988 resultados para atmospheric deep convection


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The influence of ENSO on atmospheric circulation and precipitation over the western United States is presented from two perspectives. First, ENSO-associated circulation patterns over the North Pacific/North America sector were identified using an REOF (rotated empirical orthogonal function) analysis of the 700-mb height field and compositing these for extreme phases of the Southern Oscillation Index. ... Second, we examine the variability of precipitation during the warm and cool phases of ENSO for different locations in the western United States.


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In studying hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere interactions, it is useful to focus on specific subsystem processes and energy exchanges (forcing). Since subsystem scales range over ten orders of magnitude, it may be difficult to focus research on scales that will yield useful results in terms of establishing causal and predictive connections between more easily and less easily observed subsystems. In an effort to find pertinent scales, we have begun empirical investigations into relationships between atmospheric, oceanic, and biological systems having spatial scales exceeding 10^3 kilometers and temporal scales of six months or more.


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Comparison between past changes in pollen assemblages and stable isotope ratios (deuterium and carbon) analyzed in the same peat core from Tierra del Fuego at latitude 55°S permitted identification of the relative contribution of precipitation versus temperature responsible for the respective change. Major steps in the sequence of paleoenvironmental changes, such as at 12700, 9000, 5000, and 4000 years ago are apparently related only to increase in precipitation, reflecting the latitudinal location and intensity of the westerly storm tracks. On the other hand, high paleoenvironmental variability, which is characteristic for the late-glacial and the latest Holocene, is related to temperature variability, which affects the relative moisture content. Comparison with other paleoenvironmental records suggests that the late-glacial temperature variability is probably related to variability in the extent of Antarctic sea-ice, which in turn appears to be related to the intensity of Atlantic deep-water circulation. Temperature variability during the latest Holocene, on the other hand, is probably related to the dynamics of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation.


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In a cooperative agreement between Amoco Production Company and the University of Arizona Geosciences Department, extensive data and resources associated with 15 deep wells drilled in the Great Salt Lake are currently on loan at the University of Arizona. Seismic data, electric and lithologic logs, cuttings and previously-prepared pollen slides will eventually permit a thorough study of both the tectonic and climatic history of the Great Salt Lake region. The preliminary study presented here concentrates on the Late Tertiary and Pleistocene climatic reconstruction of the eastern Great Basin through examination of fossil pollen.


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The goal of this research is to identify key features of atmospheric circulation that influence winter climate variability in the Sonoran Desert region. This relationship between winter climate and atmospheric circulation is investigated through the use of indices, which describe the principal features of circulation patterns.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Large-scale changes in the growth and decay of land plants can be deduced from trends in the concentration of atmospherics [sic] carbon dioxide, after removing signals in the recorded data caused by oceanic and industrial disturbances to the concentration.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Catch of coho salmon off the coast of Washington and Oregon since 1925 appears to be related to large-scale events in the atmosphere, which in turn affect ocean currents and coastal upwelling intensities in the northeastern Pacific. At least two time scales of variations can be identified. The first is that of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation phenomenon giving rise to an irregular cycle of between 3 to 7 years. ... The second time scale of variation seems to have a periodicity of about 20 years, although this is based on a limited dataset. ... This paper endeavors to describe how, if real, these atmospheric/oceanic effects are integrated and might affect the salmon catch. The possibility must also be considered that the atmospheric events are symbiotically related to the oceanic events and, further, that both may be enmeshed in even longer-term variability of climate.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Synoptic dendroclimatology uses dated tree rings to study and reconstruct climate from the viewpoint of the climate's weather components and their relationship to atmospheric circulation. This approach defines a connection between large-scale circulation and ring-width variation at local sites using correlation fields, composite maps, indexing, and other circulation-based methodologies.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): In this work, I examine patterns of atmospheric circulation associated with tree growth anomalies at mid-to-high latitudes (2000-3500 meters).


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Measurements of spatial and temporal distributions of carbon dioxide concentration and carbon-13/carbon-12 ratio in the atmosphere suggest a strong biospheric carbon sink in terrestrial ecosystems. Quantifying the sink, however, has become an enormous challenge for Earth system scientists because of great uncertainties associated with biological variation and environmental heterogeneity in the ecosystems. This paper presents an approach that uses two driving parameters to bound terrestrial carbon sequestration associated with an increase in carbon dioxide concentration.


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The sixth nominal species of Chaceon to be recorded from the western Indian Ocean is named from a specimen collected off Somalia in 504-506 meters. Chaceon somaliensis, n. sp., resembles C. macphersoni (Manning and Holthuis, 1988) and differs from the other four species known from the area in having the dactylus of the walking legs dorsoventrally depressed. It differs from C. macphersoni in having slenderer legs, a smoother body, and a much deeper, evenly curved orbit.


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The average integrated chlorophyll a values for a 30-m deep surface layer in the north Arabian Sea bordering Pakistan ranged from negligible amounts to as high as 0.53μg chl. a 1ˉ¹(15.9mg mˉ²) during the period January 20, 1977 to June 4, 1977. The values, in general, decreased offshore except for the westernmost part of the Makran shelf, where unexpectedly high values were recorded over deep water. Seasonal distribution showed very high values in January (northeast monsoon season) which, with a few exceptions, gradually decreased to very low values in May, and then increased in June. The January peak may be related to winter cooling of surface waters resulting in convection and the June peak to the onset of southwest monsoon season in May. Coastal water shallower than 30m showed no seasonality and were often sites of intense phytoplankton blooms.