980 resultados para artificially intelligent performing agent


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Background: The interleukin 10 knockout mouse (IL10-KO) is a model of human inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) used to Study host microbial interactions and the action of potential therapeutics. Using Affymetrix data analysis, important signaling pathways and transcription factors relevant to gut inflammation and antiinflammatory probiotics were identified.

Methods: Affymetrix microarray analysis on both wildtype (WT) and IL10-KO mice orally administered with and without the probiotic VSL#3 was performed and the results validated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), immunocytochemistry, proteomics, and histopathology. Changes in metabolically active bacteria were assessed with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE).

Results: Inflammation in IL10-KO mice was characterized by differential regulation of inflammatory, nuclear receptor, lipid, and xenobiotic signaling pathways. Probiotic intervention resulted in downregulation of CXCL9 (fold change [FC] = -3.98, false discovery rate [FDR] = 0.019), CXCL10 (FC = -4.83, FDR = 0.0008), CCL5 (FC -3.47 FDR = 0.017), T-cell activation (Itgal [FC = -4.72, FDR = 0.00009], Itgae [FC = -2.54 FDR = 0.0044]) and the autophagy gene IRGM (FC = -1.94, FDR = 0.01), a recently identified susceptibility gene in human IBD. Consistent with a marked reduction in integrins, probiotic treatment decreased the number of CCL5+ CD3+ double-positive T Cells and upregulated galectin2, which triggers apoptosis of activated T cells. Importantly, genes associated with lipid and PPAR signaling (PPAR alpha [FC = 2.36, FDR = 0.043], PPARGC1 alpha [FC 2.58, FDR = 0.016], Nrld2 [FC = 3.11, FDR = 0.0067]) were also upregulated. Altered microbial diversity was noted in probiotic-treated mice.

Conclusions: Bioinformatics analysis revealed important immune response. phagocytic and inflammatory pathways dominated by elevation of T-helper cell 1 type (TH1) transcription factors in IL10-KO mice. Probiotic intervention resulted in a site-specific reduction of these pathways but importantly upregulated PPAR, xenobiotic, and lipid signaling genes. potential antagonists of NF-kappa B inflammatory pathways.


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Purpose: To evaluate the tamponade effect on the retina of a heavier-than-water silicone oil mixture and to compare it with the effect of silicone oil. Methods: Prospective, non-randomised, comparative pilot study. Phakic/pseudophakic patients with retinal detachment undergoing vitrectomy with Densiron 68 or silicone oil were recruited. The 'separation volume', defined as the relative volume of the space between intraocular tamponade agent and retina, was estimated using magnetic resonance imaging in both groups and compared. Results: Nine participants were included; 4 received silicone oil and 5 Densiron 68. The mean separation volume was statistically significantly larger in the silicone oil group (0.477 ± 0.419 cm ) than in the Densiron group (0.042 ± 0.013 cm ; p = 0.014). Conclusions: In this study Densiron achieved an excellent tamponade effect in the retina. © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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PURPOSE: To report the use of perfluorohexyloctane, a liquid semifluorinated alkane that is heavier than water, as an internal tamponade agent in surgery for complicated retinal detachments. DESIGN: A consecutive interventional case series from three study centers. METHODS: In 23 consecutive eyes (23 patients, 19 men and four women, mean ± standard deviation (SD) age of 58.5 years ± 16.1) perfluorohexyloctane was used for long-term internal tamponade. Included were eyes with complicated retinal detachment involving the lower two quadrants of the fundus. Excluded were patients with diseases in the fellow eye or severe systemic disease. A pars plana vitrectomy was performed, including membrane peeling and retinotomy where necessary. RESULTS: The mean duration for perfluorohexyloctane being left in situ was 76 days (SD 37.64) (range, 35-202 days). Four weeks following the removal of perfluorohexyloctane 19 of the 23 patients had total reattachment of the retina; three eyes had a recurrence of retinal detachment. One patient was lost to follow-up. The mean follow-up after perfluorohexyloctane removal was 97 days (range, 48 to 169 days). Cataract formation or progression was noted in nine of the 10 eyes. There were two cases with high intraocular pressures. Dispersion into small droplets was observed as early as 3 days postoperatively in three of the 23 patients. At least 12 of the 23 patients had an obvious dispersion by the time of perfluorohexyloctane removal. There was no sign of optic atrophy, retinal necrosis, or retinal vascular occlusion. CONCLUSION: Perfluorohexyloctane was tolerated as a long-term internal tamponade agent without obvious signs of damage to the retina or optic disk. Of all the complications noted, the most common was that of dispersion of the perfluorohexyloctane bubble into droplets. © 2002 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine-15 (PBOX-15) is a novel microtubule depolymerization agent that induces cell cycle arrest and subsequent apoptosis in a number of cancer cell lines. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is characterized by clonal expansion of predominately nonproliferating mature B cells. Here, we present data suggesting PBOX-15 is a potential therapeutic agent for CLL. We show activity of PBOX-15 in samples taken from a cohort of CLL patients (n = 55) representing both high-risk and low-risk disease. PBOX-15 exhibited cytotoxicity in CLL cells (n = 19) in a dose-dependent manner, with mean IC(50) of 0.55 mu mol/L. PBOX-15 significantly induced apoptosis in CLL cells (n = 46) including cells with poor prognostic markers: unmutated IgV(II) genes, CD38 and zeta-associated protein 70 (ZAP-70) expression, and fludarabine-resistant cells with chromosomal deletions in 17p. In addition, PBOX-15 was more potent than fludarabine in inducing apoptosis in fludarabine-sensitive cells. Pharmacologic inhibition and small interfering RNA knockdown of caspase-8 significantly inhibited PBOX-15-induced apoptosis. Pharmacologic inhibition of c-jun NH(2)-terminal kinase inhibited PBOX-15-induced apoptosis in mutated IgV(II) and ZAP-70(-) CLL cells but not in unmutated IgV(II) and ZAP-70(+) cells. PBOX-15 exhibited selective cytotoxicity in CLL cells compared with normal hematopoietic cells. Our data suggest that PBOX-15 represents a novel class of agents that are toxic toward both high-risk and low-risk CLL cells. The need for novel treatments is acute in CLL, especially for the subgroup of patients with poor clinical outcome and drug-resistant disease. This study identifies a novel agent with significant clinical potential.


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Background: In recent years, much progress has been made in the treatment of multiple myeloma. However, a major limitation of existing chemotherapeutic drugs is the eventual emergence of resistance; hence, the development of novel agents with new mechanisms of action is pertinent. Here, we describe the activity and mechanism of action of pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine-15 (PBOX-15), a novel microtubule-targeting agent, in multiple myeloma cells.

Methods: The anti-myeloma activity of PBOX-15 was assessed using NCI-H929, KMS11, RPMI8226, and U266 cell lines, and primary myeloma cells. Cell cycle distribution, apoptosis, cytochrome c release, and mitochondrial inner membrane depolarisation were analysed by flow cytometry; gene expression analysis was carried out using TaqMan Low Density Arrays; and expression of caspase-8 and Bcl-2 family of proteins was assessed by western blot analysis.

Results: Pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine-15 induced apoptosis in ex vivo myeloma cells and in myeloma cell lines. Death receptor genes were upregulated in both NCI-H929 and U266 cell lines, which displayed the highest and lowest apoptotic responses, respectively, following treatment with PBOX-15. The largest increase was detected for the death receptor 5 (DR5) gene, and cotreatment of both cell lines with tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), the DR5 ligand, potentiated the apoptotic response. In NCI-H929 cells, PBOX-15-induced apoptosis was shown to be caspase-8 dependent, with independent activation of extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways. A caspase-8-dependent decrease in expression of Bim(EL) preceded downregulation of other Bcl-2 proteins (Bid, Bcl-2, Mcl-1) in PBOX-15-treated NCI-H929 cells.

Conclusion: PBOX-15 induces apoptosis and potentiates TRAIL-induced cell death in multiple myeloma cells. Thus, PBOX-15 represents a promising agent, with a distinct mechanism of action, for the treatment of this malignancy. British Journal of Cancer (2011) 104, 281-289. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6606035 www.bjcancer.com Published online 21 December 2010 (C) 2011 Cancer Research UK


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In this paper we present a complete interactive system en- abled to detect human laughs and respond appropriately, by integrating the information of the human behavior and the context. Furthermore, the impact of our autonomous laughter-aware agent on the humor experience of the user and interaction between user and agent is evaluated by sub- jective and objective means. Preliminary results show that the laughter-aware agent increases the humor experience (i.e., felt amusement of the user and the funniness rating of the film clip), and creates the notion of a shared social experience, indicating that the agent is useful to elicit posi- tive humor-related affect and emotional contagion.


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This essay investigates the extent to which girlhood functions as a queer category in two theatrical representations of schoolgirls in early seventeenth-century England. It focuses on the depictions of schoolgirls in the anonymous The Wit of a Woman (1604), written for the all-male stage of the professional theatre, and in Robert White’s masque, Cupid’s Banishment (1617), performed by the young Ladies of Deptford Hall before Queen Anna of Denmark, to examine the intersections of age, gender, sexuality and education in early modern concepts of girlhood. Situating these plays within wider debates about female education and the history of the contested role of performance in the schooling of early modern girls, it argues that they deploy the category of girlhood to demonstrate the subversive potential of educating girls. Yet, this essay proposes, these plays simultaneously reveal the potential agency of young women who manipulate girlhood to claim their distinct sexual, aged and gendered states as girls. It argues that early modern girlhood is a state that might be performed by young women to disrupt normative expectations of feminine behaviour and desire. Placing dramatic representations of schoolgirls and the experiences of schoolgirls on the early modern stage side by side, this essay demonstrates that the schoolroom and performance are sites in which this transgressive potential is realised.


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Manipulator motion planning is a task which relies heavily on the construction of a configuration space prior to path planning. However when fast real-time motion is needed, the full construction of the manipulator's high-dimensional configu-ration space can be too slow and expensive. Alternative planning methods, which avoid this full construction of the manipulator's configuration space are needed to solve this problem. Here, one such existing local planning method for manipulators based on configuration-sampling and subgoal-selection has been extended. Using a modified Artificial Potential Fields (APF) function, goal-configuration sampling and a novel subgoal selection method, it provides faster, more optimal paths than the previously proposed work. Simulation results show a decrease in both runtime and path lengths, along with a decrease in unexpected local minimum and crashing issues.


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A prominent criticism of compatibilist theories of moral responsibility is that they do not deal adequately with cases of manipulation, and particularly with induced desires. So, for example, accounts that give the conditions for responsibility in terms of the reasons-responsiveness of the mechanism governing one's decisions, as Fischer and Ravizza (1998) do, seem to leave the door open to cases such as the following.