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An explanation for the observed variations in the output behaviour of SOI transistors with different buried oxide thicknesses is presented. At low drain bias, the temperature effects are relatively insignificant while at high drain bias, the temperature effects dominate the nonlinear behaviour of the output characteristics.


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A summary of the shrimp fishery history as well as the most important recommendations for the period 1977-1990 is presented. During the last years the catch rates have decreased. Although many possible causes can be appointed, such as, weather conditions and increase of effort, there is no clear explanation for it. A relationship between catch rates in the main period of recruitment (January to March) and the level of recruitment of the same year was established. Based on this relationship, the total annual catch is predicted for the level of fishing mortality chosen. Fishing mortality is estimated as 2.28 yearˉ¹ and a gradual reduction of fishing effort is recommended until 2.17 yearˉ¹ calculated as F(sub)0.1.


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This paper describes a new flow mechanism for the reduction of secondary flows in Low Pressure Turbines using the benefit of contoured endwalls. The extensive application of contoured endwalls in recent years has provided a deeper understanding of the physical phenomenon that governs the reduction of secondary flows. Based on this understanding, the endwall geometry of a linear cascade of solid-thin profiles typical of Low Pressure Turbines has been redesigned. Experimental data are presented for the validation of this new solution. Based on these data, a reduction of 72% in the SKEH and 20% in the mixed-out endwall losses can be obtained. CFD simulations are also presented to illustrate the effect of the new endwall on the secondary flows. Furthermore, an explanation of the flow mechanism that governs the reduction of the SKEH and the losses is given. Copyright © 2006 by ASME.


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Using the Hybrid method (FE + SEA) it is possible to estimate the frequency response of an uncertain structure. The current work develops the Hybrid method to allow for time domain analysis of the shock response of a structure. Problems to be overcome when taking Hybrid method results into the time domain are a) the Hybrid method frequency response has no phase information, and b) the Hybrid method frequency response is smoothed in frequency and shows no modal peaks. In this paper the first problem has been overcome, using minimum phase reconstruction. Explanation of minimum phase reconstruction and its limitations are described, and application to shock problems described. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The origin of eukaryotic flagella has long been a mystery. Here we review the possibility that flagella sprouted evolutionarily from the eukaryotic cell proper seems very unlikely because it is hard to imagine what function and benefit in natural selection the flagella would have provided to the cells when they first emerged as simple buds. Lynn Margulis' 1970 spirochete hypothesis, though popular still, has never been confirmed. Moreover, the absence of tubulin and axonemal dynein in the spirochetes and the incapability of the bacterial and eukaryotic membranes' making a continuum now suggest that the hypothesis is outdated. Tubulin genes were recently identified in a new bacteria division, verrucomicrobia, and microtubules have also been found in one of these species, epixenosomes, the defensive ectosymbionts. On the basis of these data, we propose a new symbiotic hypothesis: that the mid-ancestor of eukaryotic cells obtained epixenosomelike verrucomicrobia as defensive ectosymbionts and the ectosymbionts later became endosymbiotic. They still, however, protruded from the surface of their host to play their role. Later, many genes were lost or incorporated into the host genome. Finally, the genome, the bacterial membrane, and the endosymbiotic vesicle membrane were totally lost, and fingerlike protrusions with microtubules formed. As the cells grew larger, the defensive function of the protrusions eventually weakened and then vanished. Some of the protrusions took on a new role in cell movement, which led them to evolve into flagella. The key step in this process was that the dynein obtained from the host evolved into axonemal dyneins, attaching onto the microtubules and forming motile axonemes. Our hypothesis is unproven, but it offers a possible explanation that is consistent with current scientific thought. We hope that our ideas will stimulate additional studies on the origin of eukaryotic flagella and on investigations of verrucomicrobia. Whether such studies confirm, refine, or replace our hypothesis, they should nevertheless further our understanding of the origin of eukaryotic cells.


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The effect of lunar and tidal influence on the landing of pelagic fish with drift gill nets has been studied for the first time from Bay of Bengal along the Orissa coast. The catchability of the gear was highest during the first quarter and lowest in the fourth quarter of the moon. The variation in catch rates during the four different quarters was not statistically significant. Contrary to the earlier belief, landing with gill net was not poor during the moonlit nights. The extensive use of bluish grey nylon twine matching with seawater in place of indigenous hemp or cotton twine, has largely eliminated the visibility of gear during the brighter phase of the moon. The rate of exploitation was found to be significantly higher during the nights of neap tide, compared to those of spring tide. A plausible explanation for this phenomenon has been offered.


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There is a number of famous theoretical and experimental works that oriented themselves to solve actual problem of coastal change, including the change of coastline, under versatile influence of oceanic wind waves. In this paper the author would like to give supplementally a few new behaviours of that phenomena observed along the coasts of Vietnam, such as coastal collapse & primitive on-the-spot accumulation, material hurl, etc. Most simple theoretical explanation of them grounding on the Newton's second law has been presented and as results of that there appeared such notion as indicator and criterion which could be used for demarcation of different behaviours in initial stage of general coastal changing processes.


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Golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana), namely the snub-nosed monkey, is a well-known endangered primate, which distributes only in the central part of mainland China. As an effort to understand the current genetic status as well as population history of this species, we collected a sample of 32 individuals from four different regions, which cover the major habitat of this species. Forty-four allozyme loci were surveyed in our study by allozyme electrophoresis, none of which was found to be polymorphic. The void of polymorphism compared with that of other nonhuman primates is surprising particularly considering that the current population size is many times larger than that of some other endangered species. Since many independent loci are surveyed in this Study, the most plausible explanation for our observation is that the population has experienced a recent bottleneck. We used a coalescent approach to explore various scenarios of population bottleneck and concluded that the most recent bottleneck could have happened within the last 15,000 years. Moreover, the proposed simulation approach could be useful to researchers who need to analyze the non- or low-polymorphism data.


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Humans are able to learn tool-handling tasks, such as carving, demonstrating their competency to make and vary the direction of movements in unstable environments. It has been shown that when a single reaching movement is repeated in unstable dynamics, the central nervous system (CNS) learns an impedance internal model to compensate for the environment instability. However, there is still no explanation for how humans can learn to move in various directions in such environments. In this study, we investigated whether and how humans compensate for instability while learning two different reaching movements simultaneously. Results show that when performing movements in two different directions, separated by a 35° angle, the CNS was able to compensate for the unstable dynamics. After adaptation, the force was found to be similar to the free movement condition, but stiffness increased in the direction of instability, specifically for each direction of movement. Our findings suggest that the CNS either learned an internal model generalizing over different movements, or alternatively that it was able to switch between specific models acquired simultaneously. © 2008 IEEE.


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The paper examines a conceptualized fishing system for the African Environment with a comparative approach. Although the fishing system has been conceived as a bio-economic complex, emphasis will be given to the explanation of the detailed structure and functioning of the system. Subsequent synthesis involving the use of existing relationships for management etc. will also be undertaken. The proposed fishing system is conceptually feasible in an ideal environment with adequate monitored data and organized fishing, however it is anticipated that the African environment will not satisfy such conditions.


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Juveniles of limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger) were introduced into the man-made Lake Kariba in 1967-1968. Thirty months of night-fishing for this species from Sinazongwe, near the centre of the Kariba North bank, from 1971 to 1974 are described. Biological studies were carried out on samples of the catch during most of these months. Limnological studies were carried out over a period of four months in 1973. Limnothrissa is breeding successfully and its number have greatly increased. It has reached an equilibrium level of population size at a lower density than that of Lake Tanganyika sardines, but nevertheless is an important factor in the ecology of Lake Kariba. The growth rate, size at maturity and maximum size are all less than those of Lake Tanganyika Limnothrissa. A marked disruption in the orderly progression of length frequency modes occurs in September, for which the present body of evidence cannot supply an explanation.


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Globally unstable wakes with co-flow at intermediate Reynolds numbers are studied, to quantify important spatial regions for the development and control of the global instability. One region of high structural sensitivity is found close to the inlet for all wakes, in agreement with previous findings for cylinder wakes. A second, elongated region of high structural sensitivity is seen downstream of the first one for unconfined wakes at Re = 400. When base flow modifications are considered, a spatially oscillating sensitivity pattern is found inside the downstream high structural sensitivity region. This implies that the same change in the base flow can either destabilize or stabilize the flow, depending on the exact position where it is applied. It is shown that the sensitivity pattern remains unchanged for different choices of streamwise boundary conditions and numerical resolution. Actual base flow modifications are applied in selected configurations, and the linear global modes recomputed. It is confirmed that the linear global eigenvalues move according to the predicted sensitivity pattern for small amplitude base flow modifications, for which the theory applies. We also look at the implications of a small control cylinder on the flow. Only the upstream high sensitivity region proves to be robust in terms of control, but one should be careful not to disturb the flow in the downstream high sensitivity region, in order to achieve control. The findings can have direct implications on the numerical resolution requirements for wakes at higher Reynolds numbers. Furthermore, they provide one more possible explanation to why confined wakes have a more narrow frequency spectrum than unconfined wakes.


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The role of geometrical confinement on collective cell migration has been recognized but has not been elucidated yet. Here, we show that the geometrical properties of the environment regulate the formation of collective cell migration patterns through cell-cell interactions. Using microfabrication techniques to allow epithelial cell sheets to migrate into strips whose width was varied from one up to several cell diameters, we identified the modes of collective migration in response to geometrical constraints. We observed that a decrease in the width of the strips is accompanied by an overall increase in the speed of the migrating cell sheet. Moreover, large-scale vortices over tens of cell lengths appeared in the wide strips whereas a contraction-elongation type of motion is observed in the narrow strips. Velocity fields and traction force signatures within the cellular population revealed migration modes with alternative pulling and/or pushing mechanisms that depend on extrinsic constraints. Force transmission through intercellular contacts plays a key role in this process because the disruption of cell-cell junctions abolishes directed collective migration and passive cell-cell adhesions tend to move the cells uniformly together independent of the geometry. Altogether, these findings not only demonstrate the existence of patterns of collective cell migration depending on external constraints but also provide a mechanical explanation for how large-scale interactions through cell-cell junctions can feed back to regulate the organization of migrating tissues.


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The technological advancements in digital imaging, the widespread popularity of digital cameras, and the increasing demand by owners and contractors for detailed and complete site photograph logs have triggered an ever-increasing growth in the rate of construction image data collection, with thousands of images being stored for each project. However, the sheer volume of images and the difficulties in accurately and manually indexing them have generated a pressing need for methods that can index and retrieve images with minimal or no user intervention. This paper reports recent developments from research efforts in the indexing and retrieval of construction site images in architecture, engineering, construction, and facilities management image database systems. The limitations and benefits of the existing methodologies will be presented, as well as an explanation of the reasons for the development of a novel image retrieval approach that not only can recognize construction materials within the image content in order to index images, but also can be compatible with existing retrieval methods, enabling enhanced results.


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Differential growth of thin elastic bodies furnishes a surprisingly simple explanation of the complex and intriguing shapes of many biological systems, such as plant leaves and organs. Similarly, inelastic strains induced by thermal effects or active materials in layered plates are extensively used to control the curvature of thin engineering structures. Such behaviour inspires us to distinguish and to compare two possible modes of differential growth not normally compared to each other, in order to reveal the full range of out-of-plane shapes of an initially flat disk. The first growth mode, frequently employed by engineers, is characterised by direct bending strains through the thickness, and the second mode, mainly apparent in biological systems, is driven by extensional strains of the middle surface. When each mode is considered separately, it is shown that buckling is common to both modes, leading to bistable shapes: growth from bending strains results in a double-curvature limit at buckling, followed by almost developable deformation in which the Gaussian curvature at buckling is conserved; during extensional growth, out-of-plane distortions occur only when the buckling condition is reached, and the Gaussian curvature continues to increase. When both growth modes are present, it is shown that, generally, larger displacements are obtained under in-plane growth when the disk is relatively thick and growth strains are small, and vice versa. It is also shown that shapes can be mono-, bi-, tri- or neutrally stable, depending on the growth strain levels and the material properties: furthermore, it is shown that certain combinations of growth modes result in a free, or natural, response in which the doubly curved shape of disk exactly matches the imposed strains. Such diverse behaviour, in general, may help to realise more effective actuation schemes for engineering structures. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.