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On verso: Photographer's stamp: Randall, 220 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mich.
Spier & Rohns, architect. Cornerstone laid on October 15, 1901; building occupied in 1903. Originally West Medical Building; became Samuel Trask Dana Building. Also known as Natural Resources Building. On verso: University of Michigan, News Service, 564 Administration Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan
University High School was first occupied in 1924.
North Wing completed in 1841; renamed Mason Hall in 1843 in honor of Stevens J. Mason, first governor of Michigan. South Wing (also called South College) built in 1849. Both wings demolished in 1950. Handwritten on mount: Lecture rooms. Mich. University
South Wing, also called South College, built in 1849; demolished in 1950. Male person in image. On verso: Evidently the old South Wing of "South College" taken prior to 1871. The view, in the opinion of William C. Hood, who studied the shadows, from the northwest. Wm. Shaw, 11/30/37
One of the four original buildings on campus, located on South University east of the Presidents' house, where Clements Libary now stands. Used as Professor's house from 1840 to 1877 and as the Dental College from 1877 to 1891. East wing added in 1878. In 1891, the Dental School moved, the building was enlarged to the north, a third story was added, the entrance changed to the west, and "Engineering" placed over the door. Used by Engineeering from 1891 to 1922. After 1904 it was called "Old Engineering Building." Demolished in 1922.
One of the four original buildings on campus, located on South University east of the Presidents' house, where Clements Libary now stands. Used as Professor's house from 1840 to 1877 and as the Dental College from 1877 to 1891. East wing added in 1878. In 1891, the Dental School moved, the building was enlarged to the north, a third story was added, the entrance changed to the west, and "Engineering" placed over the door. Used by Engineeering from 1891 to 1922. After 1904 it was called "Old Engineering Building." Demolished in 1922.
One of the four original buildings on campus, located on South University east of the Presidents' house, where Clements Libary now stands. Used as Professor's house from 1840 to 1877 and as the Dental College from 1877 to 1891. East wing added in 1878. In 1891, the Dental School moved, the building was enlarged to the north, a third story was added, the entrance changed to the west, and "Engineering" placed over the door. Used by Engineeering from 1891 to 1922. After 1904 it was called "Old Engineering Building." Demolished in 1922.
Regents purchased south ten acres for $3000 in 1890. In 1902 UM received seven acres of land to the north from Dexter M. Ferry; became Ferry Field. In 1904 brick wall constructed on three sides and in 1906 gate and ticket office at northeast corner added (gift of Mr. Ferry). Wooden stands to accommodate 400 put up in 1893; burned in 1895. Rebuilt to seat 800 with later additions to facililties. By 1914, 13,600 accommodated. New stadium built in 1927. Stamp on verso: Ivory Photo
Jickling, Lyman & Powell, architects. Built 1980. On verso: Photographer's stamp; 5968-1
Jickling, Lyman & Powell, architects. Built 1980. On verso: Photographer's stamp; 59683
Jickling, Lyman & Powell, architects. Built 1980. On verso: Photographer's stamp; 5968-2
Tree before 1858; boulder ca. 1883; bronze plaque 1904. In spring of 1858 the Class of 1858 named this oak (growing near center of campus) the Tappan Oak as a tribute to then Pres. Henry P. Tappan). Stone was given by the "Tappan Boys" (class of 58) and placed ca. 1883.
On verso of second copy of same print: Memorial of the Class of 1862. Placed on n.w. corner of campus in 1860. Removed in summer of 1969.