997 resultados para catalytic oxidation
Résumé: Dans le but de préparer des complexes de Zr pour la catalyse homogène de la polymérisation des lactides et de l’hydroamination des olefines, l’elaboration et l’optimisation d’une méthode systématique et efficace de synthèse des ligands dikétimines ayant différents substituants alkyles (R) à la position N,N’ a été realisée. Des dikétimines (nacnacRH) symétriques ont été obtenus avec une pureté de plus de 95 % et un rendement de 65 % lorsque R = Me et des rendements allant de 80 à 95 % lorsque le groupe R = n-Pr, i-Pr, i-Bu, Bu, Cy et (+)-CH(Me)Ph. La synthèse des dikétimines ayant des substituants N-alkyls différents, dite asymétriques, donne toujours un mélange statistique de trois ligands: nacnacR,R’H, nacnacR,RH et nacnacR’,R’H qui n’ont pu être separés. Seuls les dikétimines asymétriques avec un substituant N-alkyl et un autre N-aryl (nacnacR,ArH) ont été obtenus avec des rendements plus élevés que celui du mélange statistique. Par la suite, la complexation de ces ligands bidentés au Zr, la caractérisation de ces complexes et l’investigation de la réactivité ont été étudiés. Les complexes de Zr de type (nacnacR)2ZrCl2 ont été obtenus par deux voies de synthèse principales: la première consiste à traiter le sel de lithium du ligand avec le ZrCl4. La seconde est la réaction du ligand avec les complexes neutres d’alkyl-zirconium(IV) par protonation de l'alkyle coordonné. En solution, les complexes obtenus de (nacnacR)2ZrX2 possèdent un comportement dynamique via un « Bailar-twist » et les paramètres d'activation de cette isomérisation ont été calculés. Le complexe octaèdrique (nacnacBn)2ZrCl2 n'est pas réactif dans la carbozirconation et son alkylation n'était pas possible par l’échange des chlorures avec les alkyles. L’analogue diméthylé (nacnacBn)2ZrMe2 peut être préparé par alkylation du ZrCl4 avant la complexation du ligand. On a également observé que ce dernier n’est pas réactif dans la carbozirconation. L‘analogue diéthoxyde (nacnacBn)2Zr(OEt)2 est obtenu par échange des diméthyles avec les éthoxydes. La polymérisation du lactide avec celui-ci en tant que précurseur est relativement lente et ne peut être effectuée que dans le monomère fondu. Par conséquent, pour résoudre les problèmes rencontrés avec les complexes de zirconium (dikétiminates non-pontés), un ligand dikétimines pontés par le diaminocyclohexane, (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2, LH2, (Xyl = 2,6-diméthylphényle) a été préparé. La complexation de ce ligand tetradenté au metal a été réalisée par deux voies de synthèse; la première est la réaction du sel de lithium de ce ligand avec le ZrCl4(THF)2. La deuxième est la déprotonation du ligand neutre avec le Zr(NMe2)4 et l’élimination du diméthylamine. Des complexes du type: (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2ZrX2 avec X = Cl, NMe2 ont été obtenus. Les ligands de chlorure sont dans ce cas facilement remplaçables par des éthoxydes ou des méthyles. On a observé l’activité la plus élevée jamais observée pour un complexe d’un métal du groupe 4 avec le complexe de (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OEt)2 dans la polymérisation de lactide. L'étude cinétique a montré que la loi de vitesse est du premier ordre en catalyseur et en monomère et la constante de vitesse est k = 14 (1) L mol-1 s-1. L'analyse des polymères a montré l’obtention de masses moléculaires faibles et l’abscence de stéréocontrôle. La réaction de (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2ZrCl2 avec le triflate d’argent donne le (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OTf)2. Le complexe bis-triflate obtenu possède une activité catalytique elevée pour les additions du type aza-Michael. L’utilisation du R,R-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OTf)2 énantiopur comme catalyseur, dans les additions du type aza-Michael asymétriques donne le produit desiré avec un excès énantiomérique de 19%.
Ce mémoire présente une poursuite de l’étude vers la synthèse de l’hodgsonox, un sesquiterpénoïde naturel possédant des propriétés insecticides contre la mouche verte d’Australie, Lucilia cuprina. L’hodgsonox comporte six centres stéréogènes et trois cycles : un époxyde fusionné à un cycle à cinq chaînons et une fonction éther cyclique à six chaînons doublement allylique. La stratégie de synthèse de l’hodgsonox proposée comporte dix-neuf étapes linéaires. Elle s’appuie sur les travaux préliminaires de Lise Bréthous, étudiante au doctorat, de Nicolas Lévaray, étudiant à la maîtrise, ainsi que du Dr. Ying Dong Lu et de la Dr. Sonia Diab, qui ont tous travaillé précédemment dans le groupe de la Pr. Lebel. La première étape de cette synthèse consiste en une hydrogénation cinétique dynamique de Noyori permettant d’obtenir un seul diastéréoisomère à partir de l’α-acétylbutyrolactone. Une séquence de six étapes linéaires supplémentaires, comprenant l’ouverture de la lactone ainsi qu’une métathèse d’oléfine, permet d’obtenir le cycle à cinq chaînons avec un rendement global de 37%. L’unité isopropyle est par la suite installée par une addition conjuguée pour former un éther d’énol silylé, qui est directement oxydé en la cétone correspondante avec l’acétate de palladium(II). Une réaction d’hydrosilylation subséquente permet d’obtenir la stéréochimie syn attendue de l’unité isopropyle. Par la suite, la carbonylation d’un intermédiaire triflate permet d’obtenir le squelette de base pour la formation de l’éther cyclique. Enfin, le cycle à six chaînons est formé par insertion O−H intramoléculaire d’un diazo avec un rendement global de 2% sur 17 étapes. Les travaux spécifiques de l’auteure comprennent l’évaluation de conditions catalytiques pour l’oxydation de Saegusa de l’éther d’énol silylé. Les trois dernières étapes ont également été explorées par l’auteure. Il s’agit de l’époxydation de la double liaison endocyclique, de l’insertion dans un lien O−H catalysée par un dimère de rhodium, et de la méthylénation. Enfin, l’exploration d’une voie alternative a été entamée. Cette nouvelle voie consiste à former l’éther cyclique par une substitution nucléophile sur un époxyde. La double liaison exo-cyclique serait installée par une simple réaction de déshydratation.
Zeolite Encapsulated Complexes Of Fe,Co,Ni,Cu And Pd:Synthesis , Characterization And Catalysis-2003
This thesis deals with the synthesis, characterization and catalysis activity studies of some zeolite encapsulated complexes. Encapsulation inside the zeolite cages makes the catalysts more stable. Further, the framework prevents the complexes from dimerising. Catalysis by metal complexes encapsulated in the cavities of zeolites and other molecular sieves has many features of homogeneous, heterogenous and enzymatic catalysis. Serious attempts has been made to gain product selectivity in catalysis .The catalytic activity shown by the encapsulated complexes can be correlated to the structure of the active site inside the zeolite pore. It deals with the studies on the partial oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde. The oxidatio was carried out using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant in presence of PdYDMG and CuYSPP as catalysts. The product (benzaldehyde) was detected using TLC and confirmed using GC.The catalytic activity of the complexes was tested for oxidation under various conditions. The operating conditions like the amount of the catalyst, reaction time, oxidant to substrate ratio, reaction temprature, and solvents have been optimized. No further oxidation products were obtained on continuing the reaction for four hours beyond the optimum time. Maximum conversion was obtained at room temperature and the percentage conversion decreased with increase in temperature. Activity was found to be dependent on the solvent used. With increasing awareness about the dangers of environmental degradation, research in chemistry is getting increasing geared to the development of “green chemistry,” by designing environmentally friendly products and processes that bring down the generation and use of hazardous substances.
The thesis deals with the synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity studies of supported cobalt(ii), nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes of O-phenylenediamine and Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline -2-carboxaldehyde. Zeolite encapsulation and polymer anchoring was employed for supporting the complexes. The characterization techniques proved that the encapsulation as well as polymer supporting has been successfully achieved. The catalytic activity studies revealed that the activities of the simple complexes are improved upon encapsulation. Various characterization techniques are used such as, chemical analysis, EPR, magnetic measurements, FTIR studies, thermal analysis, electronic spectra, XRD, SEM, surface area, and GC.The present study indicated that the that the mechanism of oxidation of catechol and DTBC by hydrogen peroxide is not altered by the change in the coordination sphere around the metal ion due to encapsulation. This fact suggests outer sphere mechanism for the reactions. The catalytic activity by zeolite encapsulated complex was found to be slower than that by the neat complex. The slowing down of the reaction in the zeolite case is probably due to the constraint imposed by the zeolite framework. The rate of DTBC ( 3,5-di-tert-butylchatechol)oxidation was found to be greater than the rate of catechol oxidation. This is obviously due to the presence of electron donating tertiary butyl groups.
Catalysis is an essential technology in manufacturing industries. The investigation based on supported vanadia catalysts and it’s sulfated analogues. Vanadia is a transition metal oxide and is used in oxidation reactions in chemical industry. It is more active and selective catalysts on suitable supports. The work deals with preparation of vanadia incorporated tin oxide and zirconia systems by wet impregnation. Physico-chemical characterization using instrumental techniques like BET etc. The surface acidic properties were determined by the ammonia TPD studies, Perylene absorption studies and Cumene conversion reaction. The catalytic activities of the prepared systems are tested by Friedel-Crafts benzylation of arenes and Bechmann rearrangement of Cyclohexanol oxime. Here the rector reactions are relatively rare. So to test the application of the catalyst systems for the selective oxidation of cyclohexanol to cyclohexanone and finally evaluate the catalytic activity of the systems for the vapour phase oxidative dehydrogenation of Ethylbenzene, which leads to the formation of Industrially important compound ‘styrene’ is another objective of this work
The thesis deals with the synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity studies of some new Fe (III), Co (II), Ni (II) and Cu (II) complexes of hydrazones and their zeolite encapsulated analogues. Hydrazones have diverse applications in biological, non-biological and biochemical front. During the present study three hydrazone types of ligands namely, acetylacetone- 2-hydroxyphenylhydrazone (APAcAc), acetoacetanilide- 2-hydroxyphenylhydrazone (APAcAcA) and acetoacetanilide-3,5-dihydro-2,4-dione pyrimidylhydrazone (AUAcAcA) were synthesized by diazotization of primary amine and coupling with compounds containing active methylene group. First part of the thesis deals with the synthesis of Fe, Co, Ni and Cu complexes using three hydrazone types of ligands are given. Details regarding the characterization of these complexes with a view to establishing the molecular structures are presented in this part. The other part contains the method of encapsulation of these complexes in zeolite cavities and their characterizations of the encapsulated metal species are described. A comparitive account of the catalytic activities of the pure and encapsulated complexes for cyclohexanol oxidation was also carried out.
In the present work Titania bulk powders and coatings were prepared by subjecting titanium isopropoxide solution to a controlled hydrolysis-condensation process. The powders were characterized using techniques such as FTIR for their chemical interactions, TG-DTA for the thermal decomposition features, XRD for the phase assemblage, BET specific surface area analysis for the textural features. The study discusses the preparation methods and the characterization techniques employed and a detailed discussion on the physico-chemical characterization of the prepared systems. The influence of dopants and leaching on the physico-chemical properties as well as their influence on photo activity is also included. The structural/functional coatings of different Titania compositions includes in this study. Coatings on pre-treated glass surfaces with the best compositions prepared showed 90 % transmittance in the visible region.
The quantum yields of singlet oxygen production and lifetimes at the gas–solid interface in silica gel material are determined. Different photosensitizers (PS) are encapsulated in parallelepipedic xerogel monoliths (PS-SG). PS were chosen according to their known photooxidation properties: 9,10-dicyanoanthracene (DCA), 9,10-anthraquinone (ANT), and a benzophenone derivative, 4-benzoyl benzoic acid (4BB). These experiments are mainly based on time-resolved 1O2 phosphorescence detection, and the obtained FD and tD values are compared with those of a reference sensitizer for production, 1H-phenalen-1- one (PN), included in the same xerogel. The trend between their ability to oxidize organic pollutants in the gas phase and their efficiency for production is investigated through photooxidation experiments of a test pollutant dimethylsulfide (DMS). The FD value is high for DCA-SG relative to the PN reference, whereas it is slightly lower for 4BB-SG and for ANT-SG. FD is related to the production of sulfoxide and sulfone as the main oxidation products for DMS photosensitized oxidation. Additional mechanisms, leading to C!S bond cleaveage, appear to mainly occur for the less efficient singlet oxygen sensitizers 4BB-SG and ANTSG.
In this regard Schiff base complexes have attracted wide attention. Furthermore, such complexes are found to play important role in analytical chemistry, organic synthesis, metallurgy, refining of metals, electroplating and photography. Many Schiff base complexes are reported in literature. Their properties depend on the nature of the metal ion as well as on the nature of the ligand. By altering the ligands it is possible to obtain desired electronic environment around the metal ion. Thus there is a continuing interest in the synthesis of simple and zeolite encapsulated Schiff base complexes of metal ions. Zeolites have a number of striking structural similarities to the protein portion of natural enzymes. Zeolite based catalysts are known for their remarkable ability of mimicking the chemistry of biological systems. In view of the importance of catalysts in all the areas of modern chemical industries, an effort has been made to synthesize some simple Schiff base complexes, heterogenize them by encapsulating within the supercages of zeoliteY cavities and to study their applications. The thesis deals with studies on the synthesis and characterization of some simple and zeoliteY encapsulated Mn(II), Fe(III), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes and on the catalytic activity of these complexes on some oxidation reactions. Simple complexes were prepared from the Schiff base ligands SBT derived from 2-aminobenzothiazole and salicylaldehyde and the ligand VBT derived from 2-aminobenzothiazole and vanillin (4-hydroxy-3- methoxybenzaldehyde). ZeoliteY encapsulated Mn(II), Fe(III), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of Schiff base ligands SBT and VBT and also of 2-aminobenzothiazole were synthesized. All the prepared complexes were characterized using the physico-chemical techniques such as chemical analysis (employing AAS and CHN analyses), magnetic moment studies, conductance measurements and electronic and FTIR spectra. EPR spectra of the Cu(II) complexes were also carried out to know the probable structures and nature of Cu(II) complexes. Thermogravimetric analyses were carried out to obtain the information regarding the thermal stability of various complexes. The successful encapsulations of the complexes within the cavities of zeoliteY were ascertained by XRD, surface area and pore volume analysis. Assignments of geometries of simple and zeoliteY encapsulated complexes are given in all the cases. Both simple and zeoliteY encapsulated complexes were screened for catalytic activity towards oxidation reactions such as decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, oxidation of benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol and cyclohexanol.
In recent years considerable advances have been achieved in the study of the surface structure and mechanism of action of environmentally benign heterogeneous catalysts. The study entitled as surface properties and catalytic activity of manganese ferrospinels. In the present study we have prepared manganese ferrospinels of general formula Mn(1-x)BxFe2O4 via low temperature controlled co-precipation method. The study employed low temperature co-precipitation method for the preparation ofMn(1-x)BxFe2O4 specimens, where B is a metal cation such as Cr,Co, Ni,Cu and Zn. The catalytic activities of the systems were investigated for liquid-phase benzoylation of aromatic compounds and phenol hydroxylation and for vapour-phase reactions such as aniline alkylation, phenol methylation and ODH of ethylbenzene. The different series of manganese ferrites are proved to be excellent catalysts for various industrially important reactions such as Friedel-crafts benzoylation of aromatic compounds, methylation of aniline and phenol, hydroxylation of phenol and oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene. Due to the tightening of the environmental regulations, production of diphenols from phenol hydroxylation and reduction of phenolic pollutants in waste waters using these catalysts can be a promising approach because it demands only simple techniques and produce little environmental pollution.
Zeolite Y-encapsulated ruthenium(III) complexes of Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde and 1,2- phenylenediamine, 2-aminophenol, or 2-aminobenzimidazole (RuYqpd, RuYqap and RuYqab, respectively) and the Schiff bases derived from salicylaldehyde and 1,2-phenylenediamine, 2-aminophenol, or 2-aminobenzimidazole (RuYsalpd, RuYsalap and RuYsalab, respectively) have been prepared and characterized. These complexes, except RuYqpd, catalyze catechol oxidation by H2O2 selectively to 1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene. RuYqpd is inactive. A comparative study of the initial rates and percentage conversion of the reaction was done in all cases. Turn over frequency of the catalysts was also calculated. The catalytic activity of the complexes is in the order RuYqap > RuYqab for quinoxaline-based complexes and RuYsalap > RuYsalpd > RuYsalab for salicylidene-based complexes. The reaction is believed to proceed through the formation of a Ru(V) species.
The metal complex, [Ni(en)2(H2O)2](NO3)2 (en = ethylenediamine), was decomposed in a static furnace at 200 C by autogenous decomposition to obtain phase pure metallic nickel nanocrystallites. The nickel metal thus obtained was studied by XRD, IR spectra, SEM and CHN analysis. The nickel crystallites are in the nanometer range as indicated by XRD studies. The IR spectral studies and CHN analyses show that the surface is covered with a nitrogen containing species. Thermogravimetric mass gain shows that the product purity is high (93%). The formed nickel is stable and resistant to oxidation up to 350 C probably due to the coverage of nitrogen containing species. Activation energy for the oxidation of the prepared nickel nanocrystallites was determined by non-isothermal methods and was found to depend on the conversion ratio. The oxidation kinetics of the nickel crystallites obeyed a Johnson–Mehl–Avrami mechanism probably due to the special morphology and crystallite strain present on the metal.