962 resultados para Stilling basins.


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This study uses the widths, the spacing and the grain-size pattern of Oligo/Miocene alluvial fan conglomerates in the central segment of the Swiss Alpine foreland to reconstruct the topographic development of the Alps. These data are analysed with models of longitudinal stream profile development, to propose that the Alpine topography evolved from an early transient state where streams adjusted to rock uplift by headward retreat, to a mature phase where any changes in rock uplift were accommodated by vertical incision. The first stage comprises the time interval between ca 31 Ma and 22 Ma, when the Alpine streams deposited many small fans with a lateral spacing of <30 km in the north Alpine foreland. As the range evolved, the streams joined and the fans coalesced into a few large depositional systems with a lateral spacing of ca 80 to 100 km at 22 Ma. The models used here suggest that the overall elevation of the Alps increased rapidly within <5 Myr. The variability in pebble size increased either due to variations in sediment supply, enhanced orographic effects, or preferentially due to a change towards a stormier palaeoclimate. By 22 Ma, only two large rivers carried material into the foreland fans, suggesting that the major Alpine streams had established themselves. This second phase of stable drainage network was maintained until ca 5 Ma, when the uplift and erosion of the Molasse started and streams were redirected both in the Alps and in the foreland. This study illustrates that sedimentological archives of foreland basins can be used to reconstruct the chronology of the topographic development of mountain belts. It is suggested that the finite elevation of mountainous landscapes is reached early during orogeny and can be maintained for millions of years, provided that erosion is efficient.


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This paper presents the first comprehensive analysis of sediment and dissolved load across an entire mountain range. We investigate patterns and rates of modern denudation of the European Alps based on a compilation of data about river loads and reservoir sedimentation from 202 drainage basins that are between ca. 1 to 10,000 km2 large. The study basins cover about 50% of the total area of the Alps. Modern glaciated basins have the highest sediment yields of up to 7000 t km− 2 a− 1, which are on average 5 to 10 times higher than in non-glaciated basins. Likewise sediment yield and glacial cover are positively correlated. Instead, relief is a relatively weak predictor of sediment yield. The strong glacial impact in the correlations is due to glacier recession since the 19th century as well as due to glacial conditioning during repeated Quaternary glaciations which have produced the strong transient state of the Alpine landscape. We suggest that this is the major cause for ca. 3 fold enhanced denudation of the western compared to the eastern Alps. Chemical denudation rates are highest in the external Alps dominated by carbonate sedimentary rocks, where they make up about one third of total denudation. The high rates cannot be explained without anhydrite dissolution. We estimated that only 45% of the sediments mobilized in headwaters are exported out off the Alps, most sediments being trapped in artificial reservoirs. The total amount of sediment annually trapped within the Alps equates to 43 Mt. When corrected for sediment storage, we obtain an area-weighted mean total denudation rate for the Alps of about 0.32 mm a− 1. The pre-dam rate might be as high as 0.42 mm a− 1. In total, ca. 35 plus 23 Mt of mass are exported each year out of the Alps as solids and solutes, respectively. These rates are not enough to out pace modern rock uplift. Nevertheless, pattern of sediment yield across the Alps coincides roughly with the intensity of glacial conditioning and modern rock uplift, supporting the hypothesis of an erosion-driven uplift of the Alps.