988 resultados para barium orthosilicate
Nd isotopes are useful tracers for paleoceanography due to the short Nd residence time in seawater and the large differences between the isotopic signatures of various geological reservoirs. Therefore, ?Nd variations reflect the geological history of individual oceanic basins. Using a differential dissolution technique, which extracts Nd isotopes of seawater trapped in MnO2 coatings and carbonates in marine sediment, we measured almost two hundred samples from ODP Sites 758 and 757 in the Northern Bay of Bengal covering the last 4 Ma. For the first time, we have shown a covariation between epsilon-Nd and d18O over at least the last 800 ka. We also show that from 4 Ma to 2.6 Ma, epsilon-Nd is almost constant and starts to fluctuate at 2.6 Ma when northern glaciations increased. From 2.6 Ma to 1 Ma the fluctuation period is close to 40 ka while from 1 Ma to present it is dominantly 100 ka. We attribute these findings to mixing between Himalayan river water (that ultimately originates as Indian summer monsoon rain) and normal Bay of Bengal seawater. Previous studies on seawater, using epsilon-Nd, d18O analyzed on planktonic foraminifera and sedimentary data, can be integrated into this model. A simple quantitative binary mixing model suggests that the summer monsoon rain was more intense during interglacial than glacial periods. During last glacial episode, the monsoon trajectory was deviated to the east. At a large scale, the Indian monsoon is fully controlled by the variations in Northern Hemisphere climate but with a complex response function to this forcing. Our study clearly establishes the large potential of Nd isotope data to evaluate the hydrological river regime during the Quaternary and its relationship with climate fluctuations, particularly when the sediment archive is sampled close to sediment sources.
New results on the petrochemistry and geochemistry of dolerites from the Schirmacher Oasis shed light on the development of the Karoo-Maud plume in Antarctica. The basalts and dolerites are petrologically identical to the rocks of western Dronning Maud Land (DML), which were previously studied and interpreted as a manifestation of the Karoo-Maud plume in Antarctica. The spatial distribution of the dikes suggests eastward spreading of the plume material, up to the Schirmacher Oasis for at least 10 Ma. The geochemical characteristics of magmas from the Schirmacher Oasis reflect the influence of crustal contamination, which accompanied both the ascent and spreading of the plume. The magmas of the initial stage of plume activity (western DML) appeared to be the most contaminated in crustal components. It was found that the geochemical characteristics of Mesozoic magmas from the Schirmacher Oasis are identical to those of enriched tholeiites from the Afanasy Nikitin Rise and the central Kerguelen Plateau (Hole 749), which indicates that their enrichment was related to the ancient material of the Gondwana continent. This was caused by the opening of the Indian Ocean under the influence of the Karoo-Maud plume. This process was peculiar in that it occurred in the presence of nonspreading blocks of varying thickness, for instance, Elan Bank in the central Kerguelen Plateau, and was accompanied by the formation of intraplate volcanic rises, which are documented in the seafloor relief of basins around Antarctica. The geochemical characteristics of igneous rocks from the resulting rises (Afanasy Nikitin, Kerguelen, Naturaliste, and Ninetyeast Ridge) indicate the influence of processes related to crustal assimilation. The magmatism that occurred 40 Ma after the main phase of the Karoo-Maud volcanism at the margins of the adjacent continents of Australia (Bunbury basalts) and India (Rajmahal trapps) could be generated by the Karoo-Maud plume flowing along the developing spreading zone. The plume moved subsequently and was localized at the Kerguelen Plateau, where it occurs at present as an active hotspot.
New magnetometric, petrological, and geochemical data on basalts from the central Romanche Fracture Zone allow to classify these rocks into two groups. Igneous rocks from the active part of the fracture zone that have undergone transtension are referred to alkaline rocks. According to some indications, they are younger that oceanic tholeiites of the southern fault-line ridge, which were affected by elevated pressure in the past. These data indicate with a high probability that the Romanche Fracture Zone belongs to a rare group of magmatically active demarcation transform lines that separate large oceanic domains different in structural and geochemical features.
The Leg 80 basalts drilled on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain 10 km southwest of Goban Spur (Hole 550B) and on the western edge of Goban Spur (Hole 551), respectively, are typical light-rare-earth-element- (LREE-) depleted oceanic tholeiites. The basalts from the two holes are almost identical; most of their primary geochemical and mineralogical characteristics have been preserved, but they have undergone some low-temperature alteration by seawater, such as enrichment in K, Rb, and Cs and development of secondary potassic minerals of the "brownstone facies." K/Ar dating fail to give realistic emplacement ages; the apparent ages obtained become younger with alteration (causing an increase in K2O). Hole 551 basalts are clearly different from the continental tholeiites emplaced on the margins of oceanizing domains during the prerift and synrift stages.
The upper part of the basaltic substratum of the Atlantic abyssal plain, approaching subduction beneath the Barbados Ridge and thus presumably beneath the Lesser Antilles island arc, is made of typical LREE-depleted oceanic tholeiites. Mineralogical (microprobe) and geochemical (X-ray fluorescence, neutron activation analyses) data are given for 12 samples from the bottom of Hole 543A, which is 3.5 km seaward of the deformation front of the Barbados Ridge complex. These basalts are overlain by a Quaternary to Maestrichtian-Campanian sedimentary sequence. Most of the basalts are relatively fresh (in spite of the alteration of olivine and development of some celadonite, clays, and chlorite in their groundmass), and their mineralogical and geochemical compositions are similar to those of LREE-depleted recent basalts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The most altered samples occur at the top of the basaltic sequence, and show trends of enrichment in alkali metals typical of altered oceanic tholeiites.
Lithology, heavy mineral associations, and chemical composition of bottom sediments studied in two gravity cores from Isfjord, Western Spitsbergen (Svalbard) accompanied by high-frequency seismic records, provide a new insight on provenance and glaciomarine sedimentation in the fjord from the last deglaciation through Holocene.
Interstitial water samples from Sites 834 through 839, drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 in the backarc Lau basin (Southwestern Pacific), have been analyzed for major elements, manganese, copper, strontium, barium, vanadium, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic composition values. The concentration-depth profiles of the major chemical components show almost straight concentration gradients at all sites, and seem to reflect slight alteration of volcanic material. However, in the lower part of the sedimentary cover, where volcanogenic material is abundant and where diagenetic minerals occur, systematic decreases in calcium, strontium, manganese, copper, and vanadium concentrations are observed. A downwelling flow of bottom seawater, which affected the diagenetic chemical signature of the interstitial water, is probably responsible for the recorded chemical features. This hypothesis is supported by strontium isotope data obtained from interstitial water samples at Site 835. It is also in accordance with data from heat flow and physical properties.
The monograph has been written on the base of data obtained from samples and materials collected during the 19-th cruise of RV ''Akademik Vernadsky'' to the Northern and Equatorial Indian Ocean. Geological features of the region (stratigraphy, tectonic structure, lithology, distribution of ore-forming components in bottom sediments, petrography of igneous rocks, etc.) are under consideration. Regularities of trace element concentration in Fe-Mn nodules, nodule distribution in bottom sediments, and engineering-geological properties of sediments within the nodule fields have been studied. Much attention is paid to ocean crust rocks. The wide range of ore mineralization (magnetite, chromite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, pentlandite, and other minerals) has been ascertained.
This paper is dedicated to the geochemical studies of two bottom sediment cores that were taken during cruise 28 of the R/V Professor Logachev in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) 16°38'N area in 2006. The chemical compositions of background metalliferous and ore (ore-bearing) carbonate sediments are presented and inter-element correlations are examined. Individual episodes are distinguished in the accumulation history of the ore-bearing and metalliferous sediments on the basis of element factor analysis.
Pioneer information about chemical composition of river waters in the Wrangel Island has been obtained. It is shown that water composition reflects the lithogeochemical specifics of primary rocks and ore mineralization. In contrast to many areas of the Russian Far North river waters of the island are characterized by elevated background value of total mineralization (i.e., total dissolved solids, TDS) (0.3-2 g/l) and specific chemical type (SO4-Ca-Mg). This is related to abundance of Late Carboniferous gypsiferous and dolomitic sequences in the mountainous area of the island. It has also been established that salt composition of some streams is appreciably governed by supergene alterations of sulfide mineralization associated with quartz-carbonate vein systems. They make up natural centers of surface water contamination. Waters in such streams are characterized by low pH values (2.4-5.5), high TDS (up to 6-23 g/l) and SO4-Mg composition. These waters are also marked by anomalously high concentrations of heavy and non-ferrous metals, as well as REE, U, and Th.
Analysis of pelagic clay samples from Sites 576, 578, and 581 shows that physical, acoustic, and electrical trends with increasing burial depth are related to mineralogical and diagenetic changes. The properties of interest are bulk density (roo), porosity (phi), compressional-wave velocity (Vp) and velocity anisotropy (Ap), and electrical resistivity (Ro) and resistivity anisotropy (Ar). In general, as demonstrated in particular for the brown pelagic clay, the increase in roo, Vp, Ro, and to a lesser extent Ap and Ar with increasing depth is primarily caused by decreasing phi (and water content) as a result of compaction. The mineralogy and chemistry of the pelagic clays vary as a function of burial depth at all three sites. These variations are interpreted to reflect changes in the relative importance of detrital and diagenetic components. Mineralogical and chemical variations, however, play minor roles in determining variations in acoustic and electrical properties of the clays with increasing burial depth.
Bivalve shells can provide excellent archives of past environmental change but have not been used to interpret ocean acidification events. We investigated carbon, oxygen and trace element records from different shell layers in the mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis combined with detailed investigations of the shell ultrastructure. Mussels from the harbour of Ischia (Mediterranean, Italy) were transplanted and grown in water with mean pHT 7.3 and mean pHT 8.1 near CO2 vents on the east coast of the island. Most prominently, the shells recorded the shock of transplantation, both in their shell ultrastructure, textural and geochemical record. Shell calcite, precipitated subsequently under acidified seawater responded to the pH gradient by an in part disturbed ultrastructure. Geochemical data from all test sites show a strong metabolic effect that exceeds the influence of the low-pH environment. These field experiments showed that care is needed when interpreting potential ocean acidification signals because various parameters affect shell chemistry and ultrastructure. Besides metabolic processes, seawater pH, factors such as salinity, water temperature, food availability and population density all affect the biogenic carbonate shell archive.
Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 480 (27°54.10'N, 111°39.34'W; 655 m water depth) contains a high resolution record of paleoceanographic change of the past 15000 years for the Guaymas Basin, a region of very high diatom productivity within the central Gulf of California. Analyses of diatoms and silicoflagellates were completed on samples spaced every 40-50 yr, whereas ICP-AES geochemical analyses were completed on alternate samples (sample spacing 80-100 yr). The Bolling-Allerod interval (14.6-12.9 ka) (note, ka refers to 1000 calendar years BP throughout this report) is characterized by an increase in biogenic silica and a decline in calcium carbonate relative to surrounding intervals, suggesting conditions somewhat similar to those of today. The Younger Dryas event (12.9-11.6 ka) is marked by a major drop in biogenic silica and an increase in calcium carbonate. Increasing relative percentage contributions of Azpeitia nodulifera and Dictyocha perlaevis (a tropical diatom and silicoflagellate, respectively) and reduced numbers of the silicoflagellate Octactis pulchra are supportive of reduced upwelling of nutrient-rich waters. Between 10.6 and 10.0 ka, calcium carbonate and A. nodulifera abruptly decline at DSDP 480, while Roperia tesselata, a diatom indicative of winter upwelling in the modern-day Gulf, increases sharply in numbers. A nearly coincident increase in the silicoflagellate Dictyocha stapedia suggests that waters above DSDP 480 were more similar to the cooler and slightly more saline waters of the northern Gulf during much of the early and middle parts of the Holocene (~10 to 3.2 ka). At about 6.2 ka a stepwise increase in biogenic silica and the reappearance of the tropical diatom A. nodulifera marks a major change in oceanographic conditions in the Gulf. A winter shift to more northwesterly winds may have occurred at this time along with the onset of periodic northward excursions (El Nino-driven?) of the North Equatorial Countercurrent during the summer. Beginning between 2.8 and 2.4 ka, the amplitude of biogenic silica and wt% Fe, Al, and Ti (proxies of terrigenous input) increase, possibly reflecting intensification of ENSO cycles and the establishment of modern oceanographic conditions in the Gulf. Increased numbers of O. pulchra after 2.8 ka suggest enhanced spring upwelling.