984 resultados para Tunnels -- Excavation
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Pure limestones beneath the paleosols on San Salvador Island, Bahamas, contain strong positive magnetic susceptibility anomalies, although the iron content is generally very low. These magnetic phenomena differ from those associated with disconformities, which are marked by accumulation of paramagnetic airborne dust deposits with relatively high iron content. The strength and characters of the magnetic response in these subsurface zones correspond to the presence of magnetite, particularly small single-domain magnetite crystals of microbial origin. These crystals are not present elsewhere in the intergranular rock pores or microvugs. They are preferentially concentrated in capillary microborings, which developed concurrently with formation of calcite cements that have soil-related C and O isotope compositions. These magnetic zones occur several meters below the overlying soil horizons. Very thin and long linear microborings may be attributable to cyanobacterial microborers. The single-domain magnetites in these micrometer-size tunnels plugged by calcite appear to result from later occupation of these tiny holes by magnetotactic bacteria. Inorganic origin of the magnetite seems unlikely. Numerous traces that suggest subsurface microbial activity provide evidence that may be used to develop possible scenarios for subsequent biological studies of the precise bacteria involved.
Extensive in-situ testings has shown that blast fragmentation influences the performance of downstream processes in a mine, and as a consequence, the profit of the whole operation can be greatly improved through optimised fragmentation. Other unit operations like excavation, crushing and grinding can all be assisted by altering the blast-induced fragmentation. Experimental studies have indicated that a change in blasting practice would not only influence fragmentation but fragment strength as well. The strength of the fragments produced in a blast is clearly important to the performance of the crushing and grinding circuit as it affects the energy required to break the feed to a target product size. In order to validate the effect of blasting on fragment strength several lumps of granite were blasted, under controlled conditions, using three very different explosive products. The resulting fragments were subjected to standard comminution ore characterisation tests. Obtained comminution parameters were then used to simulate the performance of a SAG mill. Modelling results indicate that changes in post blast residual rock fragment strength significantly influences the performance of the SAG mill, producing up to a 20% increase in throughput. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The device we study is the excavation arm of a large hydraulic mining shovel having a multi-loop kinematic form. We describe an iterative algorithm that allows the position of the bucket to be tracked from measurements of the linear actuator extensions. The important characteristic of this algorithm is that it is numerically well-behaved when the linkage is close to singular configurations. While we focus on a specific device, the algorithm is easy to adapt to other multi-loop linkages. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Specific cutting energy (SE) has been widely used to assess the rock cuttability for mechanical excavation purposes. Some prediction models were developed for SE through correlating rock properties with SE values. However, some of the textural and compositional rock parameters i.e. texture coefficient and feldspar, mafic, and felsic mineral contents were not considered. The present study is to investigate the effects of previously ignored rock parameters along with engineering rock properties on SE. Mineralogical and petrographic analyses, rock mechanics, and linear rock cutting tests were performed on sandstone samples taken from sites around Ankara, Turkey. Relationships between SE and rock properties were evaluated using bivariate correlation and linear regression analyses. The tests and subsequent analyses revealed that the texture coefficient and feldspar content of sandstones affected rock cuttability, evidenced by significant correlations between these parameters and SE at a 90% confidence level. Felsic and mafic mineral contents of sandstones did not exhibit any statistically significant correlation against SE. Cementation coefficient, effective porosity, and pore volume had good correlations against SE. Poisson's ratio, Brazilian tensile strength, Shore scleroscope hardness, Schmidt hammer hardness, dry density, and point load strength index showed very strong linear correlations against SE at confidence levels of 95% and above, all of which were also found suitable to be used in predicting SE individually, depending on the results of regression analysis, ANOVA, Student's t-tests, and R2 values. Poisson's ratio exhibited the highest correlation with SE and seemed to be the most reliable SE prediction tool in sandstones.
Specific cutting energy (SE) has been widely used to assess the rock cuttability for mechanical excavation purposes. Some prediction models were developed for SE through correlating rock properties with SE values. However, some of the textural and compositional rock parameters i.e. texture coefficient and feldspar, mafic, and felsic mineral contents were not considered. The present study is to investigate the effects of previously ignored rock parameters along with engineering rock properties on SE. Mineralogical and petrographic analyses, rock mechanics, and linear rock cutting tests were performed on sandstone samples taken from sites around Ankara, Turkey. Relationships between SE and rock properties were evaluated using bivariate correlation and linear regression analyses. The tests and subsequent analyses revealed that the texture coefficient and feldspar content of sandstones affected rock cuttability, evidenced by significant correlations between these parameters and SE at a 90% confidence level. Felsic and mafic mineral contents of sandstones did not exhibit any statistically significant correlation against SE. Cementation coefficient, effective porosity, and pore volume had good correlations against SE. Poisson's ratio, Brazilian tensile strength, Shore scleroscope hardness, Schmidt hammer hardness, dry density, and point load strength index showed very strong linear correlations against SE at confidence levels of 95% and above, all of which were also found suitable to be used in predicting SE individually, depending on the results of regression analysis, ANOVA, Student's t-tests, and R-2 values. Poisson's ratio exhibited the highest correlation with SE and seemed to be the most reliable SE prediction tool in sandstones.
Performance prediction models for partial face mechanical excavators, when developed in laboratory conditions, depend on relating the results of a set of rock property tests and indices to specific cutting energy (SE) for various rock types. There exist some studies in the literature aiming to correlate the geotechnical properties of intact rocks with the SE, especially for massive and widely jointed rock environments. However, those including direct and/or indirect measures of rock fracture parameters such as rock brittleness and fracture toughness, along with the other rock parameters expressing different aspects of rock behavior under drag tools (picks), are rather limited. With this study, it was aimed to investigate the relationships between the indirect measures of rock brittleness and fracture toughness and the SE depending on the results of a new and two previous linear rock cutting programmes. Relationships between the SE, rock strength parameters, and the rock index tests have also been investigated in this study. Sandstone samples taken from the different fields around Ankara, Turkey were used in the new testing programme. Detailed mineralogical analyses, petrographic studies, and rock mechanics and rock cutting tests were performed on these selected sandstone specimens. The assessment of rock cuttability was based on the SE. Three different brittleness indices (B1, B2, and B4) were calculated for sandstones samples, whereas a toughness index (T-i), being developed by Atkinson et al.(1), was employed to represent the indirect rock fracture toughness. The relationships between the SE and the large amounts of new data obtained from the mineralogical analyses, petrographic studies, rock mechanics, and linear rock cutting tests were evaluated by using bivariate correlation and curve fitting techniques, variance analysis, and Student's t-test. Rock cutting and rock property testing data that came from well-known studies of McFeat-Smith and Fowell(2) and Roxborough and Philips(3) have also been employed in statistical analyses together with the new data. Laboratory tests and subsequent analyses revealed that there were close correlations between the SE and B4 whereas no statistically significant correlation has been found between the SE and T-i. Uniaxial compressive and Brazilian tensile strengths and Shore scleroscope hardness of sandstones also exhibited strong relationships with the SE. NCB cone indenter test had the greatest influence on the SE among the other engineering properties of rocks, confirming the previous studies in rock cutting and mechanical excavation. Therefore, it was recommended to employ easy-to-use index tests of NCB cone indenter and Shore scleroscope in the estimation of laboratory SE of sandstones ranging from very low to high strengths in the absence of a rock cutting rig to measure it until the easy-to-use universal measures of the rock brittleness and especially the rock fracture toughness, being an intrinsic rock property, are developed.
The benefits of Oscillating Disc Cutting (ODC) over all conventional cutting techniques is that it is capable of breaking very hard rock at acceptable-to-good excavation rates with very low cutter forces. This paper outlines that the oscillating cutting action and the water jets as well as the inertial mass all serve to reduce cutter forces.
This thesis concerns mixed flows (which are characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of free-surface and pressurized flow in sewers, tunnels, culverts or under bridges), and contributes to the improvement of the existing numerical tools for modelling these phenomena. The classic Preissmann slot approach is selected due to its simplicity and capability of predicting results comparable to those of a more recent and complex two-equation model, as shown here with reference to a laboratory test case. In order to enhance the computational efficiency, a local time stepping strategy is implemented in a shock-capturing Godunov-type finite volume numerical scheme for the integration of the de Saint-Venant equations. The results of different numerical tests show that local time stepping reduces run time significantly (between −29% and −85% CPU time for the test cases considered) compared to the conventional global time stepping, especially when only a small region of the flow field is surcharged, while solution accuracy and mass conservation are not impaired. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the modelling of the hydraulic effects of potentially pressurized structures, such as bridges and culverts, inserted in open channel domains. To this aim, a two-dimensional mixed flow model is developed first. The classic conservative formulation of the 2D shallow water equations for free-surface flow is adapted by assuming that two fictitious vertical slots, normally intersecting, are added on the ceiling of each integration element. Numerical results show that this schematization is suitable for the prediction of 2D flooding phenomena in which the pressurization of crossing structures can be expected. Given that the Preissmann model does not allow for the possibility of bridge overtopping, a one-dimensional model is also presented in this thesis to handle this particular condition. The flows below and above the deck are considered as parallel, and linked to the upstream and downstream reaches of the channel by introducing suitable internal boundary conditions. The comparison with experimental data and with the results of HEC-RAS simulations shows that the proposed model can be a useful and effective tool for predicting overtopping and backwater effects induced by the presence of bridges and culverts.
La prima parte di questo lavoro di tesi tratta dell’interazione tra un bacino di laminazione e il sottostante acquifero: è in fase di progetto, infatti, la costruzione di una cassa di espansione sul torrente Baganza, a monte della città di Parma. L’obiettivo di tale intervento è di ridurre il rischio di esondazione immagazzinando temporaneamente, in un serbatoio artificiale, la parte più pericolosa del volume di piena che verrebbe rilasciata successivamente con portate che possono essere agevolmente contenute nel tratto cittadino del torrente. L’acquifero è stato preliminarmente indagato e monitorato permettendone la caratterizzazione litostratigrafica. La stratigrafia si può riassumere in una sequenza di strati ghiaioso-sabbiosi con successione di lenti d’argilla più o meno spesse e continue, distinguendo due acquiferi differenti (uno freatico ed uno confinato). Nel presente studio si fa riferimento al solo acquifero superficiale che è stato modellato numericamente, alle differenze finite, per mezzo del software MODFLOW_2005. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro è di rappresentare il sistema acquifero nelle condizioni attuali (in assenza di alcuna opera) e di progetto. La calibrazione è stata condotta in condizioni stazionarie utilizzando i livelli piezometrici raccolti nei punti d’osservazione durante la primavera del 2013. I valori di conducibilità idraulica sono stati stimati per mezzo di un approccio geostatistico Bayesiano. Il codice utilizzato per la stima è il bgaPEST, un software gratuito per la soluzione di problemi inversi fortemente parametrizzati, sviluppato sulla base dei protocolli del software PEST. La metodologia inversa stima il campo di conducibilità idraulica combinando osservazioni sullo stato del sistema (livelli piezometrici nel caso in esame) e informazioni a-priori sulla struttura dei parametri incogniti. La procedura inversa richiede il calcolo della sensitività di ciascuna osservazione a ciascuno dei parametri stimati; questa è stata valutata in maniera efficiente facendo ricorso ad una formulazione agli stati aggiunti del codice in avanti MODFLOW_2005_Adjoint. I risultati della metodologia sono coerenti con la natura alluvionale dell'acquifero indagato e con le informazioni raccolte nei punti di osservazione. Il modello calibrato può quindi essere utilizzato come supporto alla progettazione e gestione dell’opera di laminazione. La seconda parte di questa tesi tratta l'analisi delle sollecitazioni indotte dai percorsi di flusso preferenziali causati da fenomeni di piping all’interno dei rilevati arginali. Tali percorsi preferenziali possono essere dovuti alla presenza di gallerie scavate da animali selvatici. Questo studio è stato ispirato dal crollo del rilevato arginale del Fiume Secchia (Modena), che si è verificato in gennaio 2014 a seguito di un evento alluvionale, durante il quale il livello dell'acqua non ha mai raggiunto la sommità arginale. La commissione scientifica, la cui relazione finale fornisce i dati utilizzati per questo studio, ha attribuito, con molta probabilità, il crollo del rilevato alla presenza di tane di animali. Con lo scopo di analizzare il comportamento del rilevato in condizioni integre e in condizioni modificate dall'esistenza di un tunnel che attraversa il manufatto arginale, è stato realizzato un modello numerico 3D dell’argine mediante i noti software Femwater e Feflow. I modelli descrivono le infiltrazioni all'interno del rilevato considerando il terreno in entrambe le porzioni sature ed insature, adottando la tecnica agli elementi finiti. La tana è stata rappresentata da elementi con elevata permeabilità e porosità, i cui valori sono stati modificati al fine di valutare le diverse influenze sui flussi e sui contenuti idrici. Per valutare se le situazioni analizzate presentino o meno il verificarsi del fenomeno di erosione, sono stati calcolati i valori del fattore di sicurezza. Questo è stato valutato in differenti modi, tra cui quello recentemente proposto da Richards e Reddy (2014), che si riferisce al criterio di energia cinetica critica. In ultima analisi è stato utilizzato il modello di Bonelli (2007) per calcolare il tempo di erosione ed il tempo rimanente al collasso del rilevato.
In weak argillaceous rocks the unweathered strength may be barely sufficient to meet civil engineering reguirements and any reductjon due to weathering will be critical. This study investigates the weathering of the Lower Lias clays with particular reference to their petrography and engineering properties. Investigations revealed the Midland Basin of deposition to contain reasonable thicknesses of clay, relatively uniform in nature with a well developed weathered zone, From the available exposures, the weathering zone of the Blockley Clay pit was selected and sampled for laboratory investigations of; Structure, Mineralogy and Chemistry and Engineering Properties. The nature and orientation of the fissures in the unweathered clay were analysed. A close relationship was found to exist between the major joint set and the ground surface, with stress release due to excavation being almost negligible. Thin sections of the clay, examined for structural data, suggested that there exist layers or areas that have been disturbed as a result of density differences. Shear planes were found in both the unweathered and weathered clay, in the latter case often associated with remoulding of the material. A direct measure of remoulding was obtained from the birefringence ratio. The fabric was examined in closer detail using the scanning electron microscope. Mineralogy, as revealed by X-ray and optical techniques indicated illite as the dominant clay mineral, with kaolinite subsidiary; quartz, calcite, pyrite, chlorite/vermiculite are present as accessory minerals. Weathering changes this relationship, calcite and pyrite being removed early in the process, with illite being degraded. The cementing action of calcite and iron oxides was investigated however, this was shown to be negligible. Quantitative measurements of both fixed (with minerals) and free (oxide coatings) iron were obtained by atomic absorption, with the Fe 3+/ Fe2+ ratio obtained by Mossbauer spectroscopy, Evidence indicates that free iron oxide coatings only become important as a result of weathering with the maximum concentration in the very highly weathered material. Engineering index properties and shear strength values were taken throughout the profile, Relationships between moisture content and strength, liquid limit and iron (Fe) were obtained and a correlation between the weathering zomes and the shear strength/depth curve has been established.
This study is concerned with the durability of cement stabilised minestone (CSM). Minestone is dominated by the clay-bearing mudrocks and shales of the Coal Measures. Consequently, engineering problems are often encountered due to the likelihood of these rocks undergoing volume change and degradation when exposed to fluctuations in moisture content. In addition, iron sulphides (chiefly pyrite) are frequently present in minestone as diagenetic minerals which on excavation have the potential to oxidise forming sulphate minerals. The oxidation of sulphides may in itself contribute to volume increase in pyritic rocks and sulphate minerals may combine with the products of cement hydration to produce further expansion. The physical and chemical properties of a wide range of minestones are determined and attempts are made to correlate these with the engineering performance of cement stabilised specimens subjected to short-term immersion in water. Criteria, based on these raw material indices are proposed with a view to eliminating minestones which are unsuitable. A long-term durability study is also described. In this, the geochemical stability of pyrite in CSM was examined together with the role played by the sulphur bearing mineralogy in determining the engineering performance of CSM's exposed to conditions of increased moisture availability. The nature of a number of disrupted CSM pavements which have been examined are also discussed.