983 resultados para W640 Photography


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Early detection and timely treatment of diabetic retinopathy can preserve vision, yet many people with diabetes do not have their eyes examined regularly. The purpose of this study was to examine eye care practices of people with diabetes who had not previously accessed eye care services on a regular basis. Screening with non-mydriatic retinal photography for diabetic retinopathy was initiated in 1996, and targeted people with diabetes who did not access eye care services on a regular basis. Each test area was revisited 2 years after the initial screening. Patients that did not attend the biennial screening were followed up by mail survey. Although none of the participants in this study had been previously accessing eye care services on a regular basis, 87% did so after attending the screening. These results indicate that mobile screening with non-mydriatic photography, as an adjunct to current eye care services, has the potential to increase examination compliance for diabetic retinopathy and to achieve sustained behaviour change.


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Regular screening of all people with diabetes is the most efficient and cost-effective way to detect early stages of diabetic retinopathy so that laser treatment can be performed at the optimal time. A major aim of the Program for the Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy was to increase compliance with guidelines for screening for diabetic retinopathy. This community-based screening program used non-mydriatic retinal photography and was initiated in four areas of Victoria, Australia from 1996-1998. Recruitment strategies included targeted mail-outs, provision of the program brochure in English and the main languages spoken in the areas and media promotion in ethnic newspapers and on ethnic radio stations. In Victoria, only 55% of the population with diabetes currently access eye care services at the recommended intervals. This program was able to increase compliance with guidelines to 70% among people with diabetes that had not had a recent eye examination. A total of 1,197 people with diabetes were screened for diabetic retinopathy. Of the 1,197 people who were screened, 620 (15% of the estimated number of people with diabetes) had not had their eyes examined in the past two years. This pilot study identified strategies to encourage people with diabetes to have their eyes examined at the recommended intervals.


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Bubble characteristics such as shape, size, and trajectory control the hydrodynamics and therefore heat transfer in fluidized bed reactors. Thus understanding these characteristics is very important for the design and scaleup of fluidized beds. An earlier developed Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid model for simulating dense gas–solid two-phase flow has been used to compare the experimental data in a pseudo-two-dimensional (2-D) bed. Bubbles are injected asymmetrically by locating the nozzle at proximity to the wall, thus presenting the effect wall has on asymmetrical injection as compared to symmetrical injection. In this work, a digital image analysis technique was developed to study the bubble behaviour in a two-dimensional bubbling bed. The high-speed photography reveals an asymmetric wake formation during detachment indicating an early onset of mixing process. The wall forces acts tangentially on thebubble and has a significant impact on the bubble shape, neck formation during detachment and its trajectory through the bed. Larger bubbles drifting away from the centre with longer paths are observed. This qualitative behaviour is well predicted by CFD modelling. Asymmetric injection can significantly influence the heat and mass transfer characteristics.


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Aerial imagery collected before and after major storm events is ideal for the assessment of coastal landscape change driven by individual high-magnitude events. Using traditional satellite sensors and manned aerial systems can be challenging due to issues related to cloud cover, mobilization expenses and resolution. Rapid advances in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology allow for the cost-effective collection of aerial imagery and topography at centimetre resolution suitable for assessing change in coastal ecosystems. In this study we demonstrate the utility of UAV-based photogrammetry to quantify storm-driven sediment dynamics on a sandy beach on the open-coast shoreline of Victoria, Australia. UAV-based aerial photography was collected before and after a major storm event. High-resolution (< 5 cm) aerial imagery and digital surface models were acquired and change-detection techniques were applied to quantify changes in the beachface. An average beach erosion of 12.24 m3/m with a maximum of 28.05 m3/m was observed, and the volume of sand cut from the beachface and retreat of the foredune are clearly illustrated. Following the storm event, erosion was estimated at 7259.94 ± 503.69 m3 along 550 m of beach. By combining the aerial imagery and derived topographic datasets we demonstrate the advantage of UAV-based photogrammetry techniques for rapid high-resolution data collection in semi-remote locations. Its utility in setting unlimited virtual vantage points is also illustrated and the valuable perspective it provides for tracking landscape change discussed.


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Millions of unconscious calculations are made daily by pedestrians walking through the Colby College campus. I used ArcGIS to make a predictive spatial model that chose paths similar to those that are actually used by people on a regular basis. To make a viable model of how most travelers choose their way, I considered both the distance required and the type of traveling surface. I used an iterative process to develop a scheme for weighting travel costs which resulted in accurate least-cost paths to be predicted by ArcMap. The accuracy was confirmed when the calculated routes were compared to satellite photography and were found to overlap well-worn “shortcuts” taken between the paved paths throughout campus.


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Portrait of Herbert M. Sussman, president 1972-1977. Herbert M. Sussman was the College's fifth president. He was inaugurated on June 8, 1972 and the school's commencement ceremony. He served from 1972-1977. By this time, New York City Community College of Applied Arts and Sciences was part of the CUNY system and had merged with the Vorhees Technical Institute.


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This photo shows Otto Klitgord speaking at a college event. Otto Klitgord was the first president of the New York City College of Technology. He was named director of the New York State Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences when it was formed in the 1946 and became president in the 1950s when the administration was reorganized. Klitgord served until 1960, making his tenure as president the longest in City Tech's history.


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Vol. 7; Sept. 1988; 109 p. b&w, color photographs TOC: Life at LaGuardia…2 / Activities and Events…17 / Faculty and Staff…33 / Activities at LaGuardia…49 / Graduation…71 Yearbook Committee Credits: Faculty Advisor, Vincent Banrey; Project Director, Catherine Whan; Editors: Alexandra Gomez, Juan Jimenez, GloryAnn Torres; Asst. Editor, Kenny Rosa; LAYOUT: Vincent Banrey, Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Shirley Chance, George Condors, Milton Ferreira, Maria Flores, Alexandra Gomez, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Bernadette Henry, Juan Jimenez, Alejandro Meneses, Richard Provost, Kenny Rosa, Maria Sanchez, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan, Alan O. Young; PHOTOGRAPHY: Peter Abbate, Sandra Acres, Young Baek Choi, Randy Fader Smith, Milton Ferriera, Alexandra Gomez, Juan Jimenez, Seymour Lerman, Chuck Lindsey, Victoria Pamias, Richard Provost, Alan Scribner, Frank Tocco, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan. ART: Jose Marti (Cover Design and Division Pages); Martin Carrichner, Jose Marti (Endsheet Design), Arnold Escalera, Jacqui Fernandez, Richard Massey, Alejandro Meneses; WRITING: Anthony Archer, Alexandra Bastidas, Joie Fadde, Alexandra Gomez, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Doreen Hansen, Bernadette Henry, Sarah Hudson, Juan Jimenez, Donna Libert, Cathy Passiglia, Jody Pincus, Richard Provost, Kenny Rosa, Maria Sanchez, Alan Scribner, Christiana Sommerville, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan, Alan O. Young; SPECIAL THANKS: Blanca Arbito, Classic Studios, Edward Hollins, Umoja Kwanguvu, Kelly Johnson and the LaGuardia Archives, Andrew Saluga and Recreation Staff, Ted Schiffman of Taylor Publishing.


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Este trabalho apresenta, um panorama sobre os cerca de 100 anos de formação dasfavelas cariocas e especificamente sobre o Morro da Serrinha, em Madureira, zonanorte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, observando a lacuna que existe quanto àpreservação de suas memórias e a importância em se reverter esta situação. Apesquisa é centrada na preservação do Jongo, ritmo trazido de Angola pelos negrosbantos e que foi tombado pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional, em2005, como o primeiro Bem Imaterial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A comunidade daSerrinha a mantém a prática cultural do jongo vivo na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.A proposta é a de criação e implementação do Centro de Memória da Serrinha, emfase de implantação, onde funcionará uma escola-museu para 60 jovens. Através deoficinas técnicas de vídeo, fotografia e áudio, serão produzidos novos registros sobre ahistória local bem como reunidos documentos e obras que se encontram espalhadoscom produtores externos à comunidade e disponibilizados ao público na biblioteca doCentro, bem como no site do Grupo Cultural Jongo da Serrinha.


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The general objective of this research is to verify which attributes are most relevant to a stock photography agency that represent the purchaser's standards of choice. For this objective to be accomplished, qualitative interviews with the customers of stock photography agencies had been made in order to raise the attributes considered with relevance in the process of choice for the Brazilian stock photography agency market. The levels of each attribute to be tested had arisen through the mapping of the products and services offered by the competition and the relative weight assigned to each one of the attributes related to the research in the choices for a stock photography agency. A transversal study was made with a sample of stock photography agencies customers from Brazil¿s Southeastern region. For the analysis of this data, a survey method was used, that, according to MALHOTRA (2006: 182), involves a structuralized questionnaire to be answered by an interview that elucidates specific information, in which the questions had a predetermined order. This questionnaire was presented through interviews on the Internet. The method adopted for this analysis was a joint analysis. A sampling of 1000 customer stock photography agencies were selected, which were represented by a didactic book editor, advertising agencies, editorial companies, etc., in the states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais. They had been obtained by 16 stimulations, or cards, for the application of the companies. Of the sample of 1000 customers of stock photography agencies, 7,8% responded to the research. The attribute most relevant in accordance with the presented results is the availability of images in high resolution for layout. Its relative importance was 40,78%. At the end of the study, the management implications were propitiated to the stock photography agencies managers inabling them to be more competitive.


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Crowdfunding é um método recente e emergente de captar dinheiro para desenvolvimento de projetos (tanto orientados a lucro ou não) sem a intermediação tradicional de instituições financeiras, liberando empreendedores de custos, regulações e burocracia associada a essa prática. Além disso, também é um método de pré-testar novos produtos com um público selecionado e entusiasmado. O objetivo dessa dissertação é entender que fatores estão influenciando a decisão do consumidor de investir em projetos. A literatura contribui com: (1) fatores intrínsecos, como desejo de patronagem; (2) fatores extrínsecos, como a apresentação do projeto; e (3) pressão social. Há ainda fatores associados com o nível atual de captação e número de investidores, assim como tipo de projeto envolvido, sendo ele de caridade ou não. Além disso, atitudes também possuem um papel em afetar a decisão de compra. Para responder a pergunta de pesquisa, uma metodologia de duas fases foi usada: uma entrevista de profundidade para capturar intenção de investir e motivação, de forma a construir um processo de decisão que englobasse todas as possibilidades descritas pela literatura. Após essa pesquisa qualitativa, uma pesquisa quantitativa foi feita para validar as informações coletadas pela fase anterior e coletar dados adicionais para gerar uma associação entre intenção de investir e comportamento. Dentre as informações geradas pela fase qualitativa, temos o fato que a maioria dos investidores tiveram como principal motivação a compra do produto sendo oferecido como se eles estivessem participando de uma pré-venda. Entretanto, essa não foi a principal razão para o investidor de caridade. Além disso, os respondentes que pré-compraram os produtos o fizeram para única razão que esses produtos satisfizeram desejos que tinham. Esses desejos variavam, sendo desde saudade de jogos antigos como resolver um problema de organização da carteira. Outra característica da pré-compra foi que eles não investiam valores simbólicos, pela razão que se o fizessem não receberiam o produto em troca. Recompensas tiveram um grande papel em atrair os respondentes para investimento em valores maiores que consideravam anteriormente. Também é verdade para o investidor em caridade, que também doou mais. A fase quantitativa confirmou as informações acima e gerou informação extra sobre as categorias de produto. Projetos de caridade e arte concentraram a maioria dos respondentes que disseram que a principal razão para investir foi basicamente ajudar a desenvolver o projeto sem demandar um produto em retorno. Entretanto, outros projetos como Música também apresentaram altos números de comportamento caridoso, possivelmente por causa do envolvimento emocional com o artista. Outras categorias apresentaram um mix de razões para investir ou enviesado a comprar o produto apenas, o que pode ser explicado pelo efeito de recompensas e pelo fato que essas categorias estão simplesmente pré-vendendo produtos. Essa pesquisa também confirmou as principais fontes usadas para conhecer mais sobre os projetos: recomendação pessoal e blogs e fóruns. Outro resultado dessa fase foi o desenvolvimento de fatores a partir de frases atitudinais que puderam explicar intenção de investir. Seis fatores foram criados: Entusiasmo (por crowdfunding), Exclusividade (compra de recompensas), Caridade (doações pequenas para ajudar o desenvolvimento do projeto), Cautela (similar à difusão de responsabilidade, isto é, espera por mais investidores para dar o primeiro passo), Intimidade (projeto foi recomendado ou há ligação emocional com o criador) e Compartilhamento (compartilhar para ajudar a trazer mais investidores para o projeto). Categorias com alto envolvimento emocional apresentaram associação com Intimidade, como música, filme e tecnologia. Dado o fato que a amostra não continha muitos entusiastas por crowdfunding, esse fator não apresentou qualquer associação com as categorias. Categorias que não entregam produtos em troca, como comida e fotografia, apresentaram altos níveis de associação com o fator caridade. Compartilhamento é altamente associado com tecnologia, dado o fato que essa categoria concentra os respondentes que são mais orientados à inovação e entusiastas sobre o produto, então precisam compartilhar e gerar boca-a-boca para ajudar a atingir a meta de investimento.