968 resultados para adventitious roots
The purpose of this paper was to screen thirty-two arracacha genotypes for their reaction to root soft rot. Twenty roots of each genotype were inoculated with two Pectobacterium chrysanthemi isolates in a randomized experiment (10 roots/isolate). After inoculation, roots were individually wrapped with PVC film and kept at 26ºC in closed plastic bags. Soft rot lesions were recorded after 36 hours and genotypes were grouped in four classes of susceptibility by cluster analysis: 10 were less susceptible, 16 intermediate, 3 susceptible and 3 very susceptible. All the tested arracacha genotypes showed only variation in the degree of susceptibility.
The objective of this work was to study the in vitro organogenesis of Citrullus lanatus, by the induction of adventitious buds in cotyledon segments cultured in medium supplemented with cytokinin. Explants were collected from one, three and five-day-old in vitro germinated seedlings, considering the distal and proximal cotyledon regions. The data obtained showed that in vitro organogenesis of watermelon occurred with higher efficiency, when cotyledon segments from the proximal region collected from three-day-old seedlings were cultivated in medium MS, supplemented with BAP (1 mg L-1) and coconut water (10%). The histological study showed that the organogenesis occurs directly, without callus formation, on epidermal and subepidermal layers of the explants. Adventitious shoots were characterized by the development of shoot apical meristem and leaf primordia. The formation of protuberances, that do not develop into adventitious buds, was also observed.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the response of rangpur lime (Citrus limonia) to arbuscular mycorrhiza (Glomus intraradices), under P levels ranging from low to excessive. Plants were grown in three levels of soluble P (25, 200 and 1,000 mg kg-1), either inoculated with Glomus intraradices or left noninoculated, evaluated at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days after transplanting (DAT). Total dry weight, shoot P concentration and specific P uptake by roots increased in mycorrhizal plants with the doses of 25 and 200 mg kg-1 P at 90 DAT. With 1,000 mg kg-1 P, mycorrhizal plants had a transient growth depression at 90 and 120 DAT, and nonmycorrhizal effects on P uptake at any harvesting period. Root colonization and total external mycelium correlated positively with shoot P concentration and total dry weight at the two lowest P levels. Although the highest P level decreased root colonization, it did not affect total external mycelium to the same extent. As a result, a P availability imbalance affected negatively the mycorrhizal symbiosis and, consequently, the plant growth.
Quantitative trait loci analysis of natural Arabidopsis thaliana accessions is increasingly exploited for gene isolation. However, to date this has mostly revealed deleterious mutations. Among them, a loss-of-function allele identified the root growth regulator BREVIS RADIX (BRX). Here we present evidence that BRX and the paralogous BRX-LIKE (BRXL) genes are under selective constraint in monocotyledons as well as dicotyledons. Unexpectedly, however, whereas none of the Arabidopsis orthologs except AtBRXL1 could complement brx null mutants when expressed constitutively, nearly all monocotyledon BRXLs tested could. Thus, BRXL proteins seem to be more diversified in dicotyledons than in monocotyledons. This functional diversification was correlated with accelerated rates of sequence divergence in the N-terminal regions. Population genetic analyses of 30 haplotypes are suggestive of an adaptive role of AtBRX and AtBRXL1. In two accessions, Lc-0 and Lov-5, seven amino acids are deleted in the variable region between the highly conserved C-terminal, so-called BRX domains. Genotyping of 42 additional accessions also found this deletion in Kz-1, Pu2-7, and Ws-0. In segregating recombinant inbred lines, the Lc-0 allele (AtBRX(Lc-0)) conferred significantly enhanced root growth. Moreover, when constitutively expressed in the same regulatory context, AtBRX(Lc-0) complemented brx mutants more efficiently than an allele without deletion. The same was observed for AtBRXL1, which compared with AtBRX carries a 13 amino acid deletion that encompasses the deletion found in AtBRX(Lc-0). Thus, the AtBRX(Lc-0) allele seems to contribute to natural variation in root growth vigor and provides a rare example of an experimentally confirmed, hyperactive allelic variant.
La variabilitat de l’estequiometria elemental dels organismes a causa de l’ontogènia i dels canvis en les condicions ambientals està relacionada amb la variabilitat metabolòmica. Això és degut a que els elements operen majoritàriament com a parts de compostos moleculars. Així doncs, la hipòtesi realitzada per Rivas-Ubach et al., (2012), la qual postula que els estudis estequiomètrics i metabolòmics d’un conjunt d’espècies vegetals exposades a condicions ambientals diferents han de mostrar la flexibilitat que posseeix un organisme a l’hora de modular la seva estequiometria i el seu metaboloma per tal de mantenir la forma òptima sota condicions variants, esdevé la base que sustenta l’experiment EVENT II. A partir de l’estudi de les relacions estequiomètriques, -principalment C:N:P- i del metabolisme d’Alopecurus pratensis i Holcus lanatus en situacions simulades de sequera, s’han obtingut resultats que evidencien una clara diferenciació a nivell d’espècie, de part de la planta i de tractament. El metabolisme i l’estequiometria diferencial que presenten ambdues gramínies dóna suport a la hipòtesi del nínxol biogeoquímic. A nivell de parts de la planta, s’observa un clar augment de la relació C:nutrients a la part aèria, mentre que a les arrels, aquesta relació disminueix. La part aèria doncs, necessita més C per invertir en funcions estructurals, mentre que l’elevada concentració de nutrients i metabòlits a les arrels donen indicis de la presència de mecanismes osmòtics per a facilitar l’entrada d’aigua, i de creixement, per a la recerca de noves fonts d’aigua, observant-se una disminució de la relació part aèria:arrels. Un altre factor que demostra aquest creixement radicular són les baixes relacions N:P trobades, fet que dóna suport a la hipòtesi de la velocitat de creixement.
Intellectual disability has long been associated with deficits in socio-emotional processing. However, studies investigating brain dynamics of maladaptive socio-emotional skills associated with intellectual disability are scarce. Here, we compared differences in brain activity between low intelligence quotient (I.Q.<75, N=13) and normal controls (N=15) while evaluating their subjective emotions. Positive (P) and negative (N) valenced pictures were presented one at a time to participants of both groups, at a rate of ¾. The task required that each participant evaluate their subjective emotion and press a predefined push-button when done, alternatively P and N. Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals were continuously recorded, and the 1000ms time window following each picture was analyzed offline for power in frequency domain. Alpha low (8-10Hz) and upper (10-13Hz) frequency bands were then compared for both groups and for both P and N emotions in 12 distributed scalp electrodes. The qualitative evaluation of emotions was similar between both groups, with constant longer reaction times for the low IQ participants. The EEG signal comparison shows marked power decrease in upper alpha frequency range for N emotions in low intelligence group. Otherwise no significant difference was noticed between low and normal IQ. Main findings of the present study are (1) results do not support the hypothesis that impairment in developmental intelligence roots in maladaptive emotional processing; (2) the strong alpha power suppression during negative-induced emotions suggests the involvement of an extended neural network and more effortful inhibition processes than positive ones. We call for further studies with a larger sample.
Objectives: This qualitative study aims at understanding the consequences of body deconstruction through mastectomy on corporality and identity in women with breast cancer. Design: Nineteen women were contacted through the hospital. All had to undergo mastectomy. Some were offered immediate breast reconstruction, others, because of cancer treatments, had no planned reconstruction. A qualitative reflexive methodological background was chosen. Method: Women were invited to participate in three semi-structured interviews, one shortly before or after mastectomy, and the other interviews later in their illness courses, after surgery. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was performed. The analysis of the first interview of each woman is presented in this article. Results: Mastectomy provokes a painful experience of body deconstruction. Even when immediate reconstruction is proposed, contrasted feelings and dissonance are expressed when comparing the former healthy body to the present challenged body entity. Body transformations are accompanied with experiences of mutilation, strangeness, and modify the physical, emotional social, symbolic and relational dimensions of the woman's gendered identity. Although the opportunity of breast reconstruction is seen as a possible recovery of a lost physical symmetry and body integrity, grieving the past body and integrating a new corporality leads to a painful identity crisis. Conclusion: With mastectomy, the roots of the woman's identity are challenged, leading to a re-evaluation of her existential values. The consequences of mastectomy transform the woman's corporality and embodiment, and question her identity. Psychological support is discussed in the perspective of our results.
The endodermis is a root cell layer common to higher plants and of fundamental importance for root function and nutrient uptake. The endodermis separates outer (peripheral) from inner (central) cell layers by virtue of its Casparian strips, precisely aligned bands of specialized wall material. Here we reveal that the membrane at the Casparian strip is a diffusional barrier between the central and peripheral regions of the plasma membrane and that it mediates attachment to the extracellular matrix. This membrane region thus functions like a tight junction in animal epithelia, although plants lack the molecular modules that establish tight junction in animals. We have also identified a pair of influx and efflux transporters that mark both central and peripheral domains of the plasma membrane. These transporters show opposite polar distributions already in meristems, but their localization becomes refined and restricted upon differentiation. This "central-peripheral" polarity coexists with the apical-basal polarity defined by PIN proteins within the same cells, but utilizes different polarity determinants. Central-peripheral polarity can be already observed in early embryogenesis, where it reveals a cellular polarity within the quiescent center precursor cell. A strict diffusion block between polar domains is common in animals, but had never been described in plants. Yet, its relevance to endodermal function is evident, as central and peripheral membranes of the endodermis face fundamentally different root compartments. Further analysis of endodermal transporter polarity and manipulation of its barrier function will greatly promote our understanding of plant nutrition and stress tolerance in roots.