974 resultados para Special Functions and Pathways


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Das menschliche Gen human giant larvae (hugl) ist ein Homolog des hochkonservierten Drosophila Gens lethal giant larvae (lgl), welches in Epithelzellen die Funktion eines neoplastischen Tumorsuppressors und Polaritätsregulators einnimmt. Ein Verlust oder eine verminderte Expression beider Homologe des Gens, hugl-1 und hugl-2, geht einher mit dem Auftreten und der Progression verschiedener epithelialer Tumorerkrankungen wie malignen Melanomen und Brust-, Kolon- oder Lungentumoren. Die exakte Funktion der Homologe Hugl-1 und Hugl-2 bezüglich der Regulation und Aufrechterhaltung der epithelialen Zellpolarität sowie ihre Rolle in der Genese humaner Tumore ist jedoch weitgehend unbekannt. Gänzlich unbekannt ist auch die Bedeutung von Hugl-1 und Hugl-2 als Polaritätsregulatoren für die Ausbildung und den Erhalt der T-Zellmorphologie und -funktion. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es daher, die Polaritäts- und Tumorsuppressorgene hugl-1 und hugl-2 in funktionellen Analysen mittels siRNA-vermitteltem Gen-Silencing in Epithelzellen und T-Lymphozyten zu charakterisieren. Darüber hinaus wurden die Funktionen und Eigenschaften von mgl-2, dem murinen Homologen von hugl-2, im Cre/loxP-vermittelten konditionalen Knockout Mausmodell in vivo analysiert.rnrnZur Charakterisierung der biologischen Effekte von Hugl-1 und Hugl-2 auf das Wachstumsverhalten, Migration und Invasion von Epithelzellen wurden in dieser Arbeit erfolgreich unterschiedliche shRNA-Expressionskonstrukte generiert sowie Hugl-supprimierte Zelllinien etabliert. In vitro Studien sowie in vivo Tumorigenizitätsanalysen lieferten übereinstimmend Hinweise darauf, dass verminderte Hugl-1- und Hugl-2-Expressionsspiegel eine signifikante Rolle in der Vermittlung invasiver und tumorigener Eigenschaften von Epithelzellen spielen. Dabei rief der Verlust beider Homologe deutlich stärkere Reaktionen hervor als die Suppression eines einzelnen Homologen. Zudem wiesen die Überexpression des Zellzyklusregulators Cyclin D1 sowie die Hyperproliferation von Hugl-1- und/oder Hugl-2-depletierten Epithelzellen auf eine wichtige Rolle der beiden Homologe in der Zellzyklusprogression und Zellproliferation hin. Ein geringer Expressionsstatus von Hugl-1 und -2 schien darüber hinaus mit einer verstärkten Resistenzbildung gegenüber Chemotherapeutika zu korrelieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte weiterhin gezeigt werden, dass die untersuchten T-Lymphozyten nur Hugl-1 exprimieren und dass letzteres notwendig für den F-Aktin-vermittelten Erhalt der T-Zellpolarität und -morphologie ist. Hugl-1-supprimierte, über voneinander unabhängige Signalwege (TCR- oder Chemokinrezeptor) stimulierte T-Lymphozyten wiesen eine bedeutende Störung der Lamellipodien- und Uropodausbildung auf und ließen eine Interaktion von Hugl-1 auf Ebene des F Aktins vermuten. Des Weiteren zeigte sich, dass der Polaritätsregulator Hugl-1 die CD3/TCR-induzierte Zelladhäsion positiv beeinflusst. Die Analyse der T-Zellmigration und -motilität offenbarte in Übereinstimmung dazu die Wichtigkeit von Hugl-1 für die Polarisierung und Migration der T-Zellen sowohl im Chemokingradienten als auch auf mDCs. rnrnFür die Aufklärung der funktionellen Rolle von mgl-2 in vivo wurde in dieser Arbeit eine Tamoxifen-induzierbare, Cre/loxP-vermittelte konditionale Mauslinie generiert und analysiert. Die mgl-2-deletierten Tiere wiesen weder signifikante phänotypische Unterschiede noch Abweichungen in der Organanatomie auf und ließen daher auf eine Kompensation durch das im Darmepithel koexprimierte und möglicherweise funktionell redundante mgl-1 Gen schließen.rn


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Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a very aggressive cancer of the hematopoietic system. Chemotherapy and immunotherapeutical approaches including hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) are the only curative options available. The beneficial graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect of cellular immunotherapy is mostly mediated by donor-derived CD8+ T lymphocytes that recognize minor histocompatibility antigens (mHags) and leukemia-associated antigens (LAAs) presented on the surface of AML blasts (Falkenburg et al. 2008; Kolb 2008). A main complication is graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) that can be induced when cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) recognize broadly expressed antigens. To reduce the risk of GVHD, specific allogeneic T-cell therapy inducing selective GVL responses could be an option (Barrett & Le Blanc 2010; Parmar et al. 2011; Smits et al. 2011). This requires efficient in vitro strategies to generate AML-reactive T cells with an early differentiation phenotype as well as vigorous effector functions and humanized mouse models to analyze the anti-leukemic potential of adoptively transferred T cells in vivo. In this study, AML-reactive CTL clones and oligoclonal T-cell lines could be reliably generated from the naive subset of healthy HLA-class I-identical donors by stimulation with primary AML blasts in mini-mixed-lymphocyte / leukemia cultures (MLLCs) in eight different patient / donor pairs. These CTLs were promising candidates for cellular immunotherapy because of their relatively early differentiation phenotype and strong proliferative and lytic capabilities. The addition of the common γ-chain cytokine IL-21 to the stimulation protocol enabled more precursors to develop into potent leukemia-reactive CTLs, presumably by its beneficial effects on cell survival and antigen-specific proliferation during the first weeks of cultures. It also strengthened the early-stage phenotype. Three long-term cultured CTLs exemplarily transferred into leukemia-engrafted immunodeficient NSG mice mediated a significant reduction of the leukemic burden after a single transfusion. These results demonstrate that CTL clones with reactivity to patient-derived AML blasts can be isolated from the naive compartment of healthy donors and show potent anti-leukemic effects in vivo. The herein described allo-MLLC approach with in vitro “programmed” naive CTL precursors independent of a HSCT setting is a valuable alternative to the conventional method of isolating in vivo primed donor CTLs out of patients after transplantation (Kloosterboer et al. 2004; Warren et al. 2010). This would make leukemia-reactive CTLs already available at the time point of HSCT, when residual leukemia disease is minimal and the chances for complete leukemia eradication are high. Furthermore, leukemia-reactive CTLs effectively expanded by this in vitro protocol can be used as screening populations to identify novel candidate LAAs and mHags for antigen-specific immunotherapy.


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Objectives: To assess the biological and technical complication rates of single crowns on vital teeth (SC-V), endodontically treated teeth without post and core (SC-E), with a cast post and core (SC-PC) and on implants (SC-I). Material and methods: From 392 patients with chronic periodontitis treated and documented by graduate students during the period from 1978 to 2002, 199 were reexamined during 2005 for this retrospective cohort study, and 64 of these patients were treated with SCs. Statistical analysis included Kaplan–Meier survival functions and event rates per 100 years of object-time. Poisson regression was used to compare the four groups of crowns with respect to the incidence rate ratio of failures, and failures and complications combined over 10 years and the entire observation period. Results: Forty-one (64%) female and 23 (36%) male patients participated in the reexamination. At the time of seating the crowns, the mean patient age was 46.8 (range 24–66.3) years. One hundred and sixty-eight single unit crowns were incorporated. Their mean follow-up time was 11.8 (range 0.8–26.4) years. During the time of observation, 22 biological and 11 technical complications occurred; 19 SC were lost. The chance for SC-V (56) to remain free of any failure or complication was 89.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] 76.1–95.4) after 10 years, 85.8% (95% CI 66–94.5) for SC-E (34), 75.9% for SC-PC (39), (95% CI 58.8–86.7) and 66.2% (95% CI 45.1–80.7) for SC-I (39). Over 10 years, 95% of SC-I remained free of failure and demonstrated a cumulative incidence of failure or complication of 34%. Compared with SC-E, SC-I were 3.5 times more likely to yield failures or complications and SC-PC failed 1.7 times more frequently than did SC-E. SC-V had the lowest rate of failures or complications over the 10 years. Conclusions: While SCs on vital teeth have the best prognosis, those on endodontically treated teeth have a slightly poorer prognosis over 10 years. Crowns on teeth with post and cores and implant-supported SCs displayed the highest incidence of failures and complications.


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In allergic diseases such as asthma, eosinophils, basophils and mast cells, through release of preformed and newly generated mediators, granule proteins and cytokines, are recognized as key effector cells. While their surface protein phenotypes, mediator release profiles, ontogeny, cell trafficking and genomes have been generally explored and compared, there has yet to be any thorough analysis and comparison of their glycomes. Such studies are critical to understand the contribution of carbohydrates to the induction and regulation of allergic inflammatory responses and are now possible using improved technologies for detecting and characterizing cell-derived glycans. We thus report here the application of high-sensitivity mass spectrometric-based glycomics methodologies to the analysis of N-linked glycans derived from isolated populations of human mast cells, eosinophils and basophils. The samples were subjected to matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight (TOF) screening analyses and MALDI-TOF/TOF sequencing studies. Results reveal substantive quantities of terminal N-acetylglucosamine containing structures in both the eosinophil and the basophil samples, whereas mast cells display greater relative quantities of sialylated terminal epitopes. For the first time, we characterize the cell surface glycan structures of principal allergic effector cells, which by interaction with glycan-binding proteins (e.g. lectins) have the possibility to dictate cellular functions, and might thus have important implications for the pathogenesis of inflammatory and allergic diseases.


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We show that to each inner function, there corresponds at least one interpolating Blaschke product whose angular derivatives have precisely the same behavior as the given inner function. We characterize the Blaschke products invertible in the closed algebra generated by the algebra of bounded analytic functions and the conjugates of Blaschke products with angular derivative finite everywhere. We study the most well-known example of a Blaschke product with infinite angular derivative everywhere and show that it is an interpolating Blaschke product. We conclude the paper with a method for constructing thin Blaschke products with infinite angular derivative everywhere.


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Horizontal cuts between the septum and preoptic area (anterior roof deafferentation, or ARD) dramatically affect sexual behavior, and in ways that could explain a variety of differences across behavioral categories (precopulatory, copulatory), species, and the sexes. Yet little is known about how these effects develop. Such information would be useful generally and could be pivotal in clarifying the mechanism for ultrasonic vocalization in female hamsters. Ultrasounds serve these animals as precopulatory signals that can attract males and help initiate mating. Their rates can be increased by either ARD or lesions of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMN). If these effects are independent, they would require a mechanism that includes multiple structures and pathways within the forebrain and hypothalamus. However, it currently is not clear if they are independent: VMN lesions could affect vocalization by causing incidental damage to the same fibers targeted by ARD. Fortunately, past studies of VMN lesions have described a response with a very distinctive time course. This raises the possibility of assessing the independence of the two lesion effects by describing just the development of the response to ARD. To accomplish this, female hamsters were observed for levels of ultrasound production and lordosis before and after control surgery or ARD. As expected, both behaviors were facilitated by these cuts. Further, these effects began to appear by two days after surgery and were fully developed by six days. These results extend previous descriptions of the ARD effect by describing its development and time course. In turn, the rapid responses to ARD suggest that these cuts trigger disinhibitory changes in pathways that differ from those affected by VMN lesions. 2013


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In an accelerated exclusion process (AEP), each particle can "hop" to its adjacent site if empty as well as "kick" the frontmost particle when joining a cluster of size ℓ⩽ℓ_{max}. With various choices of the interaction range, ℓ_{max}, we find that the steady state of AEP can be found in a homogeneous phase with augmented currents (AC) or a segregated phase with holes moving at unit velocity (UV). Here we present a detailed study on the emergence of the novel phases, from two perspectives: the AEP and a mass transport process (MTP). In the latter picture, the system in the UV phase is composed of a condensate in coexistence with a fluid, while the transition from AC to UV can be regarded as condensation. Using Monte Carlo simulations, exact results for special cases, and analytic methods in a mean field approach (within the MTP), we focus on steady state currents and cluster sizes. Excellent agreement between data and theory is found, providing an insightful picture for understanding this model system.


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New toothpastes with anti-erosion claims are marketed, but little is known about their effectiveness. This study investigates these products in comparison with various conventional NaF toothpastes and tin-containing products with respect to their erosion protection/abrasion prevention properties. In experiment 1, samples were demineralised (10 days, 6 × 2 min/day; citric acid, pH 2.4), exposed to toothpaste slurries (2 × 2 min/day) and intermittently stored in a mineral salt solution. In experiment 2, samples were additionally brushed for 15 s during the slurry immersion time. Study products were 8 conventional NaF toothpastes (1,400-1,490 ppm F), 4 formulations with anti-erosion claims (2 F toothpastes: NaF + KNO(3) and NaF + hydroxyapatite; and 2 F-free toothpastes: zinc-carbonate-hydroxyapatite, and chitosan) and 2 Sn-containing products (toothpaste: 3,436 ppm Sn, 1,450 ppm F as SnF(2)/NaF; gel: 970 ppm F, 3,030 ppm Sn as SnF(2)). A mouth rinse (500 ppm F as AmF/NaF, 800 ppm Sn as SnCl(2)) was the positive control. Tissue loss was quantified profilometrically. In experiment 1, most NaF toothpastes and 1 F-free formulation reduced tissue loss significantly (between 19 and 42%); the Sn-containing formulations were the most effective (toothpaste and gel 55 and 78% reduction, respectively). In experiment 2, only 4 NaF toothpastes revealed significant effects compared to the F-free control (reduction between 29 and 37%); the F-free special preparations and the Sn toothpaste had no significant effect. The Sn gel (reduction 75%) revealed the best result. Conventional NaF toothpastes reduced the erosive tissue loss, but had limited efficacy regarding the prevention of brushing abrasion. The special formulations were not superior, or were even less effective.


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Sleep-disordered breathing represents a risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and negatively affects short-term and long-term outcome after an ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack. The effect of continuous positive airways pressure in patients with sleep-disordered breathing and acute cerebrovascular event is poorly known. The SAS CARE 1 study assesses the effects of sleep-disordered breathing on clinical evolution, vascular functions, and markers within the first three-months after an acute cerebrovascular event. The SAS CARE 2 assesses the effect of continuous positive airways pressure on clinical evolution, cardiovascular events, and mortality as well as vascular functions and markers at 12 and 24 months after acute cerebrovascular event.


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During the last decade interest in bully/victim problems has grown tremendously and still, studies addressing this issue in the years preceding elementary school areextremely rare. Despite obvious methodological challenges, the study of bullying and victimization in settings such as kindergarten opens up unique opportunities to understand early processes in the pathways to victimization, and to investigate different social and individual risk factors and their interactions in the very beginnings of bullying patterns. In this presentation, key findings that shed light on early vulnerability factors for victimization and factors that may maintain bullying patterns will be addressed. First, results from our and others’ studies in kindergarten are generally consistent with results in school. Second, our studies show that patterns of reactions when children witness victimization are already present in kindergarten settings. Third, all findings confirm that bully-victims must be regarded as being distinct from passive victims and other aggressive children (i.e. bullies) already at kindergarten age. Our studies indicate that bully-victims have significantly more problems associated with ADHD or with a lack of behavioral regulation than all their peers and that they clearly differ from bullies in terms of the type of aggression they display. Furthermore, our longitudinal data show different pathways to victimization for victims and bully-victims. This knowledge of early risk factors and pathways mustbe taken into consideration in future research and may contribute to the improvement of prevention programs.


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In order to improve the ability to link chemical exposure to toxicological and ecological effects, aquatic toxicology will have to move from observing what chemical concentrations induce adverse effects to more explanatory approaches, that are concepts which build on knowledge of biological processes and pathways leading from exposure to adverse effects, as well as on knowledge on stressor vulnerability as given by the genetic, physiological and ecological (e.g., life history) traits of biota. Developing aquatic toxicology in this direction faces a number of challenges, including (i) taking into account species differences in toxicant responses on the basis of the evolutionarily developed diversity of phenotypic vulnerability to environmental stressors, (ii) utilizing diversified biological response profiles to serve as biological read across for prioritizing chemicals, categorizing them according to modes of action, and for guiding targeted toxicity evaluation; (iii) prediction of ecological consequences of toxic exposure from knowledge of how biological processes and phenotypic traits lead to effect propagation across the levels of biological hierarchy; and (iv) the search for concepts to assess the cumulative impact of multiple stressors. An underlying theme in these challenges is that, in addition to the question of what the chemical does to the biological receptor, we should give increasing emphasis to the question how the biological receptor handles the chemicals, i.e., through which pathways the initial chemical-biological interaction extends to the adverse effects, how this extension is modulated by adaptive or compensatory processes as well as by phenotypic traits of the biological receptor.


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Chemokine processing by proteases is emerging as an important regulatory mechanism of leukocyte functions and possibly also of cancer progression. We screened a large panel of chemokines for degradation by cathepsins B and D, two proteases involved in tumor progression. Among the few substrates processed by both proteases, we focused on CCL20, the unique chemokine ligand of CCR6 that is expressed on immature dendritic cells and subtypes of memory lymphocytes. Analysis of the cleavage sites demonstrate that cathepsin B specifically cleaves off four C-terminally located amino acids and generates a CCL20(1-66) isoform with full functional activity. By contrast, cathepsin D totally inactivates the chemotactic potency of CCL20 by generating CCL20(1-55), CCL20(1-52), and a 12-aa C-terminal peptide CCL20(59-70). Proteolytic cleavage of CCL20 occurs also with chemokine bound to glycosaminoglycans. In addition, we characterized human melanoma cells as a novel CCL20 source and as cathepsin producers. CCL20 production was up-regulated by IL-1alpha and TNF-alpha in all cell lines tested, and in human metastatic melanoma cells. Whereas cathepsin D is secreted in the extracellular milieu, cathepsin B activity is confined to cytosol and cellular membranes. Our studies suggest that CCL20 processing in the extracellular environment of melanoma cells is exclusively mediated by cathepsin D. Thus, we propose a model where cathepsin D inactivates CCL20 and possibly prevents the establishment of an effective antitumoral immune response in melanomas.


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ABSTRACT: Nanotechnology in its widest sense seeks to exploit the special biophysical and chemical properties of materials at the nanoscale. While the potential technological, diagnostic or therapeutic applications are promising there is a growing body of evidence that the special technological features of nanoparticulate material are associated with biological effects formerly not attributed to the same materials at a larger particle scale. Therefore, studies that address the potential hazards of nanoparticles on biological systems including human health are required. Due to its large surface area the lung is one of the major sites of interaction with inhaled nanoparticles. One of the great challenges of studying particle-lung interactions is the microscopic visualization of nanoparticles within tissues or single cells both in vivo and in vitro. Once a certain type of nanoparticle can be identified unambiguously using microscopic methods it is desirable to quantify the particle distribution within a cell, an organ or the whole organism. Transmission electron microscopy provides an ideal tool to perform qualitative and quantitative analyses of particle-related structural changes of the respiratory tract, to reveal the localization of nanoparticles within tissues and cells and to investigate the 3D nature of nanoparticle-lung interactions.This article provides information on the applicability, advantages and disadvantages of electron microscopic preparation techniques and several advanced transmission electron microscopic methods including conventional, immuno and energy-filtered electron microscopy as well as electron tomography for the visualization of both model nanoparticles (e.g. polystyrene) and technologically relevant nanoparticles (e.g. titanium dioxide). Furthermore, we highlight possibilities to combine light and electron microscopic techniques in a correlative approach. Finally, we demonstrate a formal quantitative, i.e. stereological approach to analyze the distributions of nanoparticles in tissues and cells.This comprehensive article aims to provide a basis for scientists in nanoparticle research to integrate electron microscopic analyses into their study design and to select the appropriate microscopic strategy.