996 resultados para anaerobic threshold soccer


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The structure of a novel tetradehydrocorrin, factor IV, isolated from Propionibacterium shermanii has been established by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Incorporation of radiolabeled factor IV into cobyrinic acid established the biointermediacy of this cobalt complex, whose structure has implications for the mechanisms of the anaerobic pathway to B12.


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It has been proved that, during anaerobic biosynthesis of the corrin macrocycle, the two-carbon fragment excised from the precursor, precorrin-3, is acetaldehyde, which originates from C-20 and its attached methyl group. This apparently contradictory finding is rationalized in terms of the subsequent enzymatic oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetic acid, which was previously regarded as the volatile fragment released by the action of the biosynthetic enzymes of Propionibacterium shermanii. The observation that acetaldehyde (rather than acetic acid) is extruded during anaerobic B12 synthesis is in full accord with the structure of factor IV, a new intermediate on the pathway.


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The recent outbreaks of Escherichia coli 0157-associated food poisoning have focused attention on the virulence determinants of E. coli. Here, it is reported that single base substitutions in the fnr gene encoding the oxygen-responsive transcription regulator FNR (fumarate and nitrate reduction regulator) are sufficient to confer a hemolytic phenotype on E. coli K12, the widely used laboratory strain. The mechanism involves enhancing the expression of a normally dormant hemolysin gene (hlyE) located in the E. coli chromosome. The mutations direct single amino acid substitutions in the activating regions (AR1 and AR3) of FNR that contact RNA polymerase. It is concluded that altering a resident transcription regulator, or acquisition of a competent heterologous regulator, could generate a pool of hemolytic, and therefore more virulent, strains of E. coli in nature.


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Blindsight is the rare and paradoxical ability of some human subjects with occipital lobe brain damage to discriminate unseen stimuli in their clinically blind field defects when forced-choice procedures are used, implying that lesions of striate cortex produce a sharp dissociation between visual performance and visual awareness. Skeptics have argued that this is no different from the behavior of normal subjects at the lower limits of conscious vision, at which such dissociations could arise trivially by using different response criteria during clinical and forced-choice tests. We tested this claim explicitly by measuring the sensitivity of a hemianopic patient independently of his response criterion in yes-no and forced-choice detection tasks with the same stimulus and found that, unlike normal controls, his sensitivity was significantly higher during the forced-choice task. Thus, the dissociation by which blindsight is defined is not simply due to a difference in the patients’ response bias between the two paradigms. This result implies that blindsight is unlike normal, near-threshold vision and that information about the stimulus is processed in blindsighted patients in an unusual way.


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The DAN/TIR mannoprotein genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (DAN1, DAN2, DAN3, DAN4, TIR1, TIR2, TIR3 and TIR4) are expressed in anaerobic cells while the predominant cell wall proteins Cwp1 and Cwp2 are down-regulated. Elements involved in activation and repression of the DAN/TIR genes were defined in this study, using the DAN1 promoter as a model. Nested deletions in a DAN1/lacZ reporter pinpointed regions carrying activation and repression elements. Inspection revealed two consensus sequences subsequently shown to be independent anaerobic response elements (AR1, consensus TCGTTYAG; AR2, consensus AAAAATTGTTGA). AR1 is found in all of the DAN/TIR promoters; AR2 is found in DAN1, DAN2 and DAN3. A 120 bp segment carrying two copies of AR1 preferentially activated transcription of lacZ under anaerobic conditions. A fusion of three synthetic copies of AR1 to MEL1 was also expressed anaerobically. Mutations in either AR1 site within the 120 bp segment caused a drastic loss of expression, indicating that both are necessary for activation and implying cooperativity between adjacent transcriptional activation complexes. A single AR2 site carried on a 46 bp fragment from the DAN1 promoter activated lacZ transcription under anaerobic conditions, as did a 26 bp synthetic AR2 fragment fused to MEL1. Nucleotide substitutions within the AR2 sequence eliminated the activity of the 46 bp segment. Ablation of the AR2 sequences in the full promoter caused a partial reduction of expression. The presence of the ATTGTT core (recognized by HMG proteins) in the AR2 sequence suggests that an HMG protein may activate through AR2. One region was implicated in aerobic repression of DAN1. It contains sites for the heme-induced Mot3 and Rox1 repressors.


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Experiments were performed on three abscisic acid (ABA)-deficient tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) mutants, notabilis, flacca, and sitiens, to investigate the role of ABA and jasmonic acid (JA) in the generation of electrical signals and Pin2 (proteinase inhibitor II) gene expression. We selected these mutants because they contain different levels of endogenous ABA. ABA levels in the mutant sitiens were reduced to 8% of the wild type, in notabilis they were reduced to 47%, and in flacca they were reduced to 21%. In wild-type and notabilis tomato plants the induction of Pin2 gene expression could be elicited by heat treatment, current application, or mechanical wounding. In flacca and sitiens only heat stimulation induced Pin2 gene expression. JA levels in flacca and sitiens plants also accumulated strongly upon heat stimulation but not upon mechanical wounding or current application. Characteristic electrical signals evolved in the wild type and in the notabilis and flacca mutants consisting of a fast action potential and a slow variation potential. However, in sitiens only heat evoked electrical signals; mechanical wounding and current application did not change the membrane potential. In addition, exogenous application of ABA to wild-type tomato plants induced transient changes in membrane potentials, indicating the involvement of ABA in the generation of electrical signals. Our data strongly suggest the presence of a minimum threshold value of ABA within the plant that is essential for the early events in electrical signaling and mediation of Pin2 gene expression upon wounding. In contrast, heat-induced Pin2 gene expression and membrane potential changes were not dependent on the ABA level but, rather, on the accumulation of JA.


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To identify the proteins induced by Fe deficiency, we have compared the proteins of Fe-sufficient and Fe-deficient barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Peptide sequence analysis of induced proteins revealed that formate dehydrogenase (FDH), adenine phosphoribosyltransferase, and the Ids3 gene product (for Fe deficiency-specific) increased in Fe-deficient roots. FDH enzyme activity was detected in Fe-deficient roots but not in Fe-sufficient roots. A cDNA encoding FDH (Fdh) was cloned and sequenced. Fdh expression was induced by Fe deficiency. Fdh was also expressed under anaerobic stress and its expression was more rapid than that induced by Fe deficiency. Thus, the expression of Fdh observed in Fe-deficient barley roots appeared to be a secondary effect caused by oxygen deficiency in Fe-deficient plants.


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The ribonucleoprotein telomerase synthesizes telomeric DNA by copying an intrinsic RNA template. In most cancer cells, telomerase is highly activated. Here we report a telomerase-based antitumor strategy: expression of mutant-template telomerase RNAs in human cancer cells. We expressed mutant-template human telomerase RNAs in prostate (LNCaP) and breast (MCF-7) cancer cell lines. Even a low threshold level of expression of telomerase RNA gene constructs containing various mutant templates, but not the control wild-type template, decreased cellular viability and increased apoptosis. This occurred despite the retention of normal levels of the endogenous wild-type telomerase RNA and endogenous wild-type telomerase activity and unaltered stable telomere lengths. In vivo tumor xenografts of a breast cancer cell line expressing a mutant-template telomerase RNA also had decreased growth rates. Therefore, mutant-template telomerase RNAs exert a strongly dominant-negative effect on cell proliferation and tumor growth. These results support the potential use of mutant-template telomerase RNA expression as an antineoplastic strategy.


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To prevent mother-to-child human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission, it is important to identify its determinants. Because HIV-1 RNA levels can be reduced by antiviral therapy, we examined the role of maternal plasma HIV-1 RNA level in mother-to-child transmission. We used quantitative competitive PCR to measure HIV-RNA in 30 infected pregnant women and then followed their infants prospectively; 27% of the women transmitted HIV-1 to their infants and maternal plasma HIV-1 RNA level correlated strikingly with transmission. Eight of the 10 women with the highest HIV-1 RNA levels at delivery (190,400-1,664,100 copies per ml of plasma) transmitted, while none of the 20 women with lower levels (500-155,800 copies per ml) did (P = 0.0002). Statistical analysis of the distribution of HIV-1 RNA loads in these 30 women projected a threshold for mother-to-child transmission in a larger population; the probability of a woman with a viral RNA level of < or = 100,000 copies per ml not transmitting is predicted to be 97%. Examination of serial HIV-1 RNA levels during pregnancy showed that viral load was stable in women who did not initiate or change antiviral therapy. These data identify maternal plasma HIV-1-RNA level as a major determinant of mother-to-child transmission and suggest that quantitation of HIV-1 RNA may predict the risk of transmission.


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Speech interface technology, which includes automatic speech recognition, synthetic speech, and natural language processing, is beginning to have a significant impact on business and personal computer use. Today, powerful and inexpensive microprocessors and improved algorithms are driving commercial applications in computer command, consumer, data entry, speech-to-text, telephone, and voice verification. Robust speaker-independent recognition systems for command and navigation in personal computers are now available; telephone-based transaction and database inquiry systems using both speech synthesis and recognition are coming into use. Large-vocabulary speech interface systems for document creation and read-aloud proofing are expanding beyond niche markets. Today's applications represent a small preview of a rich future for speech interface technology that will eventually replace keyboards with microphones and loud-speakers to give easy accessibility to increasingly intelligent machines.


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During anaerobic growth Escherichia coli uses a specific ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (class III enzyme) for the production of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates. In its active form, the enzyme contains an iron-sulfur center and an oxygen-sensitive glycyl radical (Gly-681). The radical is generated in the inactive protein from S-adenosylmethionine by an auxiliary enzyme system present in E. coli. By modification of the previous purification procedure, we now prepared a glycyl radical-containing reductase, active in the absence of the auxiliary reducing enzyme system. This reductase uses formate as hydrogen donor in the reaction. During catalysis, formate is stoichiometrically oxidized to CO2, and isotope from [3H]formate appears in water. Thus E. coli uses completely different hydrogen donors for the reduction of ribonucleotides during anaerobic and aerobic growth. The aerobic class I reductase employs redox-active thiols from thioredoxin or glutaredoxin to this purpose. The present results strengthen speculations that class III enzymes arose early during the evolution of DNA.


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The genetic relationships of colony members in the ant Myrmica tahoensis were determined on the basis of highly polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci. These analyses show that colonies fall into one of two classes. In roughly half of the sampled colonies, workers and female offspring appear to be full sisters. The remaining colonies contain offspring produced by two or more queens. Colonies that produce female sexuals are always composed of highly related females, while colonies that produce males often show low levels of nestmate relatedness. These results support theoretical predictions that workers should skew sex allocation in response to relatedness asymmetries found within colonies. The existence of a relatedness threshold below which female sexuals are not produced suggests a possible mechanism for worker perception of relatedness. Two results indicate that workers use genetic cues, not queen number, in making sex-allocation decisions. (i) The number of queens in a colony was not significantly correlated with either the level of relatedness asymmetry or the sex ratio. (ii) Sex-ratio shifts consistent with a genetically based mechanism of relatedness assessment were seen in an experiment involving transfers of larvae among unrelated nests. Thus workers appear to make sex-allocation decisions on the basis of larval cues and appear to be able to adjust sex ratios long after egg laying.


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A cyclophilin (CyP) purified to homogeneity from the polycentric anaerobic rumen fungus Orpinomyces sp. strain PC-2 had a molecular mass of 20.5 kDa and a pI of 8.1. The protein catalyzed the isomerization of the prolyl peptide bond of N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-(cis,trans)-Pro-Phe p-nitroanilide with a kcat/Km value of 9.3 x 10(6) M-1.s-1 at 10 degrees C and pH 7.8. Cyclosporin A strongly inhibited this peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerase activity with an IC50 of 19.6 nM. The sequence of the first 30 N-terminal amino acids of this CyP had high homology with the N-terminal sequences of other eukaryotic CyPs. By use of a DNA hybridization probe amplified by PCR with degenerate oligonucleotide primers designed based on the amino acid sequences of the N terminus of this CyP and highly conserved internal regions of other CyPs, a full-length cDNA clone was isolated. It possessed an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 203 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 21,969, containing a putative hydrophobic signal peptide sequence of 22 amino acids preceding the N terminus of the mature enzyme and a C-terminal sequence, Lys-Ala-Glu-Leu, characteristic of an endoplasmic reticulum retention signal. The Orpinomyces PC-2 CyP is a typical type B CyP. The amino acid sequence of the Orpinomyces CyP exhibits striking degrees of identity with the corresponding human (70%), bovine (69%), mouse (68%), chicken (66%), maize (61%), and yeast (54%) proteins. Phylogenetic analysis based on the CyP sequences indicated that the evolutionary origin of the Orpinomyces CyP was closely related with CyPs of animals.


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This letter presents signal processing techniques to detect a passive thermal threshold detector based on a chipless time-domain ultrawideband (UWB) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. The tag is composed by a UWB antenna connected to a transmission line, in turn loaded with a biomorphic thermal switch. The working principle consists of detecting the impedance change of the thermal switch. This change occurs when the temperature exceeds a threshold. A UWB radar is used as the reader. The difference between the actual time sample and a reference signal obtained from the averaging of previous samples is used to determine the switch transition and to mitigate the interferences derived from clutter reflections. A gain compensation function is applied to equalize the attenuation due to propagation loss. An improved method based on the continuous wavelet transform with Morlet wavelet is used to overcome detection problems associated to a low signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver. The average delay profile is used to detect the tag delay. Experimental measurements up to 5 m are obtained.


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Using a coupled model of intermediate complexity the sensitivity of the last glacial maximum (LGM) Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) to the strength of surface wind-stress is investigated. A threshold is found below which North Atlantic deep water formation (DWF) takes place south of Greenland and the AMOC is relatively weak. Above this threshold, DWF occurs north of the Greenland-Scotland ridge, leading to a vigorous AMOC. This nonlinear behavior is explained through enhanced salt transport by the wind-driven gyre circulation and the overturning itself. Both pattern and magnitude of the Nordic Sea's temperature difference between strong and weak AMOC states are consistent with those reconstructed for abrupt climate changes of the last glacial period. Our results thus point to a potentially relevant role of surface winds in these phenomena.