976 resultados para Sybil attack


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Une stratégie de synthèse efficace de différents composés de type azabicyclo[X.Y.0]alkanone fonctionnalisés a été développée. La stratégie synthétique implique la préparation de dipeptides par couplage avec des motifs vinyl-, allyl-, homoallyl- et homohomoallylglycine suivi d’une réaction de fermeture de cycle par métathèse permettant d’obtenir des lactames macrocycliques de 8, 9 et 10 membres, qui subissent une iodolactamisation transannulaire menant à l’obtention de mimes peptidiques bicycliques portant un groupement iode. Des couplages croisés catalysés par des métaux de transition ont été développés pour la synthèse d’acides aminés ω-insaturés énantiomériquement purs à partir de l’iodoanaline. L’étude du mécanisme suggère que l’iodure subit une attaque du coté le moins stériquement encombré de la lactame macrocyclique insaturée pour mener à l’obtention d’un intermédiaire iodonium. La cyclisation se produit ensuite par une route minimisant les interactions diaxiales et la tension allylique. L’iodolactamisation des différentes lactames macrocycliques insaturées a mené à l’obtention regio- et diastéréosélective d’acides aminés 5,5- et 6,6-iodobicycicliques. De plus, une imidate azabicyclo[4.3.1]alkane pontée de type anti-Bredt fut synthétisée à partir d’une lactame macrocyclique insaturé à neuf membres. Les analyses cristallographiques et spectroscopiques des macrocycles à 8, 9 et 10 membres, du composé iodobicyclique 5,5 ainsi que de l’imidate pontée, montrent bien le potentiel de ces dipeptides rigidifiés de servir en tant que mimes des résidus centraux de tours β de type I, II’, II et VI.


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La transglutaminase tissulaire est une enzyme dépendante du calcium qui catalyse la formation de liens isopeptidiques, entre les chaînes latérales de résidus glutamine et lysine, permettant, par le fait même, la réticulation des protéines dans les systèmes biologiques. Elle joue un rôle, entre autres, dans l’endocytose, la régulation du développement des cellules, et même dans l’apoptose. Néanmoins, une dérégulation de l’activité biologique de cette enzyme peut entrainer différentes pathologies, comme la formation de cataractes, de plaques amyloïdes dans la maladie d’Alzheimer, ou encore peut mener au développement de la maladie céliaque. C’est pourquoi une meilleure connaissance du mécanisme d’action de cette enzyme et la possibilité de réguler son action à l’aide de substrats ou d’inhibiteurs sont nécessaires. Dans cette optique, une méthode d’expression et de purification de la transglutaminase humaine a été développée, permettant de travailler directement avec la cible pharmacologique désirée. De plus, une étude du mode d’inhibition et de liaison d’une classe d’inhibiteurs réversibles précédemment découverte dans le groupe, soit la famille des trans-cinnamoyles, a permis d’identifier que la puissance de ces molécules est influencée par la présence du calcium et qu’une inhibition dépendante du temps est observée, en lien avec un potentiel équilibre conformationnel lent de la transglutaminase. D’un autre côté, la susceptibilité à une attaque nucléophile par des thiols de cette classe de molécule rend leur potentiel pharmacologique grandement diminué, et c’est pourquoi une nouvelle famille de molécules a été identifiée, basée sur un squelette ynone, avec une valeur d’IC50 très prometteuse de 2,6 μM, en faisant un des meilleurs inhibiteurs réversibles de la transglutaminase développés à ce jour. Finalement, une stratégie de photomarquage jumelée à une analyse de spectrométrie de masse en tandem a été développée pour la découverte du site de liaison du substrat dérivé de la lysine, dans le but de mieux comprendre le mécanisme complexe de cette enzyme.


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The objective of this thesis was to quantify the physiological responses such as O2 uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR) and blood lactate ([LA]) to some types of activities associated with intermittent sports in athletes. Our hypothesis is that the introduction of accelerations and decelerations with or without directional changes results in a significative increase of the oxygen consumption, heart rate and blood lactate. The purpose of the first study was to measure and compare the VO2 and the HR of 6 on-court tennis drills at both high and low displacement speeds. These drills were done with and without striking the ball, over full and half-width court, in attack or in defense mode, using backhand or forehand strokes. Results show that playing an attacking style requires 6.5% more energy than playing a defensive style (p < 0.01) and the backhand stroke required 7% more VO2 at low speed than forehand stroke (p < 0.05) while the additional cost of striking the ball lies between 3.5 and 3.0 mL kg-1 min-1. Finally, while striking the ball, the energy expanded during a shuttle displacement on half-width court is 14% higher than running on full-width court. Studies #2 and #3 focused on different modes of displacement observed in irregular sports. The objective of the second study was to measure and compare VO2, HR and [LA] responses to randomly performed multiple fractioned runs with directional changes (SR) and without directional changes (FR) to those of in-line running (IR) at speeds corresponding to 60, 70 and 80% of the subject’s maximal aerobic speed (MAS). All results show that IR’s VO2 was significantly lower than SR’s and FR’s (p<0.05). SR’s VO2 was greater than FR’s only at speeds corresponding to 80%MAS. On the other hand, HR was similar in SR and FR but significantly higher than IR’s (p<0.05). [LA] varied between 4.2 ± 0.8 and 6.6 ± 0.9 mmol L-1 without significant differences between the 3 displacement modes. Finally, the third study’s objective was to measure and compare VO2 , HR and [LA] responses during directional changes at different angles and at different submaximal running speeds corresponding to 60, 70 and 80% MAS. Subjects randomly performed 4 running protocols 1) a 20-m shuttle running course (180°) (SR), 2) an 8-shaped running course with 90-degree turns every 20 m (90R), 3) a Zigzag running course (ZZR) with multiple close directional changes (~ 5 m) at different angle values of 91.8°, 90° and 38.6°, 4) an In-line run (IR) for comparison purposes. Results show that IR’s was lower (p<0.001) than for 90R’s, SR’s and ZZR’s at all intensities. VO2 obtained at 60 and 70%MAS was 48.7 and 38.1% higher during ZZR when compared to IR while and depending on the intensity, during 90R and SR was between 15.5 and 19.6% higher than during IR. Also, ZZR’s VO2 was 26.1 and 19.5% higher than 90R’s, 26.1 and 15.5% higher than SR’s at 60 and 70%MAS. SR’s and 90R’s VO2 were similar. Changing direction at a 90° angle and at 180° angle seem similar when compared to continuous in-line running. [LA] levels were similar in all modalities. Overall, the studies presented in this thesis allow the quantification of the specific energetic demands of certain types of displacement modes in comparison with conventional forward running. Also, our results confirm that the energy cost varies and increase with the introduction of accelerations and decelerations with and without directional changes.


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Alice au pays des merveilles et Nietzsche n'ont en commun ni la dentelle ni la chanson. Quelque chose de beaucoup plus fort les unit toutefois; nous le découvrirons peut-être ce jour où voleront les cochons. Ou à la fin de cette pièce, selon le bon vouloir des principaux-ales intéressé-e-s. Pendant ce temps, du fin fond de leur enclos, ils et elles n'en peuvent plus d'attendre. Leur salut ? L'heure du glas ? Leur heure de gloire ? Grands incapables, pugilistes décadents qui se tuent à ne pas se tuer, se déchaînent dans le verbiage, s'érigeant malgré eux contre toute forme de verve. Combattre cet Autre qui s'immisce insidieusement en soi et qui conduit à la perte du moi. C'est dans une folle lucidité que les égos se dérangent sans échanger, s'attaquent sans s'atteindre, hurlent sans être entendus, dans l'espoir, peut-être, de se réveiller in the land of Nod. Comme l’indique le titre, Chroniques de maux (de l’extrême ordinaire) met en scène une suite de chroniques dans lesquelles les principaux-ales intéressé-e-s témoignent de leur mal-être, et ce, à travers l’exploration de lieux communs. La dramaturgie tente, entre autres, de mettre en place une poésie de l’invective et de l’humour; une esthétique du trash-talking et de la logorrhée. Une importance particulière est accordée au rythme et au langage. L’atmosphère alterne résolument lourdeur et ludisme. La pièce Rouge Gueule, d'Étienne Lepage, présente une mécanique visant manifestement à « attaquer » l'Autre, qu’il s’agisse d’un personnage ou du lecteur-spectateur. Les attaques se perpètrent d'une part par un humour cru, influencé par la culture populaire, le trivial; un humour qui fonctionne de manière plutôt classique en convoquant des procédés aisément repérables et sans cesse réutilisés par l'auteur. D’autre part, la mécanique de « combat » se manifeste par l'invective, ainsi que par une violence caractérisée, du début à la fin, par un manque dans la motivation des actions. Ainsi, l’étude Attaques à vide. Bousculer la situation théâtrale au confluent de l’humour et la violence s’intéresse à Rouge Gueule, aux relations qu'entretiennent l’humour et l'univers brutal de la pièce, dans la perspective où l’humour est inextricablement lié à la violence. Une attention particulière est portée sur le personnage type de Lepage de même que sur l’esthétique de « l'arsenal » trash. Cette dernière est analysée afin de mieux circonscrire les attaques : sont-elles des moyens, et le cas échéant, pour parvenir à quelle fin puisque la fable, et donc la « quête », dans le théâtre contemporain est souvent remise en question. Cette étude verra comment les attaques « à vide », sont, chez Lepage, la force motrice de ce que Hans-Thies Lehmann nomme la « situation théâtrale ».


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La recherche portera sur la montée des vidéos de gay bashing depuis 2013. Par vidéo de gay bashing, nous entendons des vidéos documentant l’abus physique ou verbal d’individus perçus par les agresseurs comme étant gais, lesbiennes, bisexuels, transgenres ou queer, mais nous nous concentrerons spécifiquement sur des vidéos montrant des agressions envers des hommes. Ces vidéos peuvent être enregistrées par les agresseurs eux-mêmes ou par des témoins de la scène. Il s’agira de situer cette montée dans un contexte politique de retour de lois et sentiments anti-LGBT dans les pays d’où proviennent certaines des vidéos étudiées et par rapport aux différentes théories anthropologiques et socio-historiques concernant les sources et motivations derrière les actes de violence homophobe. Le corpus se composera de trois vidéos venant de Russie («Putin’s Crackdown on LGBT Teens un Russia»), de Lybie («Gay torture and violent in Lybia») et des États-Unis («Attack at gay pride event in Detroit»). L’analyse du corpus se fera en trois temps : d’abord l’analyse de la forme et du contenu des vidéos en tant que tels, ensuite, l’analyse de leur circulation et des différents utilisateurs qui distribuent les vidéos en ligne, et, finalement, l’analyse de la réception des vidéos en portant attention aux commentaires des utilisateurs. Il s’agira de montrer comment les vidéos de gay-bashing effectuent une rupture par rapport à une vision de YouTube, et autres médias sociaux, comme libérateurs et comme lieux d’expression de soi (particulièrement pour les membres des communautés LGBT) et les transforment en lieux d’une humiliation triplée par l’enregistrement de l’humiliation physique et sa diffusion sur le web. Il s’agira ensuite de voir comment la circulation et la redistribution de ces vidéos par différents groupes et utilisateurs les instrumentalisent selon différents agendas politiques et idéologiques, pour finalement se questionner, en s’inspirant du triangle de l’humiliation de Donald Klein, sur le rôle ambivalent du témoin (physique ou virtuel) dont la présence est nécessaire pour qu’il y ait humiliation. Finalement, nous nous intéresserons aux vidéos de témoignages de gay-bashing, vidéos faites par les victimes elles-mêmes, racontant leur traumatisme à la caméra, renouant ainsi avec les vidéos de coming out sous la forme de l’aveu et de la spectacularisation du soi. La présente recherche sera également l’occasion de développer des outils théoriques et méthodologiques propres aux nouveaux médias et aux nouvelles formes et contenus qui s’y développent.


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L’environnement façonne la physiologie, la morphologie et le comportement des organismes par l’entremise de processus écologiques et évolutifs complexes et multidimensionnels. Le succès reproducteur des animaux est déterminé par la valeur adaptative d’un phénotype dans un environnement en modification constante selon une échelle temporelle d’une à plusieurs générations. De plus, les phénotypes sont façonnés par l’environnement, ce qui entraine des modifications adaptatives des stratégies de reproduction tout en imposant des contraintes. Dans cette thèse, considérant des punaises et leurs parasitoïdes comme organismes modèles, j’ai investigué comment plusieurs types de plasticité peuvent interagir pour influencer la valeur adaptative, et comment la plasticité des stratégies de reproduction répond à plusieurs composantes des changements environnementaux (qualité de l’hôte, radiation ultraviolette, température, invasion biologique). Premièrement, j’ai comparé la réponse comportementale et de traits d’histoire de vie à la variation de taille corporelle chez le parasitoïde Telenomus podisi Ashmead (Hymenoptera : Platygastridae), démontrant que les normes de réaction des comportements étaient plus souvent positives que celles des traits d’histoires de vie. Ensuite, j’ai démontré que la punaise prédatrice Podisus maculiventris Say (Hemiptera : Pentatomidae) peut contrôler la couleur de ses œufs, et que la pigmentation des œufs protège les embryons du rayonnement ultraviolet; une composante d’une stratégie complexe de ponte qui a évoluée en réponse à une multitude de facteurs environnementaux. Puis, j’ai testé comment le stress thermique affectait la dynamique de la mémoire du parasitoïde Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera : Platygastridae) lors de l’apprentissage de la fiabilité des traces chimiques laissées par son hôte. Ces expériences ont révélé que des températures hautes et basses prévenaient l’oubli, affectant ainsi l’allocation du temps passé par les parasitoïdes dans des agrégats d’hôtes contenant des traces chimiques. J’ai aussi développé un cadre théorique général pour classifier les effets de la température sur l’ensemble des aspects comportementaux des ectothermes, distinguant les contraintes des adaptations. Finalement, j’ai testé l’habileté d’un parasitoïde indigène (T. podisi) à exploiter les œufs d’un nouveau ravageur invasif en agriculture, Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera : Pentatomidae). Les résultats ont montré que T. podisi attaque les œufs de H. halys, mais qu’il ne peut s’y développer, indiquant que le ravageur invasif s’avère un « piège évolutif » pour ce parasitoïde. Cela pourrait indirectement bénéficier aux espèces indigènes de punaises en agissant comme un puits écologique de ressources (œufs) et de temps pour le parasitoïde. Ces résultats ont des implications importantes sur la réponse des insectes, incluant ceux impliqués dans les programmes de lutte biologique, face aux changements environnementaux.


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Submarine hull structure is a watertight envelope, under hydrostatic pressure when in operation. Stiffened cylindrical shells constitute the major portion of these submarine hulls and these thin shells under compression are susceptible to buckling failure. Normally loss of stability occurs at the limit point rather than at the bifurcation point and the stability analysis has to consider the change in geometry at each load step. Hence geometric nonlinear analysis of the shell forms becomes. a necessity. External hydrostatic pressure will follow the deformed configuration of the shell and hence follower force effect has to be accounted for. Computer codes have been developed based on all-cubic axisymmetric cylindrical shell finite element and discrete ring stiffener element for linear elastic, linear buckling and geometric nonIinear analysis of stiffened cylindrical shells. These analysis programs have the capability to treat hydrostatic pressure as a radial load and as a follower force. Analytical investigations are carried out on two attack submarine cylindrical hull models besides standard benchmark problems. In each case, the analysis has been carried out for interstiffener, interdeepframe and interbulkhead configurations. The shell stiffener attachment in each of this configuration has been represented by the simply supported-simply supported, clamped-clamped and fixed-fixed boundary conditions in this study. The results of the analytical investigations have been discussed and the observations and conclusions are described. Rotation restraint at the ends is influential for interstiffener and interbulkhead configurations and the significance of axial restraint becomes predominant in the interbulkhead configuration. The follower force effect of hydrostatic pressure is not significant in interstiffener and interdeepframe configurations where as it has very high detrimental effect on buckling pressure on interbulkhead configuration. The geometric nonlinear interbulkhead analysis incorporating follower force effect gives the critical value of buckling pressure and this analysis is recommended for the determination of collapse pressure of stiffened cylindrical submarine shells.


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Wind energy has emerged as a major sustainable source of energy.The efficiency of wind power generation by wind mills has improved a lot during the last three decades.There is still further scope for maximising the conversion of wind energy into mechanical energy.In this context,the wind turbine rotor dynamics has great significance.The present work aims at a comprehensive study of the Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) aerodynamics by numerically solving the fluid dynamic equations with the help of a finite-volume Navier-Stokes CFD solver.As a more general goal,the study aims at providing the capabilities of modern numerical techniques for the complex fluid dynamic problems of HAWT.The main purpose is hence to maximize the physics of power extraction by wind turbines.This research demonstrates the potential of an incompressible Navier-Stokes CFD method for the aerodynamic power performance analysis of horizontal axis wind turbine.The National Renewable Energy Laboratory USA-NREL (Technical Report NREL/Cp-500-28589) had carried out an experimental work aimed at the real time performance prediction of horizontal axis wind turbine.In addition to a comparison between the results reported by NREL made and CFD simulations,comparisons are made for the local flow angle at several stations ahead of the wind turbine blades.The comparison has shown that fairly good predictions can be made for pressure distribution and torque.Subsequently, the wind-field effects on the blade aerodynamics,as well as the blade/tower interaction,were investigated.The selected case corresponded to a 12.5 m/s up-wind HAWT at zero degree of yaw angle and a rotational speed of 25 rpm.The results obtained suggest that the present can cope well with the flows encountered around wind turbines.The areodynamic performance of the turbine and the flow details near and off the turbine blades and tower can be analysed using theses results.The aerodynamic performance of airfoils differs from one another.The performance mainly depends on co-efficient of performnace,co-efficient of lift,co-efficient of drag, velocity of fluid and angle of attack.This study shows that the velocity is not constant for all angles of attack of different airfoils.The performance parameters are calculated analytically and are compared with the standardized performance tests.For different angles of ,the velocity stall is determined for the better performance of a system with respect to velocity.The research addresses the effect of surface roughness factor on the blade surface at various sections.The numerical results were found to be in agreement with the experimental data.A relative advantage of the theoretical aerofoil design method is that it allows many different concepts to be explored economically.Such efforts are generally impractical in wind tunnels because of time and money constraints.Thus, the need for a theoretical aerofoil design method is threefold:first for the design of aerofoil that fall outside the range of applicability of existing calalogs:second,for the design of aerofoil that more exactly match the requirements of the intended application:and third,for the economic exploration of many aerofoil concepts.From the results obtained for the different aerofoils,the velocity is not constant for all angles of attack.The results obtained for the aerofoil mainly depend on angle of attack and velocity.The vortex generator technique was meticulously studies with the formulation of the specification for the right angle shaped vortex generators-VG.The results were validated in accordance with the primary analysis phase.The results were found to be in good agreement with the power curve.The introduction of correct size VGs at appropriate locations over the blades of the selected HAWT was found to increase the power generation by about 4%


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White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is the deadliest virus among crustaceans ever discovered having several unique and novel features. Recent developments in genomics and proteomics could elucidate the molecular process involved in the WSSV infection and the host pathogen interaction to some extent. Until now no fool proof treatment or prophylactic measure has been made available to control WSSV out breaks in culture system. Even though there are technologies like application of immunostimulants, vaccines, RNAi and several antiviral natural products none of them has been taken to the level of clinical trials. However, there are several management options such as application of bioremediation technologies to maintain the required environmental quality, maintenance of zero water exchange systems coupled with application of probiotics and vaccines which on adoption shall pave way for successful crops amidst the rapid spread of the virus. In this context the present work was undertaken to develop a drug from mangrove plants for protecting shrimp from WSSV.Mangroves belong to those ecosystems that are presently under the threat of destruction, diversion and blatant attack in the name of so called ‘developmental activities’. Mangrove plants have unique ecological features as it serves as an ecotone between marine and terrestrial ecosystem and hence possess diversity of metabolites with diverse activities. This prompted them being used as remedial measures for several ailments for ages. Among the mangrove plants Ceriops tagal, belonging to the family Rhizophororaceae was in attention for many years for isolating new metabolites such as triterpenes, phenolic compounds, etc. Even though there were attempts to study various plant extracts to develop anti-viral preparations their activity against WSSV was not investigated as yet.


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n the recent years protection of information in digital form is becoming more important. Image and video encryption has applications in various fields including Internet communications, multimedia systems, medical imaging, Tele-medicine and military communications. During storage as well as in transmission, the multimedia information is being exposed to unauthorized entities unless otherwise adequate security measures are built around the information system. There are many kinds of security threats during the transmission of vital classified information through insecure communication channels. Various encryption schemes are available today to deal with information security issues. Data encryption is widely used to protect sensitive data against the security threat in the form of “attack on confidentiality”. Secure transmission of information through insecure communication channels also requires encryption at the sending side and decryption at the receiving side. Encryption of large text message and image takes time before they can be transmitted, causing considerable delay in successive transmission of information in real-time. In order to minimize the latency, efficient encryption algorithms are needed. An encryption procedure with adequate security and high throughput is sought in multimedia encryption applications. Traditional symmetric key block ciphers like Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES) are not efficient when the data size is large. With the availability of fast computing tools and communication networks at relatively lower costs today, these encryption standards appear to be not as fast as one would like. High throughput encryption and decryption are becoming increasingly important in the area of high-speed networking. Fast encryption algorithms are needed in these days for high-speed secure communication of multimedia data. It has been shown that public key algorithms are not a substitute for symmetric-key algorithms. Public key algorithms are slow, whereas symmetric key algorithms generally run much faster. Also, public key systems are vulnerable to chosen plaintext attack. In this research work, a fast symmetric key encryption scheme, entitled “Matrix Array Symmetric Key (MASK) encryption” based on matrix and array manipulations has been conceived and developed. Fast conversion has been achieved with the use of matrix table look-up substitution, array based transposition and circular shift operations that are performed in the algorithm. MASK encryption is a new concept in symmetric key cryptography. It employs matrix and array manipulation technique using secret information and data values. It is a block cipher operated on plain text message (or image) blocks of 128 bits using a secret key of size 128 bits producing cipher text message (or cipher image) blocks of the same size. This cipher has two advantages over traditional ciphers. First, the encryption and decryption procedures are much simpler, and consequently, much faster. Second, the key avalanche effect produced in the ciphertext output is better than that of AES.


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Sphaeroma terebrans Bate, one of the most destructive wood-boring isopod crustacean occurring in the Cochin harbour region was taken up for investigations on its habitat, breeding, attack on timber, salinity tolerance and respiration. The respiration of the animal under different stresses was noted using an instrument fabricated in the laboratory. Of the various hydrographic conditions of the Cochin harbour region studied, salinity is found to be the most fluctuating factor and the variations are largely influenced by the seasonal rain fall from one side and the tidal currents on the other.In spite of the great fluctuations in salinity, Sphaeroma terebrans occurs throughout the year in the Cochin harbour region, though their number varies in different months. Exposure tests show that Sphaeroma terebrans can remain for about 20 to 24 hours outside water in a damp atmosphere.


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In today's complicated computing environment, managing data has become the primary concern of all industries. Information security is the greatest challenge and it has become essential to secure the enterprise system resources like the databases and the operating systems from the attacks of the unknown outsiders. Our approach plays a major role in detecting and managing vulnerabilities in complex computing systems. It allows enterprises to assess two primary tiers through a single interface as a vulnerability scanner tool which provides a secure system which is also compatible with the security compliance of the industry. It provides an overall view of the vulnerabilities in the database, by automatically scanning them with minimum overhead. It gives a detailed view of the risks involved and their corresponding ratings. Based on these priorities, an appropriate mitigation process can be implemented to ensure a secured system. The results show that our approach could effectively optimize the time and cost involved when compared to the existing systems


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Several natural and synthetic supports have been assessed for their efficiency for enzyme immobilization. Synthetic polymer materials are prepared by chemical polymerization using various monomers. As a kind of important carrier, synthetic polymer materials exhibit the advantages of good mechanical rigidity, high specific surface area, inertness to microbial attack, easy to change their surface characteristics, and their potential for bringing specific functional group according to actual needs. Hence, they have been widely investigated and used for enzyme immobilization. When it comes to the natural polymer materials, much attention has been paid to cellulose and other natural polymer materials owing to their wide range of sources, easy modification, nontoxic, and pollution-free, with a possibility of introducing wide variety of functional groups and good biocompatible properties. In this work report the use of synthetic polymer, polypyrrole and its derivatives and natural polymers coconut fiber and sugarcane bagasse as supports for Diastase α- amylase immobilization. An attempt was also made to functionalize both synthetic and natural polymers using Amino-propyl triethoxysilane. Supports and their immobilized forms were characterized via FT-IR, TG, SEM, XRD, BET and EDS techniques. Immobilization parameters were also optimized so as to prepare stable immobilized biocatalyst for starch hydrolysis.


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Soft clays known for their high compressibility, low stiffness and low shear strength are always associated with large settlement. In place soil treatment using calcium-based stabilizers like lime and cement is a feasible solution to readdress strength deficiencies and problematic shrink/swell behaviour of unstable subgrade soils. Out of these, lime has been proved unambiguously as the most effective and economical stabilising agent for marine clays. Lime stabilisation creates long-term chemical changes in unstable clay soils to create strong, but flexible, permanent structural layers in foundations and other pavement systems. Even though calcium-based stabilizers can improve engineering properties of soft clays, problems can arise when they are used in soils rich in sulphates. It is possible for marine clays to be enriched with sulphates, either by nature or due to the discharge of nearby industrial wastes containing sulphates. The presence of sulphates is reported to adversely affect the cation exchange and pozzolanic reactions of cement and lime treated soil systems. The anions of sulphates may combine with the available calcium and alumina, and form insoluble ettringite in the soil system. Literature on sulphate attack in lime treated marine clays reports that formation of ettringite in lime-sodium sulphate-clay system is capable of adversely affecting the engineering behavior of marine clays. Only very few studies have been conducted on soft marine clays found along the coastal belt of Kerala and that too, is limited to Cochin marine clays. The studies conducted also have the limitation that the strength behaviour of lime stabilised clay was investigated only for one year. Practically no data pertaining to long term adverse effects likely to be brought about by sulphates on the strength and compressibility characteristics of Cochin marine clays is available. The overriding goal of this investigation was thus to examine the effectiveness of lime stabilisation in Cochin marine clays under varying sulphate contents. The study aims to reveal the changes brought about by varying sulphate contents on both physical and engineering properties of these clays stabilised by lime and the results for various curing periods up to two years is presented in this thesis. Quite often the load causing an unacceptable settlement may be less than the load required to cause shear failure and therefore attempt has been made in this research to highlight sulphate induced changes in both the compressibility and strength characteristics of lime treated Cochin marine clays. The study also aimed at comparing the available IS methods for sulphate quantification and has attempted to determine the threshold level of sulphate likely make these clays vulnerable by lime stabilisation. Clays used in this study were obtained from two different sites in Kochi and contained sulphate in two different concentrations viz., 0.5% and 0.1%. Two different lime percentages were tried out, 3% and 6%. Sulphate content was varied from 1% to 4% by addition of reagent grade sodium sulphate. The long term influence of naturally present sulphate is also investigated. X-ray diffraction studies and SEM studies have been undertaken to understand how the soil-lime reactions are affected in the presence of sodium sulphate. Natural sulphate content of 0.1% did not seem to have influenced normal soil lime reactions but 0.5% sulphate could induce significant changes adversely in both compressibility and strength behaviour of lime treated clays after long duration. Compressibility is seen to increase drastically with increasing sulphate content suggesting formation of ettringite on curing for longer periods. Increase in compression index and decrease in bond strength with curing period underlined the adverse effects induced in lime treated marine clays by the presence of sulphates. Presence of sulphate in concentrations ranging from 0.5 % to 4% is capable of adversely affecting the strength of lime treated marine clays. Considerable decrease is observed with increasing concentrations of sulphate. Ettringite formation due to domination of sodium ions in the system was confirmed in mineralogical studies made. Barium chloride and barium hydroxide is capable of bringing about beneficial changes both in compressibility and strength characteristics of lime treated Cochin marine clays in the presence of varying concentrations of sulphate and is strongly influenced by curing time. Clay containing sodium sulphate has increased strength values when either of barium compounds was used with lime ascompared with specimens treated with lime only. Barium hydroxide is observed to remarkably increase the strength as compared to barium chloride,when used in conjunction with lime to counteract the effect of sulphate.


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Die Arbeit analysiert die Gründe, die erst zur Golfkrise führten und dann zum darauf folgenden Golfkrieg. Es geht diesbezüglich darum festzustellen, ob die damalige US Regierung unter George Bush, die Invasion Kuwaits zum Ausbau der US-amerikanischen Hegemonie nicht nur in der Golfregion ausnutzte, sondern ob sie die Invasion begünstigte oder sogar provozierte, um als Hegemon in den internationalen Beziehungen herrschen zu können. Aus Sicht der internationalen Mächte Konstellation ergab sich 1990, nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer (1989) und letztendlich mit der Disintegration der Sowjet Union 1991, für die USA die Gelegenheit ohne großes realpolitisches Risiko einen Krieg in einer Region zu entfachen, mit dem sie als Sieger sich die Rohstoffe (Ö l, 2/3 der bekannten Welt Ö lreserven, ect) der Golfregion aneignen könnten. Ferner würde eine Dominanz über diese Region, die als geostrategisch äuß erst wichtig gilt ihren Status als Hegemon weiter ausbauen. Um die Entwicklung der US Hegemonie zu eruieren werden kurz weitere Stationen, nach dem Golfkrieg 1991, durchleuchtet: wie z.B. der Kosovo-Krieg 1999, der 11.9.2001, der Afghanistan Krieg 2001 & der 3. Golfkrieg der USA 2003. Theoretisch wird vor allem die Hegemonietheorie auf ihre Stärken und ggf. Schwächen, in Bezug auf den 2. Golfkrieg untersucht, um zu sehen ob sie nicht nur eine Erklärung für den Krieg abgeben kann, sondern auch ob sie den weiteren Verlauf der US Auß enpolitik eruieren kann. Der empirische Teil besteht größt enteils aus der diplomatischen Geschichte zwischen den Hauptakteuren Irak, USA, Kuwait, ect. Ö konomische Aspekte kommen vor allem bei der Analyse über die Auswirkung der damaligen (US) Rezession von 1990 zu Geltung und in wiefern diese die Golfkrise und den drauf folgenden Krieg beeinfluß ten. Gegen Ende der Arbeit werden die theoretischen und die empirischen Daten nochmals auf ihre Koherenz untersucht, um ein in sich geschlossenes Gesamtbild des 2. Golfkriegs und die darauf folgende US Auß enpolitik abzugeben.