965 resultados para TGF-ß, IL-10, asthma, Treg


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We compared changes in markers of muscle damage and systemic inflammation after submaximal and maximal lengthening muscle contractions of the elbow flexors. Using a cross-over design, 10 healthy young men not involved in resistance training completed a submaximal trial (10 sets of 60 lengthening contractions at 10% maximum isometric strength, 1 min rest between sets), followed by a maximal trial (10 sets of three lengthening contractions at 100% maximum isometric strength, 3 min rest between sets). Lengthening contractions were performed on an isokinetic dynamometer. Opposite arms were used for the submaximal and maximal trials, and the trials were separated by a minimum of two weeks. Blood was sampled before, immediately after, 1 h, 3 h, and 1-4 d after each trial. Total leukocyte and neutrophil numbers, and the serum concentration of soluble tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor 1 were elevated after both trials (P < 0.01), but there were no differences between the trials. Serum IL-6 concentration was elevated 3 h after the submaximal contractions (P < 0.01). The concentrations of serum tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-1 receptor antagonist, IL-10, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor and plasma C-reactive protein remained unchanged following both trials. Maximum isometric strength and range of motion decreased significantly (P < 0.001) after both trials, and were lower from 1-4 days after the maximal contractions compared to the submaximal contractions. Plasma myoglobin concentration and creatine kinase activity, muscle soreness and upper arm circumference all increased after both trials (P < 0.01), but were not significantly different between the trials. Therefore, there were no differences in markers of systemic inflammation, despite evidence of greater muscle damage following maximal versus submaximal lengthening contractions of the elbow flexors.


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Oropharyngeal candidiasis is a common clinical problem encountered in patients with defects in innate or cell-mediated immunity. We have previously shown that recovery from chronic oropharyngeal candidiasis is dependent on CD4+ T-cell augmentation of neutrophil and macrophage candidacidal activity, and that the immune response is characterised by the production of cytokines such as IL-12 and IFN-gamma by cells in the local draining lymph nodes, and by the expression of TNF-alpha in the oral tissues. Objective: The purpose of this study was to elaborate on the role of these cytokines in recovery from oropharyngeal candidiasis, by using cytokine-specific gene-knockout mice. Methods: These mice are created by targeted gene mutation (tm1) of embryonic stem (ES) cells microinjected into host embryos. IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha knockout mice, and appropriate controls, were infected orally with 108 viable C. albicans yeasts. The infection was quantified by swabbing the oral cavity and plating on Sabouraud's agar. Results: Tnftm1mice developed an acute severe infection characterized by an increased fungal load in the early stages of infection, but cleared the yeast within the same time frame as control mice (21 days). On the other hand, Il12btm1 mice developed a chronic oropharyngeal infection (120 days) similar to that seen in T-cell deficient (Foxn1nu/Foxn1nu) mutant mice. There was no significant difference between Il4tm1, Il10tm1, and Ifngtm1 mice and their respective controls. Conclusions: Tnftm1 mice may be rendered more susceptible through impaired recruitment of phagocytic cells, and/or impaired killing of C. albicans, whereas Il12btm1 mice may not be capable of activating naïve T-cells or inducing an appropriate cellular immune response. Supported by NHMRC and ADRF.


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The use of cationic liposomes as experimental adjuvants for subunit peptide of protein vaccines is well documented. Recently the cationic liposome CAF01, composed of dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and trehalose dibehenate (TDB), has entered Phase I clinical trials for use in a tuberculosis (TB) vaccine. CAF01 liposomes are a heterogeneous population with a mean vesicle size of 500 nm; a strong retention of antigen at the injection site and a Th1-biassed immune response are noted. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether CAF01 liposomes of significantly different vesicle sizes exhibited altered pharmacokinetics in vivo and cellular uptake with activation in vitro. Furthermore, the immune response against the TB antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6 was followed when various sized CAF01 liposomes were used as vaccine adjuvants. The results showed no differences in vaccine (liposome or antigen) draining from the injection site, however, significant differences in the movement of liposomes to the popliteal lymph node were noted. Liposome uptake by THP-1 vitamin D3 stimulated macrophage-like cells did not show a liposome size-dependent pattern of uptake. Finally, whilst there were no significant differences in the IgG1/2 regardless of the liposome size used as a delivery vehicle for Ag85B-ESAT-6, vesicle size has a size dependent effect on cell proliferation and IL-10 production with larger liposomes (in excess of 2 µm) promoting the highest proliferation and lowest IL-10 responses, yet vesicles of ~500 nm promoting higher IFN-? cytokine production from splenocytes and higher IL-1ß at the site of injection.


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Purified B-cells fail to proliferate in response to the strong thymus-independent (TI) antigen Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the absence of macrophages (Corbel and Melchers, 1983). The fact that macrophages, or factors derived from them are required is supported by the inability of marginal zone B-cells in infants to respond to highly virulent strains of bacteria such as Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae (Timens, 1989). This may be due to the lack of CD21 expression on B-cells in infants which could associate with its co-receptor (C3d) on adjacent macrophages. It is not clear whether cell surface contacts and/or soluble products are involved in lymphocyte-macrophage interactions in response to certain antigens. This thesis describes the importance of the macrophage in lymphocyte responses to T-dependent (TD) and TI antigens. The major findings of this thesis were as follows: (1). Macrophages were essential for a full proliferative response to a range of T - and B-cell mitogens and TI-1 and TI-2 antigens, including Concanavalin A, LPS, Pokeweed mitogen (PWM), Dextran sulphate, Phytohaemagglutinin-P (PHA-P) and Poly[I][C]. (2). A ratio of 1 macrophage to 1000 lymphocytes was sufficient for the mitogens to exert their effects. (3). The optimal conditions were established for the activation of an oxidative burst in cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage as measured by luminometry. The order of ability was OpZ >PMA/lonomycin >f-MLP >Con A >DS >PHA >Poly[I][C] >LPS >PWM. Responses were only substantial and protracted with OpZ and PMA. Peritoneal macrophages were the most responsive cells, whereas splenic and alveolar macrophages were significantly less active and no response could be elicited with Kupffer cells, thus demonstrating heterogeneity between macrophages. (4). Activated macrophages that were then fixed with paraformaldehyde were unable to restore mitogenic responsiveness, even with a ratio of 1 macrophage to 5 lymphocytes. (5). Although highly purified T- and B-cells could respond to mitogen provided live macrophages were present, maximum activation was only observed when all 3 cell types were present. (6). Supernatants from purified macrophage cultures treated with a range of activators were able to partially restore lymphocyte responses to mitogen in macrophage-depleted splenocyte cultures, and purified T - and B-cell cultures. In fact supernatants from macrophages treated with LPS for only 30 minutes could restore responsiveness. Supernatants from OpZ treated macrophages were without effect. (7). Macrophage supernatants could not induce proliferation in the absence of mitogen. They therefore provide a co-mitogenic signal required by lymphocytes in order to respond to mitogen. (8). Macrophage product profiles revealed that LPS and Con A-treated macrophage supernatants showed elevated levels of IL-1β, TNF -α L TB4 and TXB2. These products were therefore good candidates as the co-mitogenic factor. The possible inhibitory factors secreted by OpZ-treated macrophages were PGE2, IL-10 and NO. (9). The removal of cytokines, eicosanoids and TNF-α from LPS-treated macrophage supernatants using Cycloheximide, Dexamethasone and an MMPI respectively, resulted in the inability of these supernatants to restore macrophage-depleted lymphocyte responses to mitogen. (10). rIL-1β and rTNF-α are co-mitogenic factors, as macrophage-depleted lymphocytes incubated with rIL-1β and rTNF-α can respond to mitogen.


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Liposomes remain at the forefront of vaccine design due to their well documented abilities to act as delivery vehicles and adjuvants. Liposomes have been described to initiate an antigen depot-effect, thereby increasing antigen exposure to circulating antigen-presenting cells. More recently, in-depth reviews have focussed on inherent immunostimulatory abilities of various cationic lipids, the use of which is consequently of interest in the development of subunit protein vaccines which when delivered without an adjuvant are poorly immunogenic. The importance of liposomes for the mediation of an antigen depot-effect was examined by use of a dual-radiolabelling technique thereby allowing simultaneous detection of liposomal and antigenic components and analysis of their pharmacokinetic profile. In addition to investigating the biodistribution of these formulations, their physicochemical properties were analysed and the ability of the various liposome formulations to elicit humoral and cell-mediated immune responses was investigated. Our results show a requirement of cationic charge and medium/strong levels of antigen adsorption to the cationic liposome in order for both a liposome and antigen depot-effect to occur at the injection site. The choice of injection route had little effect on the pharmacokinetics or immunogenicity observed. In vitro, cationic liposomes were more cytotoxic than neutral liposomes due to significantly enhanced levels of cell uptake. With regards to the role of bilayer fluidity, liposomes expressing more rigid bilayers displayed increased retention at the injection site although this did not necessarily result in increased antigen retention. Furthermore, liposome bilayer rigidity did not necessarily correlate with improved immunogenicity. In similar findings, liposome size did not appear to control liposome or antigen retention at the injection site. However, a strong liposome size correlation between splenocyte proliferation and production of IL-10 was noted; specifically immunisation with large liposomes lead to increased levels of splenocyte proliferation coupled with decreased IL-10 production.