974 resultados para carbon storage


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In Finland, peat harvesting sites are utilized down almost to the mineral soil. In this situation the properties of mineral subsoil are likely to have considerable influence on the suitability for the various after-use forms. The aims of this study were to recognize the chemical and physical properties of mineral subsoils possibly limiting the after-use of cut-over peatlands, to define a minimum practice for mineral subsoil studies and to describe the role of different geological areas. The future percentages of the different after-use forms were predicted, which made it possible to predict also carbon accumulation in this future situation. Mineral subsoils of 54 different peat production areas were studied. Their general features and grain size distribution was analysed. Other general items studied were pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, water soluble nutrients (P, NO3-N, NH4-N, S and Fe) and exchangeable nutrients (Ca, Mg and K). In some cases also other elements were analysed. In an additional case study carbon accumulation effectiveness before the intervention was evaluated on three sites in Oulu area (representing sites typically considered for peat production). Areas with relatively sulphur rich mineral subsoil and pool-forming areas with very fine and compact mineral subsoil together covered approximately 1/5 of all areas. These areas were unsuitable for commercial use. They were recommended for example for mire regeneration. Another approximate 1/5 of the areas included very coarse or very fine sediments. Commercial use of these areas would demand special techniques - like using the remaining peat layer for compensating properties missing from the mineral subsoil. One after-use form was seldom suitable for one whole released peat production area. Three typical distribution patterns (models) of different mineral subsoils within individual peatlands were found. 57 % of studied cut-over peatlands were well suited for forestry. In a conservative calculation 26% of the areas were clearly suitable for agriculture, horticulture or energy crop production. If till without large boulders was included, the percentage of areas suitable to field crop production would be 42 %. 9-14 % of all areas were well suitable for mire regeneration or bird sanctuaries, but all areas were considered possible for mire regeneration with correct techniques. Also another 11 % was recommended for mire regeneration to avoid disturbing the mineral subsoil, so total 20-25 % of the areas would be used for rewetting. High sulphur concentrations and acidity were typical to the areas below the highest shoreline of the ancient Litorina sea and Lake Ladoga Bothnian Bay zone. Also differences related to nutrition were detected. In coarse sediments natural nutrient concentration was clearly higher in Lake Ladoga Bothnian Bay zone and in the areas of Svecokarelian schists and gneisses, than in Granitoid area of central Finland and in Archaean gneiss areas. Based on this study the recommended minimum analysis for after-use planning was for pH, sulphur content and fine material (<0.06 mm) percentage. Nutrition capacity could be analysed using the natural concentrations of calcium, magnesium and potassium. Carbon accumulation scenarios were developed based on the land-use predictions. These scenarios were calculated for areas in peat production and the areas released from peat production (59300 ha + 15 671 ha). Carbon accumulation of the scenarios varied between 0.074 and 0.152 million t C a-1. In the three peatlands considered for peat production the long term carbon accumulation rates varied between 13 and 24 g C m-2 a-1. The natural annual carbon accumulation had been decreasing towards the time of possible intervention.


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Australian native foods have long been consumed by the Indigenous people of Australia. There is growing interest in the application of these foods in the functional food and complementary health care industries. Recent studies have provided information on the health properties of native foods but systematic study of changes in flavour and health components during processing and storage has not been done. It is well known that processing technologies such as packaging, drying and freezing can significantly alter the levels of health and flavour compounds. However, losses in compounds responsible for quality and bioactivity can be minimised by improving production practices. This report outlines research developed to provide the native food industry with reliable information on the retention of bioactive compounds during processing and storage to enable the development of product standards which in turn will provide the industry with scientific evidence to expand and explore new market opportunities globally.


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The colour of commercial cooked black tiger prawns (Penaeus monodon) is a key quality requirement to ensure product is not rejected in wholesale markets. The colour, due to the carotenoid astaxanthin, can be impacted by frozen storage, but changes in colour or astaxanthin profile, during frozen storage, have not been studied in detail. Subsequently in this study, the aims were to define the astaxanthin (as cis, trans, mono-ester and di-ester forms) content, together with the colour properties, in both pleopods (legs) and abdominal segments. Changes in astaxanthin content and colour properties were further determined during frozen storage (−20°C). Total astaxanthin content was seen to decrease in all samples over time, with the rate of degradation being significantly greater (P < 0.05) in pleopods than abdomen. In both pleopods and abdomen, rate of degradation of esterified forms was significantly greater (P < 0.05) than non-esterified forms. Hue angle (increase), a* value (decrease) and L value (increase) were all seen to significantly change (P < 0.05) during storage, with changes being more prevalent in the pleopods. The pleopods are the key indicator of astaxanthin and colour loss in cooked black tiger prawns and preservation strategies are required to preserve astaxanthin and colour during frozen storage.


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Distributed renewable energy has become a significant contender in the supply of power in the distribution network in Queensland and throughout the world. As the cost of battery storage falls, distribution utilities turn their attention to the impacts of battery storage and other storage technologies on the low voltage (LV) network. With access to detailed residential energy usage data, Energex's available residential tariffs are investigated for their effectiveness in providing customers with financial incentives to move to Time-of Use based tariffs and to reward use of battery storage.


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Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant with various health benefits such as prevention of age-related macular degeneration and improvement of the immune system, liver and heart function. To improve the post-harvesting stability of astaxanthin used in food, feed and nutraceutical industries, the biomass of the high astaxanthin producing alga Haematococcus pluvialis was dried by spray- or freeze-drying and under vacuum or air at − 20 °C to 37 °C for 20 weeks. Freeze-drying led to 41 higher astaxanthin recovery compared to commonly-used spray-drying. Low storage temperature (− 20 °C, 4 °C) and vacuum-packing also showed higher astaxanthin stability with as little as 12.3 ± 3.1 degradation during 20 weeks of storage. Cost-benefit analysis showed that freeze-drying followed by vacuum-packed storage at − 20 °C can generate AUD600 higher profit compared to spray-drying from 100 kg H. pluvialis powder. Therefore, freeze-drying can be suggested as a mild and more profitable method for ensuring longer shelf life of astaxanthin from H. pluvialis.


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Pristine and molybdenum filled double walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs) suspended in D2O show excellent ultrafast optical switching properties investigated through femtosecond Z-scan and degenerate pump-probe method using 50 fs pulses with central photon energy of 1.57 eV. For pristine-DWNT, the two photon absorption coefficient, beta and nonlinear refraction coefficient, n2 are 4.9×10−8 cm/W, and 9.5×10−11 cm2/W, respectively, which yield one photon figure of merit, W=133 and two photon figure of merit, T=0.4. The degenerate pump-probe measurements show strong photoinduced bleaching with biexponential decay with time constants ~150 and 600 fs. ©2009 American Institute of Physics


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We report the field emission from carbon nanofibers (CNFs) grown directly on cylindrical copper by a simple pyrolysis technique. The turn-on field is 0.17 V/µm and the emission current density is 0.9 mA/cm2 at 0.35 V/µm. The emission current is stable at a field of 0.35 V/µm and 6.5×10−6 Torr. The excellent field emission behavior is attributed to the sp2 phase in CNFs and the stable emission is due to the direct growth. The direct growth on cylindrical cathode is advantageous for field emission. ©2009 American Institute of Physics.


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Key message Log-end splitting is one of the single most important defects in veneer logs. We show that log-end splitting in the temperate plantation species Eucalyptus nitens varies across sites and within-tree log position and increases with time in storage. Context Log-end splitting is one of the single most important defects in veneer logs because it can substantially reduce the recovery of veneer sheets. Eucalyptus nitens can develop log-end splits, but factors affecting log-end splitting in this species are not well understood. Aims The present study aims to describe the effect of log storage and steaming on the development of log-end splitting in logs from different plantations and log positions within the tree. Methods The study was conducted on upper and lower logs from each of 41 trees from three 20–22-year-old Tasmanian E. nitens plantations. Log-end splitting was assessed immediately after felling, after transport and storage in a log-yard, and just before peeling. A pre-peeling steam treatment was applied to half the logs. Results Site had a significant effect on splitting, and upper logs split more than lower logs with storage. Splitting increased with tree diameter breast height (DBH), but this relationship varied with site. The most rapidly growing site had more splitting even after accounting for DBH. No significant effect of steaming was detected. Conclusion Log-end splitting varied across sites and within-tree log position and increased with time in storage.


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Increasing organic carbon inputs to agricultural soils through the use of pastures or crop residues has been suggested as a means of restoring soil organic carbon lost via anthropogenic activities, such as land use change. However, the decomposition and retention of different plant residues in soil, and how these processes are affected by soil properties and nitrogen fertiliser application, is not fully understood. We evaluated the rate and extent of decomposition of 13C-pulse labelled plant material in response to nitrogen addition in four pasture soils of varying physico-chemical characteristics. Microbial respiration of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) residues was monitored over 365-days. A double exponential model fitted to the data suggested that microbial respiration occurred as an early rapid and a late slow stage. A weighted three-compartment mixing model estimated the decomposition of both soluble and insoluble plant 13C (mg C kg−1 soil). Total plant material decomposition followed the alkyl C: O-alkyl C ratio of plant material, as determined by solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Urea-N addition increased the decomposition of insoluble plant 13C in some soils (≤0.1% total nitrogen) but not others (0.3% total nitrogen). Principal components regression analysis indicated that 26% of the variability of plant material decomposition was explained by soil physico-chemical characteristics (P = 0.001), which was primarily described by the C:N ratio. We conclude that plant species with increasing alkyl C: O-alkyl C ratio are better retained as soil organic matter, and that the C:N stoichiometry of soils determines whether N addition leads to increases in soil organic carbon stocks.


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A study undertaken in Hervey Bay, Queensland, investigated the potential of creating an indigenous agribusiness opportunity based on the cultivation of indigenous Australian vegetables and herbs. Included were warrigal greens (WG) (Tetragonia tetragonioides), a green leafy vegetable and the herb sea celery (SC) (Apium prostratum); both traditional foods of the indigenous population and highly desirable to chefs wishing to add a unique, indigenous flavour to modern dishes. Packaging is important for shelf life extension and minimisation of postharvest losses in horticultural products. The ability of two packaging films to extend WG and SC shelf life was investigated. These were Antimisted Biaxial Oriented Polypropylene packaging film (BOPP) without perforations and Antifog BOPP Film with microperforations. Weight loss, packaging headspace composition, colour changes, sensory differences and microbial loads of packed WG and SC leaves were monitored to determine the impact of film oxygen transmission rate (OTR) and film water vapour transmission (WVT) on stored product quality. WG and SC were harvested, sanitised, packed and stored at 4°C for 16 days. Results indicated that the OTR and WVT rates of the package film significantly (PKLEINERDAN0.05) influenced the package headspace and weight loss, but did not affect product colour, total bacteria, yeast and mould populations during storage. There was no significant difference (PGROTERDAN0.05) in aroma, appearance, texture and flavour for WG and SC during storage. It was therefore concluded that a shelf life of 16 days at 4°C, where acceptable sensory properties were retained, was achievable for WG and SC in both packaging films.


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Reforestation will have important consequences for the global challenges of mitigating climate change, arresting habitat decline and ensuring food security. We examined field-scale trade-offs between carbon sequestration of tree plantings and biodiversity potential and loss of agricultural land. Extensive surveys of reforestation across temperate and tropical Australia (N = 1491 plantings) were used to determine how planting width and species mix affect carbon sequestration during early development (< 15 year). Carbon accumulation per area increased significantly with decreasing planting width and with increasing proportion of eucalypts (the predominant over-storey genus). Highest biodiversity potential was achieved through block plantings (width > 40 m) with about 25% of planted individuals being eucalypts. Carbon and biodiversity goals were balanced in mixed-species plantings by establishing narrow belts (width < 20 m) with a high proportion (>75%) of eucalypts, and in monocultures of mallee eucalypt plantings by using the widest belts (ca. 6–20 m). Impacts on agriculture were minimized by planting narrow belts (ca. 4 m) of mallee eucalypt monocultures, which had the highest carbon sequestering efficiency. A plausible scenario where only 5% of highly-cleared areas (<30% native vegetation cover remaining) of temperate Australia are reforested showed substantial mitigation potential. Total carbon sequestration after 15 years was up to 25 Mt CO2-e year−1 when carbon and biodiversity goals were balanced and 13 Mt CO2-e year−1 if block plantings of highest biodiversity potential were established. Even when reforestation was restricted to marginal agricultural land (<$2000 ha−1 land value, 28% of the land under agriculture in Australia), total mitigation potential after 15 years was 17–26 Mt CO2-e year−1 using narrow belts of mallee plantings. This work provides guidance on land use to governments and planners. We show that the multiple benefits of young tree plantings can be balanced by manipulating planting width and species choice at establishment. In highly-cleared areas, such plantings can sequester substantial biomass carbon while improving biodiversity and causing negligible loss of agricultural land.


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Prescribed fire is one of the most widely-used management tools for reducing fuel loads in managed forests. However the long-term effects of repeated prescribed fires on soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools are poorly understood. This study aimed to investigate how different fire frequency regimes influence C and N pools in the surface soils (0–10 cm). A prescribed fire field experiment in a wet sclerophyll forest established in 1972 in southeast Queensland was used in this study. The fire frequency regimes included long unburnt (NB), burnt every 2 years (2yrB) and burnt every 4 years (4yrB), with four replications. Compared with the NB treatment, the 2yrB treatment lowered soil total C by 44%, total N by 54%, HCl hydrolysable C and N by 48% and 59%, KMnO4 oxidizable C by 81%, microbial biomass C and N by 42% and 33%, cumulative CO2–C by 28%, NaOCl-non-oxidizable C and N by 41% and 51%, and charcoal-C by 17%, respectively. The 4yrB and NB treatments showed no significant differences for these soil C and N pools. All soil labile, biologically active and recalcitrant and total C and N pools were correlated positively with each other and with soil moisture content, but negatively correlated with soil pH. The C:N ratios of different C and N pools were greater in the burned treatments than in the NB treatments. This study has highlighted that the prescribed burning at four year interval is a more sustainable management practice for this subtropical forest ecosystem.


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Interaction of electron donor and acceptor molecules with graphene samples prepared by different methods as well as with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) has been investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). The ITC interaction energies of the graphene samples and SWNTs with electron acceptor molecules are higher than those with electron donor molecules. Thus, tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) shows the highest interaction energy with both graphene and SWNTs. The interaction energy with acceptor molecules varies with the electron affinity as well as with the charge-transfer transition energy for different aromatics. Metallic SWNTs interact reversibly with electron acceptor molecules, resulting in the opening of a gap.


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This paper investigates the short-run effects of economic growth on carbon dioxide emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels and the manufacture of cement for 189 countries over the period 1961-2010. Contrary to what has previously been reported, we conclude that there is no strong evidence that the emissions-income elasticity is larger during individual years of economic expansion as compared to recession. Significant evidence of asymmetry emerges when effects over longer periods are considered. We find that economic growth tends to increase emissions not only in the same year, but also in subsequent years. Delayed effects - especially noticeable in the road transport sector - mean that emissions tend to grow more quickly after booms and more slowly after recessions. Emissions are more sensitive to fluctuations in industrial value added than agricultural value added, with services being an intermediate case. On the expenditure side, growth in consumption and growth in investment have similar implications for national emissions. External shocks have a relatively large emissions impact, and the short-run emissions-income elasticity does not appear to decline as incomes increase. Economic growth and emissions have been more tightly linked in fossil-fuel rich countries.