971 resultados para Swine manure


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The Arecaceae family comprises plants with economical importance in many Brazilian regions, for agricultural exploration or for landscaping. In great portion, species of this family present low germination velocity and percentage. This work meant to evaluate the germination and early development of seven palm species (Archontophoenix alexandrae H. Wendl. et Drude, Copernicia prunifera (Miller) H.E. Moore, Latania commersonii Gmel., Livistona chinensis R. Br., Syagrus campos-portoana Bondar, Syagrus coronata (Mart.) Beccari, Syagrus picrophylla Barb. Rod.), submitted to three kinds of seed bed plot coverings. Three 10 x 2 m seedbeds were built and filled with a mixture of sand, soil and chicken manure (1:3:0.5 proportion), where two lines were sown with each specie. On top of each seedbed, plastic covering and fifty percent screen were set allowing one third of the seedbed to full sunlight exposure. Seedbeds were irrigated by dripping system. All species had the same germination rate, regardless of the covering, by the end of the experiment (146 days after sowing), eventhough, A. alexandrae under plastic covering conditions, L. commersonii at full sunlight exposure and Syagrus campos-portoana under fifty percent shade, had reached that percentage around 51 days after sowing. The remaining species reached the greatest germination percentage earlier with some of the coverings, rather than at full sunlight exposure. For the studied conditions, covering type had no effect in leaf length and width. For leaf number, there was interaction between species x covering type for Livistona chinensis and Copernicia prunifera.


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A field experiment was conducted with chamomile (Chamomilla recutita [L.] Rauschert), in an area of the Olericulture and Medicinal Plants of the Horticulture Department at UNESP - Jaboticabal Campus, with the aim to evaluate the influence of organic and chemical fertilization on the yield of flowers, and content and composition of the essential oil of chamomile. The experimental design for the yield of flowers consisted of randomized blocks with 7 treatments and 4 replications, for the analysis of the contents and composition of the oil, the completely randomized block was used and for analysis of the correlation between harvesting and treatment, the split-plot design into randomized blocks was used. The treatments tested were: no fertilization, green manure (Mucuna aterrima + Crotalaria spectabilis), green manure (plant cocktail), organic fertilizer (farmyard manure), N as urea, N as ammonium sulphate, NPK with N supplement as ammonium sulphate. There was no influence of the treatments on the yield of flowers nor on the essential oil content; on the other hand both characteristics did show significant differences in harvesting times (Tukey 5%). The main yield was 885.90 kg/ha dry flowers and the mean oil content was 0,86%. The green manure treatment (M. aterrima + C. spectabilis) showed a higher percentage of chamazulene content, with a highly significant difference in harvesting times (Tukey 1%). The a-bisabolol percentages did not evidence significant differences between treatments. However, among harvesting times, there was a variation. A negative correlation was verified between the chamazulene and abisabolol percentages; the first increasing - from 21.02 to 36.17% - and the latter decreasing - from 14.12 to 8.72 % - from the first to the sixth harvest. The observed mean content of chamazulene was 14.64 % and a-bisabolol was 16.72 %.


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The objective of this research was to study the porosity, bulk density and retention of water of an Oxisol, located in the Northwestern region of Sn̄o Paulo state, Brazil. The soil was cultivated with Citrus sp., to which green manure was applied between rows for three years. Each of six species of green manure crops (Crotalaria juncea L., Mucuna deeringiana Steph. & Bart., Canavalia ensiformis L. DC., Cajanus cajan L., Lablab purpureum L. and Ricinus communis L.) were seeded for three years (1995, 1996 and 1997) between Citrus rows, plus a treatment with a mix of all six species and a control (natural regrowth af vegetation). The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, with four replications for each of the eight treatments. Water retention, microporosity, macroporosity, total porosity and bulk density were analyzed in the beginning (1995) and end (1997) of the experiment, at three depth ranges (0-0.10; 0.10-0.20 and 0.20-0.40m). We concluded that there were statistically significant differences for bulk density, macroporosity, total porosity and retention of water among the different soil depth ranges; there were no significant differences among treatments though.


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A greenhouse experiment was conducted in the Soil Science Department of the Botucatu College of Agricultural Sciences (UNESP), Brazil, using a Dark Red Latosol in 25 L pots. The soil was limed to 50 and 70% of base saturation; and doses 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 t ha-1 of chicken manure were applied, in December of 1999. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with a factorial arrangement 5x2, 10 treatments and three replications. This work was carried to evaluate leaf number, height plants, fresh and dry weight by aerial part of sweet fennel, and macronutrients and micronutrients removal. The organic fertilization affected the accumulation of N, P, K, S, B and Mn; liming affected the nutrient uptake, except for the Ca, Mg, S and Fe; the interaction of factors affected K, Mg and Mn.


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Studies were conducted to show the effect of different substrata on the development of stem cuttings of Lippia alba made of limonene-carvone chemotype. The experiment was done in the College of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil in 2000. The cuttings were planted in polystyrene trays consisting of 72 cells. The cuttings had about 0.20 m of length and were put in the following substrata: Fine sand (T1), commercial substratum (T2), carbonised rice peel and local soil (T3), local soil, cow manure and carbonised rice peel (T4), vermiculite (T5), and carbonised rice peel (T6). After 40 days the development of stem cuttings were evaluated. High rate of rooting of stem cuttings was verified, with average of 95% and no significant difference between the treatments. In relation to dry mass of aerial parts and dry mass of roots, significant differences were found. For dry mass production of aerial parts the commercial substratum (T2) and the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) were optimal. For mass of roots the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) proved to be the best.


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The experiment was installed in Lageado Experimental Farm with aim to verify the influence of organic fertilisation (0, 4, 8 and 12 kg of manure/m2 - with four replications) on leaves and essential oil production of Ocimum gratissimum. The harvesting was done twice (May - autumn and August - winter), and the leaves were separated for extraction of essential oil by Clevenger apparatus. The leaf production and oil content were calculated on dry mass basis. The results showed no statistical difference for organic fertilisation, although significant difference was verified for seasons. The main constituents of essential oil were eugenol and 1,8-cineole. The amount of the eugenol was higher in autumn, while the presence of other components including 1,8-cineole, β-selinene and trans-caryophyllene were more dominant at wintertime.


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The use of biosolids in horticulture could contribute to recycle residues produced by men. This study analyzed concentrations of Cu, Mn and Zn in the compost during fermentation, in the soil amended with the composts and in the tomato plant materials. Five composts were produced using sugar-cane bagasse, biosolid and cattle manure in the proportions: 75-0-25; 75-12.5-12.5; 75-25-0; 50-50- 0 and 0-100-0 (composts with 0; 12.5; 25; 50 and 100% biosolid), respectively. These composts were used in an experiment with 6 treatments (the 5 composts and a control with mineral fertilization) in a design of randomized blocks with a split plot design. The control and the treatment of 0% biosolid received inorganic nitrogen. All the treatments received the same amount of N, P and K. Two tomato plants were cultivated in each 24 L pot, in a greenhouse at the Technology Department of the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias of the Universidade Estadual Paulista in Jaboticabal County, São Paulo State, Brazil. The concentrations of Cu, Mn and Zn were evaluated in the compost 7, 27, 57, 97 and 127 days after composting began, in the soil 0 and 164 days after the compost applied, and in the plants. Compost, soil and plant samples were subjected to digestion with HNO3, H 2O2 and HCl and the metals were determined by AAS. There were positive and significant correlations between Mn in the compost and Mn uptake by the plant (0.46 p>0.05), and between Zn in the compost and Zn concentration in the plant (0.78 p>0.05). Cu, Mn and Zn concentrations increased during composting. The biosolid in the compost supplied Cu and Zn to tomato plants, and the cattle manure supplied Mn to the plants.


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Objective. To assess the potential for contamination of wastewaters from pig farming. Methods. Wastewaters from pig farming were stored in a tank. After 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days of hydraulic retention, they were added to lysimeters filled with argillaceous, sandy, or medium soil. Finally, these lysimeters were submitted to simulations of either a rainy season or a dry season. The number of colony-forming units (CFUs) of total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci was measured in the effluents of the storage tank (for the various periods of hydraulic retention), in the percolate from the lysimeters, and in the three types of soil. The microbiological analyses were carried out using the membrane filter technique. The pH analyses were done potentiometrically. Results. For the three microorganisms, the largest decrease in bacterial counts in the storage tanks occurred with 90 or 120 days of retention. There was a marked decrease in the bacterial count in the percolates of the three soils. For the three soil types the greatest reduction in bacterial counts was found in medium soil, due to its acidity (pH < 7.0). Hydraulic retention was not sufficient to ensure the sanitary adequacy of the wastewaters and their use for irrigation, given that fecal coliform values were above 1 000 CFU per 100 mL. Therefore, adding the residues to the soil was considered a second stage of treatment. Conclusions. The retention of wastewaters followed by adding them to soil was effective in minimizing the contaminating effect of pig farming residues. The storage time for wastewaters from pig farming could be decreased from 120 to 90 days.


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Lipases are versatile enzymes regarding the range of reactions they catalyse and substrates on which they act. They are as well important as catalyst in organic synthesis. Their immobilization on appropriate supports confer them greater stability besides the possibility of operating in continuous reactors. In order to explore these abilities, the reactions involving hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate (PNPA) and transesterification of PNPA with n-butanol were chosen. Lipases from two different sources were assayed, namely: microbial (Candida rugosa, CRL, Sigma Type VII) and pancreatic (PPL, Sigma, Type 11). Two immobilization methods were also used, namely: 1) adsorption, using as support the following silica derivatives (150-300μm e 450μ): phenyl, epoxy, amino and without derivation, and 2) covalent binding, using glutaraldehyde as binding agent and silica amino as support. This later method led to better results. Hydrolytic activity was 6.1 U/gsupport for CRL and 0.97U/gsupport for PPL, and of transesterification, 2,8U/gsupport for CRL and 1,9U/gsupport for PPL. Stability of the immobilized enzyme as a function of temperature was evaluated for CRL at 40°C and 50°C and for PPL at 32°C and 40°C. The assays were initially carried out batchwise, both for soluble and immobilized enzymes, aiming to the obtention of parameters for the continues reactor. Lipases immobilized by covalent binding were used in the assays of operacional stability in continuos reactors. For PPL in aqueous medium, at 32°C, and CRL in organic medium at 40°C, both operating continuously, no significant loss of activity was detected along the analysis period of 17 days. In the case of CRL in aqueous medium at 40°C there was a loss of activity around 40% after 18 days. For PPL in organic medium at 40°C the loss was 33% after 20 days. Compairing both sources with each other, very different results were obtained. Higher activitiy was found for CRL, both for hydrolysis and for transesterification reactions, with higher stability in organic medium. PPL showed lower activity as well as higher stability in aqueous medium. The immobilization method by covalent binding showed to be the most appropriate. Immobilized lipases are therefore relatively stable both in aqueous and organic medium.