985 resultados para Transition Metal chelates


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The development of economical heterogeneous catalysts for the activation of methane is a major challenge for the chemical industry. Screening potential candidates becomes more feasible using rational catalyst design to understand the activity of potential catalysts for CH4 activation. The focus of the present paper is the use of density functional theory to examine and elucidate the properties of doped CeO2. We dope with Cu and Zn transition metals having variable oxidation state (Cu), and a single oxidation state (Zn), and study the activation of methane. Zn is a divalent dopant and Cu can have a +1 or +2 oxidation state. Both Cu and Zn dopants have an oxidation state of +2 after incorporation into the CeO2 (111) surface; however a Hubbard +U correction (+U = 7) on the Cu 3d states is required to maintain this oxidation state when the surface interacts with adsorbed species. Dissociation of methane is found to occur locally at the dopant cations, and is thermodynamically and kinetically more favorable on Zn-doped CeO2 than Cu-doped CeO2. The origins of this lie with the Zn(II) dopant moving towards a square pyramidal geometry in the sub surface layer which facilitates the formation of two-coordinated surface oxygen atoms, that are more beneficial for methane activation on a reducible oxide surface. These findings can aid in rational experimental catalyst design for further exploration in methane activation processes.


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Dans un contexte où l’énergie représente un enjeu majeur pour les pays et organisations à économies émergentes et développées, la recherche de nouvelles sources renouvelables et la démocratisation des vecteurs énergétiques permettant l’approvisionnement mondial de façon durable constitue un devoir pour la communauté scientifique internationale. D’ailleurs, il serait essentiel que les nombreuses disciplines de la chimie concertent leurs efforts. Plus particulièrement, la croissance de la recherche en chimie de coordination orientée vers la photosynthèse artificielle ainsi que le développement de matériaux fonctionnels démontre l’importance indéniable de ce champ de recherche. Ce travail présente dans un premier temps l’étude des différentes voies de synthèse d’hydroxyamidines, un ligand chélatant aux propriétés de coordination prometteuses ne recevant que très peu d’attention de la part de la communauté scientifique. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présenterons le développement d’une stratégie d’assemblage de leurs complexes supramoléculaires impliquant des métaux de transition abondants et peu dispendieux de la première rangée. Dans un troisième temps, il sera question de l’investigation de leurs propriétés photophysiques et électrochimiques à des fins d’applications au sein de matériaux fonctionnels. Pour ce faire, les différentes voies de synthèse des hydroxyamidines et de leurs amidines correspondantes qui ont précédemment été étudiées par les membres du groupe seront tout d’abord perfectionnées, puis investiguées afin de déterminer leur versatilité. Ensuite, les propriétés de complexation des amox résultantes comportant des motifs sélectionnés seront déterminées pour enfin étudier les propriétés photophysiques et électrochimiques d’une série de complexes de métaux de transition de la première rangée. En somme, plusieurs designs qu’offrent les amox et bis-amox sont étudiés et les propriétés des architectures résultantes de leur auto-assemblage sont déterminées.


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A University of Hawaii oceanographic cruise, Abyssal Hills 69, with the R/V Mahi, was carried out to study the association of manganese nodules with an abyssal hill. Manganese nodules from three dredge hauls on an abyssal hill located at 36°W and 157°W exhibited differences in morphology and composition between stations only three miles apart. The morphology of the nodules suggests that nodules from a single site have similar morphologies because they began growth at the same time, probably because of a volcanic event. Differences in morphology between stations indicate a local supply of elements. Atomic absorption analysis for manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, and copper revealed that nodules nearest to a probable fault line and source of volcanism have a, lower manganese to iron ratio than nodules farther removed. This finding supports the theory that volcanism contributes to the formation of some nodules. Additional evidence showing association with volcanism consists of volcanic nuclei in nodules, crusts formed on layers of volcanic ash, and basalt encrusted to various degrees. The variation in cobalt, nickel, and copper contents Gt the nodules from a single dredge is two-to threefold, but iron content is more uniiorm. Four of the six cores from the area increased in manganese concentration with depth, suggesting that diffusion is concentrating manganese in the upper zone of the sediments or in nodules. The author concludes that volcanism is contributing to the formation of nodules by supplying nuclei and transition elements, but is not necessary for the formation of manganese nodules.


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Electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction data for north Pacific manganese nodules reveal that the transition metal distributions are controlled by the mineralogy. Microlayers rich in 10Å-manganates generally have high Mn/Fe ratios and positive correlations between Ni, Cu and Mn, and between Co and Fe. Microlayers rich in vernadite, on the other hand, show low Mn/Fe ratios, and Co, Ni and Cu all show positive correlations with Mn. The 10Å-manganates form mainly in porewaters with high Mn/Fe ratios. The Ni2+ and Cu2+ ions are post-depositionally incorporated into the interlayers of the manganates, whereas Co3+ is substituted for Fe3+ in ferric oxyhydroxides. In seawater with a low Mn/Fe ratio, on the other hand, the adsorption of positively charged ferric oxyhydroxides on negatively charged [MnO6] octahedral layers suppresses the growth of 10Å-manganates, enhancing the formation of vernadite. Positively charged hydroxides of Co3+, Ni2+ and Cu2+ are also adsorbed on the [MnO6] layers. These mechanisms of mineral formation and metal uptake are corroborated by data for other oceanic non-hydrothermal manganese nodules and crusts.


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The article covers basic inorganic chemistry of lead. As an introduction, the properties and historical uses of metallic lead are discussed, followed by aspects of lead toxicity, including the toxicity origins and effects of lead poisoning. Properties of lead as a heavy p-block element are discussed, with emphasis on the modern view of the so-called “inert pair effect”, including its origin, the influence on stability of lead oxidation states, and on the coordination chemistry of lead(II), viz., “sterically active lone pair”. This is followed by an overview of lead inorganic compounds, including halides, pseudohalides, oxides and chalcogenides, hydroxides and their chalcogenide analogs, alkoxides, oxoacids, O-donors, S- and Se-donors, Group 15 donors, compounds with lead-transition metal bonds, and finally metallic clusters (Zintl phases). This is by no means a comprehensive review, rather compounds representative for each class were presented. In most sections, structural aspects of each class of compounds are discussed, followed by applications, with the focus on modern uses in material science.


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Because of their extraordinary structural and electrical properties, two dimensional materials are currently being pursued for applications such as thin-film transistors and integrated circuit. One of the main challenges that still needs to be overcome for these applications is the fabrication of air-stable transistors with industry-compatible complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate a novel high performance air-stable WSe2 CMOS technology with almost ideal voltage transfer characteristic, full logic swing and high noise margin with different supply voltages. More importantly, the inverter shows large voltage gain (~38) and small static power (Pico-Watts), paving the way for low power electronic system in 2D materials.


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Gate-tunable two-dimensional (2D) materials-based quantum capacitors (QCs) and van der Waals heterostructures involve tuning transport or optoelectronic characteristics by the field effect. Recent studies have attributed the observed gate-tunable characteristics to the change of the Fermi level in the first 2D layer adjacent to the dielectrics, whereas the penetration of the field effect through the one-molecule-thick material is often ignored or oversimplified. Here, we present a multiscale theoretical approach that combines first-principles electronic structure calculations and the Poisson–Boltzmann equation methods to model penetration of the field effect through graphene in a metal–oxide–graphene–semiconductor (MOGS) QC, including quantifying the degree of “transparency” for graphene two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) to an electric displacement field. We find that the space charge density in the semiconductor layer can be modulated by gating in a nonlinear manner, forming an accumulation or inversion layer at the semiconductor/graphene interface. The degree of transparency is determined by the combined effect of graphene quantum capacitance and the semiconductor capacitance, which allows us to predict the ranking for a variety of monolayer 2D materials according to their transparency to an electric displacement field as follows: graphene > silicene > germanene > WS2 > WTe2 > WSe2 > MoS2 > phosphorene > MoSe2 > MoTe2, when the majority carrier is electron. Our findings reveal a general picture of operation modes and design rules for the 2D-materials-based QCs.


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Two-dimensional (2D) materials have generated great interest in the last few years as a new toolbox for electronics. This family of materials includes, among others, metallic graphene, semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (such as MoS2) and insulating Boron Nitride. These materials and their heterostructures offer excellent mechanical flexibility, optical transparency and favorable transport properties for realizing electronic, sensing and optical systems on arbitrary surfaces. In this work, we develop several etch stop layer technologies that allow the fabrication of complex 2D devices and present for the first time the large scale integration of graphene with molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) , both grown using the fully scalable CVD technique. Transistor devices and logic circuits with MoS2 channel and graphene as contacts and interconnects are constructed and show high performances. In addition, the graphene/MoS2 heterojunction contact has been systematically compared with MoS2-metal junctions experimentally and studied using density functional theory. The tunability of the graphene work function significantly improves the ohmic contact to MoS2. These high-performance large-scale devices and circuits based on 2D heterostructure pave the way for practical flexible transparent electronics in the future. The authors acknowledge financial support from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Program, the ONR GATE MURI program, and the Army Research Laboratory. This research has made use of the MI.


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Metal–organic frameworks, or MOFs, have emerged as a new class of porous materials made by linking metal and organic units. The easy preparation, structural and functional tunability, ultrahigh porosity, and enormous surface areas of MOFs have led to them becoming one of the fastest growing fields in chemistry. MOFs have potential applications in numerous areas such as clean energy, adsorption and separation processes, biomedicine, and sensing. One of the most promising areas of research with MOFs is heterogeneous catalysis. This thesis describes the design and synthesis of new, carboxylate-based MOFs for use as catalysts. These materials have been characterized using diffraction, spectroscopy, adsorption, and imaging techniques. The thesis has focused on preparing highly-stable MOFs for catalysis, using post-synthetic methods to modify the properties of these crystals, and applying a combination of characterization techniques to probe these complex materials. In the first part of this thesis, several new vanadium MOFs have been presented. The synthesis of MIL-88B(V), MIL-101(V), and MIL-47 were studied using ex situ techniques to gain insight into the synthesis–structure relationships. The properties of these materials have also been studied. In the second part, the use of MOFs as supports for metallic nanoparticles has been investigated. These materials, Pd@MIL-101–NH2(Cr) and Pd@MIL-88B–NH2(Cr), were used as catalysts for Suzuki–Miyaura and oxidation reactions, respectively. The effect of the base on the catalytic activity, crystallinity, porosity, and palladium distribution of Pd@MIL-101–NH2(Cr) was studied. In the final part, the introduction of transition-metal complexes into MOFs through different synthesis routes has been described. A ruthenium complex was grafted onto an aluminium MOF, MOF-253, and an iridium metallolinker was introduced into a zirconium MOF, UiO-68–2CH3. These materials were used as catalysts for alcohol oxidation and allylic alcohol isomerization, respectively.


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Thermoelectric materials are revisited for various applications including power generation. The direct conversion of temperature differences into electric voltage and vice versa is known as thermoelectric effect. Possible applications of thermoelectric materials are in eco-friendly refrigeration, electric power generation from waste heat, infrared sensors, temperature controlled-seats and portable picnic coolers. Thermoelectric materials are also extensively researched upon as an alternative to compression based refrigeration. This utilizes the principle of Peltier cooling. The performance characteristic of a thermoelectric material, termed as figure of merit (ZT) is a function of several transport coefficients such as electrical conductivity (σ), thermal conductivity (κ) and Seebeck coefficient of the material (S). ZT is expressed asκσTZTS2=, where T is the temperature in degree absolute. A large value of Seebeck coefficient, high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity are necessary to realize a high performance thermoelectric material. The best known thermoelectric materials are phonon-glass electron – crystal (PGEC) system where the phonons are scattered within the unit cell by the rattling structure and electrons are scattered less as in crystals to obtain a high electrical conductivity. A survey of literature reveals that correlated semiconductors and Kondo insulators containing rare earth or transition metal ions are found to be potential thermoelectric materials. The structural magnetic and charge transport properties in manganese oxides having the general formula of RE1−xAExMnO3 (RE = rare earth, AE= Ca, Sr, Ba) are solely determined by the mixed valence (3+/4+) state of Mn ions. In strongly correlated electron systems, magnetism and charge transport properties are strongly correlated. Within the area of strongly correlated electron systems the study of manganese oxides, widely known as manganites exhibit unique magneto electric transport properties, is an active area of research.Strongly correlated systems like perovskite manganites, characterized by their narrow localized band and hoping conduction, were found to be good candidates for thermoelectric applications. Manganites represent a highly correlated electron system and exhibit a variety of phenomena such as charge, orbital and magnetic ordering, colossal magneto resistance and Jahn-Teller effect. The strong inter-dependence between the magnetic order parameters and the transport coefficients in manganites has generated much research interest in the thermoelectric properties of manganites. Here, large thermal motion or rattling of rare earth atoms with localized magnetic moments is believed to be responsible for low thermal conductivity of these compounds. The 4f levels in these compounds, lying near the Fermi energy, create large density of states at the Fermi level and hence they are likely to exhibit a fairly large value of Seebeck coefficient.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07