988 resultados para Years of potential life lost


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Previously conducted sequence analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana (ecotype Columbia-0) reported an insertion of 270-kb mtDNA into the pericentric region on the short arm of chromosome 2. DNA fiber-based fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses reveal that the mtDNA insert is 618 ± 42 kb, ≈2.3 times greater than that determined by contig assembly and sequencing analysis. Portions of the mitochondrial genome previously believed to be absent were identified within the insert. Sections of the mtDNA are repeated throughout the insert. The cytological data illustrate that DNA contig assembly by using bacterial artificial chromosomes tends to produce a minimal clone path by skipping over duplicated regions, thereby resulting in sequencing errors. We demonstrate that fiber-fluorescence in situ hybridization is a powerful technique to analyze large repetitive regions in the higher eukaryotic genomes and is a valuable complement to ongoing large genome sequencing projects.


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The Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission was established in Hiroshima in 1947 and in Nagasaki in 1948 under the auspices of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences to initiate a long-term and comprehensive epidemiological and genetic study of the atomic bomb survivors. It was replaced in 1975 by the Radiation Effects Research Foundation which is a nonprofit Japanese foundation binationally managed and supported with equal funding by the governments of Japan and the United States. Thanks to the cooperation of the survivors and the contributions of a multitude of scientists, these studies flourish to this day in what must be the most successful long-term research collaboration between the two countries. Although these studies are necessarily limited to the effects of acute, whole-body, mixed gamma-neutron radiation from the atom bombs, their comprehensiveness and duration make them the most definitive descriptions of the late effects of radiation in humans. For this reason, the entire world relies heavily on these data to set radiation standards. As vital as the study results are, they still represent primarily the effects of radiation on older survivors. Another decade or two should correct this deficiency and allow us to measure definitively the human risk of heritable mutation from radiation. We look to the worldwide radiation and risk community as well as to the survivors who have contributed so much to what has been done already to accomplish this goal.


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Stress early in postnatal life may result in long-term memory deficits and selective loss of hippocampal neurons. The mechanisms involved are poorly understood, but they may involve molecules and processes in the immature limbic system that are activated by stressful challenges. We report that administration of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), the key limbic stress modulator, to the brains of immature rats reproduced the consequences of early-life stress, reducing memory functions throughout life. These deficits were associated with progressive loss of hippocampal CA3 neurons and chronic up-regulation of hippocampal CRH expression. Importantly, they did not require the presence of stress levels of glucocorticoids. These findings indicate a critical role for CRH in the mechanisms underlying the long-term effects of early-life stress on hippocampal integrity and function.


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Certain matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) are expressed within the fibrous areas surrounding acellular lipid cores of atherosclerotic plaques, suggesting that these proteinases degrade matrix proteins within these areas and weaken the structural integrity of the lesion. We report that matrilysin and macrophage metalloelastase, two broad-acting MMPs, were expressed in human atherosclerotic lesions in carotid endarterectomy samples (n = 18) but were not expressed in normal arteries (n = 7). In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry revealed prominent expression of matrilysin in cells confined to the border between acellular lipid cores and overlying fibrous areas, a distribution distinct from other MMPs found in similar lesions. Metalloelastase was expressed in these same border areas. Matrilysin was present in lipid-laden macrophages, identified by staining with anti-CD-68 antibody. Furthermore, endarterectomy tissue in organ culture released matrilysin. Staining for versican demonstrated that this vascular proteoglycan was present at sites of matrilysin expression. Biochemical studies showed that matrilysin degraded versican much more efficiently than other MMPs present in atherosclerotic lesions. Our findings suggest that matrilysin, specifically expressed in atherosclerotic lesions, could cleave structural proteoglycans and other matrix components, potentially leading to separation of caps and shoulders from lipid cores.


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The neuron-restrictive silencer factor (NRSF) represses transcription of several neuronal genes in nonneuronal cells by binding to a 21-bp element called the neuron-restrictive silencer element (NRSE). We have performed data base searches with a composite NRSE to identify additional candidate NRSF target genes. Twenty-two more genes, 17 of which are expressed mainly in neurons, were found to contain NRSE-like sequences. Many of these putative NRSEs bound NRSF in vitro and repressed transcription in vivo. Most of the neuronal genes identified contribute to the basic structural or functional properties of neurons. However, two neuronal transcription factor genes contain NRSEs, suggesting that NRSF may repress neuronal differentiation both directly and indirectly. Functional NRSEs were also found in several nonneuronal genes, implying that NRSF may play a broader role than originally anticipated.


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The relationship between the optimization of the potential function and the foldability of theoretical protein models is studied based on investigations of a 27-mer cubic-lattice protein model and a more realistic lattice model for the protein crambin. In both the simple and the more complicated systems, optimization of the energy parameters achieves significant improvements in the statistical-mechanical characteristics of the systems and leads to foldable protein models in simulation experiments. The foldability of the protein models is characterized by their statistical-mechanical properties--e.g., by the density of states and by Monte Carlo folding simulations of the models. With optimized energy parameters, a high level of consistency exists among different interactions in the native structures of the protein models, as revealed by a correlation function between the optimized energy parameters and the native structure of the model proteins. The results of this work are relevant to the design of a general potential function for folding proteins by theoretical simulations.


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The peptide-binding motif of HLA-A29, the predisposing allele for birdshot retinopathy, was determined after acid-elution of endogenous peptides from purified HLA-A29 molecules. Individual and pooled HPLC fractions were sequenced by Edman degradation. Major anchor residues could be defined as glutamate at the second position of the peptide and as tyrosine at the carboxyl terminus. In vitro binding of polyglycine synthetic peptides to purified HLA-A29 molecules also revealed the need for an auxiliary anchor residue at the third position, preferably phenylalanine. By using this motif, we synthesized six peptides from the retinal soluble antigen, a candidate autoantigen in autoimmune uveoretinitis. Their in vitro binding was tested on HLA-A29 and also on HLA-B44 and HLA-B61, two alleles sharing close peptide-binding motifs. Two peptides derived from the carboxyl-terminal sequence of the human retinal soluble antigen bound efficiently to HLA-A29. This study could contribute to the prediction of T-cell epitopes from retinal autoantigens implicated in birdshot retinopathy.


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Using qualitative methods, this study explored potential risk factors for suicide, as defined by Joiner's Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide (IPTS), in a population of Soldiers returning from deployment in Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF). Sixty-eight Soldiers participated in semi-structured interviews during the period of transition from deployment to the garrison environment. These Soldiers were asked about changes in perception of pain, experiences of perceived burdensomeness, and lack of belonging. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed. A phenomenological methodology was employed (Creswell, 2006). In response to questions about perception of pain, Soldiers discussed both positive and negative changes in their experience of physical and emotional pain. When asked about experiences of perceived burdensomeness, Soldiers described changes related to deployment, such as injuries and combat related guilt, as well as changes related to transition from combat, including care seeking, reintegration into family and society, and emotional distancing. Regarding the experience of lack of belonging, Soldiers described difficulties related to the deployment, such as combat injuries, leadership roles, and individual differences, as well as difficulties related to reintegration such as symptoms of emotional numbing and distancing. Findings highlight the potential utility of IPTS in exploring both acute and chronic suicide risk factors associated with deployment and transition, as well as potential treatment strategies that may reduce suicide risk in the population of Soldiers during reintegration.


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Francisco Goya painted few canvases during the last four years of his life spent in France. Several of his late masterpieces have fallen under scrutiny over the past ten years, their authenticity questioned by internationally respected scholars. Goya’s Head of a Monk can be counted among this group of disputed canvases. However, a comparison of the Monk with the artist’s sketchbooks, miniatures and murals created during his time in France as well as his last few years in Madrid indicate that this image as well as its underpainting were created by the master himself toward the end of his career.


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collected and arranged for publication by William Rhinelander Stewart.