985 resultados para VASCULAR ENDOTHELIUM


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Realizado en la Facultad de Medicina de Salamanca, por 2 profesores del centro, para las asignaturas de Aparato Cardiovascular y Fundamentos de Cirugía de la licenciatura en Medicina y en Odontología. Su objetivo era introducir una innovación didáctica sencilla (realización y coste), real y aplicable, para transmitir conocimientos durante el pregrado de medicina en lo relacionado con la Angiología y Cirugía Vascular. Para ello, se crearon fichas multimedia de 21 temas de patología vascular, tres talleres de habilidades sobre terapia en cirugía vascular y también la página Web del departamento. En las fichas se relata lo fundamental y se clarifican conceptos. El resultado es la exposición de verdades científicamente probadas (Medicina basada en la Evidencia).


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Descripció dels passos a seguir per realitzar un pla de conservació de la flora vascular a Girona, més concretament es tracten les àrees del Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà i de les basses de l’Albera, i que sigui atribuïble a d’altres indrets de Catalunya per així obtenir una major consolidació i coordinació entre la xarxa d’espais protegits i no protegits. La metodologia seguida ha estat la realització d’una baremació dels tàxons prioritzats segons els espais escollits, l’elaboració de les actuacions de conservació per a les espècies prioritàries, l’establiment de la distribució geogràfica dels tàxons prioritzats dels quals es crearà un cronograma que recollirà totes les actuacions que es realitzaran durant un període de temps determinat, depenent dels impactes que els hi afectin i, per últim, es pressupostarà el cost genèric de les actuacions realitzades durant el programa


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S'han estudiat 1003 pacients amb el diagnòstic de Malaltia Vascular Cerebral (MVC) aguda ingressats a la unitat de neurologia de l'Hospital Josep Trueta de Girona en el període de gener de 2005 a juliol de 2007. S'ha realitzat un estudi de cohorts prospectiu d'un any en 110 pacients que eren fumadors en el moment de l'ictus. Un elevat percentatge dels pacients afectats de MVC aguda presenten factors de risc vascular que es poden evitar com el consum de tabac o d'alcohol, i factors de risc vascular que cal controlar com la hipertensió, la dislipèmia, la diabetis o la cardiopatia. Només 4 de cada 10 pacients fumadors diagnosticats d'ictus havien abandonat l'hàbit un any després de presentar la MVC aguda. Les variables que millor prediuen la cessació tabàquica en aquests pacients són la localització de la lesió a l'ínsula cerebral i la intenció de deixar de fumar prèvia a l'ictus.


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A Doença Vascular Periférica é uma patologia crónica em que alterações moleculares se reflectem em distúrbios hemodinâmicos e metabólicos. Após uma fase assintomática, a dor sobrevêm, sobretudo nos membros inferiores, fruto da isquémia desencadeada pela marcha (claudicação intermitente) mas, em estadios graves, a dor surge mesmo no repouso. A progressão da doença é muito variável mas, quando a isquémia é grave, o risco de gangrena e de amputação é real.A história clínica, exame físico e sintomatologia, são essenciais para o diagnóstico, embora alguns meios de diagnóstico, sobretudo não invasivos, sejam potencialmente interessantes. Uma vez que a terapêutica farmacológica é ainda pouco eficaz, já que os benefícios apresentados por alguns fármacos são escassos e muito variáveis, o controle da evolução da doença pode ser sobretudo condicionada pela educação para a saúde e alteração de alguns hábitos de vida da população, áreas onde o farmacêutico e o seguimento farmacoterapêutico podem também contribuir para a eficiência da intervenção.


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This article describes a case report of a feline cutaneous lymphangioma. Lymphangiomas (synonym: lymphangiomatosis) and lymphangiosarcomas are rare tumors, usually associated with skin, some are believed to be congenital in young animals associated with vascular abnormalities. In gross pathology description they are poorly defined, cavernous-spongy, soft and they may be identified along fascial planes, because of this it may be difficult to remove, so tumors tend to recur. In histopathology description we can see interconnecting channels lined by endothelium usually without erythrocytes, but these tumors do not have unique features.


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Lipoproteins such as LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and oxidized LDL have potentially adverse effects on endothelial cells due to their ability to activate pro-inflammatory pathways regulated via the transcription factor NF-kappaB (nuclear factor kappaB). Triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins (the chylomicrons, very-low-density lipoprotein and their respective remnant particles) have also been implicated in the induction of a pro-inflammatory phenotype and up-regulation of adhesion molecule expression. Although early studies supported the proposal that LPL (lipoprotein lipase)-mediated hydrolysis of TRLs (triglyceride-rich lipoproteins) at the endothelium could activate the NFkappaB pathway, more recent studies provide evidence of pro-and anti-inflammatory responses when cells are exposed to fatty acids of TRL particles. A large number of genes are up- and down-regulated when cells are exposed to TRL, with the net effect reflecting receptor- and nonreceptor-mediated pathways that are activated or inhibited depending on fatty acid type, the lipid and apolipoprotein composition of the TRL and the presence or absence of LPL. Early concepts of TRL particles as essentially pro-inflammatory stimuli to the endothelium provide an overly simplistic view of their impact on the vascular compartment.


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In dual cultures, the supernatant filtrate of the biological control agent Bacillus subtilis was evaluated against (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lentis) the causal organism of lentil vascular wilt. The antagonistic activity was evaluated as percent reduction of fungal growth (certainly due, in part, to the antifungal metabolites produced by the antagonistic bacterium). The in-vitro experiments showed that B. subtilis filtrate, whether solid or liquid media, had a strong inhibiting activity on the spore germination and mycelial growth of F. oxysporum f. sp. lentis. In a glasshouse experiment, soil was drenched with B. subtilis filtrate at 30 ml/kg (vol/wt) around seedlings of a susceptible lentil line (ILL 4605). In this treatment there was only 31% mortality compared with 100% kill of plants in the control treatment (P≤0.05).


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Different formulations of Bacillus subtilis were prepared using standard laboratory protocols. Bacillus subtilis survived in glucose and talc powders at 8.6 and 7.8 log(10) CFU/g, respectively, for 1 year of storage at room temperature compared with 3.5 log(10) CFU/g on a peat formulation. Glasshouse experiments using soil and seed treatments were conducted to test the efficacy of B. subtilis for protecting lentil against the wilt disease caused by Fusariumoxysporum f. sp. lentis. Seed treatments with formulations of B. subtilis on glucose, talc and peat significantly enhanced its biocontrol activity against Fusarium compared with a treatment in which spores were applied directly to seed. The formulations decreased disease severity by reducing colonization of plants by the pathogen, promoting their growth and increased the dry weight of lentil plants. Of these treatments the glucose and talc-based powder formulations were more effective than the peat formulation and the spore application without a carrier. It was shown that the B. subtilis spores applied with glucose were viable for longer than those applied with other carriers. Seed treatment with these formulated spores is an effective delivery system that can provide a conducive environment for B. subtilis to suppress vascular wilt disease on lentil and has the potential for utilization in commercial field application.


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Objectives: To conduct it detailed evaluation, with meta-analyses, of the published evidence on milk and dairy consumption and the incidence of vascular diseases and diabetes. Also to summarise the evidence on milk and dairy consumption and cancer reported by the World Cancer Research Fund and then to consider the relevance of milk and dairy consumption to survival in the UK, a typical Western community. Finally, published evidence on relationships with whole milk and fat-reduced milks was examined. Methods: Prospective cohort studies of vascular disease and diabetes with baseline data on milk or dairy consumption and a relevant disease outcome were identified by searching MEDLINE, and reference lists in the relevant published reports. Meta-analyses of relationships in these reports were conducted. The likely effect of milk and dairy consumption on survival was then considered, taking into account the results of published overviews of relationships of these foods with cancer. Results: From meta-analysis of 15 studies the relative risk of stroke and/or heart disease in subjects with high milk or dairy consumption was 0.84 (95% CI 0.76, 0,93) and 0.79 (0.75, 0.82) respectively, relative to the risk in those with low consumption. Four studies reported incident diabetes as an outcome, and the relative risk in the Subjects with the highest intake of milk or diary foods was 0.92 (0.86, 0.97). Conclusions: Set against the proportion of total deaths attributable to the life-threatening diseases in the UK, vascular disease, diabetes and cancer, the results of meta-analyses provide evidence of an overall survival advantage from the consumption of milk and dairy foods.