986 resultados para U-Th Dating


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Several options of fuel assembly design are investigated for a BWR core operating in a closed self-sustainable Th-233U fuel cycle. The designs rely on an axially heterogeneous fuel assembly structure consisting of a single axial fissile zone "sandwiched" between two fertile blanket zones, in order to improve fertile to fissile conversion ratio. The main objective of the study was to identify the most promising assembly design parameters, dimensions of fissile and fertile zones, for achieving net breeding of 233U. The design challenge, in this respect, is that the fuel breeding potential is at odds with axial power peaking and the core minimum critical power ratio (CPR), hence limiting the maximum achievable core power rating. Calculations were performed with the BGCore system, which consists of the MCNP code coupled with fuel depletion and thermo-hydraulic feedback modules. A single 3-dimensional fuel assembly having reflective radial boundaries was modeled applying simplified restrictions on the maximum centerline fuel temperature and the CPR. It was found that axially heterogeneous fuel assembly design with a single fissile zone can potentially achieve net breeding, while matching conventional BWR core power rating under certain restrictions to the core loading pattern design. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we investigate a number of fuel assembly design options for a BWR core operating in a closed self-sustainable Th-233U fuel cycle. The designs rely on axially heterogeneous fuel assembly structure in order to improve fertile to fissile conversion ratio. One of the main assumptions of the current study was to restrict the fuel assembly geometry to a single axial fissile zone "sandwiched" between two fertile blanket zones. The main objective was to study the effect of the most important design parameters, such as dimensions of fissile and fertile zones and average void fraction, on the net breeding of 233U. The main design challenge in this respect is that the fuel breeding potential is at odds with axial power peaking and therefore limits the maximum achievable core power rating. The calculations were performed with BGCore system, which consists of MCNP code coupled with fuel depletion and thermo-hydraulic feedback modules. A single 3-dimensional fuel assembly with reflective radial boundaries was modeled applying simplified restrictions on maximum central line fuel temperature and Critical Power Ratio. It was found that axially heterogeneous fuel assembly design with single fissile zone can potentially achieve net breeding. In this case however, the achievable core power density is roughly one third of the reference BWR core.


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This paper reports on fuel design optimization of a PWR operating in a self sustainable Th-233U fuel cycle. Monte Carlo simulated annealing method was used in order to identify the fuel assembly configuration with the most attractive breeding performance. In previous studies, it was shown that breeding may be achieved by employing heterogeneous Seed-Blanket fuel geometry. The arrangement of seed and blanket pins within the assemblies may be determined by varying the designed parameters based on basic reactor physics phenomena which affect breeding. However, the amount of free parameters may still prove to be prohibitively large in order to systematically explore the design space for optimal solution. Therefore, the Monte Carlo annealing algorithm for neutronic optimization is applied in order to identify the most favorable design. The objective of simulated annealing optimization is to find a set of design parameters, which maximizes some given performance function (such as relative period of net breeding) under specified constraints (such as fuel cycle length). The first objective of the study was to demonstrate that the simulated annealing optimization algorithm will lead to the same fuel pins arrangement as was obtained in the previous studies which used only basic physics phenomena as guidance for optimization. In the second part of this work, the simulated annealing method was used to optimize fuel pins arrangement in much larger fuel assembly, where the basic physics intuition does not yield clearly optimal configuration. The simulated annealing method was found to be very efficient in selecting the optimal design in both cases. In the future, this method will be used for optimization of fuel assembly design with larger number of free parameters in order to determine the most favorable trade-off between the breeding performance and core average power density.


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The homogeneous ThO2-UO2 fuel cycle option for a pressurized water reactor (PWR) of current technology is investigated. The fuel cycle assessment was carried out by calculating the main performance parameters: natural uranium and separative work requirements, fuel cycle cost, and proliferation potential of the spent fuel. These performance parameters were compared with a corresponding slightly enriched (all-U) fuel cycle applied to a PWR of current technology. The main conclusion derived from this comparison is that fuel cycle requirements and fuel cycle cost for the mixed Th/U fuel are higher in comparison with those of the all-U fuel. A comparison and analysis of the quantity and isotopic composition of discharged Pu indicate that the Th/U fuel cycle provides only a moderate improvement of the proliferation resistance. Thus, the overall conclusion of the investigation is that there is no economic justification to introduce Th into a light water reactor fuel cycle as a homogeneous ThO2-UO2 mixture.


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Nowadays nuclear is the only greenhouse-free source that can appreciably respond to the increasing worldwide energy demand. The use of Thorium in the nuclear energy production may offer some advantages to accomplish this task. Extensive R&D on the thorium fuel cycle has been conducted in many countries around the world. Starting from the current nuclear waste policy, the EU-PUMA project focuses on the potential benefits of using the HTR core as a Pu/MA transmuter. In this paper the following aspects have been analysed: (1) the state-of-the-art of the studies on the use of Th in different reactors, (2) the use of Th in HTRs, with a particular emphasis on Th-Pu fuel cycles, (3) an original assessment of Th-Pu fuel cycles in HTR. Some aspects related to Thorium exploitation were outlined, particularly its suitability for working in pebble-bed HTR in a Th-Pu fuel cycle. The influence of the Th/Pu weight fraction at BOC in a typical HTR pebble was analysed as far as the reactivity trend versus burn-up, the energy produced per Pu mass, and the Pu isotopic composition at EOC are concerned. Although deeper investigations need to be performed in order to draw final conclusions, it is possible to state that some optimized Th percentage in the initial Pu/Th fuel could be suggested on the basis of the aim we are trying to reach. Copyright © 2009 Guido Mazzini et al.


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High conversion LWRs concepts typically rely on a heterogeneous core configuration, where fissile zones are interspersed with fertile blanket zones in order to achieve a high conversion ratio. Modeling such a heterogeneous structure of these cores represents a significant challenge to the conventional reactor analysis methods. It was recently suggested to overcome such difficulties, in particular, for the case of axially heterogeneous reduced moderation BWRs, by introducing an additional set of discontinuity factors in axial direction at the interfaces between fissile and fertile fuel assembly zones. However, none of the existing nodal diffusion core simulators have the capability of accounting for discontinuity of homogeneous nodal fluxes in axial direction since the fuel composition of conventional LWRs is much more axially uniform. In this work, we modified the nodal diffusion code DYN3D by introducing such a capability. The new version of the code was tested on a series of reduced moderation BWR cases with Th-U233 and U-Pu-MA fuel. The library of few-group homogenized cross sections and the data required for the calculation of discontinuity factors were generated using the Monte Carlo transport code Serpent. The results obtained with the modified version of DYN3D were compared with the reference Monte Carlo solutions and were found to be in good agreement. The current analysis demonstrates that high conversion LWRs can in principle be modeled using existing nodal diffusion core simulators. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Flow measurement data at the district meter area (DMA) level has the potential for burst detection in the water distribution systems. This work investigates using a polynomial function fitted to the historic flow measurements based on a weighted least-squares method for automatic burst detection in the U.K. water distribution networks. This approach, when used in conjunction with an expectationmaximization (EM) algorithm, can automatically select useful data from the historic flow measurements, which may contain normal and abnormal operating conditions in the distribution network, e.g., water burst. Thus, the model can estimate the normal water flow (nonburst condition), and hence the burst size on the water distribution system can be calculated from the difference between the measured flow and the estimated flow. The distinguishing feature of this method is that the burst detection is fully unsupervised, and the burst events that have occurred in the historic data do not affect the procedure and bias the burst detection algorithm. Experimental validation of the method has been carried out using a series of flushing events that simulate burst conditions to confirm that the simulated burst sizes are capable of being estimated correctly. This method was also applied to eight DMAs with known real burst events, and the results of burst detections are shown to relate to the water company's records of pipeline reparation work. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Three lacustrine core samples were collected from Chaohu lake in December 2002 in the Yangtze delta region. The grain sizes were analyzed using a Laser Analyzer to obtain grain-size parameters. Sediment geochronology was determined in radioisotopes Cs-137 and the average sedimentary rates are 0.29cm.a(-1), 0.35 cm.a(-1) and 0.24cm-a(-1) in Cores C 1, C2 and C3, respectively. The grain-size parameters of the deposits vary regularly with the fluctuation of hydrodynamics. From 1950s to the beginning of 20th century, coarse-grained sediment was deposited, suggesting strong hydraulic conditions and high water-level periods with much precipitation; from the start of 20(th) century to latter half of 18(th) century, fine-grained sediment was deposited, indicating that weak hydraulic conditions and low water-level periods with less precipitation; before the first half of 18(th) century, coarse-grained sediment was deposited, suggesting great velocity of flow and high water-level periods of more precipitation.