971 resultados para White Sands Missile Range (N.M.). Applied Environments Test Branch.


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In a search for potential biocontrol agents for Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. (Mimosaceae), larvae of the beetle Diplocoelus dilataticollis Lea (Coleoptera; Biphyllidae) were found within damaged seeds of A. melanoxylon. The gut contents of larvae and adults were examined to determine whether their diet included seeds, in apparent contradiction to the known mycophagous diet of members of this family of beetles. Calcofluor M2R White, a plant cell-wall staining optical brightener was used to differentiate between plant cell fragments and fungal tissue in the gut content smears. Gut contents of adults of a known seed predator of A. melanoxylon, a weevil of the genus Melanterius, were examined in the same way to provide a benchmark. The gut contents of D. dilataticollis differed from those of Melanterius sp. Fungal structures and microbes were found in the gut of D. dilataticollis, in contrast to plant cell fragments found in the gut of the weevil and from scrapes made directly from seeds. We conclude that larvae of D. dilataticollis feed primarily on fungi associated with damaged seed and therefore may not be the proximate cause of seed damage.


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REE analyses were performed on authigenic illitic clay. minerals from Late Permian mudrocks, sandstones and bentonites from the Bowen Basin (Australia). The mixed-layer illite-smectite exhibit REE patterns with an obvious fractionation of the HREE from the LREE and MREE, which is an apparent function of degree of illitization reaction. The highly illitic (R greater than or equal to 3) illite-smectite from the northern Bowen Basin show a depletion of LREE relative to the less illitic (R=0 and 1) clays. In contrast, an enrichment of HREE for the illite-rich clays relative to less. illitic clays is evident for the southern Bowen Basin samples. The North American Shale Composite-normalized (La/Lu)(sn) ratios show negative correlations with the illite content in illite-smectite and positive correlations with the delta(18)O values of the clays for both the northern and southern Bowen Basin samples. These correlations indicate that the increasing depletion of LREE in hydrothermal fluids is a function of increasing water/rock ratios in the northern Bowen Basin. Good negative correlations between (La/Lu)(sn) ratios and illite content in illite-smectite from the southern Bowen Basin suggest the involvement of fluids with higher alkalinity and higher pH in low water/ rock ratio conditions. Increasing HREE enrichment with delta(18)O decrease indicates the effect of increasing temperature at low water/rock ratios in the southern Bowen Basin. Results of the present study confirm the conclusions of some earlier studies suggesting that REE in illitic clay minerals are mobile and fractionated during illitization and that this fact should be considered in studies of sedimentary processes and in identifying provenance. Moreover, our results show that REE systematic of illitic clay minerals can be applied as an useful technique to gain information about physico-chemical conditions during thermal and fluid flow events in certain sedimentary basins. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three high chromium white cast irons were examined in the as-cast state to determine the effect of the carbon content on the fracture toughness. The plane strain fracture toughness K-Ic and the fracture strength were measured for each alloy. X-ray mapping was used to identify the phases on the fracture surfaces. Scanning electron fractography and optical microscopy were used to determine the volume fraction of each phase on the fracture surfaces. It was found that most fracture occurred in the eutectic carbides, but that for the alloys with a reduced volume fraction of eutectic carbides, a small amount of crack propagation occurred in the austenitic dendrites. This change in crack path correlated with an increase in fracture toughness. The Ritchie-Knott-Rice model of brittle fracture was applied. It was found to sensibly predict the critical length for fracture for each alloy. Deep etching was employed to examine the distribution of eutectic carbides. It was found that the eutectic carbides formed a continuous network in each case. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Remote measurement of the physiology, behaviour and energetic status of free-living animals is made possible by a variety of techniques that we refer to collectively as 'biotelemetry'. This set of tools ranges from transmitters that send their signals to receivers up to a few kilometers away to those that send data to orbiting satellites and, more frequently, to devices that log data. They enable researchers to document, for long uninterrupted periods, how undisturbed organisms interact with each other and their environment in real time. In spite of advances enabling the monitoring of many physiological and behavioural variables across a range of taxa of various sizes, these devices have yet to be embraced widely by the ecological community. Our review suggests that this technology has immense potential for research in basic and applied animal ecology. Efforts to incorporate biotelemetry into broader ecological research programs should yield novel information that has been challenging to collect historically from free-ranging animals in their natural environments. Examples of research that would benefit from biotelemetry include the assessment of animal responses to different anthropogenic perturbations and the development of life-time energy budgets.


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Background and Aims Quercus petraea colonized Ireland after the last glaciation from refugia on mainland Europe. Deforestation. however. beginning in Neolithic times, has resulted in small, scattered forest fragments, now covering less than 12 000 ha. Methods Plastid (three fragments) and microsatellite variation (13 loci) were characterized in seven Irish populations sampled along a north-south gradient. Using Bayesian approaches and Wright's F-statistics, the effects of colonization and fragmentation on the genetic structure and mating patterns of extant oak populations were investigated. Key-Results All Populations possessed cytotypes common to the Iberian Peninsula. Despite the distance from the refugial core and the extensive deforestation in Ireland, nuclear genetic variation was high and comparable to mainland Europe. Low population differentiation was observed within Ireland and populations showed no evidence for isolation by distance. As expected of a marker with an effective Population size of one-quarter relative to the nuclear genome, plastid variation indicated higher differentiation. Individual inbreeding coefficients indicated high levels of outcrossing. Conclusions Consistent with a large effective Population size in the historical migrant gene pool and/or with high gene flow among populations, high within-population diversity and low population differentiation was observred within Ireland. It is proposed that native Q. petraea populations in Ireland share a common phylogeographic history and that the present genetic structure does not reflect founder effects. (C) 2004 Annals of Botany Company.


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Two species of Ganoderma belonging to different subgenera which cause disease on oil palms in PNG are identified by basidiome morphology and the morphology of their basidiospores. The names G. boninense and G. tornatum have been applied. Significant pleiomorphy was observed in basidiome characters amongst the specimens examined. This variation in most instances did not correlate well with host or host status. Sporemorphology appeared uniform within a species and spore indices varied only slightly. G. tornatum was found to have a broad host range whereas G. boninense appears to be restricted to palms in Papua New Guinea.


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A chromatographic method was developed for the determination of tryptophan content in food and feed proteins. The method involves separation and quantitation of tryptophan (released from protein by alkaline hydrolysis with NaOH) by isocratic ion-exchange chromatography with O-phthalaldehyde derivatization followed by fluorescence detection. In this procedure, chromatographic separation of the tryptophan and alpha-methyl tryptophan, the internal standard, was complete in 15 min, without any interference from other compounds. The precision of the method was 1-4%, relative standard deviation. Accuracy was validated by agreement with the value for chicken egg white lysozyme, a sequenced protein, and by quantitative recoveries after spiking with lysozyme. The method allows determination in a range of feed proteins, containing varied concentrations of tryptophan, and is applicable to systems used for routine amino acid analysis by ion-exchange chromatography. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Virtual learning environments (VLEs) are computer-based online learning environments, which provide opportunities for online learners to learn at the time and location of their choosing, whilst allowing interactions and encounters with other online learners, as well as affording access to a wide range of resources. They have the capability of reaching learners in remote areas around the country or across country boundaries at very low cost. Personalized VLEs are those VLEs that provide a set of personalization functionalities, such as personalizing learning plans, learning materials, tests, and are capable of initializing the interaction with learners by providing advice, necessary instant messages, etc., to online learners. One of the major challenges involved in developing personalized VLEs is to achieve effective personalization functionalities, such as personalized content management, learner model, learner plan and adaptive instant interaction. Autonomous intelligent agents provide an important technology for accomplishing personalization in VLEs. A number of agents work collaboratively to enable personalization by recognizing an individual's eLeaming pace and reacting correspondingly. In this research, a personalization model has been developed that demonstrates dynamic eLearning processes; secondly, this study proposes an architecture for PVLE by using intelligent decision-making agents' autonomous, pre-active and proactive behaviors. A prototype system has been developed to demonstrate the implementation of this architecture. Furthemore, a field experiment has been conducted to investigate the performance of the prototype by comparing PVLE eLearning effectiveness with a non-personalized VLE. Data regarding participants' final exam scores were collected and analyzed. The results indicate that intelligent agent technology can be employed to achieve personalization in VLEs, and as a consequence to improve eLeaming effectiveness dramatically.


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Water-sampler equilibrium partitioning coefficients and aqueous boundary layer mass transfer coefficients for atrazine, diuron, hexazionone and fluometuron onto C18 and SDB-RPS Empore disk-based aquatic passive samplers have been determined experimentally under a laminar flow regime (Re = 5400). The method involved accelerating the time to equilibrium of the samplers by exposing them to three water concentrations, decreasing stepwise to 50% and then 25% of the original concentration. Assuming first-order Fickian kinetics across a rate-limiting aqueous boundary layer, both parameters are determined computationally by unconstrained nonlinear optimization. In addition, a method of estimation of mass transfer coefficients-therefore sampling rates-using the dimensionless Sherwood correlation developed for laminar flow over a flat plate is applied. For each of the herbicides, this correlation is validated to within 40% of the experimental data. The study demonstrates that for trace concentrations (sub 0.1 mu g/L) and these flow conditions, a naked Empore disk performs well as an integrative sampler over short deployments (up to 7 days) for the range of polar herbicides investigated. The SDB-RPS disk allows a longer integrative period than the C18 disk due to its higher sorbent mass and/or its more polar sorbent chemistry. This work also suggests that for certain passive sampler designs, empirical estimation of sampling rates may be possible using correlations that have been available in the chemical engineering literature for some time.


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Sustainable management of coastal and coral reef environments requires regular collection of accurate information on recognized ecosystem health indicators. Satellite image data and derived maps of water column and substrate biophysical properties provide an opportunity to develop baseline mapping and monitoring programs for coastal and coral reef ecosystem health indicators. A significant challenge for satellite image data in coastal and coral reef water bodies is the mixture of both clear and turbid waters. A new approach is presented in this paper to enable production of water quality and substrate cover type maps, linked to a field based coastal ecosystem health indicator monitoring program, for use in turbid to clear coastal and coral reef waters. An optimized optical domain method was applied to map selected water quality (Secchi depth, Kd PAR, tripton, CDOM) and substrate cover type (seagrass, algae, sand) parameters. The approach is demonstrated using commercially available Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper image data over a coastal embayment exhibiting the range of substrate cover types and water quality conditions commonly found in sub-tropical and tropical coastal environments. Spatially extensive and quantitative maps of selected water quality and substrate cover parameters were produced for the study site. These map products were refined by interactions with management agencies to suit the information requirements of their monitoring and management programs. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.