982 resultados para Tour bêta


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This paper deals with an event-bus tour booked by Bollywood film fans. During the tour, the participants visit selected locations of famous Bollywood films at various sites in Switzerland. Moreover, the tour includes stops for lunch and shopping. Each day, up to five buses operate the tour; for organizational reasons, two or more buses cannot stay at the same location simultaneously. The planning problem is how to compute a feasible schedule for each bus such that the total waiting time (primary objective) and the total travel time (secondary objective) are minimized. We formulate this problem as a mixed-integer linear program, and we report on computational results obtained with the Gurobi solver.


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The molecular regulation of horn growth in ruminants is still poorly understood. To investigate this process, we collected 1019 hornless (polled) animals from different cattle breeds. High-density SNP genotyping confirmed the presence of two different polled associated haplotypes in Simmental and Holstein cattle co-localized on BTA 1. We refined the critical region of the Simmental polled mutation to 212 kb and identified an overlapping region of 932 kb containing the Holstein polled mutation. Subsequently, whole genome sequencing of polled Simmental and Holstein cows was used to determine polled associated genomic variants. By genotyping larger cohorts of animals with known horn status we found a single perfectly associated insertion/deletion variant in Simmental and other beef cattle confirming the recently published possible Celtic polled mutation. We identified a total of 182 sequence variants as candidate mutations for polledness in Holstein cattle, including an 80 kb genomic duplication and three SNPs reported before. For the first time we showed that hornless cattle with scurs are obligate heterozygous for one of the polled mutations. This is in contrast to published complex inheritance models for the bovine scurs phenotype. Studying differential expression of the annotated genes and loci within the mapped region on BTA 1 revealed a locus (LOC100848215), known in cow and buffalo only, which is higher expressed in fetal tissue of wildtype horn buds compared to tissue of polled fetuses. This implicates that the presence of this long noncoding RNA is a prerequisite for horn bud formation. In addition, both transcripts associated with polledness in goat and sheep (FOXL2 and RXFP2), show an overexpression in horn buds confirming their importance during horn development in cattle.


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During the summer of 2013 seven Italian Tyrolean Grey calves were born with abnormally short limbs. Detailed clinical and pathological examination revealed similarities to chondrodysplastic dwarfism. Pedigree analysis showed a common founder, assuming autosomal monogenic recessive transmission of the defective allele. A positional cloning approach combining genome wide association and homozygosity mapping identified a single 1.6 Mb genomic region on BTA 6 that was associated with the disease. Whole genome re-sequencing of an affected calf revealed a single candidate causal mutation in the Ellis van Creveld syndrome 2 (EVC2) gene. This gene is known to be associated with chondrodysplastic dwarfism in Japanese Brown cattle, and dwarfism, abnormal nails and teeth, and dysostosis in humans with Ellis-van Creveld syndrome. Sanger sequencing confirmed the presence of a 2 bp deletion in exon 19 (c.2993_2994ACdel) that led to a premature stop codon in the coding sequence of bovine EVC2, and was concordant with the recessive pattern of inheritance in affected and carrier animals. This loss of function mutation confirms the important role of EVC2 in bone development. Genetic testing can now be used to eliminate this form of chondrodysplastic dwarfism from Tyrolean Grey cattle.


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This paper deals with “The Enchanted Journey,” which is a daily event tour booked by Bollywood-film fans. During the tour, the participants visit original sites of famous Bollywood films at various locations in Switzerland; moreover, the tour includes stops for lunch and shopping. Each day, up to five buses operate the tour. For operational reasons, however, two or more buses cannot stay at the same location simultaneously. Further operative constraints include time windows for all activities and precedence constraints between some activities. The planning problem is how to compute a feasible schedule for each bus. We implement a two-step hierarchical approach. In the first step, we minimize the total waiting time; in the second step, we minimize the total travel time of all buses. We present a basic formulation of this problem as a mixed-integer linear program. We enhance this basic formulation by symmetry-breaking constraints, which reduces the search space without loss of generality. We report on computational results obtained with the Gurobi Solver. Our numerical results show that all relevant problem instances can be solved using the basic formulation within reasonable CPU time, and that the symmetry-breaking constraints reduce that CPU time considerably.


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The bovine RPCI-42 BAC library was screened to construct a sequence-ready ~4 Mb single contig of 92 BAC clones on BTA 1q12. The contig covers the region between the genes KRTAP8P1 and CLIC6. This genomic segment in cattle is of special interest as it contains the dominant gene responsible for the hornless or polled phenotype in cattle. The construction of the BAC contig was initiated by screening the bovine BAC library with heterologous cDNA probes derived from 12 human genes of the syntenic region on HSA 21q22. Contig building was facilitated by BAC end sequencing and chromosome walking. During the construction of the contig, 165 BAC end sequences and 109 single-copy STS markers were generated. For comparative mapping of 25 HSA 21q22 genes, genomic PCR primers were designed from bovine EST sequences and the gene-associated STSs mapped on the contig. Furthermore, bovine BAC end sequence comparisons against the human genome sequence revealed significant matches to HSA 21q22 and allowed the in silico mapping of two new genes in cattle. In total, 31 orthologues of human genes located on HSA 21q22 were directly mapped within the bovine BAC contig, of which 16 genes have been cloned and mapped for the first time in cattle. In contrast to the existing comparative bovine-human RH maps of this region, these results provide a better alignment and reveal a completely conserved gene order in this 4 Mb segment between cattle, human and mouse. The mapping of known polled linked BTA 1q12 microsatellite markers allowed the integration of the physical contig map with existing linkage maps of this region and also determined the exact order of these markers for the first time. Our physical map and transcript map may be useful for positional cloning of the putative polled gene in cattle.


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AIM OF PAPER AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS The primary aim of this investigation was to examine, if tourism in Switzerland can be stimulated by focusing on e-bike offers. Switzerland is an attractive and manifold country for bike tourism. However, there are plenty of hilly and steep areas, where the topography is quite demanding and cycling is predestined to ambitious sportsperson. Less performance-oriented bike tourists are possibly discouraged by the challenges of the landscape. E-bikes seem to be a reasonable alterna-tive to enable less trained person to attend bike tours in steeper regions as well as to keep heterogeneous groups together. E-bikes are already popular in Switzerland for daily routes as the journey to work, but they are not very common in the tour-istic context. The presented investigation evaluates the current standing of supply and demand for e-bike tourism and asks for opportunities and threats in the future development. LITERTURE REVIEW The existing frameworks to analyse capability in the field of sport tourism are limited, because of the broad variation of sports and tourism types. Still several conceptions are valuable to evaluate the opportunities of e-bike tourism in Switzer-land. According to Higham and Hinch (2009) the potential of touristic products and destinations always depends on the interaction among the factors place, people and activity. Standeven and de Knop (1999) support this position by identify-ing the experience of place as a key component of the sport tourism experience. Bull (2005) assumes that place not only affects experience. In his opinion, the specific spatially located resources are even crucial for the existence of nature sports. He identifies four factors determining the attraction of touristic products or destination, as physical characteristics, accessibility and infrastructural arrangements, political and economic resources as well as cultural and perceptual aspects. Concerning the demand side (people) the contemporary research is guided by an individual psychological focus delivering mainly results about motives and the decision making process (e.g. Görtz & Hürten, 2011). RESEARCH DESIGN AND DATA ANALYSIS The presented study is based on a between method triangulation, consisting of qualitative interviews with important stake-holders on the supply side and a cross sectional survey on the demand side. Qualitative interviews were conducted with the first provider of touristic e-bike routes and with the manager of the leading e-bike rental company in Switzerland. The interviews were evaluated by qualitative content analysis according to Mayring (2008). The survey covered a randomized sample of 748 adult persons and focused on interests and needs of potential consumers. The concluding potentials analy-sis combined the results of the interviews and the survey with the findings of literature research. As central outcome the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were evaluated and presented by SWOT-analysis. RESULTS Results showed that the development of e-bike tourism in Switzerland was not initiated by tourism promoter, but by an innovative e-bike producer. However, also for the manufacturer the fit between landscape (place), product (activity) and visitors (people) was the crucial criterion. The first e-bike tours were offered in a demanding and rural region, in order that the experience of place was able to promote a positive overall experience. Due to the success of the first touristic e-bike products, several tourism regions started to extend their portfolio with e-bike offers. To date a nationwide network for signalised e-bike tours, rental stations and changing stations for rechargeable batteries is established. Despite the attractive offer, the demand is only moderate. The obtained results of the consumer survey pointed at a certain barrier to use e-bikes for tourism activities. The most substantial barrier is the missing affinity for bike tourism in general. Another notable group considering themselves as “fit enough for normal bike tourism”. Nevertheless 55% of the respondent are interested in tour-istic e-bike products. Looking only at people with e-bike tourism experience, even 92% are interested in further activities. DISCUSSION AN CONCLUSION The current study findings are encouraging because they suggest a superior suitability and an attractive level of e-bike tourism products in Switzerland. The results of the consumer survey indicate an increasing demand for e-bike tourism. The investigation also points at some risks, as the rivalry for bike tourism or the raised safety hazard because of the increased driving speed. Summing up, the results support the conclusion, that e-bike tourism will become more important in the com-ing years. However, to reach the goal relevant trends as the requirement for customised offers must be considered and marketing activities are supposed to be extended. REFERENCES Bull, C. (2005). Sport tourism resource analysis. In J. Higham (Ed.), Sport tourism destination: Issues, opportunities and analysis (pp. 25-38). Amsterdam: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. Görtz, M., & D. Hürten (2011). Motive der Radurlauber, psychografische Merkmale und Reiseverhalten. In A. Dreyer, E. Miglbauer & R. Mühlnickel (Hrsg.), Radtourismus. Entwicklungen, Potenziale, Perspektiven (S. 36-43). München: Olden-bourg. Higham, J., & Hinch, T. (2009). Sport and Tourism. Globalization, Mobility and Identity. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. Mayring, P. (2008). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Grundlagen und Techniken (10. Aufl.). Weinheim: Beltz Verlag. Standeven, J., & De Knop, P. (1999). Sport Tourism. Campaign: Human Kinetics.


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Este trabajo reflexiona acerca del momento constitutivo del modelo agroindustrial en Mendoza siguiendo las acciones que emprende la elite local de fines del siglo XIX para promoverlo. Basado en el planteo shumpeteriano sobre la importancia de los empresarios con respecto a la innovación para el desarrollo y el análisis de H. Nochteff sobre las carencias de políticas de ciencia y tecnología que caracterizan la economía Argentina como de adaptación tardía, se establecen una serie de diferenciaciones que colaboran a explicar el recorrido específico de la economía mendocina en su deriva pasada y actual frente el dominante patrón de acumulación nacional.


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Dentro del corpus ensayístico de Manuel Ugarte figura una obra titulada El destino de un continente (1923) que da cuenta de su gira por el continente americano. El propósito de este largo viaje que emprende Ugarte es de carácter propagandístico, pues sostiene públicamente —a través de conferencias, mítines— la tesis de la unidad continental como estrategia defensiva contra la política intervencionista norteamericana. Pareciera, inicialmente, que el texto en cuestión merecería un abordaje desde los estudios de la literatura de viaje, lo que es en sí mismo correcto aunque, a nuestro entender, insuficiente. De manera que tenemos un problema de orden genérico que bien vale la pena plantear a fin de ajustar nuestra lectura. Es cierto que se trata de un viaje, pero no de un viaje cualquiera, en términos de un sujeto que se traslada de un sitio a otro con propósitos meramente turísticos, sino que la motivación central del desplazamiento ugarteano se sitúa en una acción catequística, si se quiere, de prédica que pretende mover a la acción.


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En el presente artículo se analiza el proceso histórico-social de la revolución sandinista de 1979 haciendo foco en la huella que ésta dejó en los nicaragüenses. Nos proponemos realizar un recorrido por el proceso de la revolución sandinista nicaragüense, analizar sus antecedentes y posibles causas, así como también las consecuencias que trajo a este país centroamericano. También se analizará, someramente, el destino de la revolución con la ofensiva neoliberal en la década de los noventa. Se hará especial hincapié en la dimensión simbólica y cultural que hasta hoy conserva dicha revolución, pero sin dejar de hacer mención a las variables estructurales que condicionaron este proceso. La investigación se nutre de distintas fuentes documentales, así como de entrevistas y de una de las manifestaciones más ricas de la cultura: la música.


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En este trabajo se analizan los conflictos e identidades de los movimientos de la educación no formal, popular y formal en Mendoza entre 1969 y 1976, así como los discursos de la educación popular, formal y no formal y las temáticas que fueron objeto de debate dentro de los circuitos pedagógicos en Mendoza entre 1973 y 1974. Se trabajan los conceptos de cátedra, seminario, campamentos universitarios y comunidad didáctica como formatos pedagógicos. Se analiza también la educación popular y la educación de adultos desarrollada en Mendoza y la alfabetización en el proyecto de La Campaña alfabetizadora de 1973 y su relación con el Estado provincial en el clima de militancia política y social de los años ‘70. Se analiza la reforma educativa de los seminarios pedagógicos producida durante el gobierno de Martínez Baca y la experiencia de politización de los/las docentes, especialmente en el marco del Mendozazo, el cual tuvo a las maestras como sujeto protagonista y de quienes es importante poner en consideración su proceso de sindicalización.


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La belleza, como tema eterno de reflexión filosófica ha tenido entre los pensadores del siglo XIII un lugar particular. Ellos, desde una matriz intelectual neoplatónica, han intentado tender puentes, en algunos casos, con el aristotelismo recientemente descubierto. Este hecho parece ofrecer la posibilidad de pensar el pulchrum no sólo desde su unidad con el bonum, sino también desde su especificidad. Es aquí donde Alberto Magno ha tenido un lugar importante. Es por ello que el presente trabajo quiere ocuparse del Magno en el singular tratamiento que hace de lo bello en dos de sus obras: la Summa de Bono y el In de Divinis Nominibus. Un sucinto recorrido por estos textos permitirá advertir el esfuerzo de Alberto para perfilar un concepto de belleza que, respetando la tradición neoplatónica de su unidad con el bien, parecería encontrar su lugar propio al introducir algunos elementos pertenecientes a la filosofía del Estagirita.


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A mediados de la década del 30 en Buenos Aires se produce un quiebre: los libros de lectura para enseñanza primaria, que en los comienzos del siglo XX no habían tenido otra finalidad que la de instruir con textos moralizantes al “argentino del futuro", cambian su orientación meramente didáctica. El juego y el despliegue de la fantasía, tan negados en los años anteriores, comienzan a tener cabida en los textos y paratextos de los libros escolares. Las ilustraciones, la selección de lecturas y los nuevos motivos que se incorporan manifiestan un importante cambio en la enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura. A través de un estudio comparativo de los textos y paratextos de los libros publicados a principios de siglo con los publicados hacia los años 30 y 40, intentaremos demostrar la hipótesis de que ya en la década del 30 se percibe en las lecturas escolares un cambio radical.