981 resultados para Weighted


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The preferences of users are important in route search and planning. For example, when a user plans a trip within a city, their preferences can be expressed as keywords shopping mall, restaurant, and museum, with weights 0.5, 0.4, and 0.1, respectively. The resulting route should best satisfy their weighted preferences. In this paper, we take into account the weighted user preferences in route search, and present a keyword coverage problem, which finds an optimal route from a source location to a target location such that the keyword coverage is optimized and that the budget score satisfies a specified constraint. We prove that this problem is NP-hard. To solve this complex problem, we pro- pose an optimal route search based on an A* variant for which we have defined an admissible heuristic function. The experiments conducted on real-world datasets demonstrate both the efficiency and accu- racy of our proposed algorithms.


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Although Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a powerful framework for declarative problem solving, it cannot in an intuitive way handle situations in which some rules are uncertain, or in which it is more important to satisfy some constraints than others. Possibilistic ASP (PASP) is a natural extension of ASP in which certainty weights are associated with each rule. In this paper we contrast two different views on interpreting the weights attached to rules. Under the first view, weights reflect the certainty with which we can conclude the head of a rule when its body is satisfied. Under the second view, weights reflect the certainty that a given rule restricts the considered epistemic states of an agent in a valid way, i.e. it is the certainty that the rule itself is correct. The first view gives rise to a set of weighted answer sets, whereas the second view gives rise to a weighted set of classical answer sets.


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A geostatistical version of the classical Fisher rule (linear discriminant analysis) is presented.This method is applicable when a large dataset of multivariate observations is available within a domain split in several known subdomains, and it assumes that the variograms (or covariance functions) are comparable between subdomains, which only differ in the mean values of the available variables. The method consists on finding the eigen-decomposition of the matrix W-1B, where W is the matrix of sills of all direct- and cross-variograms, and B is the covariance matrix of the vectors of weighted means within each subdomain, obtained by generalized least squares. The method is used to map peat blanket occurrence in Northern Ireland, with data from the Tellus
survey, which requires a minimal change to the general recipe: to use compositionally-compliant variogram tools and models, and work with log-ratio transformed data.


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This work presents a new general purpose classifier named Averaged Extended Tree Augmented Naive Bayes (AETAN), which is based on combining the advantageous characteristics of Extended Tree Augmented Naive Bayes (ETAN) and Averaged One-Dependence Estimator (AODE) classifiers. We describe the main properties of the approach and algorithms for learning it, along with an analysis of its computational time complexity. Empirical results with numerous data sets indicate that the new approach is superior to ETAN and AODE in terms of both zero-one classification accuracy and log loss. It also compares favourably against weighted AODE and hidden Naive Bayes. The learning phase of the new approach is slower than that of its competitors, while the time complexity for the testing phase is similar. Such characteristics suggest that the new classifier is ideal in scenarios where online learning is not required.


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Online forums are becoming a popular way of finding useful
information on the web. Search over forums for existing discussion
threads so far is limited to keyword-based search due
to the minimal effort required on part of the users. However,
it is often not possible to capture all the relevant context in a
complex query using a small number of keywords. Examplebased
search that retrieves similar discussion threads given
one exemplary thread is an alternate approach that can help
the user provide richer context and vastly improve forum
search results. In this paper, we address the problem of
finding similar threads to a given thread. Towards this, we
propose a novel methodology to estimate similarity between
discussion threads. Our method exploits the thread structure
to decompose threads in to set of weighted overlapping
components. It then estimates pairwise thread similarities
by quantifying how well the information in the threads are
mutually contained within each other using lexical similarities
between their underlying components. We compare our
proposed methods on real datasets against state-of-the-art
thread retrieval mechanisms wherein we illustrate that our
techniques outperform others by large margins on popular
retrieval evaluation measures such as NDCG, MAP, Precision@k
and MRR. In particular, consistent improvements of
up to 10% are observed on all evaluation measures


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Many problems in artificial intelligence can be encoded as answer set programs (ASP) in which some rules are uncertain. ASP programs with incorrect rules may have erroneous conclusions, but due to the non-monotonic nature of ASP, omitting a correct rule may also lead to errors. To derive the most certain conclusions from an uncertain ASP program, we thus need to consider all situations in which some, none, or all of the least certain rules are omitted. This corresponds to treating some rules as optional and reasoning about which conclusions remain valid regardless of the inclusion of these optional rules. While a version of possibilistic ASP (PASP) based on this view has recently been introduced, no implementation is currently available. In this paper we propose a simulation of the main reasoning tasks in PASP using (disjunctive) ASP programs, allowing us to take advantage of state-of-the-art ASP solvers. Furthermore, we identify how several interesting AI problems can be naturally seen as special cases of the considered reasoning tasks, including cautious abductive reasoning and conformant planning. As such, the proposed simulation enables us to solve instances of the latter problem types that are more general than what current solvers can handle.


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Sheep transport within Europe involves 9.5 million animals yearly, 63% of which travel over longjourneys (> 8 h). Livestock transport, particularly over long journeys, gives rise to concern about the welfare of transported animals. The European Commission stimulates the development of market-oriented animal welfare standards for all phases of livestock production, providing an alternative to the 'regulatory approach'. This study aimed to develop and test a new sheep welfare assessment protocol to be used following transport, irrespective of the journey purpose. The protocol included outcome (animal-based measures) and input variables (resource-based and management-based measures), being welfare-relevant aspects of both transport and unloading procedures. Weighted Cohen's Kappa and Heiss' Kappa index of agreement were calculated to evaluate the raters accuracy and the inter-observer reliability.Overall, good agreement levels were found. The protocol was tested on 40 commercial transports arriving at previously selected assembly centres and slaughterhouses in Italy and Greece. The protocol was found to be feasible when applied to commercial transports, allowing for a comprehensive and quick sheep welfare assessment during unloading, without impairing stockman work. Univariate analysis was carried out to evaluate associations between outcome and input variables. In this study, significant association between outcome measures and risk factors were identified when associated to unloading procedures but not to travel conditions. In collaboration with the relevant stakeholders, this protocol might be developed into a tool for routine checks for certification purposes and could provide direct feedback to all professionals involved in animal transportation on the weaknesses and strengths of their work.


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This study examines the potential of next-generation sequencing based ‘genotyping-by-sequencing’ (GBS) of microsatellite loci for rapid and cost-effective genotyping in large-scale population genetic studies. The recovery of individual genotypes from large sequence pools was achieved by PCR-incorporated combinatorial barcoding using universal primers. Three experimental conditions were employed to explore the possibility of using this approach with existing and novel multiplex marker panels and weighted amplicon mixture. The GBS approach was validated against microsatellite data generated by capillary electrophoresis. GBS allows access to the underlying nucleotide sequences that can reveal homoplasy, even in large datasets and facilitates cross laboratory transfer. GBS of microsatellites, using individual combinatorial barcoding, is potentially faster and cheaper than current microsatellite approaches and offers better and more data.


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In order to protect user privacy on mobile devices, an event-driven implicit authentication scheme is proposed in this paper. Several methods of utilizing the scheme for recognizing legitimate user behavior are investigated. The investigated methods compute an aggregate score and a threshold in real-time to determine the trust level of the current user using real data derived from user interaction with the device. The proposed scheme is designed to: operate completely in the background, require minimal training period, enable high user recognition rate for implicit authentication, and prompt detection of abnormal activity that can be used to trigger explicitly authenticated access control. In this paper, we investigate threshold computation through standard deviation and EWMA (exponentially weighted moving average) based algorithms. The result of extensive experiments on user data collected over a period of several weeks from an Android phone indicates that our proposed approach is feasible and effective for lightweight real-time implicit authentication on mobile smartphones.


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Absolute cross-section measurements for valence-shell photoionization of Ar + ions are reported for photon energies ranging from 27.4 eV to 60.0 eV. The data, taken by merging beams of ions and synchrotron radiation at a photon energy resolution of 10 meV, indicate that the primary ion beam was a statistically weighted mixture of the 2P o3/2 ground state and the 2P o1/2 metastable state of Ar +. Photoionization of this Cell-like ion is characterized by multiple Rydberg series of autoionizing resonances superimposed on a direct photoionization continuum. Observed resonance lineshapes indicate interference between indirect and direct photoionization channels. Resonance features are spectroscopically assigned and their energies and quantum defects are tabulated. The measurements are satisfactorily reproduced by theoretical calculations based on an intermediate coupling semi-relativistic Breit-Pauli approximation.


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Purpose: To investigate the clinical implications of a variable relative biological effectiveness (RBE) on proton dose fractionation. Using acute exposures, the current clinical adoption of a generic, constant cell killing RBE has been shown to underestimate the effect of the sharp increase in linear energy transfer (LET) in the distal regions of the spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP). However, experimental data for the impact of dose fractionation in such scenarios are still limited.

Methods and Materials: Human fibroblasts (AG01522) at 4 key depth positions on a clinical SOBP of maximum energy 219.65 MeV were subjected to various fractionation regimens with an interfraction period of 24 hours at Proton Therapy Center in Prague, Czech Republic. Cell killing RBE variations were measured using standard clonogenic assays and were further validated using Monte Carlo simulations and parameterized using a linear quadratic formalism.

Results: Significant variations in the cell killing RBE for fractionated exposures along the proton dose profile were observed. RBE increased sharply toward the distal position, corresponding to a reduction in cell sparing effectiveness of fractionated proton exposures at higher LET. The effect was more pronounced at smaller doses per fraction. Experimental survival fractions were adequately predicted using a linear quadratic formalism assuming full repair between fractions. Data were also used to validate a parameterized variable RBE model based on linear α parameter response with LET that showed considerable deviations from clinically predicted isoeffective fractionation regimens.

Conclusions: The RBE-weighted absorbed dose calculated using the clinically adopted generic RBE of 1.1 significantly underestimates the biological effective dose from variable RBE, particularly in fractionation regimens with low doses per fraction. Coupled with an increase in effective range in fractionated exposures, our study provides an RBE dataset that can be used by the modeling community for the optimization of fractionated proton therapy.


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This paper examines the connectedness of the Eurozone sovereign debt market over the period 2005–2011. By employing measures built from the variance decompositions of approximating models we are able to define weighted, directed networks that enable a deeper understanding of the relationships between the Eurozone countries. We find that connectedness in the Eurozone was very high during the calm market conditions preceding the global financial crisis but decreased dramatically when the crisis took hold, and worsened as the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis emerged. The drop in connectedness was especially prevalent in the case of the peripheral countries with some of the most peripheral countries deteriorating into isolation. Our results have implications for both market participants and regulators.


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Ranking problems arise from the knowledge of several binary relations defined on a set of alternatives, which we intend to rank. In a previous work, the authors introduced a tool to confirm the solutions of multi-attribute ranking problems as linear extensions of a weighted sum of preference relations. An extension of this technique allows the recognition of critical preference pairs of alternatives, which are often caused by inconsistencies. Herein, a confirmation procedure is introduced and applied to confirm the results obtained by a multi-attribute decision methodology on a tender for the supply of buses to the Porto Public Transport Operator. © 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.


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In the past few years a new generation of multifunctional nanoparticles (NPs) has been proposed for biomedical applications, whose structure is more complex than the structure of their predecessor monofunctional counterparts. The development of these novel NPs aims at enabling or improving the performance in imaging, diagnosis and therapeutic applications. The structure of such NPs comprises several components exhibiting various functionalities that enable the nanoparticles to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, such as active targeting of certain cells or compartmentalization, imaging and delivery of active drugs. This thesis presents two types of bimodal bio-imaging probes and describes their physical and chemical properties, namely their texture, structure, and 1H dynamics and relaxometry, in order to evaluate their potential as MRI contrast agents. The photoluminescence properties of these probes are studied, aiming at assessing their interest as optical contrast agents. These materials combine the properties of the trivalent lanthanide (Ln3+) complexes and nanoparticles, offering an excellent solution for bimodal imaging. The designed T1- type contrast agent are SiO2@APS/DTPA:Gd:Ln or SiO2@APS/PMN:Gd:Ln (Ln= Eu or Tb) systems, bearing the active magnetic center (Gd3+) and the optically-active ions (Eu3+ and Tb3+) on the surface of silica NPs. Concerning the relaxometry properties, moderate r1 increases and significant r2 increases are observed in the NPs presence, especially at high magnetic fields, due to susceptibility effects on r2. The Eu3+ ions reside in a single low-symmetry site, and the photoluminescence emission is not influenced by the simultaneous presence of Gd3+ and Eu3+. The presence of Tb3+, rather than Eu3+ ion, further increases r1 but decreases r2. The uptake of these NPs by living cells is fast and results in an intensity increase in the T1-weighted MRI images. The optical features of the NPs in cellular pellets are also studied and confirm the potential of these new nanoprobes as bimodal imaging agents. This thesis further reports on a T2 contrast agent consisting of core-shell NPs with a silica shell surrounding an iron oxide core. The thickness of this silica shell has a significant impact on the r2 and r2* relaxivities, and a tentative model is proposed to explain this finding. The cell viability and the mitochondrial dehydrogenase expression given by the microglial cells are also evaluated.


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In this thesis we consider Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with Fourier symbols in the class of almost periodic, semi-almost periodic and piecewise almost periodic functions. In the first place, we consider Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators acting between L2 Lebesgue spaces with possibly different Fourier matrix symbols in the Wiener-Hopf and in the Hankel operators. In the second place, we consider these operators with equal Fourier symbols and acting between weighted Lebesgue spaces Lp(R;w), where 1 < p < 1 and w belongs to a subclass of Muckenhoupt weights. In addition, singular integral operators with Carleman shift and almost periodic coefficients are also object of study. The main purpose of this thesis is to obtain regularity properties characterizations of those classes of operators. By regularity properties we mean those that depend on the kernel and cokernel of the operator. The main techniques used are the equivalence relations between operators and the factorization theory. An invertibility characterization for the Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with symbols belonging to the Wiener subclass of almost periodic functions APW is obtained, assuming that a particular matrix function admits a numerical range bounded away from zero and based on the values of a certain mean motion. For Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators acting between L2-spaces and with possibly different AP symbols, criteria for the semi-Fredholm property and for one-sided and both-sided invertibility are obtained and the inverses for all possible cases are exhibited. For such results, a new type of AP factorization is introduced. Singular integral operators with Carleman shift and scalar almost periodic coefficients are also studied. Considering an auxiliar and simpler operator, and using appropriate factorizations, the dimensions of the kernels and cokernels of those operators are obtained. For Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with (possibly different) SAP and PAP matrix symbols and acting between L2-spaces, criteria for the Fredholm property are presented as well as the sum of the Fredholm indices of the Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel and Wiener-Hopf minus Hankel operators. By studying dependencies between different matrix Fourier symbols of Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel operators acting between L2-spaces, results about the kernel and cokernel of those operators are derived. For Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators acting between weighted Lebesgue spaces, Lp(R;w), a study is made considering equal scalar Fourier symbols in the Wiener-Hopf and in the Hankel operators and belonging to the classes of APp;w, SAPp;w and PAPp;w. It is obtained an invertibility characterization for Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel operators with APp;w symbols. In the cases for which the Fourier symbols of the operators belong to SAPp;w and PAPp;w, it is obtained semi-Fredholm criteria for Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators as well as formulas for the Fredholm indices of those operators.