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Crude extracts from fruits, branches and leaves of Cipadessa fruticosa were assayed on Atta sexdens rubropilosa workers and their symbiotic fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus. The results showed that the majority of the extract tested reduced significantly (p < 0.05) the survival of the workers comparable to the neem oil. In addition, the dichloromethane extract from fruits and the hexane extract from branches of C. fruticosa inhibited in 80% the development of the symbiotic fungus. The hexane and dichloromethane extracts from fruits of C. fruticosa were fractionated and their fractions were subjected to new bioassays. Several fractions showed relevant activity on ants, but none of them inhibited significantly the fungal growth. The possibility of controlling leaf-cutting ants in the future using C. fruticosa is discussed.


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We assessed how the abundance of ant-tended Hemiptera associated with two Amazonian myrmecophytes, Tococa bullifera and Maieta guianensis, varied as a function of resident ant species. We collected five species or morpho-species of adult hemiptera in the domatia of M. guianensis, with four of these species also found in Tococa bullifera. Maieta guianensis plants inhabited by Crematogaster laevis had over four-fold more hemiptera in them than plants inhabited by Pheidole minutula. In contrast, the density of hemiptera in Tococa bullifera domatia was independent of the species of ant resident. For each of the two ant species inhabiting Maieta guianensis, there was a positive and significant relationship between the abundance of hemiptera and workers inhabiting a plant. This relationship was also significant and positive for the Tococa bullifera plants inhabited by C. laevis. However, there was no relationship between Azteca worker and hemipteran density, although there was a trend towards a positive relationship. Our results indicate that hemipteran abundance can vary significantly between different myrmecophyte species, but that the nature of this relationship is mediated by the identity of the ant associate. Because hemipterans are herbivores, the costs and benefits of different ant partners to the host plant may vary in ways that are often overlooked.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the microfungi present in young nests of Atta sexdens rubropilosa when the fungus gardens were deprived of worker ants. The results were compared with another study in which worker ants had been killed by using toxic baits, and some species such as Acremonium kiliense, Escovopsis weberi, Moniliella suaveolens and Trichoderma sp. were confirmed among the most common inhabitants of this microenvironment, but differences in composition and proportion of species were observed. The importance and the role of these and other species of fungi within the symbiosis are discussed.


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This paper describes the ultramorphology and histology of the venom reservoir in 14-day old workers of Apis mellifera, immediately before and after the application of electrical shocks with the object of causing venom elimination and reservoir collapse. The external epithelial surface of the reservoir was differentiated according to its morphological aspects into posterior, median, and proximal or duct regions at the ventral surface and into anterior and posterior regions at the dorsal surface. While the epithelium of the proximal region forms a ventral infolding, a dorsal salience is formed at this region. These structures and the epithelial regions persist both in full and empty reservoirs. The reservoir appeared full and distended before the electrical shocks were applied and became empty and withered afterwards due to the elimination of the secretion, without any reductions in length. Nevertheless, some secretion was kept inside the lumen, thus suggesting a possible role for the reservoir in the modification of the secretion.


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The aim of this study was to determine the flight range extension of the social wasps, Polistes simillimus. The results of the 125 wasps-carried out tests originating from 10 colonies in post-emergency stage demonstrated that the flight range extension of P. simillimus was of approximately 150m, resulting in a collection area of about 70.650m2 by colony. It suggested wasp's efficiency as a biological control agent.


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Hydrolytic enzymes from hypopharyngeal gland extracts of newly emerged, nurse and foraging workers of two eusocial bees, Scaptotrigona postica, a native Brazilian stingless bee, and the Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera) in Brazil, were compared. The hypopharyngeal gland is rich in enzymes in both species. Fifteen different enzymes were found in the extracts, with only a few quantitative differences between the species. Some of the enzymes present in the extracts may have intracellular functions, while others seem to be digestive enzymes. Scaptotrigona postica, had lower β-glucosidase and higher lipase esterase activities than A. mellifera. The differences may be due to different feeding habits and behavioral peculiarities of the two species. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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In 1956 African honeybee queens (Apis mellifera scutellata) were imported from South Africa and Tanzania to Brazil, as part of a government project to increase Brazilian honey production. The European honeybees existing in that country had not adapted well to the tropical conditions and consequently, had a low productivity. The newly introduced bee was known to produce substantially more honey than the other subspecies, but was also famous for its great aggressiveness and quicker attack of intruders with less disturbance. Hoping to create a new hybrid bee that would be both docile and productive, the scientist Warwick Estevam Kerr tried to cross the African and the European subspecies under controlled conditions. However, an accident resulted in the escape of 26 swarms into the Brazilian countryside, where their queens mated with drones of the European resident honeybees. The poly-hybrid bees resulting from these crossings expressed scutellata-like reproductive, foraging, and defensive behaviors and, for this reason, were called Africanized honeybees. They spread rapidly from the introduction area of the African honeybees (near Rio Claro, São Paulo state) to as far south as mid-Argentina and to the north of Texas, also settling in Arizona, New Mexico, California and Nevada, due to their high adaptability to variable ecological conditions. In spite of a few undesirable behaviors, these bees have been invoking larger economic interest because they produce much more honey, have good resistance to diseases and are excellent pollinators. In Brazil, because people frequently disturb the environment, the occupation of urban refuges by Africanized honeybees has been increasing in the last years. The concern with accidents is generally associated with the high swarming frequency recorded during the year and the variety of shelters available in urban areas. This paper deals with the biological characteristics of the Africanized honeybees, their nesting behavior in urban environments, and accidents caused by these bees in Brazilian cities.


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Using histochemical techniques, the present work describes the basic histochemical characteristics of the secretion in hypopharyngeal glands of Polistes versicolor (Olivier) and estimates the secretory activity in specimens of different ages. The secretory activity was determined by glandular cell diameter and by the amount of secretion present in the glands. The results did not reveal a relationship between these parameters and the age of the wasps, not allowing us to determine the development cycle of these glands throughout the wasps' life. Also, a relationship between glandular cell diameter and amount of secretion present in the glands was not observed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The social behavior of ants is controlled by means of dynamic interactions between the environment and the individuals, mainly through pheromones. Among the exocrine glands is the hypopharyngeal gland (HG), located laterally over the pharyngeal plate. The present work aimed to describe and compare the HG in the different castes of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel 1908. The HG of different castes showed similar morphology varying only in relation to the secretory cell number. The secretory intracellular reservoir presented positive reaction to Xylidine Ponceau and P.A.S, indicating the presence of protein and polysaccharides in the secretion. Therefore, we suggest that the function of this gland would be the production of digestive enzymes and/or some sort of mucus, which, together with the secretions produced by the salivary glands of the thorax, would be related to the production of saliva.


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The aim of the study was to analyze the preferences of ant species visiting the trunks of eight species of Magnoliophyta, belonging to the families Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Myrtaceae, Melastomataceae and Euphorbiaceae, located in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. A total of 101 ant species, belonging to eight subfamilies and 32 genera, were sampled during the 12-month collection period. Close to 30% of the ant species can be considered arboreal, and the others are species that nest in the ground and use trees only for foraging, which can be occasional, as in the case of the Ecitoninae sampled in Arecaceae and Euphorbiaceae. Pachycondyla mesonotalis was the only species collected on all the Magnoliophyta, whereas Camponotus rufipes, Acromyrmex niger and Crematogaster spp., were found on 87.5% of the trees analyzed. No strong similarities were found, using the Jaccard Index, among plant species in the same family of Magnoliophyta based on the visiting ants, except for the Euphorbiaceae species. This result is probably related to the presence of extra-floral nectar, which is very attractive to ants and characteristic of this family.


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The present study aimed to compare the attractiveness of industrial citrus pulp with the handmade orange albedo to the workers of Atta sexdens rubropilosa. For this, filter paper fragments were impregnated with organic extracts obtained through chemical extraction and sequential fractioning with hexane and dichloromethane and offered to different field nests. It was verified that the industrial citrus pulp extract is as good as the handmade orange albedo extract. This preference is discussed keeping in mind the chemical, behavioral and nutritional factors.


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Thirteen species of flower-visiting social wasps were collected from 41 plant species. The number of wasp species did not vary significantly. On the other hand, the number of individuals varied significantly during the data collection period. Four of the wasp species (Mischocyttarus lanei, Polybia ignobilis, Polybia occidentalis, and Polybia sericea) showed changes in body size over the year. The total wasp biomass and the number of plants monthly visited by wasps had a positive significant correlation. The structure of this social wasp community is characterized by a small number of dominant species, a large number species that are not frequently present and several plant species visited by few wasps. Social wasp species are differently affected by seasonal changes in the 'caatinga'.


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Elements of oocyte of Neoponera villosa ants (workers and queen) were analyzed histochemically and ultrastructurally. It was observed that lipids are the first element to be deposited. They appear in oocytes of all stages. Lipids probably arose in the younger oocytes (stages I and II) from mitochondria of their own cytoplasm and from the nurse cells as well. In mature oocytes (stage III) the cells of the follicular epithelium appears with droplets of lipids in their cytoplasm showing that besides the other sites, this epithelium can also be active in lipid synthesis.


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The morphohistochemical study of the fat body in royal and worker castes of Atta sexdens rubropilosa revealed that this tissue is made up of trophocytes and oenocytes, trophocytes being the cells with cytoplasmic inclusions and irregular nuclei and the oenocytes cells with homogeneous cytoplasm and rounded nuclei. The trophocytes of queens presented many lipidic and proteic granules, while those of workers presented trophocytes with fine granulation in the cytoplasm constituted mainly by lipids and carbohydrates. The oenocytes from the worker caste of A. s. rubropilosa presented cytoplasm filled mainly with lipoproteic material.