980 resultados para South American river basins


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The length polymorphism of ribosomal DNA ITS-1 intergenic spacer was analyzed in eight species of triatomines belonging to Triatoma, Rhodnius, and Panstrongylus genera. The analyzed species were Rhodnius domesticus, R. neivai, R. robustus, Triatoma brasiliensis, T. infestans, T. vitticeps, Panstrongylus megistus, and P. herreri. These insects are vectors of Chagas' disease, one of the most prominent public health problems among South American countries. This work allowed the differentiation between species of the Triatomini and Rhodniini tribes through the analysis of ITS-1 length polymorphism by PCR and RFLP techniques. The species of the Triatoma and Panstrongylus genera presented an amplified ITS-1 fragment between 600 and 1000 bp, whereas Rhodnius presented a less variable ITS-1 length fragment, around 300 bp, which could reflect the monophyletic origin of the Rhodniini tribe. Species belonging to this genus were further differentiated by RFLP with HaeIII and AluI endonucleases. Our results corroborate the hypothesis of polyphyletic origin in this group of insects and contribute to knowledge about evolutionary relationships in triatomines.


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Meiosis and (or) mitosis of males and females of Cryptotermes brevis, Eucryptotermes wheeleri, and Neotermes fulvescens, all of them from the neotropical region, were analyzed. Cryptotermes brevis showed a similar karyotype to that obtained by other authors for specimens of the neartic and Australian regions (2n = 36 for females and 2n = 37 for males, with XX and XYY sex mechanisms, respectively). Eucryptotermes wheeleri, the only species that has been described in this genus, showed the lowest number of chromosomes reported for Isoptera (2n = 22) until now. The male meiosis of this species presents a linear chain of six sex chromosomes, three of them being X and three of them Y chromosomes. Neotermes fulvescens showed a diploid number of 40 for males and 42 for females and, in the first male meiosis, two linear chains of chromosomes, both related to sex. One of the chains, named A, presented nine chromosomes and the other, named B, seven chromosomes. Hypotheses to explain these mechanisms are formulated in this paper and putative ancestral relationships with other species of Kalotermitidae are presented.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American blastomycosis) is a systemic mycosis which can be associated with oral lesions. This study on a group of 14 patients showed oral lesions mainly on the gingival or alveolar mucosa, with pulmonary involvement detectable on chest radiography in most. Microscopic detection of the fungus on a direct smear showed positive results in all 14 patients. Serological investigations including immunodiffusion, counterimmunoelectrophoresis and immunoblot were also positive in 100% of cases. The results suggest that direct smear together with serology may obviate the need for lesional biopsy for the diagnosis of oral paracoccidioidomycosis.


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The anatomy of the extraocular muscles was studied in 10 adult opossums (Didelphis albiventris) of both sexes. Eight extraocular muscles were identified: 4 rectus muscles, 2 oblique muscles, the levator palpebrae superioris and the retractor ocular bulbi. The rectus muscles originate very close one to another between the orbital surfaces of the presphenoid and palatine bones. These muscles diverge on the way to their insertion which occurs at about 2 mm from the limbus. The levator palpebrae superioris originates with the dorsal rectus and is positioned dorsally in relation to it. The retractor ocular bulbi forms a cone which embraces the optic nerve and is located internally in relation to the rectus muscles. The dorsal oblique originates on the presphenoid bone and after a tendinous trajectory through a trochlea on the medial wall of the orbit, inserts into the ocular bulb. The only muscle arising from the anterior orbital floor is the ventral oblique. The main nerve supply for these muscles is the oculomotor, except for the dorsal oblique which is innervated by the trochlear nerve, and the lateral rectus which is innervated by the abducens nerve. The retractor ocular bulbi receives branches from the inferior division of the oculomotor nerve and some branches from the abducens nerve.


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The pattern of availability of free DNA phosphates, and the kind of DNA-protein complex arrangement, both induced by nuclear basic proteins, and the richness in arginine residues in these proteins were investigated cytochemically and cytophysically in spermatozoa of the South-American Hylidae species, Hyla fuscovaria and Hyla biobeba. The aim was to demonstrate differences at the level of sperm histones in two species of Hyla until recently considered to be congeneric. The results indicated differences in the spermatozoal nuclear basic proteins and DNA-protein complexes when the two species were compared. The spermatozoa of Hyla biobeba were assumed to be likely to contain a Bloch's ''type 3'' protein type (intermediate sperm basic protein), similarly to Hyla species of North and Central America. on the other hand, the data obtained for the spermatozoa of Hyla fuscovaria indicated that they contain a protamine or protamine-like protein, differing from Hyla biobeba and Hyla species of North and Central America. It is suggested that the differences reported here may be genus-specific, since Hyla fuscovaria has recently been reclassified as Scinax fuscovaria based on parameters other than sperm histone types. These findings are in agreement with the general view of a wide variability in sperm nuclear proteins in the Anura group.


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The leaf beetle Metriona elatior from Brazil-Argentina was screened in the Florida (USA) State quarantine facility as a potential biological control agent of tropical soda apple, Solanum viarum, a recently arrived weed species. Multiple-choice host-specificity tests were conducted in small cages (60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm) using 95 plant species in 29 families. Adults fed heavily on the main target weed (S. viarum), and on turkeyberry, Solanum torvum (noxious weed of Asiatic origin); fed moderately on red soda apple, Solanum capsicoides (weed of South American origin), and eggplant, Solanum melongena (economic crop); and fed lightly on aquatic soda apple, Solanum tampicense (weed of Mexican-Caribbean-Central American origin), and on silverleaf nightshade, Solanum elaeagnifolium (native weed widely distributed). M. elatior adults laid 84 to 97% of their egg masses on S. viarum, and 3 to 16% on S. melongena. Non-choice host-specificity tests were also conducted in quarantine in which M. elatior adults and neonate larvae were exposed to 17 and 19 plant species, respectively. Tests with the neonates indicate that this insect was able to complete its development on S. viarum, S. torvum, S. melongena, and S. capsicoides. Although some adult feeding and oviposition occurred on S. melongena in quarantine on potted plants in small cages, no feeding or oviposition by M. elatior was observed in field experiments conducted in Brazil. Surveys in unsprayed S. melongena fields in Argentina and Brazil indicated that M. elatior is not a pest of S. melongena in South America. The evidence obtained from the South-American field surveys, Brazil open-field experiments, and Florida quarantine host specificity tests indicate that M. elatior causes significant feeding damage to S. viarum, and does not represent a threat to S. melongena crops in the USA. Therefore an application for permission to release M. elatior against S. viarum in the USA was submitted in October 1998.


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Some snakes have a feeding regime characterized by the infrequent ingestion of relatively large meals, causing impressive increments in post-prandial metabolism. Metabolism remains elevated for many days, while digestion proceeds, resulting in considerable investment of time and energy. Snakes actively adjust thermoregulatory behavior to raise their body temperature during digestion, exhibiting a post-prandial thermophilic response that accelerates digestion at the expense of higher metabolic rates. In the present study, we investigated the possibility that endogenously derived heat, originating as a byproduct of the post-prandial increase in metabolism, could itself contribute to the elevated body temperature during digestion in the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus. We assessed heat production, at a constant environmental temperature, by taking infrared (IR) images of snakes during fasting and after being fed meals varying from 10% to 50% of their own body masses. Our results show clearly that digesting rattlesnakes have significantly increased body temperatures, even when precluded from adjusting their thermoregulatory behavior. The feeding-derived thermogenesis caused the surface body temperature of rattlesnakes to increase by 0.9-1.2degreesC, a temperature change that will significantly affect digestive performance. The alterations in body temperature following feeding correlated closely with the temporal profile of changes in post-prandial metabolism. Moreover, the magnitude of the thermogenesis was greater for snakes fed large meals, as was the corresponding metabolic response. Since IR imaging only assesses surface temperatures,, the magnitude of the thermogenesis and the changes in deep core temperature could be even more pronounced than is reported here.


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Data were collected and analysed from seven field sites in Australia, Brazil and Colombia on weather conditions and the severity of anthracnose disease of the tropical pasture legume Stylosanthes scabra caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Disease severity and weather data were analysed using artificial neural network (ANN) models developed using data from some or all field sites in Australia and/or South America to predict severity at other sites. Three series of models were developed using different weather summaries. of these, ANN models with weather for the day of disease assessment and the previous 24 h period had the highest prediction success, and models trained on data from all sites within one continent correctly predicted disease severity in the other continent on more than 75% of days; the overall prediction error was 21.9% for the Australian and 22.1% for the South American model. of the six cross-continent ANN models trained on pooled data for five sites from two continents to predict severity for the remaining sixth site, the model developed without data from Planaltina in Brazil was the most accurate, with >85% prediction success, and the model without Carimagua in Colombia was the least accurate, with only 54% success. In common with multiple regression models, moisture-related variables such as rain, leaf surface wetness and variables that influence moisture availability such as radiation and wind on the day of disease severity assessment or the day before assessment were the most important weather variables in all ANN models. A set of weights from the ANN models was used to calculate the overall risk of anthracnose for the various sites. Sites with high and low anthracnose risk are present in both continents, and weather conditions at centres of diversity in Brazil and Colombia do not appear to be more conducive than conditions in Australia to serious anthracnose development.


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Highly purified Tityustoxin V (TsTX-V), an alpha-toxin isolated from the venom of the Brazilian scorpion Tityus serrulatus, was obtained by ion exchange chromatography on carboxymethylcellulose-52. It was shown to be homogeneous by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, N-terminal sequencing (first 39 residues) of the reduced and alkylated protein and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecylsulfate and tricine. Following enzymatic digestion, the complete amino acid sequence (64 residues) was determined. The sequence showed higher homology with the toxins from the venoms of the North African than with those of the North and South American scorpions. Using the rate of Rb-86(+) release from depolarized rat pancreatic beta-cells as a measure of K+ permeability changes, TsTX-V (5.6 mu g/ml) was found to increase by 2.0-2.4-fold the rate of marker outflow in the presence of 8.3 mM glucose. This effect was persistent and slowly reversible, showing similarity to that induced by 100 mu-M veratridine, an agent that increases the open period of Na+ channels, delaying their inactivation. It is suggested that, by extending the depolarized period, TsTX-V indirectly affects beta-cell voltage-dependent K+ channels, thus increasing K+ permeability.


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Crotamine is one of four major components of the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus. Similar to its counterparts in the family of the myotoxins, it induces myonecrosis of skeletal muscle cells. This paper describes a new NMR structure determination of crotamine in aqueous solution at pH 5.8 and 20 degrees C, using standard homonuclear (1)H NMR spectroscopy at 900 MHz and the automated structure calculation software ATNOS/CANDID/DYANA. The automatic NOESY spectral analysis included the identification of a most likely combination of the six cysteines into three disulfide bonds, i.e. Cys4-Cys36, Cys11-Cys30 and Cys18-Cys37; thereby a generally applicable new computational protocol is introduced to determine unknown disulfide bond connectivities in globular proteins. A previous NMR structure determination was thus confirmed and the structure refined. Crotamine contains an alpha-helix with residues 1-7 and a two-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet with residues 9-13 and 34-38 as the only regular secondary structures. These are connected with each other and the remainder of the polypeptide chain by the three disulfide bonds, which also form part of a central hydrophobic core. A single conformation was observed, with Pro13 and Pro21 in the trans and Pro20 in the cis-form. The global fold and the cysteine-pairing pattern of crotamine are similar to the beta-defensin fold, although the two proteins have low sequence homology, and display different biological activities. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two common South American species of lynx spiders, Peucetia rubrolineata and P. flava (Oxyopidae), were surveyed on three localities in southeastern Brazil to determine plant choice. Both species were found to be associated with plants bearing glandular trichomes. A literature review and complementary data show that ten Peucetia species are associated with up to 55 plant species bearing glandular trichomes in at least 20 distinct vegetation types (phytophysiognomies) in more than 36 localities in the Neotropical, Neartic, Afrotropical, and Paleartic regions. The main plant families used by the spiders were Solanaceae, Asteraceae, and Melastomataceae. The specialization of the Peucetia species for plants bearing glandular trichomes may have evolved because insects adhered to these sticky structures may be used as prey by the spiders.


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Microfacies analysis of marine carbonates cored by Petrobras well 1-SPS-6 in the offshore Santos Basin (southeastern Brazil) has revealed a remarkable fossil assemblage of calpionellids (colomiellids), favusellids, hedbergellids, globigerinelloidids, buliminids, radiolarians, inoceramid prisms, roveacrinids, and saccocomids(?) preserved in lower Albian calcimudstones-wackestones of the lower part of the Guaruja Formation. This assemblage represents an allochtonous accumulation in a deep neritic to shallow bathyal hypoxic environment. Besides 'saccocomid-like' sections, the only determinable sections of roveacrinids are thecal plates of Poecilocrinus dispandus elongatus Peck, 1943. This species was previously only known from the Weno Formation of Texas. The Brazilian material extends its records farther south from at least the lower Albian, which then represents the earliest occurrence of this peculiar family in the South Atlantic region. Taking into account their Albian global distribution and the location of their oldest representative (Hauterivian near Alicante, Spain), the Roveacrinidae dispersed westward throughout all of Cretaceous Tethys. The Tethyan origin of Roveacrinidae is further evidence that, during late Aptian-Albian times, the northern South Atlantic (north of the Walvis-SBo Paulo Ridge) was supplied by a Tethyan water mass. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To address understanding the organization of the 5S rRNA multigene family in the fish genome, the nucleotide sequence and organization array of 5S rDNA were investigated in the genus Leporinus, a representative freshwater fish group of South American fauna. PCR, subgenomic library screening, genomic blotting, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and DNA sequencing were employed in this study. Two arrays of 5S rDNA were identified for all species investigated, one consisting of monomeric repeat units of around 200 bp and another one with monomers of 900 bp. These 5S rDNA arrays were characterized by distinct NTS sequences (designated NTS-I and NTS-II for the 200- and 900-bp monomers, respectively); however, their coding sequences were nearly identical. The 5S rRNA genes were clustered in two chromosome loci, a major one corresponding to the NTS-I sites and a minor one corresponding to the NTS-II sites. The NTS-I sequence was variable among Leporinus spp., whereas the NTS-II was conserved among them and even in the related genus Schizodon. The distinct 5S rDNA arrays might characterize two 5S rRNA gene subfamilies that have been evolving independently in the genome.


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The habitat of the mycelial saprobic form of Paracoccidio ides brasiliensis, which produces the infectious propagula, has not been determined and has proven difficult for mycologists to describe. The fungus has been rarely isolated from the environment, the disease has a prolonged latency period and no outbreaks have been reported. These facts have precluded the adoption of preventive measures to avoid infection. The confirmation of natural infections in nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) with P. brasiliensis, in high frequency and wide geographic distribution, has opened new avenues for the study and understanding of its ecology. Armadillos belong to the order Xenarthra, which has existed in South America ever since the Paleocene Era (65 million years ago), when the South American subcontinent was still a detached land, before the consolidation of what is now known as the American continent. on the other hand, strong molecular evidence suggests that P. brasiliensis and other dimorphic pathogenic fungi - such as Blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidioides immitis and Histoplasma capsulatum - belong to the family Onygenaceae sensu Into (order Onygenales, Ascomycota), which appeared around 150 million years ago.P. brasiliensis ecology and relation to its human host are probably linked to the fungal evolutionary past, especially its long coexistence with and adaptation to animal hosts other than Homo sapiens, of earlier origin. Instead of being a blind alley, the meaning of parasitism for dimorphic pathogenic fungi should be considered as an open two-way avenue, in which the fungus may return to the environment, therefore contributing to preserve its teleomorphic (sexual) and anamorphic (asexual) forms in a defined and protected natural habitat. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Haemoglobin, the 'honorary enzyme' [Brunori (1999), Trends Biochem. Sci. 24, 158-161], constitutes a prime prototype for allosteric models. Here, the crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of haemoglobin I from the South American fish Brycon cephalus are reported. X-ray diffraction data have been collected to 2.5 Angstrom resolution using synchrotron radiation (LNLS). Crystals were determined to belong to the space group P6(1)22 and preliminary structural analysis revealed the presence of one dimer (alpha beta) in the asymmetric unit. The structure was determined using standard molecular-replacement techniques.