982 resultados para Water Storage
ABSTRACT Pathogenic fungi cause skin darkening and peach quality depreciation in post harvest. Therefore, alternative techniques to chemical treatment are necessary in order to reduce risks to human health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the application of Trichoderma harzianum in association with different fungicides applied before harvest to 'Eldorado' peaches for brown rot control and other quality parameters during storage. The treatments consisted of five preharvest fungicide applications (control, captan, iprodione, iminoctadine and tebuconazole) associated with postharvest application of T. harzianum, after cold storage (with and without application), in three evaluation times (zero, two and four days at 20 °C), resulting in a 5x2x3 factorial design. The application of T. harzianum only brought benefits to the control of brown rot when combined with the fungicide captan, at zero day shelf life. After two days, there was a greater skin darkening in peaches treated with T. harzianum compared with peaches without the treatment, except for peaches treated with the fungicide iprodione and T. harzianum The application of T. harzianum during postharvest showed no benefits for the control of brown rot, however, the association with fungicides reduced the incidence of Rhizopus stolonifer during the shelf life.
ABSTRACT Maintaining cantaloupe melon at field temperature impairs conservation as it speeds up cell metabolism and transpiration, and, consequently, reduces shelf life. This study aimed to evaluate the conservation of Torreon hybrid cantaloupe using the hydrocooling treatment. Fruits were harvested at the commercial maturity stage (60 days after planting), in the morning, at the Nova California Farm, municipality of Mossoró-RN, in September 2007. One set of fruit was immersed in chilled water at 5 ºC for 5 min, at the packing house, while the remaining set was not hydro cooled. Then, both sets (treated and untreated with hydrocooling) were pre-cooled in air forced tunnels at 7 ºC, until the temperature in the pulp reached 10 ºC. Both fruit sets were stored for 0, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days under modified atmosphere at 3 ± 1 oC and 90 ± 5% RH. After each storage period, the fruits were incubated in an atmosphere-controlled chamber at 20 ± 2 oC and 80 ± 5% de RH, for seven days. The following characteristics were evaluated: external and internal appearance, mass loss, soluble solids, firmness and titrable acidity. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized split-plot design with four replications of three fruits. The plots consisted of the hydrocooling conditions (with and without fruit soaking in chilled water), and the sub-plots consisted of the storage times (0, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days).The treatment with hydrocooling was efficient in keeping the firmness and soluble solids of the fruits and shortened the pre-cooling time in the cooling tunnel. However, hydrocooling did not increase fruit shelf-life.
During the second half of 1986 the impact of the improvement of water supply and excreta disposal facilities on diarrheal diseases and intestinal parasitosis was studied in 254 children up to six years of age from two favelas (shanty towns) of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The estimated incidence of diarrhea was 6.2 episodes/child year and the estimated period prevalence reached 31.0 episode days/ child/ year. The point prevalence of parasitosis was 70.7% (Ascaris lumbricoides: 55.4%, Trichuris trichiura: 19.6%, Giardia lamblia: 17.9%). The estimated prevalence of diarrhea decreased with improvement of water supply and sanitation facilities to 45% and 44% respectively, but no statistically significant impact was observed in the case of parasitosis. School education and weaning practice were found to be other important determinants of diarrhea.
This paper presents a predictive optimal matrix converter controller for a flywheel energy storage system used as Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). The flywheel energy storage device is based on a steel seamless tube mounted as a vertical axis flywheel to store kinetic energy. The motor/generator is a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine driven by the AC-AC Matrix Converter. The matrix control method uses a discrete-time model of the converter system to predict the expected values of the input and output currents for all the 27 possible vectors generated by the matrix converter. An optimal controller minimizes control errors using a weighted cost functional. The flywheel and control process was tested as a DVR to mitigate voltage sags and swells. Simulation results show that the DVR is able to compensate the critical load voltage without delays, voltage undershoots or overshoots, overcoming the input/output coupling of matrix converters.
Reclaimed water from small wastewater treatment facilities in the rural areas of the Beira Interior region (Portugal) may constitute an alternative water source for aquifer recharge. A 21-month monitoring period in a constructed wetland treatment system has shown that 21,500 m(3) year(-1) of treated wastewater (reclaimed water) could be used for aquifer recharge. A GIS-based multi-criteria analysis was performed, combining ten thematic maps and economic, environmental and technical criteria, in order to produce a suitability map for the location of sites for reclaimed water infiltration. The areas chosen for aquifer recharge with infiltration basins are mainly composed of anthrosol with more than 1 m deep and fine sand texture, which allows an average infiltration velocity of up to 1 m d(-1). These characteristics will provide a final polishing treatment of the reclaimed water after infiltration (soil aquifer treatment (SAT)), suitable for the removal of the residual load (trace organics, nutrients, heavy metals and pathogens). The risk of groundwater contamination is low since the water table in the anthrosol areas ranges from 10 m to 50 m. Oil the other hand, these depths allow a guaranteed unsaturated area suitable for SAT. An area of 13,944 ha was selected for study, but only 1607 ha are suitable for reclaimed water infiltration. Approximately 1280 m(2) were considered enough to set up 4 infiltration basins to work in flooding and drying cycles.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of town planning, infrastructure, sanitation and rainfall on the bacteriological quality of domestic water supplies. METHODS: Water samples obtained from deep and shallow wells, boreholes and public taps were cultured to determine the most probable number of Escherichia coli and total coliform using the multiple tube technique. Presence of enteric pathogens was detected using selective and differential media. Samples were collected during both periods of heavy and low rainfall and from municipalities that are unique with respect to infrastructure planning, town planning and sanitation. RESULTS: Contamination of treated and pipe distributed water was related with distance of the collection point from a utility station. Faults in pipelines increased the rate of contamination (p<0.5) and this occurred mostly in densely populated areas with dilapidated infrastructure. Wastewater from drains was the main source of contamination of pipe-borne water. Shallow wells were more contaminated than deep wells and boreholes and contamination was higher during period of heavy rainfall (p<0.05). E. coli and enteric pathogens were isolated from contaminated supplies. CONCLUSIONS: Poor town planning, dilapidated infrastructure and indiscriminate siting of wells and boreholes contributed to the low bacteriological quality of domestic water supplies. Rainfall accentuated the impact.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the microbiological quality of treated and untreated water samples came from urban and rural communities and to examine the relationship between coliforms occurrence and average water temperature, and a comparison of the rainfall levels. METHODS: A sample of 3,073 untreated and treated (chlorinated) water from taps (1,594), reservoir used to store treated water (1,033), spring water (96) and private well (350) collected for routine testing between 1996 and 1999 was analyzed by the multiple dilution tube methods used to detect the most probable number of total and fecal coliforms. These samples were obtained in the region of Maringá, state of Paraná, Brazil. RESULTS: The highest numbers water samples contaminated by TC (83%) and FC (48%) were found in the untreated water. TC and FC in samples taken from reservoirs used to store treated water was higher than that from taps midway along distribution lines. Among the treated water samples examined, coliform bacteria were found in 171 of the 1,033 sampling reservoirs. CONCLUSIONS: Insufficient treatment or regrowth is suggested by the observation that more than 17% of these treated potable water contained coliform. TC and FC positive samples appear to be similar and seasonally influenced in treated water. Two different periods must be considered for the occurrence of both TC and FC positive samples: (i) a warm-weather period (September-March) with high percentage of contaminated samples; and (ii) cold-weather period (April-August) were they are lower. Both TC and TF positive samples declined with the decreased of water temperature.
The assessment of surface water nanofiltration (NF) for the removal of endocrine disruptors (EDs) Nonylphenol Ethoxylate (IGEPAL), 4-Nonylphenol (NP) and 4-Octylphenol (OP) was carried out with three commercial NF membranes - NF90, NF200, NF270. The permeation experiments were conducted in laboratory flat-cell units of 13.2 x 10(-4) m(2) of surface area and in a DSS Lab-unit M20 with a membrane surface area of 0.036 m2. The membranes hydraulic permeabilities ranged from 3.7 to 15.6 kg/h/m(2)/bar and the rejection coefficients to NaCl, Na2SO4 and Glucose are for NF90: 97%, 99% and 97%, respectively; for NF200: 66%, 98% and 90%, respectively and for NF270: 48%, 94% and 84%, respectively. Three sets of nanofiltration experiments were carried out: i) NF of aqueous model solutions of NP, IGEPAL and OP running in total recirculation mode; ii) NF of surface water from Rio Sado (Settibal, Portugal) running in concentration mode; iii) NF of surface water from Rio Sado inoculated with NP, IGEPAL and OP running in concentration mode. The results of model solutions experiments showed that the EDs rejection coefficients are approximately 100% for all the membranes. The results obtained for the surface water showed that the rejection coefficients to natural organic Matter (NOM) are 94%, 82% and 78% for NF90, NF200 and NF 270 membranes respectively, with and without inoculation of EDs. The rejection coefficients to EDs in surface water with and without inoculation of EDs are 100%, showing that there is a fraction of NOM of high molecular weight that retains the EDs in the concentrate and that there is a fraction of NOM of low molecular weight that permeates through the NF membranes free of EDs.
The solubility of ethene in water and in the fermentation medium of Xanthobacter Py(2) was determined with a Ben-Naim-Baer type apparatus. The solubility measurements were carried out in the temperature range of (293.15 to 323.15) K and at atmospheric pressure with a precision of about +/- 0.3 %. The Ostwald coefficients, the mole fractions of the dissolved ethene, at the gas partial pressure of 101.325 kPa, and the Henry coefficients, at the water vapor pressure, were calculated using accurate thermodynamic relations. A comparison between the solubility of ethene in water and in the cultivation medium has shown that this gas is about 2.4 % more soluble in pure water. On the other hand, from the solubility temperature dependence, the Gibbs energy, enthalpy, and entropy changes for the process of transferring the solute from the gaseous phase to the liquid solutions were also determined. Moreover, the perturbed-chain statistical associating fluid theory equation of state (PC-SAFT EOS) model was used for the prediction of the solubility of ethene in water. New parameters, k(ij), are proposed for this system, and it was found that using a ky temperature-dependent PC-SAFT EOS describes more accurately the behavior solubilities of ethene in water at 101.325 kPa, improving the deviations to 1 %.
O presente documento enquadra-se no âmbito do trabalho final do mestrado (TFM) do curso de Engenharia Civil, na área de especialização de Hidráulica, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, sob a forma de um projeto na fase de estudo prévio com o título ―Gestão Sustentável da Água no empreendimento turístico Parque de Campismo da Ilha do Pessegueiro situado em Porto Covo - Região de Turismo do Alentejo‖. Este trabalho é constituído essencialmente por 5 partes. Sendo a primeira uma breve introdução às questões a abordar, a segunda corresponde à discrição teórica do uso eficiente da água baseando-se no PNEUA (Programa nacional para o uso eficiente da água). Já a terceira parte é relativa ao atual sistema de utilização da água no Parque de campismo da ilha do pessegueiro (PCIP), sendo a quarta o estudo do desenvolvimento do projecto para a gestão eficiente da água no empreendimento e a quinta parte o estudo de viabilidade económica e financeira a implementar no projecto. Para além da implementação de medidas de poupança são também objetivos principais deste trabalho a reutilização da água através da recolha, o tratamento e armazenamento das águas residuais e aproveitamento das águas pluviais para posterior abastecimento do sistema de utilização em descargas sanitárias, lavagem de pavimentos e regas de espaços verdes. São, portanto, três os subsistemas de gestão eficiente da água que se pretende implementar. Dá-se importância ao estudo de viabilidade económica do projeto, cujo período de retorno do capital investido em capitais próprios e alheios é de seis anos. Este projeto pretende dar apoio técnico ao uso eficiente da água no PCIP, de forma a conseguir por um lado obter vantagens económicas e por outro proteger o ambiente. As vantagens económicas são interessantes para orientar os recursos financeiros para outros investimentos e as questões ambientais são a base de uma campanha, já em curso, para obtenção de certificação energética, em conjunto com outras práticas já em curso, nomeadamente a recolha seletiva de resíduos sólidos para recircular e aproveitamento de energia solar.
Water-based cellulose cholesteric liquid crystalline phases at rest can undergo structural changes induced by shear flow. This reflects on the deuterium spectra recorded when the system is investigated by rheo-nuclear magnetic resonance (rheo-NMR) techniques. In this work, the model system hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC)+water is revisited using rheo-NMR to clarify unsettled points regarding its behavior under shear and in relaxation. The NMR spectra allow the identification of five different stable ordering states, within shear and relaxation, which are well integrated in a mesoscopic picture of the system's structural evolution under shear and relaxation. This picture emerging from the large body of studies available for this system by other experimental techniques, accounts well for the NMR data and is in good agreement with the three distinct regions of steady shear flow recognized for some lyotropic LC polymers. Shear rates in between 0.1 and 1.0 s(-1) where investigated using a Taylor-Couette flow and deuterated water was used as solvent for the deuterium NMR (DNMR) analysis.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
New rhenium(VII or III) complexes [ReO3(PTA)(2)][ReO4] (1) (PTA = 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane), [ReO3(mPTA)][ReO4] (2) (mPTA = N-methyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane cation), [ReO3(HMT)(2)] [ReO4] (3) (HMT = hexamethylenetetramine), [ReO3(eta(2)-Tpm)(PTA)][ReO4] (4) [Tpm = hydrotris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane, HC(pz)(3), pz = pyrazolyl), [ReO3(Hpz)(HMT)][ReO4] (5) (Hpz = pyrazole), [ReO(Tpms)(HMT)] (6) [Tpms = tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methanesulfonate, O3SC(pz)(3)(-)] and [ReCl2{N2C(O)Ph} (PTA)(3)] (7) have been prepared from the Re(VII) oxide Re2O2 (1-6) or, in the case of 7, by ligand exchange from the benzoyldiazenido complex [ReCl2(N2C-(O)Ph}(Hpz)(PPh3)(2)], and characterized by IR and NMR spectroscopies, elemental analysis and electrochemical properties. Theoretical calculations at the density functional theory (DFT) level of theory indicated that the coordination of PTA to both Re(III) and Re(VII) centers by the P atom is preferable compared to the coordination by the N atom. This is interpreted in terms of the Re-PTA bond energy and hard-soft acid-base theory. The oxo-rhenium complexes 1-6 act as selective catalysts for the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of cyclic and linear ketones (e.g., 2-methylcyclohexanone, 2-methylcyclopentanone, cyclohexanone, cyclopentanone, cyclobutanone, and 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanone or pinacolone) to the corresponding lactones or esters, in the presence of aqueous H2O2. The effects of a variety of factors are studied toward the optimization of the process.
In this work, a microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) methodology was compared with several conventional extraction methods (Soxhlet, Bligh & Dyer, modified Bligh & Dyer, Folch, modified Folch, Hara & Radin, Roese-Gottlieb) for quantification of total lipid content of three fish species: horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), and sardine (Sardina pilchardus). The influence of species, extraction method and frozen storage time (varying from fresh to 9 months of freezing) on total lipid content was analysed in detail. The efficiencies of methods MAE, Bligh & Dyer, Folch, modified Folch and Hara & Radin were the highest and although they were not statistically different, differences existed in terms of variability, with MAE showing the highest repeatability (CV = 0.034). Roese-Gottlieb, Soxhlet, and modified Bligh & Dyer methods were very poor in terms of efficiency as well as repeatability (CV between 0.13 and 0.18).
The main objective of this study was to characterize the organic matter present in raw water and along the treatment process, as well as its seasonal variation. A natural organic matter fractionation approach has been applied to Lever water treatment plant located in Douro River, in Oporto (Portugal). The process used was based on the sorption of dissolved organic matter in different types of ion exchange resins, DAX-8, DAX-4 and IRA-958, allowing its separation into four fractions: very hydrophobic acids (VHA), slightly hydrophobic acids (SHA), charged hydrophilic (CHA) and hydrophilic neutral (NEU). The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) determination was used to quantify dissolved organic matter. Samples were collected monthly, during approximately one year, from raw water captured at the surface and under the bed of the river, and after each step of the treatment: pre-filtration in sand/anthracite filters, ozonation, coagulation/flocculation, counter current dissolved air flotation and filtration (CoCoDAFF) and chlorination. The NEU fraction showed a seasonal variation, with maximum values in autumn for the sampling points corresponding to raw water captured at the surface and under the bed of the river. It was usually the predominating fraction and did not show a significant decrease throughout the treatment. Nevertheless their low concentration, the same occurred for the CHA and VHA fractions. There was an overall decrease in the SHA fraction throughout the water treatment (especially after CoCoDAFF and ozonation) as well as in the DOC. The TSUVA254 values obtained for raw water generally varied between 2.0 and 4.0 L mgC-1 m-1 and between 0.75 and 1.78 L mgC-1 m-1 for treated water. It was observed a decrease of TSUVA values along the treatment, especially after ozonation. These results may contribute to a further optimization in the process of treating water for human consumption.