suggesting epithelial transdifferentiation of the BMC. The results indicate that targeted delivery of BMC can promote airway regeneration.


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In protein folding and secretion disorders, activation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress signaling (ERSS) protects cells, alleviating stress that would otherwise trigger apoptosis. Whether the stress-surviving cells resume normal function is not known. We studied the in vivo impact of ER stress in terminally differentiating hypertrophic chondrocytes (HCs) during endochondral bone formation. In transgenic mice expressing mutant collagen X as a consequence of a 13-base pair deletion in Col10a1 (13del), misfolded alpha1(X) chains accumulate in HCs and elicit ERSS. Histological and gene expression analyses showed that these chondrocytes survived ER stress, but terminal differentiation is interrupted, and endochondral bone formation is delayed, producing a chondrodysplasia phenotype. This altered differentiation involves cell-cycle re-entry, the re-expression of genes characteristic of a prehypertrophic-like state, and is cell-autonomous. Concomitantly, expression of Col10a1 and 13del mRNAs are reduced, and ER stress is alleviated. ERSS, abnormal chondrocyte differentiation, and altered growth plate architecture also occur in mice expressing mutant collagen II and aggrecan. Alteration of the differentiation program in chondrocytes expressing unfolded or misfolded proteins may be part of an adaptive response that facilitates survival and recovery from the ensuing ER stress. However, the altered differentiation disrupts the highly coordinated events of endochondral ossification culminating in chondrodysplasia.


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We isolated a stem cell subpopulation from human lung cancer A549 cells using FACS/Hoechst 33342. This side population (SP), which comprised 24% of the total cell population, totally disappeared after treatment with the selective ABCG 2 inhibitor fumitremorgin C. In a repopulation study, isolated SP and non-SP cells were each able to generate a heterogeneous population of SP and non-SP cells, but this repopulation occurred more rapidly in SP cells than non-SP. An MTT assay and cell cycle distribution analysis reveal a similar profile between SP and non-SP groups. However, in the presence of doxorubicin (DOX) and methotrexate (MTX), SP cells showed significantly lower Annexin V staining when compared to non-SP cells. Taken together, these results demonstrate that SP cells have an active regeneration capacity and high anti-apoptotic activity compared with non-SP cells. Furthermore, our GeneChip data revealed a heightened mRNA expression of ABCG2 and ABCC2 in SP cells. Overall these data explain why the SP of A549 has a unique ability to resist DOX and MTX treatments. Therefore, we suggest that the expression of the ABCG2 transporter plays an important role in the multidrug resistance phenotype of A549 SP cells.


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Myc family genes are often deregulated in embryonal tumors of childhood including medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma and are frequently associated with aggressive, poorly differentiated tumors. The Myc protein is a transcription factor that regulates a variety of cellular processes including cell growth and proliferation, cell cycle progression, differentiation, apoptosis, and cell motility. Potential strategies that either inhibit the proliferation-promoting effect of Myc and/or activate its pro-apoptotic function are presently being explored. In this review, we will give an overview of Myc activation in embryonal tumors and discuss current strategies aimed at targeting Myc for cancer treatment.


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BACKGROUND: With current treatment strategies, nearly half of all medulloblastoma (MB) patients die from progressive tumors. Accordingly, the identification of novel therapeutic strategies remains a major goal. Deregulation of c-MYC is evident in numerous human cancers. In MB, over-expression of c-MYC has been shown to cause anaplasia and correlate with unfavorable prognosis. METHODS: To study the role of c-MYC in MB biology, we down-regulated c-MYC expression by using small interfering RNA (siRNA) and investigated changes in cellular proliferation, cell cycle analysis, apoptosis, telomere maintenance, and response to ionizing radiation (IR) and chemotherapeutics in a representative panel of human MB cell lines expressing different levels of c-MYC (DAOY wild-type, DAOY transfected with the empty vector, DAOY transfected with c-MYC, D341, and D425). RESULTS: siRNA-mediated c-MYC down-regulation resulted in an inhibition of cellular proliferation and clonogenic growth, inhibition of G1-S phase cell cycle progression, and a decrease in human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) expression and telomerase activity. On the other hand, down-regulation of c-MYC reduced apoptosis and decreased the sensitivity of human MB cells to IR, cisplatin, and etoposide. This effect was more pronounced in DAOY cells expressing high levels of c-MYC when compared with DAOY wild-type or DAOY cells transfected with the empty vector. CONCLUSION: In human MB cells, in addition to its roles in growth and proliferation, c-MYC is also a potent inducer of apoptosis. Therefore, targeting c-MYC might be of therapeutic benefit when used sequentially with chemo- and radiotherapy rather than concomitantly.


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The CCND1 gene encodes the protein CyclinD1, which is an important promoter of the cell cycle and a prognostic and predictive factor in different cancers. CCND1 is amplified to a substantial proportion in various tumors, and this may contribute to CyclinD1 overexpression. In bladder cancer, information about the clinical relevance of CCND1/CyclinD1 alterations is limited. In the present study, amplification status of CCND1 and expression of CyclinD1 were evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays from 152 lymph node-positive urothelial bladder cancers (one sample each from the center and invasion front of the primary tumors, two samples per corresponding lymph node metastasis) treated by cystectomy and lymphadenectomy. CCND1 amplification status and the percentage of immunostained cancer cells were correlated with histopathological tumor characteristics, cancer-specific survival and response to adjuvant chemotherapy. CCND1 amplification in primary tumors was homogeneous in 15% and heterogeneous in 6% (metastases: 22 and 2%). Median nuclear CyclinD1 expression in amplified samples was similar in all tumor compartments (60-70% immunostained tumor nuclei) and significantly higher than in non-amplified samples (5-20% immunostained tumor nuclei; P<0.05). CCND1 status and CyclinD1 expression were not associated with primary tumor stage or lymph node tumor burden. CCND1 amplification in primary tumors (P=0.001) and metastases (P=0.02) and high nuclear CyclinD1 in metastases (P=0.01) predicted early cancer-related death independently. Subgroup analyses showed that chemotherapy was particularly beneficial in patients with high nuclear CyclinD1 expression in the metastases, whereas expression in primary tumors and CCND1 status did not predict chemotherapeutic response. In conclusion, CCND1 amplification status and CyclinD1 expression are independent risk factors in metastasizing bladder cancer. High nuclear CyclinD1 expression in lymph node metastases predicts favorable response to chemotherapy. This information may help to personalize prognostication and administration of adjuvant chemotherapy.


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The apicomplexan parasite Theileria annulata transforms infected host cells, inducing uncontrolled proliferation and clonal expansion of the parasitized cell population. Shortly after sporozoite entry into the target cell, the surrounding host cell membrane is dissolved and an array of host cell microtubules (MTs) surrounds the parasite, which develops into the transforming schizont. The latter does not egress to invade and transform other cells. Instead, it remains tethered to host cell MTs and, during mitosis and cytokinesis, engages the cell's astral and central spindle MTs to secure its distribution between the two daughter cells. The molecular mechanism by which the schizont recruits and stabilizes host cell MTs is not known. MT minus ends are mostly anchored in the MT organizing center, while the plus ends explore the cellular space, switching constantly between phases of growth and shrinkage (called dynamic instability). Assuming the plus ends of growing MTs provide the first point of contact with the parasite, we focused on the complex protein machinery associated with these structures. We now report how the schizont recruits end-binding protein 1 (EB1), a central component of the MT plus end protein interaction network and key regulator of host cell MT dynamics. Using a range of in vitro experiments, we demonstrate that T. annulata p104, a polymorphic antigen expressed on the schizont surface, functions as a genuine EB1-binding protein and can recruit EB1 in the absence of any other parasite proteins. Binding strictly depends on a consensus SxIP motif located in a highly disordered C-terminal region of p104. We further show that parasite interaction with host cell EB1 is cell cycle regulated. This is the first description of a pathogen-encoded protein to interact with EB1 via a bona-fide SxIP motif. Our findings provide important new insight into the mode of interaction between Theileria and the host cell cytoskeleton.


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Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive B-cell lymphoid malignancy representing 5-10% of all non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. It is distinguished by the t(11;14)(q13;q32) chromosomal translocation that juxtaposes the proto-oncogene CCND1, which encodes cyclin D1 at 11q13 to the IgH gene at 14q32. MCL patients represent about 6% of all new cases of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas per year or about 3,500 new cases per year. MCL occurs more frequently in older adults – the average age at diagnosis is the mid-60s with a male-to-female ratio of 2-3:1. It is typically characterized by the proliferation of neoplastic B-lymphocytes in the mantle zone of the lymph node follicle that have a prominent inclination to disseminate to other lymphoid tissues, bone marrow, peripheral blood and other organs. MCL patients have a poor prognosis because they develop resistance/relapse to current non-specific therapeutic regimens. It is of note that the exact molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of MCL are not completely known. It is reasonable to anticipate that better characterization of these mechanisms could lead to the development of specific and likely more effective therapeutics to treat this aggressive disease. The type I insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-IR) is thought to be a key player in several different solid malignancies such as those of the prostate, breast, lung, ovary, skin and soft tissue. In addition, recent studies in our lab showed evidence to support a pathogenic role of IGF-IR in some types of T-cell lymphomas and chronic myeloid leukemia. Constitutively active IGF-IR induces its oncogenic effects through the inhibition of apoptosis and induction of transformation, metastasis, and angiogenesis. Previous studies have shown that signaling through IGF-IR leads to the vi activation of multiple signaling transduction pathways mediated by the receptor-associated tyrosine kinase domain. These pathways include PI3K/Akt, MAP kinase, and Jak/Stat. In the present study, we tested the possible role of IGF-IR in MCL. Our results demonstrate that IGF-IR is over-expressed in mantle cell lymphoma cell lines compared with normal peripheral blood B- lymphocytes. Furthermore, inhibition of IGF-IR by the cyclolignan picropodophyllin (PPP) decreased cell viability and cell proliferation in addition to induction of apoptosis and G2/M cell cycle arrest. Screening of downstream oncogenes and apoptotic proteins that are involved in both IGF-IR and MCL signaling after treatment with PPP or IGF-IR siRNA showed significant alterations that are consistent with the cellular changes observed after PPP treatment. Therefore, our findings suggest that IGF-IR signaling contributes to the survival of MCL and thus may prove to be a legitimate therapeutic target in the future.