988 resultados para Tension Parallel to grain


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The goal of this work comprises the detailed mapping of the coastal zone of the south coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The emphasis of the study is the units of beachrocks and the features of the physical environment associated. The mapping of the beachrocks and of the adjacent coastal features is justified, among other aspects, by the fact that the beachrocks constitute an important protection agent against the sea erosion. By one side, they dissipate the energy of the sea waves and make possible the imprisonment of sediments in the foreshore. The beachrocks in the studied area are constituted of discontinuous strips, parallel to the coast line presenting emerged in some places, even in the highest tides, entirely submerged or partially buried by coastal sediments. These sandstones compose the landscape of big part of the coast and they are responsible for the partial dissipation of the energy of the waves on the studied coast. The methodology used in this work consisted of different techniques were used, as the use of aerial pictures of small format (FAPEFs), acquisition of data of system of global positioning (GPS) and later elaboration of thematic maps and of digital models of soil (MDTs). The results obtained in the mapping of the use and occupation of the soil, demonstrate the existence of strong human pressure in the coastal area (built lots and no built), occupying about 54,74% of built areas. This problem has been taking to degradation risks due to the inconsequent expansion of divisions into lots and tourist enterprises. The MDT came as an excellent resource, as visual as functional, being possible to visualize several angles and to act in three dimensions the relief of the area in study, as well as to identify the present features in the coastal area. By the importance of the bodies of beachrocks as a protection agent against the coastal erosion, faces were delimited in the sandstones based in geometric criteria, classifying them in, central face, outside face, inside face, break and undermiming. These last two associates to the erosion and washout in the base of these bodies. Field data indicate clearly that the most important process in the fracturing of the bodies is associated with mechanisms related to the gravity, being the joints formed by processes of gravitational sliding. Finally, the mapping of the coastal zone starting from aerial pictures of small format it made possible the identification of the elements that compose the beach strip, for accomplishing with larger detailed level and by presenting a better monitoring of the dynamics of the coastal zone


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Este trabalho consiste na proposta de utilização, em Odontologia, de uma abordagem metodológica usada em pesquisas qualitativas, denominada Grounded Theory, quando se objetiva compreender fenômenos ou se pretende descrevê-los de acordo com o ponto de vista do sujeito. Pesquisas em saúde, utilizando abordagens qualitativas, estão sendo, cada vez mais, empregadas entre pesquisadores e, na Odontologia, esta abordagem metodológica proposta torna-se fundamental, no sentido de propiciar a exploração de assuntos ainda pouco trabalhados nesta perspectiva metodológica, possibilitando que as pesquisas adquiriram contribuições originais e, assim, ampliando nosso conhecimento. São apresentadas as etapas a serem seguidas nesta abordagem, elucidando-as com alguns exemplos de parte de entrevistas realizadas numa pesquisa que teve como objetivos: compreender a experiência do idoso com a saúde bucal ao longo da vida e desenvolver e validar um modelo teórico representativo dessa experiência.


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The geological modeling allows, at laboratory scaling, the simulation of the geometric and kinematic evolution of geological structures. The importance of the knowledge of these structures grows when we consider their role in the creation of traps or conduits to oil and water. In the present work we simulated the formation of folds and faults in extensional environment, through physical and numerical modeling, using a sandbox apparatus and MOVE2010 software. The physical modeling of structures developed in the hangingwall of a listric fault, showed the formation of active and inactive axial zones. In consonance with the literature, we verified the formation of a rollover between these two axial zones. The crestal collapse of the anticline formed grabens, limited by secondary faults, perpendicular to the extension, with a curvilinear aspect. Adjacent to these faults we registered the formation of transversal folds, parallel to the extension, characterized by a syncline in the fault hangingwall. We also observed drag folds near the faults surfaces, these faults are parallel to the fault surface and presented an anticline in the footwall and a syncline hangingwall. To observe the influence of geometrical variations (dip and width) in the flat of a flat-ramp fault, we made two experimental series, being the first with the flat varying in dip and width and the second maintaining the flat variation in width but horizontal. These experiments developed secondary faults, perpendicular to the extension, that were grouped in three sets: i) antithetic faults with a curvilinear geometry and synthetic faults, with a more rectilinear geometry, both nucleated in the base of sedimentary pile. The normal antithetic faults can rotate, during the extension, presenting a pseudo-inverse kinematics. ii) Faults nucleated at the top of the sedimentary pile. The propagation of these faults is made through coalescence of segments, originating, sometimes, the formation of relay ramps. iii) Reverse faults, are nucleated in the flat-ramp interface. Comparing the two models we verified that the dip of the flat favors a differentiated nucleation of the faults at the two extremities of the mater fault. V These two flat-ramp models also generated an anticline-syncline pair, drag and transversal folds. The anticline was formed above the flat being sub-parallel to the master fault plane, while the syncline was formed in more distal areas of the fault. Due the geometrical variation of these two folds we can define three structural domains. Using the physical experiments as a template, we also made numerical modeling experiments, with flat-ramp faults presenting variation in the flat. Secondary antithetic, synthetic and reverse faults were generated in both models. The numerical modeling formed two folds, and anticline above the flat and a syncline further away of the master fault. The geometric variation of these two folds allowed the definition of three structural domains parallel to the extension. These data reinforce the physical models. The comparisons between natural data of a flat-ramp fault in the Potiguar basin with the data of physical and numerical simulations, showed that, in both cases, the variation of the geometry of the flat produces, variation in the hangingwall geometry


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The study area consist in high sensitivity environments located on the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil. The barrier island are the main geomorphological features on the coastal landscape, being naturally instable and surrounded by industrial activities like oil fields, salt industry, shrimp farms and urban areas sometimes installed parallel to the coast, combined with coast engineering interventions. High energy hydrodynamic process are responsible for the morphological instability of the coast. The study was based on remote sensing data obtained between 1954 and 2007 which consist in orbital images from Landsat, CBERS and Ikonos satellites and aerial photos. With all data integrated on GIS environment it was possible to update thematic maps of geology, geomorphology, vegetation, soil and landuse and development of multitemporal maps pointing areas with erosion and depositions of sediments, defining the critical erosion process on this region. The bigger morphological changes are related to changes on wind patterns during the year, terrestrial and sea breezes during the day, with spits and barrier island migration, opening and closing of channels like the one parallel to the coast on the area of Serra and Macau oil fields. These factors combined with the significant reduction on sediment budgets due to the loss of natural spaces to sediment reworking contribute to the low resilience which tends to be growing on the area of Serra and Macau oil fields. In front of such scenery a detailed monitoring was done in order to find technological possibilities for coastal restoration. A pilot area was defined to start the project of mangrove restore together with beach nourishment in order to minimize the effect of the erosion caused by the channel parallel to the coast, contributing to stabilize the northeast channel as the main one. It s expected that such methodology will aid the coastal environments restoration and the balance between industrial activities and coastal erosion


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This work focuses the geomorphological characterization and spatial data modeling in the shallow continental shelf within the Folha Touros limits (SB-25-CV-II), based on bathymetric data analysis and remote sensing products interpretation. The Rio Grande do Norte state is located in northeastern Brazil and the work area is located at the transition region between the eastern and northern portions of their coast. The bathymetric surveys were conduced between march and may 2009, using a 10 meters long vessel and 0.70 meters draught, equipped with global positioning system and echo sounder (dual beam, 200KHz , 14°). The fieldwork resulted in 44 bathymetric profiles espaced 1.5 km and 30 km average length. The bathymetric data amount were 111,200 points and were navigated 1395.7 km within na area about 1,850 km2. The bathymetric data were corrected for the tide level, vessel draught and were subsequently entered into a geographic information system for further processing. Analysis of remote sensing products was carried out using Landsat 7/ETM + band 1, from november 1999. The image was used for visualization and mapping submerged features. The results showed the presence of geomorphological features within the study area. Were observed, from the analysis of local bathymetry and satellite image, seven types of geomorphological features. The channels, with two longitudinals channels (e. g. San Roque and Cioba channels) and other perpendicular to the coast (e. g. Touros, Pititinga and Barretas). Coastal reef formations (Maracajaú, Rio do Fogo and Cioba). Longitudinal waves, described in the literature as longitudinal dunes. The occurrence of a transverse dune field. Another feature observed was the oceanic reefs, an rock alignment parallel to the coast. Were identified four riscas , from north to south: risca do Liso, Gameleira, Zumbi, Pititinga (the latter being described for the first time). Finally, an oceanic terrace was observed in the deepest area of study. Image interpretation corroborated with the in situ results, enabling visualization and description for all features in the region. The results were analysed in an integrating method (using the diferent methodologies applied in this work) and it was essential to describe all features in the area. This method allowed us to evaluate which methods generated better results to describe certain features. From these results was possible to prove the existence of submerged features in the eastern shallow continental shelf of Rio Grande do Norte. In this way, the conclusions was (1) this study contributed to the provision of new information about the area in question, particularly with regard to data collection in situ depths, (2) the method of data collection and interpretation proves to be effective because, through this, it was possible to visualize and interpret the features present in the study area and (3) the interpretation and discussion of results in an integrated method, using different methodologies, can provide better results


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The 3D gravity modeling of the Potiguar rift basin consisted of a digital processing of gravity and aeromagnetic data, subsidized by the results of Euler deconvolution of gravity and magnetic data and the interpretation of seismic lines and wells descriptions. The gravity database is a compilation of independent geophysical surveys conducted by several universities, research institutions and governmental agencies. The aeromagnetic data are from the Bacia Potiguar and Plataforma Continental do Nordeste projects, obtained from the Brazilian Petroleum Agency (ANP). The solutions of the Euler Deconvolution allowed the analysis of the behavior of the rift main limits. While the integrated interpretation of seismic lines provided the delimitating horizons of the sedimentary formations and the basement top. The integration of these data allowed a 3D gravity modeling of basement topography, allowing the identification of a series of internal structures of the Potiguar rift, as well intra-basement structures without the gravity effect of the rift. The proposed inversion procedure of the gravity data allowed to identify the main structural features of the Potiguar rift, elongated in the NE-SW direction, and its southern and eastern faulted edges, where the sedimentary infill reachs thicknesses up to 5500 m. The southern boundary is marked by the Apodi and Baixa Grande faults. These faults seem to be a single NW-SE oriented fault with a strong bend to NE-SW direction. In addition, the eastern boundary of the rift is conditioned by the NE-SW trending Carnaubais fault system. It was also observed NW-SE oriented faults, which acted as transfer faults to the extensional efforts during the basin formation. In the central part of the residual anomaly map without the gravity effect of the rift stands out a NW-SE trending gravity high, corresponding to the Orós-Jaguaribe belt lithotypes. We also observe a gravity maximum parallel to the Carnaubais fault system. This anomaly is aligned to the eastern limit of the rift and reflects the contact of different crustal blocks, limited by the eastern ward counterpart of the Portalegre Shear Zone


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This study was carried out at Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, UNESP, Botucatu-SP, Brazil. The aim was to establish the normal values of bone mineral density (BMD) expressed in millimeters of aluminum in the tibia of broiler chickens using optical densitometry of radiographs. Four hundred Cobb male chicks were reared from 1 to 40 days of age, when 40 of them were selected and the right femur-tibia articulation was radiographed. Radiographs were taken with the X-ray equipment calibrated for 45 kvp and 3.2 mAs and a focus-to-film distance of 90 cm. An aluminum phantom ASTM-6063 consisting of 20 ladder steps with graduate density was placed parallel to the area to be radiographed and used as a densitometry reference standard. Radiograph images were analyzed using the software ATHENA - SIA. The proximal growth plate of the right tibia epiphysis was used as the standard reading region. The inclination axis of the reading window was 0 and the window was 10 mm high and 40-45 mm wide, depending on the bone size. Optical densitometry values of the radiographs ranged from 1.46 to 1.77 mmAl, and the coefficient of variation was 9.93%. It was concluded that densitometry values beyond the range established in the present study might indicate the presence of bone alteration in the tibia of broilers.


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Implants in craniofacial reconstructions improve prostheses retention and stability, comfort, and safety for the patient. According to biomechanical principles, the treatment success regarding osseointegration maintenance depends on an adequate surgery technique associated to a retention system that provides favorable tension distribution to implants. Implants in the mastoid area are a very important aid for retention of auricular prostheses. Color stability of resin and silicone is an important factor for longevity of auricular prostheses, and the high degree of satisfaction of patients with head and neck defects receiving epithesial reconstruction in the maxillofacial region is demonstrated.


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The maintenance of the avulsed teeth in appropriate media for preserving the cellular viability has been important for repairing the periodontal ligament and preventing the root resorption after tooth reimplantation. Propolis is a substance capable of preserving cellular viability. This study aimed to analyze the propolis substance as a storage media for maintaining the avulsed teeth, besides to determine the ideal time period for keeping the tooth inside it. Thus, 60 maxillary right central incisors of rats were extracted and divided into five groups. In groups I and II, teeth were kept in propolis for 60 min and 6 h, respectively; in group III, teeth were kept in milk for 6 h; in group IV, teeth were kept dry for 60 min; and in group V, they were immediately reimplanted. All teeth had their root canals filled with calcium hydroxide paste. Following, teeth were reimplanted in their sockets. After 15 and 60 days, animals were killed and the obtained samples were processed in laboratory for microscopic and morphometric analyzing. The results showed that the occurrence of inflammatory resorption, dental ankylosis and the formation of the connective tissue parallel to the root surface were similar among groups. It could be verified a greater occurrence of replacement resorption in group IV when comparing to other groups. In groups I and IV, the presence of periodontal ligament-like connective tissue was substantially smaller than the other groups. Regarding to the cementum amount over the root, it could be observed that this was present in smaller amount in groups I and IV. Group II was similar to groups III and IV. Therefore, according to the results of this study, the use of propolis as a storage media for maintaining avulsed teeth could be highlighted, and the 6-h period was more appropriate than the 60-min period.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The mature dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) is viewed by some investigators and the current authors, not as a fossilized, sharp transition between enamel and dentin, but as a relatively broad structural transition zone including the mantle dentin and the inner aprismatic enamel. In this study, the DEJ structure in bovine incisors was studied with synchrotron microComputed Tomography (microCT) using small cubes cut parallel to the tooth surface. The reconstructions revealed a zone of highly variable punctate contrast between bulk dentin and enamel; the mean linear attenuation coefficients and their standard deviations demonstrated that this zone averaged less mineral than dentin or enamel but had more highly variable structure than either. The region with the punctuate contrast is, therefore, the mantle dentin. The thickness of the mantle dentin seen in a typical data set was about 30 mu m, and the mantle dentin-enamel interface deviated +/- 15 mu m from the average plane over a distance of 520 mu m. In the highest resolution data (similar to 1.5 mu m isotropic voxels, volume elements), tubules in the dentin could be discerned in the vicinity of the DEJ. Contrast sensitivity was high enough to detect differences in mineral content between near-surface and near-DEJ volumes of the enamel. Reconstructions before and after two cubes were compressed to failure revealed cracks formed only in the enamel and did not propagate across the mantle dentin, regardless of whether loading was parallel to or perpendicular to the DEJ. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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During knee ligament reconstruction, the tendon graft is tensioned to prevent the occurrence of excessive graft elongation during the postoperative period. Tensioning may be achieved by applying a cyclic or static load to the graft during fixation. Although this procedure is part of the surgery, there is no consensus in international literature regarding ideal tension levels to be used in this procedure. This study was conducted on 10 tendons of the human gracilis muscle and 10 tendons of semitendinosus muscle removed from five male cadavers whose mean age was 20.8 years. These tendons underwent 10 in vitro strain cycles at three levels of deformation (2.5, 3, and 4%) and the value of the deforming load used for each cycle was recorded. The statistical analysis demonstrated that in order to attain the same level of deformation during the 10 cycles there was a reduction in the value of strain applied to the graft, observed at the three levels of deformation. It was concluded that the semitendinosus tendon presents a more uniform mechanical behavior and that there is a need for new graft tensioning protocols that consider the force associated with deformation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Spermiogenesis in Plagioscion squamosissimus occurs in cysts. It involves a gradual differentiation process of spermatids that is characterized mainly by chromatin compaction in the nucleus and formation of the flagellum, resulting in the spermatozoa, the smallest germ cells. At the end of spermiogenesis, the cysts open and release the newly formed spermatozoa into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules, the spermatozoa do not have an acrosome and are divided into head, midpiece, and tail or flagellum, the spermatozoa of P. squamosissimus are of perciform type with the flagellum parallel to the nucleus and the centrioles located outside the nuclear notch. (C) 1999 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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Spermatozoa ultrastructure was studied in five marines (Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Larimus breviceps, Cynoscion striatus, Micropogonias furnieri, Menticirrhus americanus, Umbrina coroides, Stellifer rastrifer), and one freshwater (Plagioscion squamosissimus) species of Sciaenidae and one species of Polynemidae (Polydactylus virginicus). The investigation revealed that, in all species, spermatozoa display a round head, a nucleus containing highly condensed, filamentous chromatin clusters, no acrosome, a short midpiece with a short cytoplasmic channel, and a flagellum showing the classic axoneme structure (9 + 2) and short irregular lateral fins. In Sciaenidae, the spermatozoa are type II, the flagellar axis is parallel to the nucleus, the lateral nuclear fossa is double arched, the centriolar complex is outside the nuclear fossa, the proximal centriole is anterior and perpendicular to the distal centriole, and no more than ten spherical (marine species) or elongate (freshwater species) mitochondria are observed. Polynemidae spermatozoa are of the intermediate type with the flagellar axis eccentric to the hemi-arc-shaped nucleus, and exhibit no nuclear fossa, the centriolar complex close to the upper nuclear end, the proximal centriole lateral and oblique to the distal centriole, and one large ring-shaped mitocondrion. The data available show that no characteristic is exclusively found in the spermatozoa of members of the Sciaenidae family when compared to other Percoidei with type II spermatozoa. However, three characteristics were exclusively found in Polynemidae: (1) the hemi-arched nucleus; the positioning of the centrioles; and (2) the ring-shaped mitocondrion. The interrelationships between Sciaenidae and Polynemidae as well as between these two families and other Percoidei are herein discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.