988 resultados para asymmetry


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In this paper, we examine the volatility of crude oil price using daily data for the period 1991–2006. Our main innovation is that we examine volatility in various sub-samples in order to judge the robustness of our results. Our main findings can be summarised as follows: (1) across the various sub-samples, there is inconsistent evidence of asymmetry and persistence of shocks; and (2) over the full sample period, evidence suggests that shocks have permanent effects, and asymmetric effects, on volatility. These findings imply that the behaviour of oil prices tends to change over short periods of time.


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Two new inorganic-organic polymeric hybrids [Sn(pcp)] and [Cu(pcp)], pcp = CH2(PhPO2)22-, have been synthesized and structurally chracterized. The tin derivative has been obtained by reaction of the p,p'-diphenylmethylenediphosphinic acid (H2pcp) in water with SnCl2·2H2O, while the copper derivative has been synthesized through a hydrothermal reaction from the same H2pcp acid and Cu(O2CMe)2·H2O. The structures of these compounds have been solved "ab initio" by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) data. [Sn(pcp)] has a ladder-like polymeric structure, with tin(II) centers bridged by diphenylmethylenediphosphinate ligands, and alternating six- and eight-membered rings. The hemilectic coordination around the metal shows the tin(II) lone pair to be operative, resulting in significant interaction mainly with a C-C bond of one phenyl ring. The [Cu(pcp)] complex displays a polymeric columnar structure formed by two intersecting sinusoidal ribbons of copper(II) ions bridged by the bifunctional phosphinate ligands. The intersections of the ribbons are made of dimeric units of pentacoordinated copper ions. Crystal data for [Sn(pcp)]: monoclinic, space group P21Ic, a = 11.2851(1), b = 15.4495(6), c = 8.6830(1) Å, β= 107.546(1)°, V = 1443.44(9) Å, Z = 4. Crystal data for [Cu(pcp)]: triclinic, space group P, a = 10.7126(4), b = 13.0719(4), c = 4.9272(3) Å, α= 92.067(5), β= 95.902(7), γ= 87.847(4)°, V = 685.47(7), Z = 2. The tin compound has been characterized by 119Sn MAS NMR (magic-angle spinning NMR), revealing asymmetry in the valence electron cloud about tin. Low-temperature magnetic measurements of the copper compound have indicated the presence of weak antiferromagnetic interactions below 50 K.


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We analyse the incentives and welfare implications of costly technology adoption in a two-period duopoly model where firms have different amounts of capital. We also extend our framework to an open economy set-up and examine the relationship between trade and technology adoption. Our findings are as follows. First, no monotone relationship exists between the threshold cost of adoption and capital shares. Second, an unequal distribution of capital, despite lessening competition, can increase total surplus. Third, trade generally encourages adoption of modern technology unless the share of capital for the adopters is too low.


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While there has been much judicial discussion regarding the competency of Australia's continuous disclosure regime with reference to contemporaneous international standards, there has to date been limited empirical analysis of the Australian system's effectiveness in preventing selective disclosure and information leakage. This paper presents an empirical study of information content and trading behaviour around unscheduled earnings announcements - comprising of profit upgrades, profit warnings and neutral trading statements - made by ASX-listed companies during 2004. The contention is that informed trading impacts on the stock returns and trading volumes of listed entities, and hence abnormal returns or trading volumes observed prior to an announcement provide evidence of information leakage. The paper models a range of factors that potentially influence firm disclosure practices and contribute to the level information asymmetry in the market during the pre- announcement period. Previous research has investigated the influence of firm size and information content in contributing to information leakage. This study further considers the variables of firm growth, capital structure and industry group.


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Computer display height and desk design to allow forearm support are two critical design features of workstations for information technology tasks. However there is currently no 3D description of head and neck posture with different computer display heights and no direct comparison to paper based information technology tasks. There is also inconsistent evidence on the effect of forearm support on posture and no evidence on whether these features interact. This study compared the 3D head, neck and upper limb postures of 18 male and 18 female young adults whilst working with different display and desk design conditions. There was no substantial interaction between display height and desk design. Lower display heights increased head and neck flexion with more spinal asymmetry when working with paper. The curved desk, designed to provide forearm support, increased scapula elevation/protraction and shoulder flexion/abduction.


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The goal of this paper is to test for asymmetric behaviour of macroeconomic aggregates for three Asian economies; namely, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Korea. Whether macroeconomic aggregates can be characterised as asymmetric has important implications for policy-making and econometric modelling including forecasting. We examine two forms of asymmetries; specifically deepness, which arises when a detrended time series contains an asymmetric distribution, and steepness, which arises when the first difference of a series contains an asymmetric distribution. Overall, our findings suggest that for all three countries, the bulk of the series display asymmetry behaviour.


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For robust policymaking and econometric modelling, it is essential to know whether macroeconomic aggregates contain asymmetric behaviour. The aim of this note is to investigate asymmetries in Singapore's macroeconomic aggregates using the Randles et al. (1980) Triples test. We examine both deepness and steepness asymmetries, and find that for Consumer Price Index (CPI) and unemployment rate there is evidence for deepness asymmetry. On the basis of this finding, we caution policymakers.


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Vertebrates respond to environmental stressors through the neuro-endocrine stress response, which involves the production of glucocorticoids. We have selected independent, duplicate divergent lines of zebra finches for high, low and control corticosterone responses to a mild stressor. This experiment has shown that over the first four generations, the high lines have demonstrated a significant realized heritability of about 20%. However, the low lines have apparently not changed significantly from controls. This asymmetry in response is potentially because of the fact that all birds appear to be showing increased adaptation to the environment in which they are housed, with significant declines in corticosterone response in control lines as well as low lines. Despite the existence of two- to threefold difference in mean corticosterone titre between high and low lines, there were no observed differences in testosterone titre in adult male birds from the different groups. In addition, there were no consistent, significant differences between the lines in any of the life history variables measured – number of eggs laid per clutch, number of clutches or broods produced per pair, number of fledglings produced per breeding attempt, nor in any of egg, nestling and fledgling mortality. These results highlight the fact that the mechanisms that underlie variation in the avian physiological system can be modified to respond to differences between environments through selection. This adds an additional level of flexibility to the avian physiological system, which will allow it to respond to environmental circumstances.


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The benefit of impact-loading activity for bone strength depends on whether the additional bone mineral content (BMC) accrued at loaded sites is due to an increased bone size, volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) or both. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), the aim of this study was to characterize the geometric changes of the dominant radius in response to long-term tennis playing and to assess the influence of muscle forces on bone tissue by investigating the muscle–bone relationship. Twenty tennis players (10 men and 10 women, mean age: 23.1 ± 4.7 years, with 14.3 ± 3.4 years of playing) were recruited. The total bone volume, cortical volume, sub-cortical volume and muscle volume were measured at both distal radii by MRI. BMC was assessed by DXA and was divided by the total bone volume to derive vBMD. Grip strength was evaluated with a dynamometer. Significant side-to-side differences (P < 0.0001) were found in muscle volume (+9.7%), grip strength (+13.3%), BMC (+13.5%), total bone volume (+10.3%) and sub-cortical volume (+20.6%), but not in cortical volume (+2.6%, ns). The asymmetry in total bone volume explained 75% of the variance in BMC asymmetry (P < 0.0001). vBMD was slightly higher on the dominant side (+3.3%, P < 0.05). Grip strength and muscle volume correlated with all bone variables (except vBMD) on both sides (r = 0.48–0.86, P < 0.05–0.0001) but the asymmetries in muscle parameters did not correlate with those in bone parameters. After adjustment for muscle volume or grip strength, BMC was still greater on the dominant side. This study showed that the greater BMC induced by long-term tennis playing at the dominant radius was associated to a marked increase in bone size and a slight improvement in volumetric BMD, thereby improving bone strength. In addition to the muscle contractions, other mechanical stimuli seemed to exert a direct effect on bone tissue, contributing to the specific bone response to tennis playing.


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Bone responds to impact-loading activity by increasing its size and/or density. The aim of this study was to compare the magnitude and modality of the bone response between cortical and trabecular bone in the forearms of tennis players. Bone area, bone mineral content (BMC), and bone mineral density (BMD) of the ulna and radius were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in 57 players (24.5 ± 5.7 yr old), at three sites: the ultradistal region (50% trabecular bone), the mid-distal regions, and third-distal (mainly cortical bone). At the ultradistal radius, the side-to-side difference in BMD was larger than in bone area (8.4 ± 5.2% and 4.9 ± 4.0%, respectively, p < 0.01). In the cortical sites, the asymmetry was lower (p < 0.01) in BMD than in bone area (mid-distal radius: 4.0 ± 4.3% vs 11.7 ± 6.8%; third-distal radius: 5.0 ± 4.8% vs 8.4 ± 6.2%). The asymmetry in bone area explained 33% of the variance of the asymmetry in BMC at the ultradistal radius, 66% at the mid-distal radius, and 53% at the third-distal radius. The ulna displayed similar results. Cortical and trabecular bone seem to respond differently to mechanical loading. The first one mainly increases its size, whereas the second one preferentially increases its density.


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Mechanical loading during growth magnifies the normal increase in bone diameter occurring in long bone shafts, but the response to loading in long bone ends remains unclear. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of tennis playing during growth at the distal radius, comparing the bone response at trabecular and cortical skeletal sites. The influence of training duration was examined by studying bone response in short-term (children) and long-term (young adults) perspectives. Bone area, bone mineral content (BMC), and bone mineral density (BMD) of the radius were measured by DXA in 28 young (11.6 ± 1.4 years old) and 47 adult tennis players (22.3 ± 2.7 years old), and 70 age-matched controls (12 children, 58 adults) at three sites: the ultradistal region (trabecular), the mid-distal region, and the third-distal region (cortical). At the ultradistal radius, young and adult tennis players displayed similar side-to-side differences, the asymmetry in BMC reaching 16.3% and 13.8%, respectively (P < 0.0001). At the mid- and third-distal radius, the asymmetry was much greater in adults than in children (P < 0.0001) for all the bone parameters (mid-distal radius, +6.6% versus +15.6%; third-distal radius, +6.9% versus +13.3%, for BMC). Epiphyseal bone enduring longitudinal growth showed a great capacity to respond to mechanical loading in children. Prolonging tennis playing into adulthood was associated with further increase in bone mineralization at diaphyseal skeletal sites. These findings illustrate the benefits of practicing impact-loading sports during growth and maintaining physical activity into adulthood to enhance bone mass accrual and prevent fractures later in life.


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In this paper, we test for asymmetric behaviour of industrial and residential electricity demand for the G7 countries, using the entropy-based test for symmetry suggested by [Racine, J., and Maasoumi, E., 2007. A versatile and robust metric entropy test of time-reversibility, and other hypotheses. Journal of Econometrics 138(2), 547–567; Racine, J., and Maasoumi, E., 2008. A robust entropy-based test of asymmetry for discrete and continuous processes. Econometric Reviews 28, 246–261], the Triples test of [Randles, R., Flinger, M., Policello, G., and Wolfe, D., 1980. An asymptotically distribution-free test for symmetry versus asymmetry. Journal of the American Statistical Association 75, 168–172] and the [Bai, J., and Ng, S., 2001. A consistent test for conditional symmetry in time series models. Journal of Econometrics 103, 225–258] test for conditional symmetry. Using data that spans over three decades, we find overwhelming evidence of conditional symmetry of residential and industrial electricity consumption. This finding implies that the use of econometric tests based on linear data generating processes is credible.


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This thesis reports on the development and expansion of reliable synthetic di-and multi-tin precursors for the assembly of oligomeric organotin-oxo compounds in which the shape, dimension and tin nuclearity can be controlled. The reaction of polymeric diorganotin oxides, (R2SnO)m (R = Me, Et, n-Bu, n-Oct, c-Hex, i-Pr, Ph), with saturated aqueous NH4X solutions (X = F, Cl, Br, I, OAc) in refluxing 1,4-dioxane afforded in high yields dimeric tetraorganodistannoxanes, [R2(X)SnOSn(X)R2]2, and in a few cases diorganotin dihalides or diacetates, R2SnX2. This method appears to be particularly good for the synthesis of halogenated tetraorganodistannoxanes but a less suitable method for the preparation of dicarboxylato tetraorganodistannoxanes. Identification of [R2(OH)SnOSn(X)R2]2 (R = n-Bu; X = Cl, Br) and [R2(OH)SnOSn(X)R2][R2(X)SnOSn(X)R2] suggest a serial substitution mechanism starting from [R2(OH)SnOSn(OH)R2]2. A series of α, ω -bis(triphenylstannyl)alkanes, [Ph3Sn]2(CH2)n (n = 3-8, 10, 12) and some of their derivatives were synthesised and characterised. These α, ω-bis(triphenylstannyl)alkanes, [Ph3Sn]2(CH2)n were converted to the corresponding halides [R(Cl)2Sn]2(CH2)n (R = CH2SiMe3) and subsequently to the polymeric oxides {[R(0)Sn]2(CH2)n}m. Reaction of {[R(O)Sn]2(CH2)n}m with [R(Cl)2Sn]2(CH2)n. (n = 3, n' = 4 and n = 4, n' = 3) in toluene at 100°C results in a mixture of symmetric and asymmetric double ladders, where different spacer chain lengths (n and n') provide the source of asymmetry. The coexistence at high temperature of separate 119Sn NMR signals belonging to symmetric and asymmetric double ladders suggests an equilibrium that is slow on the 119Sn NMR time scale and the position of which is temperature dependent. However, 119Sn NMR spectroscopic experiments of {[R(0)Sn]2(CH2)3}m with [R(Cl)2Sn]2(CH2)n for longer spacers (n - 5, 6, 8, 10, 12) reveal that molecular self-assembly of symmetric spacer-bridged di-tin precursors of equal chain length is preferred over asymmetric species. An ether-bridged di-tin tetrachloride [R(Cl)2Sn(CH2)3]2O (R = CH2SiMe3) and its corresponding polymeric oxide {[R(O)Sn(CH2)3]2O}m were synthesised and characterised. Reaction of [R(Cl)2Sn(CH2)3]2O with {[R(O)Sn(CH2)3]2O}m results in a unique functionalised double ladder {{[RSn(Cl)](CH2)3O(CH2)3[RSn(Cl)]}O}4 whose structure in the solid state was determined by X-ray analysis. Identification of tetrameric functionalised double ladder as well as dimeric and monomeric species suggest the existence of an equilibrium in solution. The feasibility of the functionalised double ladder to form host-guest complexes with a variety of metal cations is investigated using electrospray mass spectrometry (ESMS). Evidence for such complexes is found only for sodium cations. The reaction between {[R(O)Sn]2(CH2)n}m (n = 3, 4, 8, 10) and triflic acid is described. The initial formed products [RSn(CH2)nSnR](OTf)4 are easily hydrolysed. For n = 3, self-assembly leads to a discrete double ladder type structure, {{[RSn(OH)](CH2)3[RSn(H2O)]}O}44OTf, which is the first example of a cationic double ladder. For n ≥ 3, hydrolysis gives polymeric products, as demonstrated by the crystal structure of {[(H2O)(OH)RSn]2(CH2)4-2OTf2H2O}m. Two spacer-bridged terra-tin octachlorides [R(Cl)2Sn(CH2)3Sn(Cl)2]2(CH2)n (R = CH2SiMes; n = 1, 8) and their corresponding polymeric oxides {[R(O)Sn(CH2)3Sn(O)]2(CH2)n}m were successfully synthesised and characterised. Attempts were made to synthesise quadruple ladders from these precursors. Reactions of [R(Cl)2Sn(CH2)3Sn(Cl)2]2CH2 with {[R(O)Sn(CH2)3Sn(O)]2CH2}m or (Y-Bu2SnO)3 result in, mostly insoluble, amorphous solids. Reactions of [R(Cl)2Sn(CH2)3Sn(Cl)2]2(CH2)8 with {[R(O)Sn(CH2)3Sn(O)]2(CH2)8}m or (t-Bu2SnO)s result in new tin-containing species which are presumably oligomeric. The synthesis of a series of alkyl-bridged di-tin hexacarboxylates [(RCO2)3Sn]2(CH2)n (n = 3, 4; R = Ph, c-C6H11, CH3, C1CH2) is also reported. The hydrolysis of these compounds is facile and complex. There appears to be no correlation between spacer chain length and hydrolysis product. However, the conjugate acid strength of the carboxylate does appear to be important. In general only insoluble amorphous polymeric organotin-oxo compounds were obtained.


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The aim of the present study was to examine quantitative differences in lobar cerebral cortical volumes in a healthy adult population. Quantitative volumetric MRI of whole brain, cerebral and cerebellar volumes was performed in a cross-sectional analysis of 97 normal volunteers, with segmented frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital cortical volumes measured in a subgroup of 60 subjects, 30 male and 30 female, matched for age and sex. The right cerebral hemisphere was larger than the left across the study group with a small (<1%) but significant difference in symmetry (P < 0.001). No difference was found between volumes of right and left cerebellar hemispheres. Rightward cerebral cortical asymmetry (right larger than left) was found to be significant across all lobes except parietal. Males had greater cerebral, cerebellar and cerebral cortical lobar volumes than females. Larger male cerebral cortical volumes were seen in all lobes except for left parietal. Females had greater left parietal to left cerebral hemisphere and smaller left temporal to left cerebral hemisphere ratios. There was a mild reduction in cerebral volumes with age, more marked in males. This study confirms and augments past work indicating underlying structural asymmetries in the human brain, and provides further evidence that brain structures in humans are differentially sensitive to the effects of both age and sex.


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Previous research asserts that companies that choose accounting methods more familiar to investors reduce information asymmetry and increase credibility of their financial statements to those investors, thereby attracting higher levels of foreign investment. This study examines the variation in accounting policies associated with institutional investment in Australian equity. The results suggest that large US institutional holdings in Australian companies are associated with American Depositary Receipt listing and, incrementally, choice of accounting methods that conform to US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Although making accounting choices in compliance with US GAAP is significantly associated with higher levels of institutional ownership in a statistical sense, examination of the specific differences in accounting choices suggests that the differences in informational content are relatively minor.