981 resultados para Western context


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To estimate postrelease survival of white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) caught incidentally in regular commercial pelagic longline fishing operations targeting swordfish and tunas, short-duration popup satellite archival tags (PSATs) were deployed on captured animals for periods of 5−43 days. Twenty (71.4%) of 28 tags transmitted data at the preprogrammed time, including one tag that separated from the fish shortly after release and was omitted from subsequent analyses. Transmitted data from 17 of 19 tags were consistent with survival of those animals for the duration of the tag deployment. Postrelease survival estimates ranged from 63.0% (assuming all nontransmitting tags were evidence of mortality) to 89.5% (excluding nontransmitting tags from the analysis). These results indicate that white marlin can survive the trauma resulting from interaction with pelagic longline gear, and indicate that current domestic and international management measures requiring the release of live white marlin from this fishery will reduce fishing mortality on the Atlantic-wide stock.


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Age and growth estimates for salmon sharks (Lamna ditropis) in the eastern North Pacific were derived from 182 vertebral centra collected from sharks ranging in length from 62.2 to 213.4 cm pre-caudal length (PCL) and compared to previously published age and growth data for salmon sharks in the western North Pacific. Eastern North Pacific female and male salmon sharks were aged up to 20 and 17 years, respectively. Relative marginal increment (RMI) analysis showed that postnatal rings form annually between January and March. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters derived from vertebral length-at-age data are L∞ =207.4 cm PCL, k=0.17/yr, and t0=−2.3 years for females (n=166), and L∞ =182.8 cm PCL, k=0.23/yr , and t0=−1.9 years for males (n=16). Age at maturity was estimated to range from six to nine years for females (median pre-caudal length of 164.7 cm PCL) and from three to five years old for males (median precaudal length of 124.0 cm PCL). Weight-length relationships for females and males in the eastern North Pacific are W=8.2 × 10_05 × L2.759 –06 × L3.383 (r2 =0.99) and W=3.2 × 10 (r2 =0.99), respectively. Our results show that female and male salmon sharks in the eastern North Pacific possess a faster growth rate, reach sexual maturity earlier, and attain greater weight-at-length than their same-sex counterparts living in the western North Pacific.


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The variability in the supply of pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum) postlarvae and the transport mechanisms of planktonic stages were investigated with field data and simulations of transport. Postlarvae entering the nursery grounds of Florida Bay were collected for three consecutive years at channels that connect the Bay with the Gulf of Mexico, and in channels of the Middle Florida Keys that connect the southeastern margin of the Bay with the Atlantic Ocean. The influx of postlarvae in the Middle Florida Keys was low in magnitude and varied seasonally and among years. In contrast, the greater postlarval influx occurred at the northwestern border of the Bay, where there was a strong seasonal pattern with peaks in influx from July through September each year. Planktonic stages need to travel up to 150 km eastward between spawning grounds (northeast of Dry Tortugas) and nursery grounds (western Florida Bay) in about 30 days, the estimated time of planktonic development for this species. A Lagrangian trajectory model was developed to estimate the drift of planktonic stages across the SW Florida shelf. The model simulated the maximal distance traveled by planktonic stages under various assumptions of behavior. Simulation results indicated that larvae traveling with the instantaneous current and exhibiting a diel behavior travel up to 65 km and 75% of the larvae travel only 30 km. However, the eastward distance traveled increased substantially when a larval response to tides was added to the behavioral variable (distance increased to 200 km and 85% of larvae traveled 150 km). The question is, when during larval development, and where on the shallow SW Florida shelf, does the tidal response become incorporated into the behavior of pink shrimp.


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The identification of larval istiophorid billfishes from the western North Atlantic Ocean has long been problematic. In the present study, a molecular technique was used to positively identify 27 larval white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus), 96 larval blue marlin (Makaira nigricans), and 591 larval sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) from the Straits of Florida and the Bahamas. Nine morphometric measurements were taken for a subset of larvae (species known), and lower jaw pigment patterns were recorded on a grid. Canonical variates analysis (CVA) was used to reveal the extent to which the combination of morphometric, pigment pattern, and month of capture information was diagnostic to species level. Linear regression revealed species-specific relationships between the ratio of snout length to eye orbit diameter and standard length (SL). Confidence limits about these relationships served as defining characters for sailfish >10 mm SL and for blue and white marlin >17 mm SL. Pigment pattern analysis indicated that 40% of the preflexion blue marlin examined possessed a characteristic lower jaw pigment pattern and that 62% of sailfish larvae were identifiable by lower jaw pigments alone. An identification key was constructed based on pigment patterns, month of capture, and relationships between SL and the ratio of snout length to eye orbit diameter. The key yielded identifications for 69.4% of 304 (blind sample) larvae used to test it; only one of these identifications was incorrect. Of the 93 larvae that could not be identified by the key, 71 (76.3%) were correctly identified with CVA. Although identif ication of certain larval specimens may always require molecular techniques, it is encouraging that the majority (92.4%) of istiophorid larvae examined were ultimately identifiable from external characteristics alone.


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Data from ichthyoplankton surveys conducted in 1972 and from 1977 to 1999 (no data were collected in 1980) by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (NOAA, NMFS) in the western Gulf of Alaska were used to examine the timing of spawning, geographic distribution and abundance, and the vertical distribution of eggs and larvae of flathead sole (Hippoglossoides elassodon). In the western Gulf of Alaska, flathead sole spawning began in early April and peaked from early to mid-May on the continental shelf. It progressed in a southwesterly direction along the Alaska Peninsula where three main areas of flathead sole spawning were indentified: near the Kenai Peninsula, in Shelikof Strait, and between the Shumagin Islands and Unimak Island. Flathead sole eggs are pelagic, and their depth distribution may be a function of their developmental stage. Data from MOCNESS tows indicated that eggs sink near time of hatching and the larvae rise to the surface to feed. The geographic distribution of larvae followed a pattern similar to the distribution of eggs, only it shifted about one month later. Larval abundance peaked from early to mid-June in the southern portion of Shelikof Strait. Biological and environmental factors may help to retain flathead sole larvae on the continental shelf near their juvenile nursery areas.


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The South China Sea is an important fishing area with an annual harvest of some 5 million tonnes, or 10% of the catches jointly taken by the developing nations of the world. Details are given of a model of the area describing fisheries catches and biological interactions. The area, viewed as a large marine ecosystem, was divided into 10 subsystems; each subsystem was then linked with adjacent subsystems by predatory links, and detritus flows. An analysis was then made of catch statistics for each of the subsystems. It is believed that if all systems could be harvested at around the highest efficiency, an additional 5-6 million tonnes could be taken annually from the South China Sea; however, more refined analyses are needed to further investigate these possibilities. If linked with careful studies of the economic and human aspects of fishing, such analyses will provide guidelines for integrated fisheries management advice.


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A adolescência feminina é marcada por muitos desafios, frutos das transformações que ocorrem na vida desta jovem. Com a puberdade, as diferenças biológicas entre os sexos se acentuam, sendo significativas as demandas e as expectativas socioculturais. Para as adolescentes, o desenvolvimento das mamas e o aumento dos quadris formam um novo corpo, suscitando novas sensações e sentimentos. Na adolescência intermediária, a jovem se depara com a tarefa de lidar com a sua sexualidade, com decisões morais, vivenciar o aumento de novos relacionamentos com seus pares e equilibrar a autonomia com a responsabilidade. A forma como a adolescente vivencia estas mudanças é moldada pelas características pessoais, crenças e práticas, que refletem o seu contexto. Na cultura ocidental, uma das questões típicas da adolescência é o desenvolvimento da autonomia, relacionada ao contexto familiar. Apesar das transformações sociais, a família continua a desempenhar um papel essencial na formação do indivíduo, tendo as atribuições de cuidado, de apoio e de afeto. No contexto familiar, por meio do estilo parental, são comunicadas as atitudes dos pais em relação aos seus filhos, criando um clima emocional, no qual as práticas parentais são expressas. Estudos dedicados aos relacionamentos pais-filhos especificam a importância da presença do pai para a dinâmica e o clima emocional familiar e sugerem que o gênero do progenitor pode influenciar a forma que ele se relaciona com sua filha. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho se desdobra em dois. O primeiro é promover uma reflexão a partir de uma revisão de literatura contemplando essa temática. O segundo é investigar a relação entre a percepção do estilo parental paterno e o desenvolvimento da autonomia da filha adolescente. Para isso, utilizamos um método quantitativo, com aplicação de escalas sobre autonomia, interdependência e autonomia-relacionada e estilo parental. Participaram do estudo 50 adolescentes do sexo feminino, entre 14 a 16 anos, de famílias intactas, residentes no Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados apontaram para a existência de uma relação entre o desenvolvimento da autonomia e a percepção do estilo parental paterno. Quanto mais as adolescentes percebiam seus pais como autoritativos, maiores eram seus escores em autonomia-relacional e menores em autonomia. De um modo geral, as adolescentes da pesquisa apresentaram uma tendência à autonomia-relacionada e a perceber seus pais com o estilo parental autoritativo. Com base nestes resultados, concluímos que a maneira que as adolescentes percebem seus pais vai estar relacionada ao modo que vão desenvolver sua autonomia, indicando a importância de futuras pesquisas que explorem a relação pai-filha na adolescência em um contexto brasileiro.


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Length-weight relationship (LWR) parameters of 72 species of fishes and 15 species of cephalopods caught in the Balearic Islands demersal fishery are reported. This is the first compilation of LWR for these groups in the Balearic Islands.


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Assim como a medicina, a psiquiatria não consiste em uma disciplina teórica, mas sim, em uma práxis, um projeto teórico que somente se justifica pelo projeto prático. Trata-se, portanto, de um campo de intervenção. A psiquiatria utiliza diversas abordagens teóricas e científicas com uma finalidade prática. O objeto de estudo do campo, entretanto, não se confunde com o objeto destas abordagens. O objeto da psiquiatria pode ser definido em vertentes reducionistas e não-reducionistas. No contexto atual, há uma tendência a uma polarização. Por um lado, o objeto da psiquiatria é concebido como o objeto das demais especialidades médicas, enquanto doença mental, localizado no cérebro e resultando em práticas que privilegiam as abordagens biológicas. Por outro, em vertentes mais amplas de definição, ele consiste no sofrimento psíquico e social ou em disfunções internas socialmente inapropriadas, o que envolve múltiplos níveis e dimensões biológico, fenomenológico, cultural. Esta concepção do objeto da psiquiatria demanda uma multiplicidade e pluralidade de abordagens tanto no plano teórico quanto no plano prático. A presente tese afirma que uma perspectiva multinível e plural é imperiosa à práxis psiquiátrica. A tese está dividida em duas partes. Na primeira, realiza-se uma discussão filosófica na psiquiatria, mediante o método da investigação conceitual, visando um refinamento teórico do campo, que tende a gerar práticas mais efetivas. Três problemas filosóficos que perpassam a psiquiatria são discutidos: a distinção explicação-compreensão; o problema mente-cérebro e a distinção fato-valor. Aponta-se uma solução pragmatista para cada um destes problemas. Na segunda parte, realiza-se um estudo de caso com o exemplar esquizofrenia, analisando os múltiplos níveis do fenômeno mediante a apresentação das abordagens biológicas, fenomenológicas e antropológicas da esquizofrenia na contemporaneidade, enfocando, respectivamente, as hipóteses neurodesenvolvimentais, as alterações na consciência pré-reflexiva de si e as concepções do fenômeno em contextos não-ocidentais. A esquizofrenia corresponde a uma categoria de alta validade, tendo uma importante participação de fatores genético-biológicos. Ainda assim, o modelo biomédico se mostra insuficiente para dar conta da complexidade da experiência do adoecimento nesta condição. Portanto, uma perspectiva multinível e plural se faz mandatória. E se esta perspectiva se aplica à esquizofrenia, aplicar-se-á também a todos os transtornos mentais, com importantes implicações para a práxis psiquiátrica, seja no âmbito da teoria e pesquisa, seja no âmbito da clínica e da elaboração de políticas públicas de saúde mental, ajustando-se melhor, por exemplo, aos propósitos do Global Mental Health.


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Molecular-based approaches for shark species identification have been driven largely by issues specific to the fishery. In an effort to establish a more comprehensive identification data set, we investigated DNA sequence variation of a 1.4-kb region from the mitochondrial genome covering partial sequences from the 12S rDNA, 16S rDNA, and the complete valine tRNA from 35 shark species from the Atlantic fishery. Generally, within-species variability was low in relation to interspecific divergence because species haloptypes formed monophyletic groups. Phylogenetic analyses resolved ordinal relationships among Carcharhiniformes and Lamniformes, and revealed support for the families Sphyrnidae and Triakidae (within Carcharhiniformes) and Lamnidae and Alopidae (within Lamniformes). The combination of limited intraspecific variability and sufficient between-species divergence indicates that this locus is suitable for species identification.


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The thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) is a large species of skate that is endemic to the waters of the western north Atlantic in the Gulf of Maine. Because the biomass of thorny skates has recently declined below threshold levels mandated by the Sustainable Fisheries Act, commercial harvests from this region are prohibited. We have undertaken a comprehensive study to gain insight into the life history of this skate. The present study describes and characterizes the reproductive cycle of female and male thorny skates, based on monthly samples taken off the coast of New Hampshire, from May 2001 to May 2003. Gonadosomatic index (GSI), shell gland weight, follicle size, and egg case formation, were assessed for 48 female skates. In general, these reproductive parameters remained relatively constant throughout most of the year. However, transient but significant increases in shell gland weight and GSI were obser ved during certain months. Within the cohort of specimens sampled monthly throughout the year, a subset of females always had large preovulatory follicles present in their ovaries. With the exception of June and September specimens, egg cases undergoing various stages of development were observed in the uteri of specimens captured during all other months of the year. For males (n=48), histological stages III through VI (SIII−SVI) of spermatogenesis, GSI, and hepatosomatic index (HSI) were examined. Although there appeared to be monthly fluctuations in spermatogenesis, GSI, and HSI, no significant differences were found. The production and maintenance of mature spermatocysts (SVI) within the testes was observed throughout the year. These findings collectively indicate that the thorny skate is reproductively active year round.